• last year
(Adnkronos) - "Il Congresso nazionale degli ingegneri è un momento di confronto a livello nazionale delle professioni, così come sono state poi portate avanti sul territorio. Quindi gli ingegneri d'Italia, che siano nel pubblico o nel privato, nelle grandi aziende si confrontano e realizzano quelli che sono i programmi, i progetti per un loro contributo al sistema Paese". Lo dice all'Adnkronos/Labitalia Fabrizio Curcio, dirigente generale alla presidenza del Consiglio dei ministri, a margine del 68° Congresso nazionale degli ingegneri d’Italia, in corso a Siena fino a venerdì 4 ottobre.


00:00What is the value of the National Congress of Engineers and especially of the category of engineers for the country system?
00:12First of all, the National Congress is a moment of confrontation at the national level of the professions,
00:20as they have been carried out on the territory.
00:25The engineers of Italy, both in the public, in the private, in the professions and in the large companies,
00:30confront each other and carry out the programs and projects of their contribution to the country system.
00:37It is a fundamental contribution, the engineering, the technique, the technology is at the base of the choices,
00:42not only operational, but also political, of the country.
00:45So I believe that the contribution that the engineers can give to the country system is increasingly important,
00:51given also the technological level on which the world is moving,
00:57also in the new challenges, climate change, green, data exchange, computer science,
01:06everything smells of engineering, so I believe that the contribution will certainly be important.
01:11There are, on the part of young people, a new desire to approach this profession.
01:17There is still a problem with the registration at dawn, your requests.
01:23What would you say, what would you suggest to these young people?
01:26Is it still worth being an engineer?
01:29Certainly yes, maybe I'm the wrong person to ask this question.
01:34Certainly yes, because it is the important stimulus for growth.
01:40We have many young people, clearly engineering has changed radically,
01:44also compared to a few years ago.
01:47I remember when I approached the profession, engineers had a basic training,
01:51which was basically the same for everyone, and changed in the last 2-3 years.
01:56Now the settings are very different, society is very complex, much more complex,
02:01and therefore there are very specific, very vertical lines of specialization,
02:07in which a young person can be realized.
02:09The advice I give, however, is to never lose sight of the whole.
02:14Specialization is an important element, but then the important choices are made
02:18when one has a somewhat transversal vision.
