Mischief City 08A - Tick Tock Times Ten

  • il y a 2 semaines


00:00J'espère que vous avez apprécié cette vidéo, si c'est le cas n'hésitez pas à vous abonner pour ne manquer aucune de mes nouvelles vidéos !
00:30Yo ! Genius !
00:34Mister City !
00:43Mister City !
00:45Mister City !
01:15J'espère que vous avez apprécié cette vidéo, si c'est le cas n'hésitez pas à vous abonner pour ne manquer aucune de mes nouvelles vidéos !
01:45Yo ! Genius !
02:15Monster ball comin' through!
02:24Way to go, Winchel! Six deflections!
02:34Make that ten!
02:39Hey, Winch! Not too shab-a-roony for an amateur.
02:43Now, feast your eyes on some real talent!
02:50You may fire when ready!
03:10Houchi Mouchi!
03:12Double score for artistic impression!
03:16Alright, Maxine! No more messin' around! You guys are goin' down!
03:27Ou je devrais dire... en haut?
03:30Coop-coop! Coop-coop!
03:38Oh, désolé, Mr. Coo-coo! Vous allez bien?
03:42Bien? Bien? Vous vous foutez de moi?
03:45Depuis le début de temps, j'ai été coupé en haut!
03:48Mais regardez-moi maintenant!
03:50Coo-coo peut courir!
03:53Il peut sauter!
03:54Coo-coo peut danser!
03:58Coo-coo peut chanter!
04:02Hey, Gopal! Maintenant je sais pourquoi ils l'appellent Coo-coo!
04:06Ouais! Pourquoi?
04:09Qu'est-ce que vous attendez? Nous devons nous déplacer! Nous devons sortir de la rue!
04:15Vous ne savez pas l'heure?
04:18Eh bien, c'est un peu difficile à dire.
04:21C'est l'heure de la fête!
04:23Coo-coo! Coo-coo!
04:29Hey, Maxine! Qu'est-ce qui vous prend?
04:31Je suis juste un peu inquiète de ça.
04:35Oh, venez! C'est juste un vieux cloche!
04:39En plus, vous avez entendu ce que Coo-coo a dit? C'est l'heure de la fête!
04:48Hey, les gars! Alors, où est la fête?
04:50Et quel est l'occasion?
04:52And what's the occasion?
04:53Happy birthday !
04:56Cool! I didn't know it was your birthday!
04:59MY birthday? I thought it was YOUR birthday?
05:03Now it's your birthday!
05:05Hahaha! It's your birthday!!!
05:15Boy! Time really flies between birthdays around here.
05:30Ha! ha! ha!
05:31Coupe, coupe!
05:32Ce gars est vraiment plein de fruits.
05:34Parlant de Winch, je me sens tout de suite très...
05:38plein de quelque chose moi-même.
05:41Tes poches!
05:42Attention, Cubezy!
05:43Ces choses vont tomber!
05:49Oh! Oh! Oh!
05:51Tu vas bien?
05:53Je vais bien.
05:55Mais d'où vient tout cet argent?
05:58Coupe, coupe! C'est ton permis, bien sûr!
06:00Hey, je comprends.
06:02Normalement, je sors de l'argent
06:04et dois attendre jusqu'à la semaine prochaine.
06:06Mais maintenant...
06:07La semaine prochaine est cette semaine,
06:09et cette semaine est la semaine précédente!
06:11Cubezy, tout ça est très confus.
06:14En fait, c'est simple.
06:16We're all stinking rich!
06:23I'm rich! I'm really rich!
06:47Oh boy, oh boy, oh boy, oh boy!
06:49All this gallivanting is sure making me hungry.
06:52You can say that again, Palomino.
06:54All this gallivanting is sure making me hungry.
06:58Tell you what, guys.
06:59My screams are on me.
07:06Oh boy, oh boy, oh boy, oh boy!
07:08All this gallivanting is sure making me hungry.
07:11You can say that again, Palomino.
07:13All this gallivanting is sure making me hungry.
07:16Holy Kalahachi! Look at the line!
07:19This could take all day!
07:26Winch, I'm starting to think that Turbo Time
07:29has a few teensy-weensy drawbacks.
07:31Like what?
07:32Well, like, there's no time to enjoy anything,
07:35and you're covered in dirt.
07:38Hey, so are you.
07:40We're all draggly.
07:42But I just had a bath last night.
07:45Only last night was last week.
07:48Or last month.
07:50Or last year.
07:52Quick, in here!
07:59Much better.
08:02Hoochie moochie, Winch! We can't shake it!
08:05Come on, Maxine.
08:07There's a cuckoo we need to talk to.
08:16Maxine, the only way to slow things down
08:19is to put a certain bird back where he belongs.
08:23No problemo, Winch.
08:27Ah, Mr. Cuckoo, sir, a minute of your time.
08:30A minute, a second, an hour?
08:32Sure, sure, sure! It doesn't matter.
08:34Time is on my side.
08:36Time out, time in, time going crazy!
08:40Well, uh, we kind of need you to go back up there.
08:44Up there? Up where? Who me? Couldn't be.
08:47But, Cuckoo, it's your job.
08:49You've got to watch the clock.
08:51No more watching the clock.
08:53No more punching the clock.
08:55No more beating the clock.
08:57Cuckoo needs action. Cuckoo needs speed.
08:59Cuckoo needs a new treehouse.
09:05Now that's what Cuckoo's talking about!
09:09Don't you see, Maxine?
09:11Our fast friend here needs a fast pad.
09:13And I know just where to get one.
09:18What do you think?
09:20It's lavish! It's luxurious!
09:22It's splendiferous! It's...
09:31Cuckoo! Cuckoo!
09:34Time to cut the grass.
09:36Look at all those weeds.
09:38Uh, oh dear. Well, uh...
09:41And those windows are covered with sludge.
09:44Oh my. Cuckoo didn't, uh...
10:01Forget it. You can do that later.
10:04Right now, you've got to get ready.
10:06It's about time.
10:08This place is a mess.
10:10That's right. You have guests to consider.
10:13Guests? But Cuckoo, uh...
10:16can't have a new treehouse without a treehouse-warming party.
10:20Sheesh. Where are his manners?
10:23Uh-huh. And what about food?
10:27Your guests need to eat, you know.
10:29First, you need water.
10:31Then, you need groceries.
10:35And now you need to get cooking.
10:38Not so fast.
10:41Cousin Cuckoo has to babysit.
10:43Don't you think the babies should eat first, Cousin Cuckoo?
10:46Aw, twins. Aren't they adorable?
10:50This can't be! It's weird! It's wacky! It's out of control!
10:55Why, whatever do you mean?
10:58Groceries? Recipes? Babies?
11:01It's all happening too fast! It's completely...
11:12Now that's better. Cuckoo-like.
11:16Nice going, Winch.
11:18I think we managed to return things to normal.
11:21Well, close anyway.
11:28Ha! Ha! Ha!
11:58To be continued...
12:28Subtitling TITRAFILM
