Una Vida Perfecta - Capitulo 47 (Español)

  • last week
02:02Remus la declaración después del juicio
02:13Clara demos despues de un poco comprensivos por favor muchas gracias
02:21Espectadores el juicio del divorcio más sensacionalista del año va a comenzar
02:25Se ha leído la demanda de divorcio presentada contra la acusada semnangu muchu y los anexos
02:33La demanda está vinculada con el deseo de divorcio por ese asunto iniciaremos la audiencia de investigación preliminar
02:41Puedo tomar la palabra su señoría claro adelante
02:46Señoría antes de la audiencia presentamos al tribunal las pruebas que afectarían al curso del caso
02:52De mostramos que semnangu muchu mintió
02:56Durante su matrimonio ocultó su pasado y se sometió a varias cirugías plásticas en la cara
03:08No sólo eso probamos también que la acusada fue infiel como muestran las fotografías que fueron tomadas cuando se encontraba
03:16junto a su amante
03:17protesto señoría
03:19Necesitamos más contextos sobre cómo consiguieron las imágenes
03:25Se hicieron por orden personal de aisel gumuchu que sospechaba la infidelidad de su muera
03:34Como ellos mismos dicen las fotografías se hicieron por investigación privada secreta y no reflejan la verdad
03:42Mi clienta jamás ha sido infiel a lo largo de su matrimonio
03:45Solo intentan dañar la reputación de mi honorable clienta honor gumuchu si ha tenido una relación extra matrimonial
04:51Delante mesut
05:01Bien hecho enhorabuena burak estaría orgulloso de ti como el resto lo estamos
05:08Aunque tendremos que investigarte porque si no
05:11No criticarán que una gente suspendido venga hasta aquí
05:18Estoy preparado para cualquier investigación no se preocupe asumo toda responsabilidad redactaré un informe sobre ti
05:26Les diré lo buena gente que ha sido no te preocupes por nada gracias
05:35Gracias por todo lo que ha hecho por mí ha sido
05:38Como un padre
05:47Mesut que es esto
05:51Hasta aquí mi labor
06:04Conocías FNAM en un avión señoría resulta que estaba y para cazar a un marido
06:09Nos conocimos en un avión señoría y me enamoré de si me hubiese querido no me habría ocultado su identidad
06:15Su familia y su pasado exactamente señoría pero confesé delante de millones de personas el motivo por el cual lo hice eso es señoría
06:22Arruinó la reputación de mi familia al confesárselo a todo el mundo
06:27Como si no fuese poco encima ensució mi nombre anunciando que tenía una aventura con una empleada de la compañía
06:33Es su amante señoría y se llama melissa oso y fue su novia antes
06:39Recuerde que ya les presentamos las pruebas sobre esto como dice fue una ex novia pero tengo una novedad para usted señoría
06:47Una persona llamada mesut ostrom en ha aparecido en nuestras vidas cuando miro las fotografías que enviamos al tribunal como evidencia
06:55Verán que ya están en una relación los dos no señoría entre mesut y yo no hay absolutamente nada
07:01Exijo la custodia de mis hijos señoría su rutina escolar no debería haberse interrumpida ya que es en nam no tiene estabilidad ni ingresos para
07:09Proporcionar a mis hijos buenas condiciones de vida señoría el regento un restaurante se llama manche
07:15honor gungustu forzó su cierre para quedarse con mis hijos no obstante tengo ahorros para cubrir gastos hasta la reapertura
07:22Además son un me ha amenazado me dijo que pensaba llevarse a mis hijos al extra para que no los vieses eso nunca sucedió
07:30Señoría lo está distorsionando por cierto señoría el que alteró la rutina fue su novia ahora está embarazada
07:36Estoy preocupada por mis hijos no quiero que se enteren así
07:40No pasarían muy mal esa alegación es infundada se ordena y se resuelve
07:51Placemos la audiencia para examinar las alegaciones
07:57Una prueba de embarazo deberá
08:18Tienes usted soy melissa o soy
08:34Tu oferta siguen bien ocurridos no dijiste que no volverías conmigo
08:39Respóndeme vas a enviar a melissa al extranjero ya te lo dije si vuelves a casa enviaré a melissa al extranjero
08:52Dijiste que no te lo creerías hasta que el norte lo dijera en persona ahí lo tienes
09:09Tu fan noche lleva me al juzgado
09:18Melissa pero que estás haciendo aquí por favor no puede interferir lo siento pase
09:36Señora la escuchamos
09:38Es verdad que tiene una relación con un urugu mucho
09:53Sí señoría
09:56honor es mi novia
09:58Señoría señoría esto es un momento por favor silencio gracias se puede sentar señor abogado gracias
10:06Es cierto que está usted embarazada como han alegado
10:23Es cierto
10:31Aquí tiene las imágenes de la ecografía de nuestro bebé
10:35Y también tiene los informes a mi nombre
11:03Qué ocurre el señor abogado
11:06Estaba dando falso testimonio al tribunal señoría por favor no es lo que parece me concede la palabra señoría adelante
11:22Lo que ha dicho su abogado sobre mi pasado es verdad
11:27No he tenido una vida fácil
11:29Mis padres siempre me han tratado mal
11:31Y nunca he podido sentirme arropada por mis padres
11:41Seguirán tratándome como una loca o dirán que he hecho cosas que no son verdad
11:48Ya me da igual mis propios padres me acusan de infidelidad y me amenazan todo cano nias pero no importa
12:00Soy madre
12:03Prometí un día me prometí que si algún día tenía hijos los amaría
12:11Los amaría más que nada en este mundo y les daría todo el amor que un hijo necesita de sus padres
12:18Así que por favor no me quede a mis niños
12:22Por favor no me separe de mis hijos
12:35Señora semná sea cual sea la sentencia ningún tribunal podrá quitarle su derecho a la maternidad
12:50Se ordena y se resuelve
12:53La decisión es la siguiente a plazamos la audiencia para examinar las alegaciones
13:01la custodia temporal será
13:04Para la señora semnán gomus
13:43Memleketime çoktan bahar
15:06Dime que tienes buenas noticias
15:23A ver, es temporal
15:25El juicio sigue en marcha
15:27Aún no me creo que haya ganado
15:29Da igual
15:31Nadie podrá quitarte a tus hijos ya
15:38¿Y tú qué tal?
15:42He buscado las pruebas de las que habló Zeno
15:44Y Zbandu
15:48Es el único que nos las podría dar
15:51¿Qué vamos a hacer? ¿Cómo las conseguiremos?
15:53No te preocupes, yo me encargo
15:55Avísame cuando recojas a los niños
15:59Estoy esperando a que me llamen para ir
16:08Mesut, muchas gracias
16:16No quiero que nadie te amenace más
16:21Confía en mí
16:23Te ayudaré
16:51La la la la la la la
16:53La la la la la la la
16:55La la la la la la la
17:03Ah, Onur
17:05¿Pero qué estás haciendo?
17:07¿Esa es tu solución?
17:09Eso no está bien
17:11Cálmate, haz el favor
17:15¿Cómo me voy a calmar?
17:17Es imposible que me calme, ¿lo crees?
17:20Zemlam se llevará a mis hijos
17:22Crecerán con ese hombre
17:24¿Y quieres que me calme? ¿Eso me estás diciendo?
17:26Onur, solo tiene la custodia temporal
17:28Por ahora
17:30Nada está claro todavía
17:32Tranquilízate, por Dios
17:36Venga, respira un poco
17:38No ha pasado nada todavía
17:43¿Cómo has podido hacerme esto, Melissa?
17:45¿Cómo has sido capaz?
17:47¿Qué has conseguido?
17:49¿Cuál es tu objetivo? ¿Deshacerte de mis hijos?
17:51¿Estás contenta ya?
17:53La que debería hacerte preguntas, soy yo, Onur
17:55¿Así cuidas a la madre de tu hijo?
17:59¿De esta manera?
18:01Escucha esto
18:03¿Tu oferta sigue en pie?
18:05¿Qué ha ocurrido, Zemlam? Dijiste que no volverías conmigo
18:07Respóndeme, ¿vas a enviar a Melissa al extranjero?
18:09Ya te lo dije
18:11Si vuelves a casa, enviaré a Melissa al extranjero
18:13Sabes que no es posible, ¿verdad?
18:21Pero Zemlam...
18:23Te lo he preguntado mil veces
18:25Mil veces
18:27Te he pedido que me dijese si la querías
18:29Y me decías que no
18:31Que eso se había acabado
18:33Resulta que para nada estaba acabado, Onur
18:37No me digas Melissa
18:39Esta vez seré yo la que hable y tú te calles, ¿vale?
18:41Me dijiste
18:45Me voy a divorciarte, aprecio mucho
18:47¿Así es como me valoras?
18:53Sabes que estoy embarazada de tu hijo
18:55Si no lo quieres
18:57Si no me quieres
18:59Al menos ten el valor de admitirlo
19:01Es lo mínimo
19:05Qué mal suena eso, Melissa
19:07Me pone triste
19:09Si no quisiésemos al niño
19:11Habría muchas otras maneras de haberlo hecho, ¿verdad?
19:15¿Ah, sí?
19:17Entonces tú también estás en el ajo
19:19Oye, estás muy sensible
19:21No te pongas así
19:23Pues déjame, Melissa
19:25Si piensas que no soy suficiente para ti
19:29¿Por qué sigues aquí? Dime
19:49No dejaré que nadie me trate así
19:55Si quiere volver con su mujer
19:57Pues que vuelva
19:59Pero que no
20:01Se acerque ni a mí ni a mi hijo
20:11Vaya, por Dios
20:13Esto es increíble
20:15Vaya, ¿qué tal?
20:17Como tú por aquí
20:19Menuda sorpresa
20:21Digamos que me apetecía, Osman
20:23Quería pedirte un favor
20:25A tus órdenes, amigo
20:27Pues pídelo y lo haré
20:31Hay uno en el mismo pabellón que tú
20:33¿Cómo se llama?
20:35Izzet Adli
20:37Quiero que no lo pierdas de vista
20:39Y sigas todos los pasos que haga
20:41¿Me entiendes?
20:43Como tú digas, amigo
20:45Por supuesto, así lo haré
20:49Acércate a él y le dices lo que te ordene
20:51Eso es todo
20:53Está bien, amigo
20:55Mira, yo me ocupo
21:11¿Por qué no os veo sonreír?
21:15Y vuestras sonrisas tan bonitas
21:17Es la primera vez que nos separamos, papá
21:19Te vamos a volver a ver, papá
21:21Oye, Henry
21:25No digas eso
21:27¿Cómo se te ocurre?
21:29Vendré a veros a menudo
21:31¿Y vosotros vendréis?
21:33¿Cómo os voy a abandonar?
21:35Mis niños
21:37Claro que sí
21:39Dale un abrazo fuerte a papá
21:49Os quiero mucho
21:59Henry, mi amor
22:01Oye, mi princesa
22:05¿Me llamarás todos los días?
22:09¿Así me cuentas qué tal estáis?
22:11Pues claro
22:35¡Mis niños!
22:37Os echaba tanto de menos
22:39¿Estáis listos?
22:41Mamá, ahora nos quedaremos contigo
22:43Sí, ahora estaremos juntos
22:45¿Qué os dijo mamá?
23:17I left the person I loved to give you the opportunity to raise our children together, and how do you pay me?
23:26Going with your lover.
23:29Maybe you have the children now, but the trial is not over, let you know.
23:37I have forbidden you to travel, in case you want to take the children there.
23:44You can not.
23:47Onur, I'm not like you, and quiet, I will not take them anywhere.
23:55And I'll see them whenever you want.
23:58Of course, there is no problem.
24:01But do not even think about knocking on my door when you feel like it.
24:06You call me before to see if I'm available, okay?
24:10Sefnam, this victory is not permanent.
24:15I know very well what it is to grow up without a father.
24:19My children will not spend their lives away from their father.
24:22I'll take them back.
24:25It does not matter what it costs me.
24:28Lately, you're pretty good at threatening, right?
24:33Do not bother, with me it does not work.
24:39I will not let you go.
25:06Why did this happen?
25:09I should have taken her by the arm and this would not have happened.
25:13Do not torment yourself, there is no turning back.
25:16Now that the children are not there, you do not need to stay here.
25:22Mr. Yerno, listen, where will we go?
25:29What will we do?
25:33We'll go home, what are we going to do?
25:35Exactly, go back to Esmirna.
25:39Talk to Tufan and he will get you the tickets.
25:44Yerno, you do not know how to shut up.
25:49Oh, Sefnam, oh, Sefnam, you ruin our lives.
26:05How are you, man?
26:11By the way, one thing, a guy named Selahattin was not your boss?
26:18What are you talking about? Why do you ask?
26:23I do not know.
26:26I do not know.
26:29I do not know.
26:31What are you talking about? Why do you ask?
26:35Calm down, man, do not get like that, come on.
26:41I was telling you because he's dead.
26:45I feel the loss.
26:49How is he dead?
26:52But what are you saying?
26:54What the hell are you saying? How is he dead?
26:57That's what they told me.
26:58It seems that he died escaping from the police.
27:01Who told you? Who? What the hell are you saying? I do not know what you're looking for.
27:05Confirm it and you will see.
27:07Okay, let me go.
27:28Tell me.
27:30You're done, Sefnam. It's your end.
27:33It was you, right? You killed Selahattin.
27:39Wait a minute, please.
27:44I did not kill Selahattin.
27:47I did not kill Selahattin.
27:50I did not kill Selahattin.
27:53I did not kill Selahattin.
28:04Come on, kids, come in. I'll get the backpacks.
28:07Okay, mom.
28:14What are you talking about? What do you want?
28:17I know it was you.
28:19Mesut and you have allied to kill him, is not it?
28:24Do not say nonsense. It was an accident.
28:27Listen, do not think that I can not do anything for being locked up.
28:33I have proof that they will destroy you and everyone around you.
28:39Okay, and what are you going to do?
28:42Go to the police and tell them that you forced me to do it and that I did it out of fear?
28:47Not the police.
28:49Your husband.
29:10Mesut, it was Isbandot. He will give proof to Honor.
29:14Okay, do not worry. I'll take care of it.
29:17I'll take care of it and I'll call you when I can, okay?
29:27Why did you do it? I do not understand why you gave up.
29:34Come on, man, do not start.
29:38It's what happened.
29:47Tell me, Osman.
29:48Friend, it seems that Isbandot called a woman to threaten her.
29:53He told her he had proof.
29:55Then he called a certain Yelal and gave him an address.
29:58Quiet, I will continue to investigate.
30:05Yelmaz, I want to ask you one last favor.
30:16It looks good, guys.
30:21Bon appetit.
30:23Wait, does it have grapes?
30:25Yes. Also with cinnamon, as you like.
30:32Denis, you know what? My mother makes the best dolmas.
30:36I did not like the red ones at all.
30:39How lucky you both are.
30:41You are a great mother.
30:44Honey, tell me seriously.
30:46How did you do all this in such a hurry and on top of dolmas?
30:51Heaven, I'm a mother. I can do anything.
30:56Shall we send her a photo?
31:03Come closer.
31:08By the way, why did she leave so quickly?
31:11I'm curious about that delicate subject.
31:18Where did she attack?
31:20My precious daughter.
31:22That was it.
31:25She found out she was a drug addict.
31:31Well, she just recovered the slightest news and would fall again.
31:38She wants you to leave, right?
31:41Yes, she thinks she can beat us.
31:44We will ruin her.
31:48Aysel has gone after her.
31:50I'll tell you.
31:53He answered me.
31:55Dear, I'm so happy.
31:57I sent you a little something so you can see it.
32:16Hey, don't get up until you're done.
32:19Say, come with me.
32:23What's wrong? Is it bad news?
32:26No, no, Denise, you stay there.
32:39Look at this video.
32:44Come on.
32:53My God, they've been together for at least 30 years.
32:57It seems that Aysel likes them very young.
33:01How strong.
33:03This gossip would surely be a bomb in high society.
33:08You said it yourself.
33:10What have you thought?
33:21Are you thinking about...
33:23It was all delicious.
33:24By the way, we must solve the problem of the manche.
33:27Don't worry, I'll take care of it.
33:32Denise, I'll leave it in your hands.
33:34We need to reopen the manche.
33:36Of course, I'll take care of it.
33:38Be careful.
33:48In what head does Melissa fit?
33:51What a pity.
33:52Listen, Melissa.
33:54What did you think?
33:56What would happen
33:58coming to court dressed like this
34:00to say that you are pregnant?
34:02In my pride, Aysel.
34:04In my honor.
34:06No one will treat me like an object to throw in the trash
34:09when he feels like it.
34:13I think you thought
34:15in the way to get rid of the children
34:17so that there is space for your son.
34:19No, woman, how do you say that?
34:20I love her and Emre very much.
34:24Of course you do.
34:26But my children will always be the first.
34:29Your son.
34:31Aysel, I assure you that my son
34:33will be just as valid and important as your grandchildren.
34:36And now what do we do?
34:38Onur will not trust you.
34:41And do I have to trust him?
34:44If he wants me to go after his wife
34:46or for him to come and stay here with us.
34:48I'm not moving from here.
34:51You will not send me to London so easily.
34:54I refuse.
35:01Hello, welcome.
35:03Could you wait a moment?
35:05But what happens now?
35:08One second.
35:10Mrs. Aysel has guests.
35:12At this time?
35:14Mrs. Evnam's parents.
35:18Let them in, come on.
35:21They can not be more inappropriate.
35:24Yes, all fatal, very bad, a disaster.
35:27But what do you say, Melissa?
35:29Thank you, Nesmi.
35:31Mrs. Aysel.
35:33You can not imagine what has happened to us.
35:36I really do not care what happens to you.
35:38I'll tell you anyway.
35:40As Evnam has taken the children,
35:42Onur has told us that he did not need us, he has thrown us.
35:46Well, you're right.
35:48I tell him that we go back to Esmirna, but he does not listen to me.
35:52You should, yes.
35:55Yes, it shows that Evnam does not love you.
35:58What I do not understand is why you are still in Istanbul.
36:01Go back to Esmirna now.
36:03Why do we have to go back?
36:05Now that I'm finally with my daughter and my grandchildren,
36:09I do not want to go back there.
36:13Besides, you wanted us to stay here.
36:16We made a deal, remember?
36:20Yes, I remember.
36:23I would give you money if you got it.
36:27But it has not been like that, right?
36:38Okay, very good.
36:39Let's go.
36:41And you'll see how useful we will be, I assure you.
36:52Okay, stay.
36:55Come on.
37:00Aysel, are you sure?
37:03But what are you doing?
37:05Do not worry, Melissa.
37:08You'll see the results.
37:14Seda, you will work in the kitchen, okay?
37:18And you ...
37:21In the ...
37:23In the garden, understood?
37:25You will help the gardener.
37:27By chance, you do not know something about plants, right?
37:31Is it mechanical?
37:33You'll learn, I'm sure.
37:37It's not that bad, right?
37:42Mrs. Aysel,
37:44do you want us to be your servants?
37:47Well, you're not going to be here for a walk.
37:56Why did you come?
37:58I guess you have a reason to be here, I say.
38:01The children are gone.
38:04Well, we'll stay tonight.
38:07And we'll think about it, we'll talk tomorrow.
38:10Of course, think about it.
38:23Take them to the room, will you?
38:26As you wish, ma'am.
38:28Gentlemen, please.
38:31Let's go.
38:33Good night.
38:35Next time, let me know before you come here.
38:45Take them.
38:49Aysel, don't you think it's enough with Nesmi?
38:53So you can never get rid of Sefnam and his parasites.
38:57The enemies of my enemies are my friends.
39:01Sefnam can get mad if he wants to.
39:18You don't want Honor to come back like he did.
39:22You want him to fall at your feet, Honor.
39:26You've been treating me badly since I came back.
39:27You make me feel useless, you get angry, you say I'm useless and that I owe you all my life.
39:34You could have told me, you're the mother of my children, I'm still in love with you and I need you.
39:39With a roof over my head, it wouldn't be enough.
39:42It would have cost so much, we could have come back.
39:44We were supposed to have left him.
39:47But it wasn't like that.
39:49Because now I'm the one who's leaving you.
39:52I hope everything goes well for you, Honor.
39:56I won't drag you down.
40:05Honor, how are you?
40:07I'm sorry to interrupt you at this time.
40:09I wanted to talk to you, but your cell phone is off.
40:13The cell phone?
40:15Oh, yes, it's off.
40:17What's wrong? Why are you in such a hurry? Sit down.
40:20Sit down.
40:25Someone called the office.
40:27And the truth is that he insisted a lot on talking to you.
40:31Who is it and about what?
40:34If I'm honest with you, I have no idea.
40:37But he doesn't want to talk to anyone but you.
40:40He says he has information about the Gumurchu family that will affect them directly.
40:45I think it might be about Sefnam and...
40:48Is it about Sefnam?
40:50Okay, okay, then give me his number.
40:53We'll wait for your call at 12 at night.
41:00So he wanted it.
41:18I'm sorry.
41:53Mesut, you really worried me.
41:56Now I'll tell you, calm down.
41:58I can't be calm.
42:00Tell me, what are we going to do if he called Honor?
42:02What are we going to do?
42:04Let's see, don't worry.
42:06I've talked to one who is in the same pavilion as Iset.
42:10According to him, he has contacted someone.
42:12So he will have the evidence.
42:14Okay, what do we do?
42:16You won't do anything, I'll take care of it.
42:18I don't want them to do anything to you.
42:20I've informed Gilmas.
42:22And he'll look at the number that Isvan has called.
42:25When he finds out better, I'll be the one to act.
42:28You don't, okay?
42:30Well, don't worry me.
42:32If he could call me, he'll call Honor, I'm sure.
42:36Let him call him.
42:38He won't be able to prove anything if he doesn't have the evidence.
42:40Trust me.
42:42If I trust you, don't doubt it.
42:46You're the person I trust the most.
42:49Well, calm down.
42:51We'll figure it out.
42:57I've left him.
43:01I'm not a cop anymore.
43:03I'm not a cop.
43:05I'm not a cop.
43:07I'm not a cop.
43:08I'm not a cop anymore.
43:13Are you sure?
43:16I'm sure.
43:20It didn't seem right to me.
43:25There were a lot of things that worried me,
43:29that I've fought enough for.
43:33I dragged you into my darkness.
43:39You need light to see, right?
43:44But what would happen if it was all light?
43:48There would be no darkness.
43:51One cannot exist without the other.
43:58Like us.
44:08Like us.
44:38Like us.
44:39Like us.
44:40Like us.
44:41Like us.
44:42Like us.
44:43Like us.
44:44Like us.
44:45Like us.
44:46Like us.
44:47Like us.
44:48Like us.
44:49Like us.
44:50Like us.
44:51Like us.
44:52Like us.
44:53Like us.
44:54Like us.
44:55Like us.
44:56Like us.
44:57Like us.
44:58Like us.
44:59Like us.
45:00Like us.
45:01Like us.
45:02Like us.
45:03Like us.
45:04Like us.
45:05Like us.
45:06Like us.
45:07Like us.
45:08Like us.
45:09Like us.
45:10Like us.
45:11Like us.
45:12Like us.
45:13Like us.
45:14Like us.
45:15Like us.
45:16Like us.
45:17Like us.
45:18Like us.
45:19Like us.
45:20Like us.
45:21Like us.
45:22Like us.
45:23Like us.
45:24Like us.
45:25Like us.
45:26Like us.
45:27Like us.
45:28Like us.
45:29Like us.
45:30Like us.
45:31Like us.
45:32Like us.
45:33Like us.
45:34Like us.
45:35Like us.
45:36Like us.
45:37Like us.
45:38Like us.
45:39Like us.
45:40Like us.
45:41Like us.
45:42Like us.
45:43Like us.
45:44Like us.
45:45Like us.
45:46Like us.
45:47Like us.
45:48Like us.
45:49Like us.
45:50Like us.
45:51Like us.
45:52Like us.
45:53Like us.
45:54Like us.
45:55Like us.
45:56Like us.
45:57Like us.
45:58Like us.
45:59Like us.
46:00Like us.
46:01Like us.
46:02Like us.
46:03Like us.
46:04Like us.
