The Beast Slayer Story in English _ Stories for Teenagers _ @EnglishFairyTales

  • 2 weeks ago
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The Beast Slayer Story in English | Magic Boots and Beast Slayer Story
00:00Once upon a time, in a far-off land, there lived a poor potter and his wife.
00:15The old man would work very hard to make his pots.
00:19But since pots were very cheap, he would always return with very little money.
00:25The couple had two children who were both grown up.
00:29The son's name was Lionel.
00:32He was an extremely handsome young man, but was scared of even the smallest thing.
00:40His sister Lily was as pretty as a sunflower and was very kind.
00:46Their parents loved them both dearly.
00:50My sweet children, if only some luck came our way, they would live good lives.
00:57All in good time, my dear. Lily is so sweet. Something good will definitely come her way.
01:04And as for Lionel, well...
01:08Lionel, he has the name of a lion and the heart of a tiny little kitten.
01:16He isn't brave at all.
01:18What will that boy do?
01:22Do not worry about him.
01:24When the time is right, he will be the bravest of them all and will put every other lion to shame.
01:31Every other lion must already feel ashamed.
01:37On one beautiful day, Lily was out in the woods humming to all the pretty birds and animals.
01:44In that same wood, a kind wizard happened to be there.
01:49He saw Lily singing happily and immediately fell in love with her astounding beauty.
01:58Oh, what could be more charming than this beautiful forest? Oh!
02:05You, my fair lady, are the most charming I've ever laid eyes on.
02:11He presented Lily with a rose, and she fell in love with his gentle eyes.
02:17Lily brought the wizard to her house and told her parents that she wanted to marry the wizard.
02:24He is very kind and has promised to look after me well.
02:29But I will live very far away, and you will never be able to meet us.
02:36Her parents were astounded at this news, but they looked at their daughter's smile and gave her their blessings.
02:44Thank you for giving Lily to me. I promise that I will cherish her forever.
02:49Here, this is a parting gift for you.
02:53Goodbye, father, mother, and Lionel. I will come to visit you someday.
02:59And with a snap of his fingers, they disappeared in an instant.
03:05The family had now become very rich with the gifts given by the wizard.
03:10The potter and his wife were now happy, but over the days, Lionel started to miss his sister dreadfully.
03:17Oh, how I miss Lily! Now I have no one to fight with!
03:22Hm? What is this commotion about?
03:25He saw people crowding around a man who was selling something. Lionel tried to see what it was.
03:32Oof! What is it? What is it? Hm, only shoes and a key.
03:38Why is this crowd so excited to buy just these two silly things?
03:43Here, boy, these are not just things. These are magic boots and the magic key.
03:51Really? But they look so ordinary.
03:55Oh, they're not. The boots, when one wears them, will take that person wherever they wish to go.
04:03And the key will open up any closed door in the world.
04:08Then I want them. I will buy them from you. Here, will this be enough?
04:13This is aplenty.
04:17Lionel put the key in his pocket and wore the boots.
04:21Now let's see if these work. Magic boots, take me to where my sister is.
04:28And in a flash, he found himself standing right next to his sister and the wizard.
04:36Oh, hi! L-Lionel?
04:40Lily! Oh, Lily, I missed you so very much. My luck has brought me to you.
04:47But how did you get here?
04:51These boots brought me here. They are magical. Aren't they wonderful?
04:56Magical boots, I see. Well, why don't you stay with us?
05:03No, I only came to see if you were well and happy.
05:07And also, I am very excited to use these boots and see another land.
05:12I knew you didn't care about me so much.
05:17Well then, I would advise you to go to the Land of Crystals.
05:22I have heard the king is a very friendly man. He will definitely welcome you.
05:28Oh, yes. That land is indeed very beautiful.
05:33Go and see it, Lionel, and you won't regret going there.
05:36The Land of Crystals? Sounds good to me.
05:40Here, take this crystal ball with you.
05:44What is this for? And how does it work?
05:47You will find out when you really need it.
05:51Lionel said goodbye to them as he got ready to go.
05:55I wish to be in the Land of Crystals.
05:59And immediately he was standing in a beautiful land where the houses were adorned with crystals of every color.
06:07The men and women wore sparkling bright crystals in their hair and on their clothes.
06:12Wow, this is all so amazing.
06:15Everything I see shines so beautifully, I can't stop staring.
06:20And the people here look so happy.
06:22Well, I guess being surrounded by such beautiful things, who wouldn't be happy?
06:27Now, let me visit the king.
06:30Magic Boots, take me to the King of Crystals.
06:36Wow, am I already in the palace?
06:39It's even more amazing.
06:42Now, how do I find the...
06:45Who are you?
06:49And there sat the King of the Crystal Land, having his royal breakfast with his daughter, Ruby.
06:55The king was very shocked to see Lionel and stared at him in disbelief.
07:01Tell me, who are you and how have you entered my palace?
07:06I... I am Lionel, your majesty.
07:09I came upon some magic boots, heard about your wonderful kingdom, and well, now I stand here.
07:17Magic Boots, how do they work?
07:21Well, I just have to say the name of the place I want to go and voila, the boots take me there.
07:28The Crystal King was very interested in the boots.
07:32Why don't you join us for breakfast?
07:35This is my daughter, Ruby.
07:40On seeing Ruby, Lionel's heart melted as her beauty surpassed all other maidens he had ever met.
07:49I would be honored.
07:51Magic Boots, take me to the seat beside Ruby, the Princess of Crystal Land.
07:58Oh, they really are magic.
08:01How long have you been in my kingdom?
08:05I have been here for just a few minutes,
08:08but whatever I saw in those few minutes is more than I've ever seen in my whole life.
08:14The people here also seem very happy.
08:18I would be as happy as them as well, if only I wasn't getting old and also if my daughter would marry.
08:26I never said I wouldn't, I just said that I would only marry the man who managed to kill the beast.
08:33Beast? What beast?
08:37Well, the people of this land are indeed happy, but that is only until sundown.
08:45When evening arrives, every person must go inside as a beast comes to terrorize us all.
08:52No one knows where it lives or how to get rid of it.
08:56And I want to marry the man who finds out and succeeds.
09:02Now do you see why I'm so unhappy?
09:06A beast, huh? Is it fearsome?
09:10Very. The mere sight of it would make a man scream like a little mouse.
09:18And you won't marry any other type of brave man?
09:21What if he killed hairy spiders?
09:24Those I could kill with my little finger.
09:30Poor Lionel was so terrified at what Princess Ruby had said,
09:35but he had fallen deeply for her beauty and wanted to win her heart somehow.
09:42Fine, I will do it. I will defeat this horrible beast.
09:48What? Impossible.
09:50Didn't you hear me? No one knows where the beast lies.
09:56I will find out its lair. Trust me, my king. I will end this reign of terror for you.
10:03That evening as Lionel was getting ready to go, he wondered what he was going to do.
10:09What have I done? I have no clue what to do when I find the beast.
10:14Either ways, I'll see when I get to it. I must be brave.
10:19Magic boots, take me to where the beast resides.
10:23And the next second, Lionel found himself standing in front of a huge door deep in the forest.
10:30Behind him were long and thick vines hanging from a tree.
10:36A hidden door. No wonder no one could find its lair.
10:41He tried opening the door, but it was shut tight.
10:52This door won't budge. How do I… Wait, the key!
10:57And out from his pocket, he took out the magical key that would open any door.
11:03Oh, I hope you work. Please, please work!
11:09The door creaked and opened slowly to reveal a dark entrance.
11:14Now I will enter this cave and face the beast.
11:19Nothing will scare the great Lionel.
11:23I can do this.
11:26So Lionel took hold of his courage and entered the dark, gloomy cave.
11:32Inside, he snuck around quietly.
11:38No sign of the beast. Maybe it went out?
11:44Zip, zip, zip.
11:51And there he saw the beast sleeping soundly.
11:55It was very terrifying to look at it, and its snoring was so loud that all the things in the cave shook and trembled.
12:04Beast, I found it! Now I must find a way to finish it.
12:10Lionel went and stood closer to it.
12:13He bent a little lower to get a good look at it.
12:21The sound of the crack was loud enough to wake the mighty beast from his deep slumber.
12:26He awoke and looked at poor Lionel, who was so scared he couldn't move at all.
12:36Who are you? How dare you enter my cave and disturb my sleep?
12:42I'm Lionel, Lionel.
12:45The beast caught Lionel with its huge claws and put him in a giant cage.
12:51A silly little human has entered my cave. How did you find it? What sorcery have you used?
13:00Be brave, Lionel. Be strong.
13:04Well, you see, I have this magic crystal ball that allows me to see any place I desire.
13:14A magic crystal ball? That won't do you any good now that I've captured you.
13:23Lionel was wondering how to get himself freed. It seemed everything was over for him until a thought struck him.
13:32Great beast, how strong you look. But are you really as strong as they say? I am just a traveler and was curious to see.
13:43Strong? I am the strongest and mightiest that has ever walked the planet. No one would dare challenge me.
13:52You are lying. How can someone be so strong? Unless your power is fake.
13:58I possess real power, human. Unlike your fake shiny ball, my power comes from my heart that I have turned into a crystal and hidden it within the crystal cave of this land.
14:13A crystal cave? What is that?
14:16It is a cave full of strange and magical crystal shards. No human can enter it. And no one from this kingdom goes there anymore ever since I started to reign.
14:30Wow, you really are a very strong and brave beast.
14:35I am, aren't I? Well, that's enough chit-chat. I must go out and hunt now, for I am very, very hungry.
14:45Oh, don't worry. I will eat you later.
14:51The beast walked out of the cave and went to terrorize the people of the kingdom, leaving Lionel feeling very scared.
14:59Phew, thank goodness he's gone. He has told me enough to escape. Magic Boots, take me to the crystal cave.
15:06And as he opened his eyes, he saw he was in a beautiful dark hollow cave filled with small sparkly crystals.
15:14They were of so many colors and were so pretty that Lionel almost forgot why he had come there.
15:21No, I must focus. I have to find the beast's heart quickly. But how? There are so many crystals. Which one is the beast's heart?
15:32Suddenly, the crystal ball began to glow in his hands. He looked at it in wonder.
15:39Hmm, strange. It isn't showing me anythi-
15:45And as he looked at the crystals through the ball, one of them changed color.
15:51That must be it! That must be the beast's heart! I found it!
15:57He took the crystal and threw it to the ground.
15:59He took the crystal and threw it to the ground. It fell and smashed into a million pieces which disappeared.
16:15I've done it! Magic Boots, take me back to the King of the Land of Crystals!
16:23Oh, dear me! You always startle me when I'm eating.
16:27My King, Princess, I have done it! I have finished off the beast!
16:33Really? Have you really finished off the beast?
16:37Yes, Your Highness. You are free from its terror and your people will now be safe.
16:43Oh, how we must now rejoice! Thank you, my boy!
16:48But there is still one more thing that's left to make me extremely happy.
16:56Well, he did finish off the beast and as I promised, I will gladly marry you.
17:05And so the next day, a grand ceremony was held and the people rejoiced at the princess' marriage to the brave beast slayer.
17:15Well, Princess, I was brave, wasn't I?
17:19To kill a mighty beast like that? Yes, you are very brave.
17:24I am happy to have such a brave husband like you.
17:29And I am happy to have such a sweet and lovely…
17:32Ah! Spider!
