• last year
(Adnkronos) - "La rigenerazione Urbana è il presente e il futuro delle nostre città. Abbiamo quindi creato questo gruppo di lavoro all'interno del Consiglio Nazionale per capire e apportare buone pratiche in tema di rigenerazione urbana".


00:00What is the future of urban planning?
00:04The theme of urban regeneration is the present and the future of urban planning,
00:08and therefore of our cities.
00:11We have created this working group within the National Council,
00:15with councillors of the various territorial orders,
00:19and there are also members of the Census,
00:22because we have actually strengthened this synergy
00:25between the National Council and the National Center for Urban Studies,
00:29chaired by Professor Paolo Lagreca.
00:32The theme of urban regeneration
00:35is divided into two different work areas.
00:39One is to see the good practices,
00:42to have a relationship with those who make urban regeneration projects.
00:46I am thinking in particular of the municipalities.
00:49Not by chance, on April 22,
00:51President Perrini,
00:53together with the then National President of ANCI,
00:56the former mayor of Bari, Antonio De Caro,
00:59came up with a protocol on urban regeneration.
01:02The idea was born in Tuscany,
01:04because we also did it with ANCI Tuscany,
01:07with the president of ANCI Tuscany, Matteo Biffoni,
01:10and it was precisely to dialogue on the good practices
01:13of a correct planning and planning
01:16on the theme of urban regeneration.
01:18On the other hand, we also have to deal with regulations in this field.
01:23October 15 is the last date to present amendments to the unified text.
01:28The unified text was presented in the 8th Commission to the Senate on August 5
01:33and it is a text that is going to unify.
01:36An important effort has been made, we consider it precious,
01:40to unite the different texts that have been presented by the different political forces
01:45and actually go to produce what will then be the law on urban regeneration.
01:51In our opinion, we allow ourselves to give two important points.
01:54The first, when we talk about urban regeneration,
01:57this must be not only for the big cities,
02:00but also for the peculiarity of our national territory,
02:03to think about the villages, to think about the peripheries,
02:08even if this term is inappropriate, of the territory,
02:11and also about the medium-sized cities,
02:13because then that is the real Italian fabric.
02:16On the other hand, precisely because of the difficulty
02:18that small towns have in developing urban regeneration projects,
02:22we are thinking about why not create within the regions
02:26a team of technicians, of professionals,
02:29perhaps co-operated with the support of the professional orders,
02:33in order to help the work and give assistance to the RUP
02:37in all urban regeneration projects.
02:39These will be some of the proposals that we will present.
