Picture Composition

  • 2 weeks ago
00:00Hello everyone, today we are going to learn how to write a picture composition.
00:10Look at these beautiful pictures, aren't they pretty?
00:15Oh yes, they are.
00:18And if you look at them carefully, every picture is trying to say something.
00:25I feel they are asking us to write about them.
00:30What do you say?
00:32Yes, so let's get going.
00:36In this video, we are going to learn how to write a picture composition.
00:41But before we move ahead, let us first know what a picture composition is.
00:49A picture composition is a description of a picture, that is, we are going to write
00:57a paragraph about what all we can see in the given picture.
01:04A picture composition involves writing sentences based on a given picture.
01:11That means you will have a picture in front of you, you have to write sentences based
01:17on what you can see there.
01:21A picture composition requires the writer to carefully observe the given picture and
01:28describe it in the form of a composition, that is, a paragraph having meaningful sentences.
01:38Now let us learn the steps to write a picture composition or how to write a picture composition.
01:48First of all, carefully observe the picture.
01:55Observe the things or actions you can see there.
02:00Note down your observations as points in a logical order, that is, an order in which
02:08you feel the things are happening over there.
02:13Imagine the scene and try to frame sentences.
02:18Select a suitable title based on the imaginary theme you have made for the picture.
02:26Write the title at the top of the paragraph as a heading.
02:32Look at this picture.
02:34What is it depicting?
02:37It is depicting a sunrise.
02:40So think of a beautiful title for it.
02:44Yes, a beautiful sunrise can be a suitable title, but then you can choose a title on
02:53your own too.
02:55Once the title part is done, now we have to start framing sentences to form a paragraph.
03:04Begin the paragraph a little away from the margin.
03:11Write all the sentences in the paragraph following a logical sequence or order.
03:17Do not write individual sentences.
03:21Try to incorporate all your observations in the paragraph.
03:27That means try to write everything that you can see in the picture.
03:33Always remember to frame the sentences in present tense.
03:39Remember, keen observation is the key to write a picture composition.
03:47Pictures are always fascinating and every picture has something to tell us about itself.
03:55So now let us pick one picture here and see what it is trying to tell us.
04:01So here we go.
04:04What a beautiful scene!
04:08Let us now see what this picture is trying to tell us about itself.
04:16Observe the picture very very carefully and jot down what all you can find here.
04:25Now it is time for us to jot down our observations.
04:31Well, before we move ahead, just have a look at the picture.
04:35What do you think it is trying to depict?
04:38Yes, it is a picnic scene.
04:42So the theme of this picture here is picnic.
04:45Well, what else can you see?
04:49I can see two trees here.
04:52There are plants also.
04:56And there is lush green grass here.
05:00Alright, what else can we see?
05:03Oh, there are many children here.
05:05Let us count them.
05:06One, two, three, four, five, six.
05:10Oh, there are how many here?
05:14I can see eight children here.
05:20There is a chef too.
05:21Oh, that man, he is cooking something.
05:25There is a boy standing there and he is keenly watching what the chef is cooking.
05:31There is a pink colour mat here.
05:36On the mat, I can see some tempting things too.
05:39There is a basket, I am sure it is full of food, jug, plate and a glass too.
05:49I can see some clouds also up in the sky.
05:55And not to forget, there is a boy standing behind the plants.
06:00I think he is trying to hide out there.
06:03What do you say?
06:05If you can find something else too, just jot it down.
06:10Well, now we have jotted down all our observations.
06:16And I am sure based on these observations, we will be able to write a picture composition.
06:24Here I have written the picture composition for all of you to have a look.
06:29Just go through it once with me and I am sure you will be able to write your own picture
06:36To start with, we always have to give a suitable title to the picture composition.
06:43And here the title is Picnic.
06:48Start writing your paragraph a little away from the margin.
06:53And here my picture composition is.
06:57Let me read it out for you all.
06:59Children are out for a picnic.
07:02It is a beautiful place.
07:05There are two coconut trees and a few plants.
07:10Flash green grass is all around.
07:14There are seven children enjoying themselves and one is hiding somewhere.
07:22There is a chef cooking for them and a boy is learning how to cook.
07:28They have put a big tent for themselves.
07:32A mat is spread out with a basket, glass, plate and a jug on it.
07:39Clouds are also there in the sky.
07:44Children are eagerly waiting to eat.
07:48One boy is hiding behind the plants and I am sure he is trying to play around with his
07:56I think the children are having a lovely time.
08:01So this is how you all can frame your own sentences and compose a paragraph out of it.
08:10I am sure by now you all know how to write a picture composition and must be eagerly
08:18waiting to write one on your own.
08:21So for you, I have a picture here.
08:24You have to observe this picture and the best part is I have given a few hints also here
08:31in the picture.
08:33Use them as your observations and frame sentences to write a picture composition on your own.
08:42And do not forget to read out your own picture composition.
08:46Believe me, it is going to be great fun.
08:51Remember, imagination is the key to become a successful writer and you never know, many
08:59among you only will become successful writers in future.
09:04Alright, bye for now.
09:07See you soon for the next class.