00:00hi friends today we will learn and revise the use of comma so let's start
00:08usage of comma when we list three or more than three things we use comma to
00:16separate initial words and is used to separate the last word in the series for
00:25example cricket comma football comma tennis and basketball are some of the
00:34most popular games so we have separated the first things in the list using comma
00:42and the last one is separated by using and
00:48Lisa comma Sophie comma Rhea and Tia are my best friends here again the list of
00:59four names first three are separated by using comma and last one separated by
01:07using and now let's have another usage of comma we do use commas after words
01:16like yes no well of course by the way etc when these words are used to start a
01:27sentence for example yes comma I want to join the army for serving my country no
01:38comma I am NOT aware of the schedule of cricket tournament of course comma I will
01:48join you people for the party tonight yes comma I will have soup no comma I
01:58don't want to join cricket Academy so we have learned about three places where we
02:06use comma now let's check our knowledge here is a sample sentence and we have to
02:14see where we can put comma in this sentence I have just so many friends
02:21Rhea and Tia and Olivia and Bolivia is it correct no the sentence is not
02:30correct it will be corrected by the use of comma we cannot place and so many
02:39times when we have to mention a list of three or more things we use need comma
02:46to separate all words except for the last word so this sentence should be I
02:54have just so many friends Rhea comma Tia comma Olivia and Bolivia now it's
03:03correct we use comma to correct first three names in the list and last one is
03:10separated by the use of and now here we have another sentence and we have to
03:18find mistakes in this sentence yes I too will come along with you for a walk
03:25now what's the mistake in this sentence we need to put a comma after yes now it
03:35is correct yes comma I too will come along with you for a walk whenever a
03:44sentence begins with yes no well of course similarly etc we need to put a
03:53comma after it here we have another sentence of course I will come to your
04:00birthday party now what's missing in this sentence we need to put a comma
04:07after of course so this sentence should be of course comma I will come to your
04:16birthday party now here we have another sentence we will be buying biscuits and
04:26noodles and pizzas and juices for the picnic now what's wrong in this sentence
04:34it's the placement of and is wrong in this sentence we can't place and so many
04:43times when we have to mention a list of things then we have to separate the
04:49first thing in the list by the use of comma and the last one is separated by
04:55the use of and so it should be we will be buying biscuits comma noodles comma
05:06pizzas and juices for the picnic now let's see another usage of comma we also
05:16use comma to separate the name of some person if the sentence is starting with
05:23the name for example Sam comma please come here trivia comma you're looking
05:34extremely gorgeous so friends you have to separate the name if you are
05:40beginning the sentence with a name now let's have some more examples of such
05:47kind mr. John comma please clear your do mr. Matthew comma your child is waiting
05:58for you outside the school Janelia comma your dress is looking extremely pretty
06:07so friends today we learned some rules about usage of comma now you may go
06:14ahead and take a quiz to learn more bye-bye