• il y a 3 semaines
00:00Cool ! Lance, we gotta go to this, man !
00:09So, Doyle, what kind of games will you be playing ?
00:11Only the classics. And something I developed myself. A real mind blower.
00:16Is it food free ?
00:28Hey !
00:33Yes ?
00:36I was thinking maybe we could spend the evening together for a change.
00:39We could rent a movie, make popcorn...
00:42It's Saturday, no homework, no...
00:44Plans, right ? Callie has no plans, therefore you and Annie haven't made up yet.
00:48And so obviously, you have no life. Unlike me, who happens to have plans and a life.
00:54So, what's your big plan ?
00:57Oh, I'm just going to this gamers' night that Doyle is throwing.
01:01Oh, Lance, hot ticket, really.
01:04You should come. I mean, it's not like you have anything better to do.
01:07I don't think so. Not in my lifetime.
01:19Cool !
01:24You're going to love this.
01:28Burning flesh. Now that could hurt.
01:37What just happened here ?
01:54It's all the comic's fault.
02:03We can't let any of this happen.
02:11Just don't go, okay ? We know that.
02:13I know, I know.
02:14I know, I know.
02:15I know, I know.
02:16I know, I know.
02:17I know, I know.
02:18I know, I know.
02:19I know, I know.
02:20I know, I know.
02:21I know, I know.
02:22Just don't go, okay ?
02:23We know there's some weird connection between Gamers' Cave and the comic.
02:26And you've always said that that weird pet shop and its owner are the comic counterparts to Doyle and Gamers' Cave.
02:32So just why are you doing this ?
02:33Why 10th 8th ?
02:35Do you really want to go there tonight and end up with that sign branded into your forehead ?
02:39Just stay home.
02:41Please ?
02:44Have you finished ?
02:47Boy, you really hate being alone on a Saturday night.
02:55So it didn't work, that's okay.
02:58Nothing ventured, nothing gained.
03:00Don't look at me like that.
03:02At least we made the attempt.
03:04I know you blame me, but it's not like I haven't tried to put things right.
03:08Besides, it could be worse.
03:13Think about it.
03:23Hi Annie.
03:25Oh, hi Mrs. Drew, is Annie there ?
03:29Oh, Kathleen's party, yeah.
03:32I totally forgot.
03:35No, that's fine, thanks.
03:53Lance, you gotta see this !
04:00Hey, great, you came.
04:02Only cause I thought you might be here.
04:04Seems I was right, cause here you are and here I am.
04:10Hey Sage.
04:14Uh, thanks.
04:17Hey, what's up ?
04:20Uh, thanks.
04:25I have to show you something.
04:26Callie, this is so not good timing.
04:29Okay, look at this.
04:31Uh, thanks.
04:34Look, snakes, your favorite.
04:37So ?
04:38So, maybe you should just rethink this little party, Lance.
04:42Welcome gamers.
04:44Are you ready to play ?
04:53You know, you being here, that is so cool.
04:57Because some of these games, like D&D and Black Challenge and Alien Allies,
05:01those can be very tricky games.
05:03I mean, some of them have thousand page manuals.
05:05Can we get started ?
05:07Are you in the circle or not ?
05:09Cause once you are in the circle, it can't be broken.
05:12I was just leaving.
05:13Your choice.
05:15Come on, stay.
05:17It'll be fun.
05:20Okay, that's cool.
05:27Shall we begin ?
05:29You are all here because you are serious about the world of fantasy.
05:34The world of the unexplained.
05:37The world of the unknown.
05:38The world of fantasy.
05:40The world of the unexplained.
05:43The world of games.
05:50And the world of games is essentially about the power of the mind.
05:56We'll start with the classic.
05:58Dungeons and Dragons.
06:01Are we ready ?
06:02Are we centered ?
06:04Everyone has their character sheets ?
06:08Then let us begin.
06:18You've climbed the stairs of the Tower of Terror and you're faced with three doors.
06:23One with the symbol of a snake.
06:25One with the symbol of a mouse.
06:27And one with the sliver of a quarter moon.
06:31Which one do you choose ?
06:39Your work approaches, swinging his powerful two-handed battle axe.
06:44Do you flee or do you fight ?
06:47I'm going to...
06:51I'm going to fight.
06:53You want to use my axe ?
06:55He has to use his own weapon, Sage.
07:09You roll to your knees, dodging the orc's attack and come up with your sword.
07:13Your aim is true and the orc falls to the ground.
07:19Yes !
07:32It's your turn, Sage.
07:35I guess I'm attacking that guy.
07:39The orc lord.
07:41And I'm using my...
07:44I don't know.
07:46You work in this store and you don't know.
07:50So, can I use my axe thingy now ?
07:55Axe of mighty fire.
07:57Yeah, that.
07:59Lance, your move.
08:01Okay, so...
08:03I'm going to use my sword of eternity.
08:08And my shield of Thor.
08:10That'll never work.
08:29Double damage.
08:31Yes ! Pure luck.
08:34You are victorious.
08:36You're good. He's good.
08:38He's very good.
08:45Now, I have one final game.
08:49One I have developed myself.
08:52So, what is it ?
08:54It's a game of the mind.
08:58The human mind knows no boundaries.
09:01It's capable of amazing things beyond your immediate comprehension.
09:08Think of your mind as a bird flying free.
09:12Concentrate on its flight and join in its freedom.
09:16Think for a moment.
09:19What are you hiding from yourselves ?
09:22Are you ordinary or extraordinary ?
09:25Do you have power ?
09:27Do you not ?
09:30Do you think outside the box or are you ruled by cliché ?
09:35It's time to find out.
09:41Now, listen carefully.
09:43Don't write a thing until I say.
09:46Just do what the cards ask you to do using only your mind.
09:50You'll be overwhelmed by the result, I promise.
09:53Come on, man. What is this ?
09:55How much is 15 plus 6 ?
09:57Flashcards ? So cool.
09:59I'm like transported back to Miss Harper's classroom in grade 2.
10:03Please, just do the math.
10:05Oh, 11.
10:07No, no, no. 21.
10:09I said do it in your mind.
10:11That means not out loud ?
10:13Are we supposed to remember all these numbers ?
10:1763 plus 32.
10:20I can't do the Karen in my head, man.
10:233 plus 56. Do it in your mind.
10:2675 plus 26.
10:2989 plus 2.
10:3112 plus 53.
10:3325 plus 52.
10:35163 plus 33.
10:37Plus 5. Concentrate.
10:39104 plus 8.
10:436 plus 10.
10:44230 plus 7.
10:47Think about a tool and a color.
10:50Write down your choice.
11:06That's all ?
11:15Pass the flame.
11:17Hand to hand.
11:19Around the circle.
11:21And seal our passage of the mind.
11:29I will now tell you what you have just written.
11:45No, I am not a mind reader.
11:4898% of people in this room, no, in the English speaking world, would in fact answer red hammer.
11:56Only 2% wouldn't.
11:58And that 2% have a different mind.
12:01A special gift.
12:05Reveal what you wrote.
12:15Well ?
12:22Purple pliers.
12:25Good one, Lance.
12:32The evening is over.
12:34I am going to bed.
12:36Good night.
12:38Good night.
12:44I don't believe it.
12:46We are not special.
12:48Too bad, so sad.
12:50I was going to say something about screwdrivers, but whoosh, red hammer just flew out of my brain and onto the paper.
12:56Yeah man, purple pliers, that is amazing.
12:59Boo, Mr. 2%.
13:03Hey Doyle.
13:07Yeah, yeah, thanks man.
13:09Wow, isn't that Callie's bag ?
13:42Possible recruit has been found.
13:50Lance !
13:54I gotta go anyway, bye.
14:01What ?
14:03I forgot my knapsack.
14:06Is the comic still there ?
14:07Yeah, it's still there.
14:09And I was busy there with Sage, but hey, thanks for interrupting.
14:12Not a problem.
14:14Lance, can I talk to you ?
14:16There's something I want to discuss.
14:18Don't. Remember the comic, remember the snake.
14:20Look, I agree with you, okay, but I think gamers might have something to do with the comic, and I think Doyle might know something.
14:26And if that's true, now's the time for me to find something out.
14:29Fine, but I'm coming with you.
14:31I need to talk to you alone.
14:34If you're not home in an hour, I'm coming to get you.
14:37Okay, Mom.
14:41Hey, hey !
14:43Cal, what's up ?
14:45So, what's on your mind ?
14:47What did you want to discuss ?
14:49The truth.
14:51The truth ?
14:53Awesome, because you know you can tell me, I mean, it's safe with me.
14:56I would hope so.
14:58You know, it's early, it's Saturday night.
15:01We could go hang out at Kathleen's party.
15:04What ?
15:06Is this something I said ? It's mean.
15:09It's not you, it is. Just, never mind.
15:15You didn't get invited ?
15:17I mean, even I got invited.
15:20Look, Cal, I could care less about the party.
15:23Because I would rather, like a hundred times rather, spend time with you.
15:33It's their loss, Cal.
15:35They don't know what they're missing.
15:40Do you want to run a movie or something ?
15:43Yeah, yeah, sure.
15:46You know, you should have stayed, it was crazy, crazy.
15:50This is Lance Stone.
15:52Hey, how's it going ?
15:55Lance exhibited great intuition skills tonight.
15:59His amazing potential, part of the 2%.
16:06I asked you to stay,
16:08because there's recently been a space left in our, shall we say, exclusive little club.
16:13A former member got slightly out of hand.
16:16Ours is an elite group.
16:19Of what ?
16:27Hey, isn't that the coolest thing ? You and me, Red Hammer, we think alike.
16:31Yeah, it is only you and I and 98% of the entire English speaking world.
16:37Hey, do you have popcorn ?
16:40Yeah, I'll do it.
16:42No, no, no, hey, no.
16:44I'm the man here.
16:46The district can do popcorn.
17:02It's all in the little touches.
17:05That's what girls like.
17:09Hey, oh, oh, sorry, sorry.
17:12I have to go, we have no pop, okay ?
17:16Just start the movie without me.
17:20Well, that's cool, just don't be...
17:22I'm sorry.
17:24I'm sorry.
17:26I'm sorry.
17:28I'm sorry.
17:29Just don't be...
17:35We dabble in much more interesting things than simply communicating with the dead.
17:39Mostly, we're interested in divining methods of protection against the evil forces of decay and degeneration.
17:46We search for the power to give.
17:48And sustain life.
17:50You see ? Good choice.
17:53We'd like to offer you the chance to join our group.
17:57But, if you're interested at all...
18:00First, you have to pass a little test.
18:11Is this gonna take long ? Because...
18:16Are those air holes ?
18:19Before we start with the test, I have some questions I need to ask you.
18:25There'll be time for questions later.
18:29Actually, I think it would be better now.
18:32Look, I wanna know more about...
18:34About what ?
18:36About Dark Oracle, it's a comic book.
18:38Comic ? What comic ? Who's talking about comics ?
18:41There's more to this story than comics, this is serious stuff we're doing here.
18:45Are you with us ?
18:46Are you with us or not ?
18:49I want the truth, I want answers.
18:52Neophytes don't deserve answers, they learn before they dare to question.
18:57That's crap, you won't answer my questions because you don't have any answers.
19:01I have more answers than you do.
19:03Relax, I just need to know if you have anything to do with that weird comic that keeps showing up.
19:13Oh no, not now.
19:17Silence, fool, silence !
19:22Lance !
19:25It's up to you to choose.
19:27One container holds an object of great value,
19:31and the other is something less pleasant.
19:37Not so fast.
19:39I'll give you all the answers you want,
19:42but first you have to prove yourself.
19:44Can you tell the difference between the serpent and the mouse ?
19:48Of course I can.
19:50Even with a slight handicap.
19:54Hey, wait !
19:59So Lance,
20:01without the benefit of sight,
20:03do you have the power to sense which container contains the prize ?
20:14If you are the true chosen, your mind will tell you.
20:45You're nothing, pretender.
20:48I have more power than you.
20:51I did it.
20:53I do have power.
20:55I knew which one to choose at the last minute I knew.
20:58You're a sham !
21:00So you think you have power, do you ?
21:03You neophytes are all the same.
21:05I'll show you what real power is.
21:15Lance !
21:18Vas-y !
21:21Arrête-le !
21:34Oh, mon Dieu !
21:36Regarde le temps !
21:38Je t'avais dit que tu n'étais pas capable de le faire.
21:41Je ne suis pas capable.
21:42Oh, mon Dieu ! Regarde le temps !
21:44J'ai dit à ma mère que je serais à la maison il y a une heure.
21:47On va l'obtenir.
21:49Lance, attends.
21:51C'était vraiment une bonne fête, les gars.
21:54C'était amusant, mais je dois...
22:01Attends ! Qu'est-ce qui s'est passé ?
22:03Je te le dirai plus tard.
22:05Allez !
22:13Je ne pense pas que Doyle sache de quoi il parle.
22:15Et si il meurt, il ne va pas en parler.
22:17Et je ne comprends pas.
22:19Qu'est-ce qui s'est passé là-bas ?
22:21Ça s'est arrêté, comment ?
22:23Je ne l'ai pas arrêté, t'as vu ?
22:25Je ne sais pas, je ne crois pas.
22:27Peut-être qu'il y a quelque chose à ce sujet dans le comics.
22:32Le couvercle s'est cassé.
22:34Peut-être que c'est ce qui l'a arrêté.
22:36Je ne crois pas.
22:38Ça ne peut pas juste être random.
22:42Qu'est-ce qui se passe ?
