Shortland Street 8021 3rd October 2024

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#shortlandstreet #shortlandst #shortlandstreetfullepisodes #shortlandstreet8021 #shortlandstreetplaylist #transgenderactor#shortlandstreet #shortlandst #shortlandstreetfullepisodes #shortlandstreetplaylist #shortlandstreetseason2


00:00Previously on Shortland Street.
00:02Post-natal depression, it's been a big part of my life,
00:05but by accepting help, I was able to start getting better
00:08and start addressing some of the hurt that I had caused.
00:11We can't demonise the woman.
00:12Honestly, Nick, I'm a bit freaked by how quickly you've forgiven her.
00:15I know, but I feel like she's turned a corner.
00:17Well, um, might tell her I love her?
00:20Maybe you should quiz her before you launch in.
00:22About what?
00:23I think you guys are good together, so go for it.
00:24I can't if I'm not honest with him. It's time.
00:27Look, I know you don't want to do this, but you have to tell the truth.
00:37Tell the truth about what?
00:41It's private, um...
00:44In this case, I think I need to know.
00:47Bullying in the workplace.
00:50Who's getting bullied?
00:52We don't want to take it any further.
00:53You just said you want to tell the truth.
00:55Who were you going to talk to?
00:56The truth is, Hapa has been hassling me and singling me out for a while now, and I'm sick of it.
01:03Yeah, I'm really sorry, Phil. I had no idea I was doing that.
01:08Conflict resolved?
01:10Yeah, for now.
01:15Do you want to take this to Esther or HR?
01:18I don't need someone else fighting my battles.
01:20Well, I'm here if you want to talk about it over dinner.
01:26You still want to go?
01:28Not now.
01:29Hapa's put you off.
01:30Yeah, kind of. I just want to snuggle up on the couch and catch up with my flatties.
01:35If that's what you need.
01:37No, no, problem. Another night.
01:39Yeah, I'd like that.
01:45Knocking off?
01:46Yeah, soon.
01:48Good, because I have made a dinner reservation.
01:52Yeah, Cassie's agreed to put Billy to bed so we can have some quality time.
01:56What is that again?
01:58I know, right?
02:00Hey, how was your first day?
02:02Good, thanks. Yeah, it's a lot to learn, but I'm getting there, I hope.
02:07Don't worry, you'll get the hang of it. Selena seems impressed already, so.
02:11Oh, well, if I can help just one person.
02:15I know you're not thrilled with it.
02:17Oh, my opinion doesn't matter.
02:19Well, it matters to me. And if it's too much for you, then I won't.
02:22Let's just see how things go, yeah?
02:27Is Cassie still here?
02:28She has gone home already.
02:30Oh, I just wanted to say hi.
02:32I'm sure you'll see her tomorrow.
02:36Well, okay, have a good night.
02:42Best I can do.
02:44She's trying so hard.
02:46She's changed.
02:48But I'm really more interested in you.
03:10Story time turned into snorey time.
03:13Oh, good work.
03:15Good work.
03:16Now we can still get a babysitter if you want.
03:18Have another date?
03:19No, I just want to have a night in. Just us.
03:22Is that my phone buzzing?
03:25Just Vili.
03:26What does he want?
03:27Beer. Molly's.
03:31Why not? You don't mind, do you?
03:33What do you want to go out now?
03:34Would that be rude?
03:35While you're here being a domestic goddess?
03:37No, you can do what you want, but, um...
03:39But what?
03:40Vili kind of overheard me and Phil arguing today,
03:44so he might have the wrong angle on things.
03:46What argument? What things?
03:48Well, she has accused me of lying to her.
03:51Which I haven't.
03:53Half of the mean girl.
03:54I know, right?
03:55I'm not. I'm just clear and direct.
03:58Well, so is Phil.
04:00So what's she on about?
04:02I don't know.
04:03Mm, free day.
04:04Sounds like a day at the office.
04:07Do you want me to talk to her?
04:09God, no, it's a confidential work thing.
04:12Ooh, what's this?
04:13Pillow talk without the pillow?
04:15Well, we could, you know, do something about that later on.
04:19I mean, unless, of course, you wanted to go for a beer with Vili.
04:24Vili Ho.
04:25You're staying right here.
04:29It's your date night every night.
04:31You're a genius.
04:46Sorry, no, my fault.
04:52How is Vili?
04:54I don't know. I've been hiding from him.
04:56Don't do that, he'll get sus.
04:58Ooh, he's gonna ask questions about the balloon.
05:00Yeah, could you not have thought of something else?
05:02Like what?
05:03I don't know, anything. Patient management gone wrong?
05:05I'm sorry, my cover story wasn't good enough.
05:07Well, Drew didn't believe it. He thought it was funny.
05:09You told him?
05:10I had to.
05:11Great, another lie.
05:12How many more, Harper?
05:13Well, this is the last one, because we're never gonna talk about this ever again.
05:15You've decided that, have you?
05:17One of us needs to start making some smart decisions around here.
05:20Is Monique gonna say anything?
05:21She's not an issue.
05:22How do you know?
05:23Look, you're just gonna have to trust me, OK?
05:25Vili, how can I trust you? You could blow this whole thing open at any minute.
05:28I won't.
05:29Let's just delete the past, OK?
05:31Whatever happened between us, it doesn't exist.
05:33OK, good. Thank you.
05:38Oh, God, we can't get away from her.
05:40Are you nice?
05:41Is Cassie with you?
05:42No, no, she was sorting out Knox.
05:44She should be in soon.
05:45Oh, great.
05:46How are you guys going?
05:47We're good. Yeah, you?
05:49Yeah, really good.
05:51Hi, Cassie.
05:52Hi, little guy.
05:54How are you?
05:55OK, I think that's close enough.
05:58I said back off.
05:59It's OK, she can say hi to Knox.
06:01Yeah, from a distance.
06:05It's nice to see you. I'd better get going.
06:11Don't make her cry.
06:12Oh, where's my tiny violin?
06:15What? I'm not apologising for looking out for you and Knox.
06:18Yeah, but you don't have to be mean about it.
06:24Well, I don't trust her.
06:30OK, ready for the retractor.
06:35Right, then away we go.
06:38Do you want me to put your playlist on?
06:40No, no, no, I want the goss.
06:43Nothing from me.
06:45Same here.
06:46I thought you guys went to Molly's last night.
06:48It was just me.
06:49Sorry, buddy, I didn't realise you were having a beer there on your own.
06:52All good.
06:53I would have dropped everything except Harper insisted on a quiet night in.
06:58No worries.
06:59Yeah, she had a tough day at work.
07:01Things went wrong.
07:03You no idea why?
07:17I, um, I just saw Louise.
07:21She's really upset.
07:24I just, maybe if you could put yourself in her position, yeah?
07:27I mean, the fact that she's back here facing up to her past, it's incredibly brave.
07:32Stop, Nick.
07:34Louise had made her own bed.
07:36If Cassie is happy to have her around, you could be too.
07:38Cassie is too nice.
07:39Louise is suffering.
07:40She's never going to hurt my grandson again.
07:43What's gotten into you?
07:45I'm looking out for Cass and for Knox.
07:47Louise is trying her best to show you that she's changed, and you're not even giving her a chance.
07:52Maybe I don't want to forgive.
07:54Maybe I can't.
07:56Well, you forgave me, didn't you?
07:59Yeah, of course.
08:01Louise is different.
08:03You know why.
08:04You forgave me.
08:05You could try to forgive her.
08:07Honey, you were hurting and grieving and in pain.
08:11So was she.
08:12This isn't you.
08:13You're a compassionate person.
08:15I have limits.
08:17Look, she doesn't have to be part of the family, okay?
08:19But we can be kind.
08:21Yeah, she could have visits with Knox, supervised.
08:25She loves that little boy as much as we do.
08:28Everyone deserves a second chance.
08:37Nice job there, Grayson.
08:38We make a good team.
08:40Yeah, that's because I trust you, and you trust me, right?
08:44Of course.
08:45So why didn't you come to me about the bullying?
08:49You know.
08:50Listen, if Harper was out of line, I'd be the first one to back you up.
08:53We surgeons stick together.
08:55Look, can we just not discuss this in front of Philly?
08:57I'd like to do this with a witness present so that you can see I'm here to listen and support.
09:01Sure, you can separate work from home. You can tell him.
09:03We've dealt with it.
09:04Harper can be very prickly.
09:06I can testify to that.
09:07I just wish she hadn't told you.
09:09Well, I need to know all of it.
09:11Just back off, will you?
09:16She's no pushover, is she?
09:19What do you know?
09:20Same as you.
09:21Well, you're her boyfriend.
09:22Do your job and get some intel for us.
09:25It's a very serious accusation she's making.
09:27If it's true, we need to fix it.
09:30Feeling up and down is perfectly normal.
09:32But if you start to feel the lows more often, please let us know.
09:40Sounds like good advice.
09:43Well, if I can spare anyone the pain I suffered, then...
09:47Sorry, I know you don't want to hear about that.
09:50I've been hard on you.
09:54I deserve it.
09:55You're trying.
09:57And you're doing your best to change.
10:00I'm going to try too.
10:10For what?
10:11That was your doing.
10:12Oh, believe me, it wasn't.
10:14If Maeve didn't want to give you a chance, she wouldn't.
10:18I appreciate it, Nicole.
10:19You're a special person.
10:21I don't know about that, but thank you.
10:25What is it?
10:26New photos from Jake that you made out.
10:29Look at him!
10:31Oh, he loves the paints, doesn't he?
10:34He ends up wearing them most of the time.
10:37Oh, he's so adorable.
10:39Well, I could add you to the email list if you want.
10:42That'd be great.
10:44I love seeing new pictures of Joe.
10:50You said Joe.
10:52No, I didn't.
10:53You did.
10:54I'm sure that I didn't.
10:58Well, then it was a mistake.
11:02I'll have to check with Cassie before I add you.
11:07Fair enough.
11:16How come you're not here today?
11:17Oh, you mean the queen of recess?
11:19Two cardiac arrests which she bought back from the dead
11:21and one MVA which she ate for breakfast.
11:23Yeah, she's good at her job, I suppose.
11:26Anyways, what are you doing?
11:28Ward allocations. It's a house of cards.
11:30Since when did you start doing that?
11:31Well, I'm upskilling.
11:33Selene is getting you to do her job.
11:37Stop making Sage do your job.
11:38Esther's orders.
11:39I don't care.
11:41Yeah, you do it.
11:44Hey, Selene speaking.
11:47Uh, Sage, Julian needs a hand.
11:51I didn't realise you'd been promoted to DON.
11:53I haven't.
11:54Oh, what was that about?
11:55Just don't like seeing injustice in the workplace.
11:58So what happened with Phil?
12:00Oh, nothing. We talked and cleared the air. No big deal.
12:02I think it is.
12:03She's being a bit off.
12:05She's not talking to me.
12:07What actually happened?
12:08Just drop it.
12:14I, um, I just wanted to apologise again for before.
12:17I wasn't thinking, honestly.
12:19It didn't mean anything.
12:20It was just a silly slip of the tongue.
12:25So maybe you'll be okay if I came to visit Cassie and Ox tonight?
12:29Um, actually, I think maybe you should just catch up with Cassie here in the hospital.
12:35I'm sorry.
12:36You've got to understand how it looked.
12:38Yeah, I get it.
12:39I just, well, we've come so far and I just, I don't want things to go back to the way they were.
12:45We just need some more time, that's all.
12:47Oh, you mean I do.
12:50Maybe you're not doing as well as you thought.
12:53But I'm okay, really.
12:54I have done so much work on myself.
12:57Yeah, I know, it's great.
12:58It's great, but there's no shame in taking it slow.
13:01But I don't need to.
13:02I'm okay now, I promise you.
13:04Sorry, sorry, I didn't mean to.
13:05I didn't mean, I just, I just need you to understand.
13:08I do.
13:09You care about Cassie and Ox.
13:13We just need you to give us some space right now, okay?
13:19Yeah, okay.
13:21Of course, no problem.
13:27Hey, have you heard anything about Harper?
13:31There's a rumour going around that she's been bullying people.
13:34Okay, well don't listen to rumours.
13:36You work with her all day, every day?
13:37Yeah, I haven't seen any bullying.
13:39No yelling, swearing, chucking darts?
13:42You just want Emma on her, don't you?
13:45Yeah, so you can tease her.
13:46You know me so well, Mullet.
13:48More than I want.
13:50She's just in a bad mood because of Louisa de Lulu.
13:53It's true, but you shouldn't call her that, not at work.
13:56De Lulu de la la.
13:58You are.
14:03Go easy on him, he means well.
14:05Why are you so protective of him?
14:07Why are you so shitty with him?
14:20I'm sorry.
14:51Hey, really, um...
14:55Can I call you back?
14:56Someone's just caught my eye.
14:59If you saw her, you'd understand.
15:01Okay, go ahead.
15:06This might be a bit forward, but are you doing anything tonight?
15:09Um, I'm not.
15:11You want to change that?
15:14Actually, really, I don't want to change that.
15:18Actually, really, I think I need some alone time tonight.
15:22Yeah, sorry.
15:23That's why I was calling, to plan something for next week, maybe.
15:26Why won't you tell me what's going on?
15:28I've dealt with it.
15:32It's just me now.
15:34There's no Drew.
15:35There's no...
15:36There's no one.
15:42Are you not telling me because she's an HOD?
15:44Is she really bullying you?
15:46I've got a patient to review.
15:52Yeah, he's already had an MRI.
15:54We're just waiting for the results.
15:56I'll let you know.
15:57Okay, bye.
15:59How are the ward allocations going?
16:04What do you think?
16:05Okay, grumpy, I come bearing gifts.
16:07But why?
16:08What do you want from me?
16:10I've just watched you scramble all day,
16:12trying to do everything else for everyone,
16:14and I thought you might not have had lunch.
16:16Call it my Gen Z instinct.
16:17I don't want people worrying about me.
16:19I want them relying on me.
16:21I'm not worried.
16:22I know you've got this,
16:23but no one can do everything, not even you.
16:25That part's obvious.
16:27Stop beating yourself up and just learn to delegate.
16:29Okay, right.
16:30Let's see what I can pass over.
16:34Oh, I found one already.
16:36Oh, you're welcome.
16:37Hand washing audit.
16:39Means I can have a lot of time to tick off some other tasks.
16:42Right, is that the mind-numbing task of following staff around
16:45and making sure that they wash their hands
16:47at the right points during patient care?
16:49It sure is.
16:50And you start now.
16:51What, me?
16:52Thank you so much, Sage.
16:53Thank you for my treats.
16:55And thank you for the pep talk.
16:58What have you got?
17:01We need a strategy here.
17:03I'll work on Harper, you work on Phil.
17:05I have been.
17:06And why?
17:07She just shuts down further.
17:09If I ask her one more time,
17:10I think she might dump me.
17:14And you know I'm going to blame for that.
17:17Who else?
17:18Just think, Phil must have given you a clue.
17:21There's nothing.
17:23You practically live with her.
17:24She didn't come home one night crying after being bullied.
17:26That never happened.
17:28Anyway, she knows how to stand up for herself.
17:30Oh, yeah.
17:31Maybe they had a problem with her patient.
17:34When Harper makes a diagnosis, she locks it in.
17:37So does Phil.
17:39Or they were working on a case.
17:41Had some kind of a fight.
17:43Or what?
17:45Harper made a mistake.
17:47It's the only thing that makes sense.
17:53You have to tell the truth.
17:55Who said that?
17:56Phil said it.
17:57You sure?
17:58Yeah, I was there.
18:00What could that mean?
18:01Harper's guilty of some professional misconduct?
18:03Oh, I don't know.
18:04But whatever it is, okay, it's not Phil.
18:06How can you say that?
18:07I suppose Phil's just covering for Harper.
18:09That much I know for sure.
18:16Two hundred and forty million people.
18:20Can you believe that?
18:21I'm trying to keep my head around it.
18:22What's this?
18:24Oh, right.
18:25I'm just trying to understand everything there is to understand.
18:27You know, it's like a whole new world to me.
18:29Especially family, how important it is.
18:32Yeah, of course.
18:33Like, once you're in, you're in.
18:34They're not letting you go.
18:35Oh, that's really nice.
18:36But that's, like, that's true love, isn't it?
18:40You're good?
18:43Well, rumour has it that you're bullying staff members.
18:45Yeah, well, that is just nothing.
18:46Yeah, I figured that.
18:47But Drew's worried.
18:50He's making fun of it, but I know it's a front,
18:52because he's a good guy and he cares.
18:57Oh, Phil!
18:58What's up?
18:59Watch it.
19:00What is your problem?
19:02Okay, have I done something?
19:04Or said something?
19:05Just be straight up if I have.
19:06No, I'm sorry.
19:08Hey, what's happened?
19:10Did you lose a patient?
19:13Okay, what is it, the bullying thing?
19:15Because I haven't seen you be mean to anyone.
19:17That's very nice of you to say.
19:20Well, I'm having a really crap day as well,
19:22if that helps.
19:24Hey, can I do anything?
19:26Like, wave a wand?
19:28Will it turn me into a good wife?
19:31You're amazing.
19:32Going out on a date, it's all loved up.
19:35Hey, everyone goes through rough spots.
19:39God, look at me and Nick.
19:41It's all my fault, Maeve.
19:43No, it's not.
19:48Okay, do you feel like you're going crazy?
19:51Like there's something missing, you know,
19:52like there's some gaslighting going on?
19:55Yes or no?
19:57Yeah, sometimes, but it's me.
20:01Get rid of the gaslighting.
20:05Go home tonight and ask Drew for the truth.
20:08Whatever it is, he won't tell me,
20:10so you're going to have to.
20:18Drew and Nick,
20:20they got close again.
20:24They kissed.
20:25Just the once.
20:28I really hate keeping that a secret from you, okay?
20:30And I think you deserve to know.
21:45Hey, guys.
21:47Are any of you here?
21:56Hi, Nicole.
22:03What are you doing here?
22:06Meeting up with you, of course.
22:12No, I'm meeting my friends.
22:15I know.
22:18You don't.
22:22I'm Hayley.
22:24I lost my mum in a car accident, and I'm struggling.
22:31I'm Lucy.
22:32My dad passed away from cancer,
22:34and I miss him so much.
22:37What's wrong?
22:39The gang's all here.
22:41We love you so much.
22:43We just want to help.
22:45I don't believe you.
22:47You've had a bad, Nicole.
22:49Your mum dying.
22:51Cassie stealing.
22:52Fighting with Maeve.
22:53Kissing a doctor.
22:55You can't.
22:58I am.
23:00I'm all of them.
23:02And it's been fun.
23:05But it's time to stop playing games.
23:09It's time to get serious.