Hallmark Illumination Minions Halloween Ornaments

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Hallmark Illumination Minions Halloween Ornaments


00:00Well, we know they like bananas, but what are their feelings on pumpkins?
00:04Here's your spooky spot on the Halloween Illumination Minions Halloween Mystery Ornaments!
00:09And a spooky season to all you spewers out there!
00:31During the month of Spottober, as an annual tradition here on this channel, this poor
00:34guy has to go down to the dark depths in the catacombs of the studio, places that I tend
00:38not to go all year round, mainly because nobody tends to clean down there, and a lot
00:43of times it has a lot of rats and spiders.
00:45Speaking of spooky dwellings, some of you may already be asking why exactly we have
00:49this jack-o-lantern candle here.
00:50This was sold to me by the way, a relatively sus merchant told me this was the best way
00:54to communicate with the afterlife, more importantly, one specific individual in the afterlife,
00:59Charlie the Ghost.
01:00Charlie made a few appearances a few spooky spots ago, and I haven't had any contact
01:04with him since.
01:06The merchant said all I needed to do was turn on this candle, and this would be the best
01:09way to communicate with the afterlife.
01:10I would imagine it's only solely to talk to Charlie, and I hope we don't talk to any
01:14other ghosts instead.
01:17Speaking of which though, I did happen to go to my local Walmart and I found these.
01:21Luckily, I didn't even have to go to the dark areas of the studio to find these.
01:25I actually got four of these.
01:26To be fair though, there is a lot more than four.
01:29To be fair as well, these cost a spookingly $9.99.
01:34Still on the small side if you ask me, but you can see that there isn't just four, there's
01:38actually a total I think of seven.
01:40I'm hoping at least the ones that I grabbed, I happened to grab four of these.
01:44Sorry, what?
01:45No, I thought you said something, Charlie.
01:48Speaking of which though, I had grabbed these with the idea that hopefully each one of these
01:51would be a different minion inside.
01:53Of course, these come to us from the folks over at Hallmark, and just looking through
01:57some of at least the cast of characters that we have here, we have a singular eye minion,
02:02we have a minion as Dracula himself, Frankenstein was one dressed as a Jack-o'-lantern, a ghost,
02:07Bride of Frankenstein, and I'm not really sure specifically, I guess this would just
02:11be, would it be a ghost?
02:12I guess it would be a glow-in-the-dark version of this one.
02:16Sorry, what?
02:18Bless you.
02:19He sneezed.
02:20I'm going to reach off to the side here.
02:21I'm going to grab myself a knife.
02:22I don't think there is.
02:23Oh, there is a way.
02:24There is a way.
02:25There's a little perforation to the side.
02:26Let's see if I can grab this just with my hand.
02:28Oh, I didn't even need a knife.
02:30I didn't even need a knife.
02:32Pull off one of these.
02:33Each one of them are contained inside of a capsule.
02:36As you can see here, it says on the side here, mystery ornaments, and it's got a big question
02:40mark if you didn't already know that the contents were a mystery.
02:43Now I'm just looking at these also as well.
02:44I don't see that there's a stamping, anything on this to indicate at least that one is unique
02:48from another.
02:49Sometimes they have like little serialized numbers.
02:51I'm not seeing anything.
02:53I ain't seeing Jack.
02:56As for opening these, I would imagine the best way.
02:59Is there a way to open these?
03:01Maybe you just...
03:02Oh, okay.
03:03There's a little...
03:04I was going to push this from the top.
03:05That would just cause chaos.
03:07All you need to really do is just open these from the top here.
03:10Oh, and I guess in a way, it also serves as also a chamber.
03:15So we're going to pop the first piece off, and I guess, would you be able to imagine
03:19I'd probably be able to stack these on top of one another.
03:22And the first one we have is one that I actually was really looking forward to getting, was
03:25the Dracula.
03:26Now, I don't think these glow in the dark.
03:29I'll have to test that theory in a moment.
03:31They are made of a very rubbery material.
03:33They also have a string.
03:34So not to say that you have to have yourself just a Christmas tree during the month of
03:38December if you wanted it.
03:39I've always really wanted to do this.
03:40I haven't even done this yet, is get a little tree set up here for like during Halloween
03:44where I can hang some of my ornaments like these, for example.
03:47So we've got ourselves a vampire version of a minion.
03:50Again, very much of a rubbery material, and there's a string that runs through the top
03:53of his head.
03:54So if you had yourself a Halloween tree, how many of you have a Halloween tree?
03:58Let me know.
03:59This would just go on top of your tree or on the side of the tree.
04:02What would be on top of it instead of a star?
04:04Any ideas?
04:05A bloodied hand?
04:06I like the way that you think.
04:08That wasn't coming, by the way, from the candles.
04:10So sorry.
04:11No, it wasn't coming from the candle.
04:13Opening up the next container.
04:14And when you also were done with these, I suppose you probably could close these back
04:18Does this go this way?
04:19It goes this way, snaps together.
04:22I think there was also Nightmare Before Christmas.
04:24Don't quote me on that.
04:26Let's open up the second one here.
04:28Just pull down the perforation, opening these up onto the side.
04:33And again, how do we open these?
04:35Just like that.
04:36Oh, nice.
04:37So already two that I was the most looking forward to was the Dracula and of course the
04:41Frankenstein's monster.
04:43So to show you what Dracula looks like, Frankenstein's just a little bit shorter than that.
04:47Is that Dave Stewart?
04:49I'm having the hardest time trying to remember some of the names of these minions.
04:53But they all have, again, like a little string on the top.
04:55I don't know how durable this string will be.
04:58I don't think it's breakable.
04:59Well, I would imagine it would be breakable.
05:01I don't think it's one of those tear-proof strings.
05:04I guess they're not that heavy, but they're made of a rubber material, though.
05:08Very cool.
05:10And again, like looking at the rest of these, Bride of Frankenstein would be so perfect.
05:13I don't know.
05:14Maybe the ghost.
05:15We'll see.
05:16We'll see.
05:18And then the next perforation, which just happens to be off to the side.
05:22Pull that all the way down.
05:23Open this completely up.
05:27The hardest thing I seem to be facing is just trying to open these up.
05:30There we go.
05:31And sad to say, we got ourselves another Dracula, which isn't a bad thing.
05:36I'll likely keep one for myself.
05:38I'll give the other one to my daughter, who is already eyeing these.
05:40She said, Dad, can I have one of these?
05:43I said, no.
05:44I'm going to review these first.
05:46And then you may be gifted one of these.
05:50Let's see, by opening up the last one here.
05:53Are these worth going back and picking up another four of these, three of these?
05:58Well, I'd probably have to pick up four in order to get, obviously, the set of seven.
06:02I don't think I would.
06:03I think for what I have right now, if I at least get a mystery one in here that I don't
06:07already have.
06:08As long as it's not a Frankenstein's monster, as long as it's not Dracula, I'm okay.
06:13I might just be happy with the ones that I have.
06:16The last one that we have is, in fact, different.
06:21Yeah, he said, yay, too.
06:23You are Charlie the Ghost, by the way.
06:26Flicker once if you're Charlie the Ghost.
06:27Okay, you flickered a couple of times.
06:30The last one we have, in fact, is the Minion's Ghost.
06:35So and then to give that just a size idea of what it looks like, it's about the same
06:39size as Dracula.
06:40It's obviously bigger here than Frankenstein's monster.
06:43These are fun, though.
06:44But at $9.99, I mean, I guess $9.99 isn't all that bad of a price, considering, really,
06:49what blind bag figures tend to go for now.
06:51They're usually like, what, $12 to $14.
06:54I suppose just under $10 plus tax, of course, we can't forget about tax.
06:58Some of the spookiest things is just actually adding tax to whatever you're buying in stores.
07:02I have $10, and then the person was working behind the register desk is just like shaking
07:06their head like, no, no, no, no, you need more.
07:09Do I need my soul as well?
07:11They just give you that blank stare.
07:12Of course, we've got the ghost.
07:15We've got ourselves Frankenstein's monster, and we got ourselves Dracula.
07:18That's not bad at all.
07:19That's not bad at all.
07:20And of course, when you're done, you can always put them back in their prisons.
07:24I don't know if they necessarily need to breathe their monsters after all.
07:27That's not fair.
07:28But monsters really still need oxygen like everybody else, except for the creature from
07:31the Black Lagoon.
07:32And you could probably also debate the idea that ghosts don't need really need to breathe
07:35either oxygen.
07:36Sorry, what?
07:38Ghosts do need oxygen?
07:40Oh, poltergeists need oxygen.
07:42Wait, there's a poltergeist?
07:45Putting these back together, though, I feel like they're just a case, yeah, you just snap
07:50the two together.
07:51So if you wanted to, you really could keep these together, and I suppose you could stack
07:54them as well, although they're not really intended to be stacked.
07:56Have you guys had a chance to pick up any of these?
07:59Let me know down below in the comment section.
08:00I did find these, by the way, at Walmart, $9.99 a piece.
08:04That's not all you need, though, so don't just be walking in with a tenner, throw that
08:08down on the counter, and expect to walk away with one of these.
08:11You'll be walking away with something, and it won't be one of these.
08:13You'll probably be walked off by, I mean, assuming that you're probably not gonna be
08:16putting these in your pocket.
08:17Don't put them in your pocket.
08:18Or you'll be walking out, being walked out by a police officer instead.
08:24Today's spooky spot, if I can find the wrapper here, we were actually looking at the new
08:29This was the Minions Halloween Mystery Ornaments.
08:32Doesn't have to just be Christmas when you can decorate a tree.
08:35If you want to decorate a tree during Halloween, I'm not gonna judge you at all.
08:38If you guys have picked these up, let me know down below in the comment section.
08:41If you guys certainly did enjoy this video, do it a salt, throw it a like.
08:44If you guys want to stick around for more, so, I hope so, hit the subscribe, turn on
08:48that bell, and of course, make sure that you're coming back.
08:51I will be here.
08:52The person that currently is living inside the candle here, I'm only hoping it is Charlie
08:57the Ghost, is gonna be here also as well throughout the month of Spottober, so I hope you guys
09:01come back for that.
09:03As always, thanks for watching.
09:04See you guys next time.
