• last month
00:00:00It's a cold November morning in 2005.
00:00:15The administrator of the largest UFO community online is drinking a hot coffee while checking
00:00:21the emails on his entry tray.
00:00:24The wind roars out of the window like a sinister omen.
00:00:28An email stands out among all.
00:00:32First, let me introduce myself.
00:00:34My name is Anonimo.
00:00:35I am a retired employee of the US government.
00:00:39I will not go into detail about my past, but I was involved in a special program.
00:00:46The atonic administrator seems naively curious, not realizing that he is looking at highly
00:00:53classified information about all the US government agencies that contain the truth
00:00:58about the last 50 years of American history, such as the events that followed the disastrous
00:01:04incident of Roswell, events that would have led the US government to make a deal with
00:01:09aliens in an unthinkable program of interplanetary exchange.
00:01:16Serpo project, covering the truth behind the 10-year secret mission to an extraterrestrial
00:01:261965, US Air Force Non-Specified Base.
00:01:34A soldier accompanies the colonel inside the base.
00:01:37The silence is deafening.
00:01:39The colonel himself had seen many security structures, but never one like this.
00:01:44The surveillance measures included cameras in each corner, metal detectors and armed
00:01:51At this point, the two arrive at an elevator.
00:01:54Upon entering, the colonel cannot fail to notice the absence of buttons on the wall.
00:02:00The doors close and the soldier leaves after saying goodbye to his superior.
00:02:05The elevator descends several floors below the ground.
00:02:10The doors open.
00:02:11Another young soldier welcomes him.
00:02:13The department to which he belongs is written on his plate.
00:02:16Special Investigation Office of the Air Force.
00:02:21The colonel is accompanied to the meeting room where there are already 11 people present.
00:02:26The files are placed in front of each station and a TV is placed on the wall of the room,
00:02:32ready to transmit a message.
00:02:34Most of those present are soldiers of the Air Force, a couple of the Navy and a few others
00:02:40of the Army to judge by their uniforms.
00:02:43Another figure enters the room, a major of the Air Force who indicates to those present
00:02:48the maximum classification and confidentiality of the information he is about to reveal.
00:02:56Less than 60 people in the world know this information.
00:03:00If he shares what he is about to know today with someone unauthorized, he will be accused
00:03:05of high treason.
00:03:09Those present have been carefully selected among hundreds of candidates for being outstanding
00:03:14exponents of the Air Force of the United States and the Defense Intelligence Agency
00:03:19under strict directives of President Kennedy.
00:03:23These military organizations require essential characteristics for each member.
00:03:31Each candidate must belong to a military corps, not necessarily to the Air Force.
00:03:37Each candidate must have a career of at least four years.
00:03:42Each candidate must not have family ties.
00:03:45Orphan candidates will be given priority.
00:03:49The mission requires an extremely high level of discipline, so the subjects must be chosen
00:03:54according to their actions in past missions.
00:03:59With these directives, a voluntary announcement is issued for an unspecified mission.
00:04:05Of the numerous candidates and volunteers, the election falls into 12 elements.
00:04:10The mission commander number 102, the assistant commander number 203, the pilot number 225,
00:04:20the pilot number 308, linguist number 420, linguist number 475, biologist number 518,
00:04:33doctor number 633, scientist number 661, doctor number 700, doctor number 754, and security number 899.
00:04:51In the meeting room, the screening begins.
00:04:53The film opens with a clear message for all those present, a warning of non-disclosure
00:04:59under arrest warrant.
00:05:03The film was extracted from an old movie.
00:05:10The first images show what appears to be a take of the starry sky in the desert.
00:05:15Suddenly, a superimposed writing appears, leaving everyone present in shock.
00:05:211947, Roswell, New Mexico.
00:05:25First contact.
00:05:29The images shown are quite ruined, but you can see an object in the shape of a disk
00:05:34on the ground.
00:05:35Then, a small humanoid figure emerges from the rubble.
00:05:41The creature is described as very similar to the aliens of science fiction.
00:05:46A slender, low-stature gray body, with a disproportionately large head, and equally
00:05:52large black eyes, like the Brea.
00:05:56The military defined this creature with the acronym EBE-1, extraterrestrial biological entity
00:06:03number 1.
00:06:06According to the documents and the video, EBE-1 is the only survivor of the disaster.
00:06:12That night, five more bodies were extracted from the remains of the flying saucer.
00:06:17Alternating with the shocking images of Roswell, additional images of 1949 of a nearby area
00:06:24are shown.
00:06:25It seems that a second UFO crashed and the government has kept the matter extremely confidential.
00:06:32According to official reports, in this incident no way of life managed to survive.
00:06:38Of the rubble of the two vehicles that had fallen in the desert, later
00:06:42part of the on-board equipment is recovered.
00:06:45Needless to say, it is a considerably more advanced technology than that of the Earth.
00:06:51EBE-1 is escorted to the military base of Los Alamos, where according to the records,
00:06:56not only lived until 1952, but it seemed to have formed a communication relationship
00:07:02with the scientists.
00:07:05The dossier recounts how EBE-1 did not speak through the use of words, but through variations
00:07:11tonal, an almost harmonic communication described as a sharp singing.
00:07:17Only after numerous attempts, real communication took place.
00:07:24The entity affirms two things, that it is a simple driver, and that it is not the first
00:07:29traveler of its kind.
00:07:32The route to our planet is very popular, since its species has already been visiting the Earth
00:07:37for thousands of years.
00:07:40At this point, the scientists call the EBE-1 race, the Evens.
00:07:46EBE-1 explains that among the debris they have recovered, there is also a precious
00:07:52communication device, and the two parts reach an agreement.
00:07:57The entity provides humans with technology and knowledge in exchange for the means to
00:08:02repair the device and re-contact those of its species.
00:08:07EBE-1 tries to get in touch with its home planet several times, but always without success.
00:08:15The reports refer to the mysterious planet as Serpo, located in the constellation Zeta
00:08:20Reticuli, approximately 40 light years from Earth.
00:08:25The name of that constellation is familiar to everyone present.
00:08:29The constellation itself is, in fact, mentioned in a second case of direct extraterrestrial contact.
00:08:36The military cannot convert the technology recovered.
00:08:40All they have is the communicator belonging to EBE-1, also thanks to the absolute secret
00:08:46of discovery.
00:08:48The attempts to communicate with Serpo did not seem to work when, in 1952, they successfully
00:08:55connected the communication device with the spacecraft's power supply.
00:09:01This finally allowed the development of a stable communication channel.
00:09:04There are a total of six messages successfully sent.
00:09:10The answers received are fully understandable only for EBE-1, and partially translated
00:09:21by it.
00:09:22None of the messages received refers to the exchange program, but only to rescue directives
00:09:27and the date of the encounter between Terricolas and the Evens.
00:09:31Unfortunately, EBE-1 dies in the summer of 1952, and from that day on, communications
00:09:39with Serpo were cut off until three years later.
00:09:42Scientists persist in trying to establish a peaceful relationship for a visit to the
00:09:47Earth of the Evens.
00:09:50It turns out that the desire for a new visit and the establishment of a diplomatic relationship
00:09:55is mutual.
00:09:56Especially because the agent of Z-Reticuli has expressed his will to recover the remains
00:10:02of his fallen companions.
00:10:05The meeting would be held in great secrecy, far from indiscreet gazes, at the White Sands
00:10:11Missile Range in New Mexico on April 24, 1964.
00:10:19What the Major says to those present in the room may seem strange and excessive, but
00:10:24it is the practice for missions of absolute secrecy.
00:10:28Each participant in the mission would no longer be traceable from any record.
00:10:33Their identity would be dissolved and replaced with a three-digit number.
00:10:39The record and bank records would have been censored, turning the participants into
00:10:45real ghosts.
00:10:47This operation is called Ship Deep.
00:10:50They had just officially become members of the Crystal Knight project.
00:11:02White Sands Missile Range, New Mexico, April 24, 1964.
00:11:10A pair of unidentified flying objects enter the Earth's atmosphere.
00:11:15They are not flying saucers similar to those found in accident sites.
00:11:20Their dimensions are much larger.
00:11:22To welcome the visitors, there is a group of 16 high-ranking government and military officials,
00:11:29whose identity remains a mystery despite the assumption that the meeting is being filmed
00:11:34and documented.
00:11:36A large number of Evans descend from the aircraft, with some technological discoveries
00:11:42of their home planet, as a gift to the Earth.
00:11:46Among the visitors, Evans highlights a figure recognized as a woman, nicknamed EBE-2.
00:11:53She does not need any translation device, as she can understand and speak English.
00:11:59EBE-2 shows the attendees a strange object, a 5-centimeter-thick transparent rectangle
00:12:07composed of an unknown material.
00:12:10The entity, looking at the transparent plate, causes its activation and suddenly images
00:12:16of the universe and words appear.
00:12:19This object is later called the Yellow Book.
00:12:23This artifact details parts of our universe, such as planets, stars, and even the Serpent itself.
00:12:31The most shocking thing is that it describes the relationship between the Evans and humans
00:12:35throughout history and human evolution.
00:12:39EBE-2 continues the diplomatic meeting, explaining the disposition of the beings to postpone
00:12:45the date of the exchange with humans, and that for this first meeting,
00:12:49they only wanted to recover the bodies of their deceased comrades.
00:12:54A total of nine bodies have been preserved cryogenically and are being delivered,
00:12:59four of which have undergone autopsies.
00:13:03The parties agreed to set a new date and place for the exchange program,
00:13:09July 15, 1965, in the northern section of the Nevada Test Site.
00:13:24Each member of the team, in addition to having to participate in numerous medical tests,
00:13:29must face the positive attitude test.
00:13:32A very common psychological test for both pilots and special forces personnel.
00:13:39The team must endure extreme physical and psychological training.
00:13:45During a test, each member is locked in a 5 by 7-foot box,
00:13:50buried two meters underground for five days with only food and water,
00:13:55without contact with anyone else, and in total darkness.
00:14:02During this training period, the team participates in numerous theoretical lessons
00:14:07and study sessions on information known to the Evans, such as their anatomy and language.
00:14:15Other theoretical lessons refer to the introduction to stellar exploration and astronomy,
00:14:21the identification of stars by technological means, and the study of basic astrophysics.
00:14:28Anonymous reports that among these notions, there are also basic instructions
00:14:33to allow a pilot to fly small Evan spacecraft, such as the ones that crashed in New Mexico.
00:14:42The training is diversified to try to make the team as multifaceted as possible,
00:14:47in order to prepare the team for the eventuality that someone may assume the role of another person,
00:14:54in case of the death of a member of the team or an eventual riot.
00:15:00These circumstances lead the team to get to know each other better and go as far as to give nicknames
00:15:06to use in less formal situations.
00:15:11Anonymous reports only 5 out of 12 in total.
00:15:18Number 102 is nicknamed Skipper.
00:15:21Doctors number 700 and 754 become Doc 1 and Doc 2.
00:15:28And finally, pilots number 225 and 308 take nicknames Sky King and Flash Gordon.
00:15:37There is little true information about their mood during the training.
00:15:42We can only imagine the anxiety and fear of having such weight on their shoulders.
00:15:47What would happen to them and to Earth if the Evans were hostile?
00:15:54July 15, 1965.
00:15:58Two Evan spacecraft land, as scheduled, in the north section of the Nevada test site.
00:16:05The welcome committee is very small compared to the previous diplomatic visit.
00:16:11The number of people present is not reported.
00:16:14We can limit ourselves to deducing a minimum of people carrying the spacecraft.
00:16:20In a bus, the 12 members of the team are waiting for directives,
00:16:25while several military trucks are preparing to unload what would be the team's equipment and supplies.
00:16:34Anonymous highlights the existence of an official inventory document
00:16:38that accurately reports all the equipment and supplies loaded on board,
00:16:43reaching a total cargo weight of around 90,500 pounds.
00:16:50The items loaded range from military equipment to medical and research equipment,
00:16:56supplies for the next five years,
00:16:59and a range of vinyl records for simple but essential entertainment.
00:17:06There is no reliable data on the dimensions of these cargo ships,
00:17:10but reports indicate that the equipment in its entirety is loaded in just one of the two ships.
00:17:22Skipper's Diary. Extract 1.
00:17:26We're ready. It's hard to believe that we finally did it.
00:17:30The team is motivated and calm. We loaded everything.
00:17:35I'm really excited about this. No reservations for anyone.
00:17:39MTC asked all the members to make a final decision.
00:17:43The whole team said they would. We all did it.
00:17:47The interior of the ship, Eve, is large. There are three levels.
00:17:51I think this is a transporter. We store the cargo at a lower level.
00:17:56There are strange-looking walls. They seem to be dimensional.
00:18:00There are three stations. Four of us will sit in each station.
00:18:05There are only benches. There are no seats.
00:18:08The MTC says we don't need anything special, like oxygen or helmets.
00:18:14MTC gave us the last words. A little prayer.
00:18:18We board the ship, Eve. 475 is very nervous.
00:18:23The hatch is closed. There are no windows. We can't see outside.
00:18:27Everyone is sitting in their respective seats on the bench.
00:18:31There are no retention harnesses. The ship is starting its engines,
00:18:35or what they call energy propellers.
00:18:37It looks like we're moving. I feel really dizzy now.
00:18:41I don't think clearly. We don't know where we are,
00:18:45but it looks like we're all fainting.
00:18:47According to my wristwatch, it took about six hours.
00:18:51We fly to the big ship. There are many Evans who help us.
00:18:55They seem to understand that we are confused.
00:18:58The load went down in a great movement.
00:19:02This ship looks like the interior of a really big building.
00:19:06The roof is about 100 feet high in this area of the ship.
00:19:10I can't describe how big this is.
00:19:13It took us about 15 minutes to walk to our area.
00:19:16The chairs are bigger, but there are only 10 of them.
00:19:21MVC finally showed up.
00:19:23He told us that we would start the trip soon.
00:19:26They are telling us that we should sit in the chairs.
00:19:29We don't know what to expect from now on.
00:19:44I'm not sure how long we were in the containers.
00:19:47We sat in the chairs and a transparent container was placed over us and the chair.
00:19:52We were isolated in this bubble or sphere.
00:19:55We could breathe well and we could see,
00:19:58but we really felt dizzy and confused.
00:20:01I think I fell asleep or I fainted.
00:20:04I think it's another day, but my watch marks an hour since we sat down.
00:20:09899 found out how to get out because he is standing.
00:20:13He opened my sphere.
00:20:15I'm not sure if we should get out of this.
00:20:18899 and I are walking through this room.
00:20:22Originally they told us that it would take about 270 of our days.
00:20:27Well, EBE came in and pointed out the chairs.
00:20:31I guess we have to sit down again.
00:20:36The pioneering interplanetary trip with a predicted duration of 39 light years,
00:20:41according to data provided by Anonymous,
00:20:44would have lasted only 270 terrestrial days.
00:20:49So, by calculation, it would mean an average cruising speed of 40 times the speed of light.
00:20:56The Ebens must have developed a technology capable of traveling through the fourth dimension,
00:21:02time, exploiting what we know as wormholes.
00:21:10Skipper Diary, Extract 3
00:21:13Our date recorder doesn't work very well.
00:21:16According to 633, it thinks we've been here for 10 days, but it's not really sure.
00:21:22We've been confined in this room all the time.
00:21:26We make our needs in a kind of small metal containers that EBE empties every so often.
00:21:33EBE brings us food, his food.
00:21:36We taste it and it tastes like paper.
00:21:39His water looks milky, but it tastes like apples.
00:21:43EBE allowed us to leave the room.
00:21:46We walked through a narrow corridor for a long period of time, maybe 20 minutes.
00:21:52Then we entered a kind of elevator that moved fast because we could feel the movement.
00:21:58We left a very large room that contained many Ebens sitting in the seats.
00:22:04Maybe this is the control center.
00:22:06We could walk around without the Ebens bothering us.
00:22:10There was a window, but we couldn't see anything.
00:22:14It was dark, but we could distinguish wavy lines, maybe some kind of distortion in time.
00:22:21MVC takes four of us to the machine room, or whatever they call it.
00:22:26It contains large, very large metal containers.
00:22:30They are in a circle at the ends of each pointing to the center.
00:22:36And in the center of these containers there is a copper-colored coil, or something similar to a coil.
00:22:42There is a bright light that shines from a point up to the center of the coil.
00:22:47We hear a very deaf hum, but there are no loud, important sounds.
00:22:52661 thinks it is a system of negative matter versus positive matter.
00:22:58661's assumption is in line with the studies that engineer Robert Lazar would carry out 15 years later.
00:23:07He worked in Area 51 during the 80s.
00:23:11His goal was to convert and understand extraterrestrial technology.
00:23:15According to his discoveries, the Ebens use antimatter reactions to propel their planes
00:23:22through a super-heavy substance called Element 115,
00:23:27a mysterious element totally alien to Earth.
00:23:34Skipper Diary, Extract 4
00:23:39I'm awake again. There's Ebens in the room.
00:23:42I got out of my bed.
00:23:44The English-speaking Ebens sees me and I asked him if everyone in my crew was okay.
00:23:51He doesn't understand.
00:23:53I point to the crew.
00:23:55I say, 11, where is number 12?
00:23:59EBE then points to an empty container and says,
00:24:03The man on Earth is not alive.
00:24:05My crew is walking in a state of confusion.
00:24:08But what's wrong with them?
00:24:10EBE replied,
00:24:11Sick slowly, but soon cured.
00:24:15I told 203 to gather the entire crew.
00:24:18308 was missing.
00:24:20He was in a bowl, as well as a coffin.
00:24:23EBE warned us not to take 308 out.
00:24:27899 wants to arm himself with a gun.
00:24:30I said, no, we don't need weapons.
00:24:32No Eben has been hostile to us.
00:24:35EBE came in.
00:24:37He told us that the trip was almost over.
00:24:39He took us to the corridor.
00:24:41We entered the changing room and moved to another part of the ship.
00:24:45MVC wants us to prepare to land.
00:24:48I guess we're almost there.
00:24:50700 reminds us to wear our sunglasses once we leave.
00:24:55We pack and walk down the long corridor.
00:24:58We travel for a minute.
00:25:00Then a door opened.
00:25:02We are in a large room with many small spaceships,
00:25:06stored there with our team.
00:25:08Suddenly a large door opens.
00:25:10There is a bright light.
00:25:18Skipper's Diary, Extract 5.
00:25:22The brightness is almost too much for our sunglasses.
00:25:26A crowd of Ebens is waiting for us.
00:25:29We see a big Eben, the biggest we've seen so far,
00:25:33about a foot taller than the others.
00:25:36He takes a step forward and starts talking to us.
00:25:39EBE translates a welcome message from the leader.
00:25:43All Ebens are dressed in the same clothes.
00:25:46Now I see others dressed in some kind of shawl
00:25:49and others in a dark blue suit, different from the others.
00:25:53Each Eben has a box on his belt.
00:25:56They all have belts.
00:25:58I can't see any child.
00:26:00We are led to an open sand.
00:26:02It looks like a parade field.
00:26:04The ground is dirt.
00:26:06The sky is very clear.
00:26:08We see two suns, one brighter than the other.
00:26:12The landscape looks like a desert, Arizona or New Mexico,
00:26:17without vegetation that we can see.
00:26:20This must be the town or central city.
00:26:23We land in an open area with large structures like electric towers.
00:26:28Something is sitting on top of these towers.
00:26:31In the center of the town there is a large tower.
00:26:35It looks like a mirror is placed on top of that tower.
00:26:38All the buildings look like adobe or mud huts,
00:26:41and some are bigger than others.
00:26:44Unexpectedly, someone speaks English.
00:26:47We all look around us and see an Eben.
00:26:50This Eben speaks English very well.
00:26:52This Eben, which we call EBE-2, speaks English almost fluently.
00:26:57EBE-2 shows us a device and tells us that we should wear it.
00:27:02The weather is extremely hot.
00:27:04633 says we are at 41 degrees.
00:27:08EBE-2 took us to a series of four cabins.
00:27:11Behind them there is an underground room or storage area.
00:27:15It is built on the ground, underground.
00:27:18We have to go down a ramp.
00:27:20The doors look like military igloos that store atomic bombs on the ground.
00:27:25All our equipment taken from the spacecraft is stored there.
00:27:29The room is much cooler than the outside.
00:27:32This igloo is made of something similar to concrete, but not of the same texture.
00:27:37It feels like a soft rubber, but it is still hard.
00:27:41There are lights on the ceiling.
00:27:43They have electricity.
00:27:45Then I asked for the body of 308.
00:27:48EBE-2 seems to be confused and does not know anything about a body.
00:27:52When explaining to EBE-2, he held his hands on his body and tilted his head.
00:27:58He was almost crying.
00:28:00EBE-2 told us that they would bring us the body, but that he must consult it with his trainer.
00:28:05Maybe that means leader or commander.
00:28:11The EBEs are presented as a society that borders on the paradoxical.
00:28:16Primitive and simple-looking creatures, but at the same time endowed with incredibly advanced technology.
00:28:23Reading between the lines the publications of Anonimo, we can deduce how the alien named by the team is.
00:28:30EBE-2 is actually the same entity that in 1964 translated and explained the Yellow Book to humans.
00:28:39Its emotional reaction to the news of the death of 308 suggests a compassionate and empathetic nature.
00:28:48Skipper Diary, Extract 6
00:28:52During our first night, he seemed to make sure that everything was fine for us.
00:28:57He warned us about the heat and the light.
00:29:00He mentioned that Serpo does not darken like the earth.
00:29:03The winds blow dust in our huts.
00:29:06We had a very difficult first night.
00:29:08We call it night, but it seems that the EBEs simply call it a period of their day.
00:29:14The EBEs do not sleep like us.
00:29:17They rest for periods of time and then wake up and do whatever they do.
00:29:23When we woke up, EBE-2 was outside our hut and told us to follow her to the dining room.
00:29:30But she did not use the word dining room.
00:29:33There was food on the tables.
00:29:35The EBEs looked at us, but they kept eating.
00:29:38Don't they cook inside their huts?
00:29:40Maybe everyone eats here.
00:29:42The same food we saw and ate on the spaceship, except that some items were different.
00:29:47From time to time we caught the EBEs looking at us.
00:29:51We were the monsters.
00:29:53We were the aliens.
00:29:55We saw an EBE with a different look.
00:29:57A creature with a very strange look.
00:29:59Big and long arms.
00:30:01It almost floats with its long legs.
00:30:03And it can't be an EBE.
00:30:05We all looked at it.
00:30:06This creature simply floated to our side and didn't even look at us.
00:30:10I asked EBE-2 about the creature we just saw.
00:30:13I pointed to the thing on the other side of the building.
00:30:16Then she saw what I meant.
00:30:18EBE-2 said,
00:30:20No, Evan.
00:30:21Just a visitor, like you.
00:30:23And she pointed to me.
00:30:24Then I asked EBE-2,
00:30:26What planet did that visitor come from?
00:30:28EBE-2 said something like,
00:30:31I'm not sure of the exact word,
00:30:33although I asked her to repeat it twice.
00:30:36She takes me to a TV.
00:30:38At least I think it's one.
00:30:40It's on the corner of the building.
00:30:42She places her finger on the glass and a stellar system appears.
00:30:46She points to a place and says,
00:30:49Where is Earth?
00:30:50She points to another place and says,
00:30:53Based on this TV glass space map,
00:30:56Cut and Earth are very close.
00:31:01Cut's alien looks very similar to the species we call Mantis.
00:31:06Many stories of close encounters of the third kind
00:31:09claim to have seen these creatures.
00:31:12The idea that other extraterrestrial species
00:31:14can circulate and live freely in Serpo
00:31:17clearly shows the cosmopolitan and peaceful nature of the Evans.
00:31:23Skipper Diary, Extract 7
00:31:28We have to explore, that's why we were sent.
00:31:31We started walking.
00:31:33475 would take pictures with our military cameras
00:31:37and equipped with 225.
00:31:39We found a large tower,
00:31:41which we saw when we arrived yesterday.
00:31:44We advance towards the building.
00:31:46We could not find any stairs,
00:31:48but we see a kind of round glass room.
00:31:51Then we hear English.
00:31:53We turn around and find EBE-2 standing there.
00:31:56Where does she come from?
00:31:58I asked her if we could explore this building.
00:32:00She said yes, and then pointed to the glass room and said,
00:32:03Go up.
00:32:04We enter the glass room.
00:32:06The door closes.
00:32:08In a short time we are at the top of the building.
00:32:11She points to the sun,
00:32:12and then to the top of the room where the mirror is,
00:32:16and then points to the ground.
00:32:18The tower is in the middle of a circle on the ground.
00:32:21In each quadrant of the circle there is a symbol.
00:32:24Maybe this is not a mirror like the one we know,
00:32:26since the sunlight travels through it,
00:32:29but once the light goes through it,
00:32:31it goes to a symbol inside the circle.
00:32:34225 seems to think it is a sun clock.
00:32:37When the sun hits a symbol,
00:32:39the Evans leave what they are doing and do something else.
00:32:42Maybe the day of the Evans is structured.
00:32:47The Evan society is extremely disciplined and equally intelligent.
00:32:52According to the proofs of the IQ
00:32:54carried out by the team members in a group of Evans,
00:32:57their average IQ is 165.
00:33:00It is strange to think how such an advanced species
00:33:03submits to such a strict regime.
00:33:06The Evans, however intelligent and advanced they are,
00:33:09do not show any kind of individuality and creativity,
00:33:12limiting themselves to follow a routine for the rest of their lives.
00:33:16This detail could represent a potential proof
00:33:19that creativity and intelligence are not closely linked.
00:33:23Clearly, all this for their society
00:33:25is nothing more than the most absolute normality.
00:33:28An alienating life for a terrestrial,
00:33:30for them it is trivially normal.
00:33:37It is estimated that Serpo houses only 650,000 Evans,
00:33:40divided into small communities.
00:33:43Each of them resides in a town with a clock tower,
00:33:46as described in the newspaper.
00:33:48We could associate them with our neighborhoods,
00:33:51built around large factories
00:33:53and created specifically to house workers.
00:33:56Imagine applying this concept to a global scale.
00:33:59Each community has a specific function,
00:34:02but they all share the same routine,
00:34:04following the hour marked by the clock tower.
00:34:07In addition, society is structured like that of our ancient civilizations,
00:34:12where only religious and political officials
00:34:15were taught practices such as writing.
00:34:18Engineers have the monopoly on the study of physics
00:34:22and mechanics for interplanetary travel,
00:34:25while other elite circles, such as doctors,
00:34:28have the monopoly on the study of science and biology.
00:34:34On the one hand, we have the average Evan
00:34:37who simply carries out the task assigned to him.
00:34:40On the other hand, a niche of Evans
00:34:42who are avidly jealous of information.
00:34:45It is reported that in the Evan society
00:34:47there are no entertainment devices
00:34:49similar to our televisions or radios.
00:34:52Each citizen has only that strange box placed on his belt.
00:34:56The team's sociological research is reported in a very exhaustive way.
00:35:01SERPO is administered in all respects by a council of governors,
00:35:06but despite this, there is no defined form of government.
00:35:13The testimonies also report that there was no crime,
00:35:16but a military force without weapons, equipped only with uniforms.
00:35:20The small communities of SERPO
00:35:22seem to be satellites of a capitalist community
00:35:25that acts as the center of industrialization.
00:35:31SERPO does not have a commercial currency.
00:35:33The actions of each village are controlled by the device on their belts.
00:35:38The Skipper's diary also perfectly describes
00:35:41the structure of the Evan houses and the family nucleus.
00:35:45Each house is built with an unknown material similar to wood and metal.
00:35:50Each house is the same as the others, internally and externally.
00:35:55The houses have four rooms.
00:35:59A furnished bedroom with mattresses for the whole family.
00:36:03A room to prepare food,
00:36:05so it can be deduced that not all Evans go to the dining room.
00:36:09A small room for garbage collection
00:36:12and the largest room of the house, comparable to a living room,
00:36:16which Anonymous called the family room.
00:36:19The Evan family is structured in a very simple way.
00:36:23Each male Evan has a female partner.
00:36:26The couple is allowed to reproduce in a limited way.
00:36:29Skipper and the rest of the team have never met families of more than four people.
00:36:35Evan's children grow very fast and often,
00:36:38they are isolated from the rest of the community during childhood.
00:36:41As their development progresses,
00:36:43skills and abilities are analyzed,
00:36:45to then guide them to the most suitable job for them based on what they have learned.
00:36:58After the premature death of 308 during the trip,
00:37:01the Evans, without any kind of authorization and explanation,
00:37:05took possession of the body.
00:37:08Skipper on several occasions asks to recover the body of his fallen comrade.
00:37:13The pages of the diary that have been leaked
00:37:16reveal an extremely dark side of this futuristic civilization.
00:37:23Skipper's diary, extract 8
00:37:28The leader seems bigger and more aggressive than the others.
00:37:31He seems to be the boss, similar to me, as the team commander.
00:37:35His voice, although after all this time I still can't understand a word,
00:37:40is rough and with a different tone from the rest.
00:37:44203 states that the leader has an attitude.
00:37:47The leader has asked us many things,
00:37:50most of which we have provided him.
00:37:52One strange thing is our blood.
00:37:54He wanted us all to give him a blood sample.
00:37:58EBE2 explained that the blood was necessary,
00:38:01so that they would supply us with any medication if we ever needed it.
00:38:06700 and 754 consider that a blood sample could be used for other purposes.
00:38:12They took all the blood of 308.
00:38:14We were confronted by several Evans.
00:38:17EBE3, the leader of the Evans,
00:38:19appeared and explained that we wanted the body of 308.
00:38:24EBE3 told us that the body was stored and we could not take it.
00:38:28EBE2 appeared with the leader.
00:38:31EBE2 was extremely courteous and asked us to wait.
00:38:34He used the word, please, several times.
00:38:38In fact, he used the word in English, beg.
00:38:41I told EBE2 that we wanted the body of our friend and we wanted to examine it.
00:38:46EBE2 translated that to the leader.
00:38:49There was a long exchange of words between the two.
00:38:52Finally, EBE2, who seemed very frustrated,
00:38:55told us that the leader would like to go somewhere else and talk to another Evan, a doctor.
00:39:01About the body of 308.
00:39:04About 20 minutes later, three Evans appeared.
00:39:08One of the Evans identified himself as a doctor and spoke English very well.
00:39:13This doctor had a voice that sounded strange,
00:39:15almost like the voice of a human without a high-pitched accent.
00:39:20He told us that scientists have done experiments with the body of 308
00:39:24because they considered it an honor to have a specimen like that to work.
00:39:28The doctor told us that they have used the body of 308
00:39:31to create a kind of cloned human being.
00:39:34I demanded to see the body.
00:39:36The doctor explained that the body was no longer there
00:39:38and that all the blood and organs were removed
00:39:40and it was used to clone other beings.
00:39:44The use of the word beings really scared me and the others.
00:39:48The doctor, who was extremely direct,
00:39:51told me that nothing more would happen to the body,
00:39:54but he warned me that there was very little left of the body.
00:39:57Myself, 633 and 700,
00:40:00we were escorted by EBE-2 to the laboratory facilities.
00:40:05The building looked like a big school without windows.
00:40:09From a single floor, we reached a room with white walls.
00:40:13We met our English-speaking doctor.
00:40:15We saw many other Evans,
00:40:17all dressed in a suit of a piece of blue.
00:40:20The doctor told us that all the experiments were done inside this building.
00:40:25They took us to another room where there were rows of containers
00:40:28that looked like glass bathtubs.
00:40:31Inside each bathtub there were bodies.
00:40:33I was surprised, just like 700 and 754.
00:40:39Strange-looking bodies.
00:40:40Not human bodies.
00:40:42At least not all of them.
00:40:45These were horrible-looking creatures.
00:40:47I asked the doctor what kind of creatures were inside the tubs.
00:40:51The doctor told us that these creatures came from other planets.
00:40:55700 asked the doctor,
00:40:57were these creatures dead when they arrived,
00:41:00or did the Evans bring them here dead?
00:41:02The doctor said that all the creatures were brought alive to the planet.
00:41:06The doctor said that these beings were brought here for experiments.
00:41:10These creatures are not intelligent beings.
00:41:13EBE-2 then used the word animals.
00:41:16Well, now I understand.
00:41:18All these creatures are animals from other planets.
00:41:21Then I asked if there were intelligent creatures in this building.
00:41:25He said yes, but that they were all dead when they arrived to SERPO.
00:41:29700 asked to see these creatures.
00:41:32The doctor corrected 700 saying,
00:41:36I suppose that the creatures are the same as the animals,
00:41:39and the beings as the humans.
00:41:41Let me first write the description of these creatures inside the tubs.
00:41:46They are not all the same.
00:41:48The first creature I see inside the tub looks like a pig.
00:41:52It seems to have a tube placed inside.
00:41:55The tube leads to a box under the tub.
00:41:58The second creature I see has a big head,
00:42:01big eyes and sunken.
00:42:03No ears, mouth and no teeth.
00:42:06It is about 5 feet long and has two lower legs,
00:42:09but it has no feet.
00:42:11It has two arms, but it does not seem to have elbows.
00:42:14It has hands, but no fingers.
00:42:16This creature also has a tube that crosses it.
00:42:20The next creature did not look like anything I could compare it with.
00:42:25It had red skin like blood,
00:42:27two spots in the middle,
00:42:28maybe eyes,
00:42:29no arms or legs.
00:42:31It had a very strange smell.
00:42:33The skin seemed to be full of scales,
00:42:35maybe like a fish.
00:42:37The next creature was similar to a human,
00:42:40but the skin was white.
00:42:41Not like white skin,
00:42:43white skin.
00:42:44The skin was wrinkled.
00:42:46The head was big with two eyes,
00:42:48two ears and a mouth.
00:42:50The neck was very small.
00:42:52The head almost looked like it was sitting at the bottom of the torso.
00:42:57The chest was thin,
00:42:58with large protuberances similar to bones.
00:43:01The arms were bent,
00:43:02with hands,
00:43:03but without thumbs.
00:43:04The legs were also bent,
00:43:06with feet,
00:43:07but only three fingers.
00:43:08I could not look at more creatures.
00:43:11We entered a room that looked like a hospital.
00:43:14There were many beds,
00:43:15Eben style.
00:43:16In each bed there was a living being,
00:43:18as the doctor called it.
00:43:20The doctor told us that each being was alive and well taken care of.
00:43:24700 asked the doctor if these beings were sick.
00:43:28EBE2 had to translate that.
00:43:31But the doctor said,
00:43:32no, they are living.
00:43:34The three of us were really astonished at that word.
00:43:37I asked EBE2 what the doctor was referring to.
00:43:40EBE2 then used the word,
00:43:43754 asked the doctor if these beings were being grown like a plant.
00:43:48The doctor said,
00:43:50That's a good comparison.
00:43:51700 asked the doctor how they were grown.
00:43:54The doctor said that certain parts of other beings were used to grow these beings,
00:43:59and that he could not explain the process in English because he did not know the words.
00:44:03The Ebens must have found a way to grow cells and turn them into living beings.
00:44:08Then I asked the doctor if the body of 308 was used to create a being.
00:44:13The doctor said,
00:44:15And he showed us the being.
00:44:16I was surprised,
00:44:17just like 700 and 754.
00:44:20This being,
00:44:21with the blood and cells of our teammate,
00:44:24looked like a big Eben.
00:44:26But the hands and legs were similar to those of humans.
00:44:30I told the doctor that we would like to go.
00:44:33EBE2 saw that I was upset and touched my hand.
00:44:37I instantly felt worried.
00:44:39EBE2 was really worried about what I saw.
00:44:42We left the building,
00:44:44a building that I did not want to see again.
00:44:47The Ebens are not the civilization we thought they were,
00:44:51but I must say that they did not hide anything.
00:44:54The doctor spoke to us directly,
00:44:56like the Ebens,
00:44:57they do not know how to lie.
00:45:07Apart from the issue related to the body of number 308,
00:45:11the coexistence between humans and the Ebens proceeds as planned.
00:45:16After about two years,
00:45:18the team begins to gradually abandon the terrestrial system over time,
00:45:23adapting to the cycles of SERPO.
00:45:26The rotation of the planet is influenced by its two suns,
00:45:29so one day Eben has a duration of approximately 43 terrestrial hours.
00:45:35During the years of study,
00:45:37the team realized the geological information of the planet,
00:45:41a diameter equivalent to 7,218 miles,
00:45:45the mass of the planet equivalent to 5.06 times 10 raised to 24,
00:45:51two suns and two moons,
00:45:54the average gravity on the surface equivalent to 9.6.
00:45:59The period of a complete orbit expressed in terrestrial days is equal to 865 days,
00:46:05an inclination of 43 degrees.
00:46:08The planet inhabited closest to SERPO,
00:46:12in the constellation of Zeta Reticuli,
00:46:14populated by a species called Trentaloids.
00:46:18The local fauna is not as varied as the terrestrial,
00:46:21and above all it does not appear in large quantities.
00:46:26Anonimo continues its publications,
00:46:28writing that SERPO is estimated to be 3,000 million years old,
00:46:32and that the civilization Eben has a hypothetical age of 10,000 years.
00:46:38The Ebens do not seem to be an indigenous civilization of the planet.
00:46:42It is assumed that this population had to face an exodus from its home planet,
00:46:47since it was no longer suitable for survival.
00:46:50From the studies carried out by the team,
00:46:52it seems that SERPO has a vast network of rivers and aquifers in the subsurface,
00:46:56which would later lead to large valleys.
00:47:02Skipper Diary, Extract 9
00:47:07Our team was made up of two geologists trained as biologists.
00:47:11The first thing they did was map the entire planet,
00:47:15dividing it in half, thus creating an equator.
00:47:18Then they established a northern hemisphere and a southern hemisphere.
00:47:22Within each hemisphere they created quadrants.
00:47:25Finally, they established the northern and southern poles.
00:47:29Most of Eben's communities were located along the equator.
00:47:33However, there were also some communities established north of the equator,
00:47:37in each of the four quadrants in the northern hemisphere.
00:47:40There were no communities located in any of the poles.
00:47:44Going further north from the southern pole in quadrant 1,
00:47:47the team found extrusive rocks.
00:47:50This indicated some volcanic activity in the area.
00:47:53Our team found numerous volcanoes in this area.
00:47:56The team found several eruptions of cracks in this region with stagnant water.
00:48:01The water was analyzed and contained high levels of sulfur, zinc, copper,
00:48:06and other unknown chemicals.
00:48:09Moving east to quadrant 2,
00:48:11the team basically found the same volcanic rock fields,
00:48:15however, in a particular place near the extreme north of quadrant 2,
00:48:19the team found an alkaline floor.
00:48:21On the ground, these were formed by streams that flowed towards a desert or arid place.
00:48:26Our team found hard mud covered by alkaline salts.
00:48:30Some vegetation was growing in this area.
00:48:33In the third quadrant, the team found a kind of wasteland,
00:48:37an arid region bordered by deep ravines with scarce vegetation.
00:48:41The ravines or valleys were extremely deep.
00:48:44Some were 3,000 feet deep.
00:48:47The team found the first deer animal in this region.
00:48:50It looked like an armadillo.
00:48:53This creature was extremely hostile and tried to attack us several times.
00:48:57The EVEN guide used some kind of sound device,
00:49:01a sound ray directed by waves to scare away the creatures.
00:49:05Moving to the equatorial region,
00:49:07our team found desert-like landscapes that contained patches of vegetation.
00:49:12The team found numerous bags of water fed to the ground by artesian wells.
00:49:18This water was the freshest and only contained unknown chemical products.
00:49:23It tasted good and the EVENS drank it and used it.
00:49:26Our team still used it because during cultivation tests,
00:49:30unknown types of bacteria were detected.
00:49:33Moving to the northern hemisphere,
00:49:35the team found a significant change in climate and landscape.
00:49:38A member of the team named quadrant 1 of the northern hemisphere.
00:49:42He called it Little Montana.
00:49:45The team found trees similar to the perennial leaf style of the Earth's trees.
00:49:50These trees were cleaned by the EVENS.
00:49:55The Skipper diary continues to tell how in this period,
00:49:58each member of the team falls ill in a serious way at least once.
00:50:03In particular, it mentions number 754.
00:50:09Skipper diary, extract 10.
00:50:14754, doc 2.
00:50:16754 fell ill, but has recovered.
00:50:20We do not know what he suffered, but 700 treated him with penicillin, which worked.
00:50:25We've all had some kind of illness since we've been here.
00:50:29700 and 754 keep records of each member of the team and their medical and physical condition.
00:50:36We have tried to maintain a constant physical conditioning program since we arrived.
00:50:41Everyone is in very good shape, at least physically.
00:50:45Mentally, that could be another story.
00:50:48Some members of the team miss the Earth, like me,
00:50:51but no member of the team has collapsed or needed any kind of psychological help.
00:50:59The first death that occurs on the alien planet happens suddenly,
00:51:03leaving all members of the team shocked.
00:51:09Skipper diary, extract 11.
00:51:14899, security.
00:51:17899 died in an accident.
00:51:20It was difficult to communicate with the EVENS.
00:51:22He died instantly, so no medical attention was given to him.
00:51:26Our two doctors examined the body of 899
00:51:30and determined that the injuries were consistent with an accidental fall.
00:51:33The EVENS showed affection to our team.
00:51:36During the last period of work, the EVENS held a ceremony for the deceased member of the team,
00:51:41the same ceremony used when an EVEN died.
00:51:44Our team celebrated its own service to which the EVENS attended.
00:51:48Our team was eternally grateful for the EVENS' solidarity towards our dead friend.
00:51:55The second death of a member of the team occurs relatively shortly after the events we have just described.
00:52:01Doc 2, number 754, died of pneumonia after a period of illness and physical ailments.
00:52:08The team learns that the EVENS also have religious rituals and functions.
00:52:13All EVENS attend a daily religious ritual at the same time, every day.
00:52:20The most alarming thing about this practice is that according to studies reported all over the planet,
00:52:25there is only one religion with one interpretation.
00:52:30Death in the EVEN culture is nothing more than the release of the soul from a physical container,
00:52:35therefore considered a reason for joy.
00:52:39After an unspecified period, the team decides to move north,
00:52:44where the climate is warmer, to continue their stay in peace.
00:52:48The EVENS not only adapt to the demand, but also build a small community dedicated to the team.
00:52:55Reading the diary, it is clear that this movement took place many years after the death of number 754,
00:53:03since the main investigation into civilization has now concluded.
00:53:08The team focuses on the geology of Serpo and other theoretical issues.
00:53:14Skipper Diary, Extract 12
00:53:19As we traveled to the North Pole, the temperature cooled considerably.
00:53:23We found mountains that rose to a height of 15,000 feet,
00:53:27and valleys that sank below the basic mark that we established for the level of the sea.
00:53:32We found exuberant green fields that contained a form of grass, but contained bulbs.
00:53:38The radiation levels were lower in the northern hemisphere than in Ecuador.
00:53:43The North Pole contained a cold climate and the team saw the first sign of snow.
00:53:47Snow covers covered the landscape around the North Pole.
00:53:51The EVENS could not stand being in this region for a long time.
00:53:55They suffered from extreme hypothermia.
00:53:57Our guide wore a suit, similar to a space suit with a built-in heater.
00:54:03We found a strange animal that looked like a Grand Buoy.
00:54:06The animal was shy and never seemed hostile.
00:54:09Another animal looked like a Puma, but had a long coat around its neck.
00:54:14This animal was curious, but the EVENS did not consider it hostile.
00:54:18During the exploration of quadrant IV of the southern hemisphere,
00:54:22we found a very long and large creature that looked like a snake.
00:54:27This creature was mortal, according to the EVENS.
00:54:30The head of the creature was large and had almost human eyes.
00:54:35This was the only time we used our weapons to kill something.
00:54:39The internal organs were strange and nothing like a snake to the style of the earth.
00:54:45The creature was 15 feet long and 1.5 feet in diameter.
00:54:49We were curious about the eyes.
00:54:51They contained an iris and the back had a large nerve,
00:54:55similar to the optic nerve that feeds the brain of the creature.
00:54:59The brain was large, much larger than any terrestrial snake.
00:55:03Some of us wanted to eat the flesh of the creature,
00:55:06but the EVENS guides politely told us no.
00:55:09The water bodies in Serpo did not contain fish as we know them.
00:55:14Some bodies near the equator contained creatures that looked strange,
00:55:18similar to eels, and were probably the cousin of the terrestrial snake.
00:55:23There was something like a jungle near the swamps,
00:55:26but not the jungles we are familiar with.
00:55:35Due to the different time measurement method,
00:55:38the team returns to Earth after 13 years of stay in Serpo,
00:55:42and not 10 as it was pre-established.
00:55:45The team returns on August 18, 1978,
00:55:49but when the hatch of the ship opens, only 7 members of the team come out.
00:55:54It is revealed that two other members have deliberately decided not to return
00:55:58and spend the last years of their lives among the EVENS.
00:56:03That day, America buries three coffins, of which only two are full.
00:56:08Three lives, three people who have decided to dedicate their existence to progress and research.
00:56:14Three individuals who have renounced their identity to pursue the stars.
00:56:19The survivors are quarantined for a year
00:56:23and kept hidden in several military bases until 1984.
00:56:27The necessary time for things to calm down.
00:56:30The organization responsible for their privacy and security
00:56:33was the Special Investigations Office of the Air Force,
00:56:37also known as AFOSI.
00:56:39Anonymous, in its publications,
00:56:41states that the team has been writing reports
00:56:44and participating in information sessions with AFOSI for a year and a half.
00:56:48The document they wrote has more than 3,000 pages.
00:56:52Anonymous states that there are also multiple audio tapes
00:56:55recorded both on the ground and during the mission to record progress.
00:57:00The total number of these cassettes is 5,419.
00:57:06Among the other evidence brought to Earth by the team,
00:57:09there are thousands of photographs.
00:57:11The only one that Anonymous managed to put in his hands is this one.
00:57:15The vast desert of Serpo, illuminated by two suns.
00:57:20We can clearly expect that this material is top secret,
00:57:24even for the highest ranks of the armed forces.
00:57:27The truth will probably never come to light.
00:57:31All the evidence is kept in an unknown place,
00:57:34which is supposed to be the D.I.A. vault
00:57:37at the Boeing Air Force Base in Washington, D.C.
00:57:41What remains shrouded in mystery is the participation of Anonymous.
00:57:45We do not know if he personally participated
00:57:47in any mission related to the Crystal Night project,
00:57:50or if he is only narrating the story of an involved individual.
00:57:54According to the publications,
00:57:56the survivors died during the 80s
00:57:59due to the enormous dose of radiation absorbed in the mission.
00:58:02The member who survived the most was Skipper himself,
00:58:05who died in 2002.
00:58:08His last years of life were completely anonymous,
00:58:12far from the fame they deserve.
00:58:1512 Anonymous graves.
00:58:1712 heroes.
00:58:22During the time of Anonymous on the blog,
00:58:24something happened that we recognize as endemic to the internet in 2023.
00:58:29The shitstorm.
00:58:31This slang coined by the internet is used to describe a chaotic situation
00:58:36where a more or less numerous group of people who do not agree
00:58:40begin to discuss and insult each other,
00:58:43even resulting in threats.
00:58:45The parts in disagreement can be summarized into two factions,
00:58:48the supporters of Anonymous,
00:58:50and the facts he tells,
00:58:52and the detractors.
00:58:54Why would Anonymous need to lie?
00:58:57Who is behind his user?
00:58:59After months of investigation,
00:59:01a couple of hackers discovered that at least five user accounts in the forum,
00:59:05including Anonymous,
00:59:07can be traced back to a single person.
00:59:10Rick Doty.
00:59:12Doty is a former Air Force intelligence officer
00:59:16who specializes in spreading false news and misinformation about UFOs.
00:59:20His famous operation will involve Dulce's military base
00:59:24and an Albuquerque businessman
00:59:26convinced that he is intercepting extraterrestrial messages.
00:59:30Rick used the real UFO investigation to give credibility to his lies,
00:59:35and thus spread false news in the UFO community.
00:59:39According to the hackers, these five accounts published from the same device,
00:59:43with the same internet network,
00:59:45and the same IP address.
00:59:49Doty has never hidden his participation in these misinformation campaigns,
00:59:54but at the same time,
00:59:56he claimed that some of the documented UFO events are real.
01:00:00Roswell, the underground bases,
01:00:02and even the Crystal Night project.
01:00:05There is a story about an extraterrestrial exchange program
01:00:08that has existed since the 1950s,
01:00:11long before the forum and Rick's publications.
01:00:14In the middle of the shitstorm,
01:00:16a user named Chapman
01:00:18claims to be a member of the British Ministry of Defence
01:00:21and insinuates that he himself has seen documents related to Serpo.
01:00:25The files exist,
01:00:27but the events reported by Anonymous do not.
01:00:31Chapman reveals how the origin of Serpo's story should be attributed
01:00:35to science fiction author Alice Bradley Sheldon.
01:00:39Alice worked for the military intelligence with the rank of Major
01:00:43during the Second World War.
01:00:45After the war, she joined the CIA.
01:00:47During the 1960s,
01:00:49the Soviets terrorized the world
01:00:51by convincing it that they had weapons of mass destruction
01:00:54hidden in US territory
01:00:56that could be activated by undercover and dormant agents.
01:01:00The Serpo project was created as a counteroffensive to these accusations.
01:01:04The CIA and the US government needed to scare the Soviets
01:01:08to make them believe that they possessed advanced technology
01:01:11and that they had contact with extraterrestrial entities.
01:01:14It didn't take long for the KGB to become suspicious and doubt.
01:01:18Serpo's story went from being a security measure
01:01:22to a science fiction fairy tale,
01:01:24just to end up in the background.
01:01:27It has only resurfaced thanks to Dory's misinformation campaign,
01:01:31with the goal of obstructing the UFO community
01:01:34with increasingly strange and extravagant stories
01:01:37to destroy it and ridicule it from the inside.
01:01:40However, Dody has often changed sides over the years.
01:01:44He has gone from misinforming a firm supporter of UFOs
01:01:48to the point of attending conventions.
01:01:51And if Rick had told the truth,
01:01:53what reason would he have had to create those fake profiles?
01:01:57Dody's story began with a simple plot,
01:02:00but little by little, publication after publication,
01:02:03it became more elaborate and unrealistic.
01:02:06Obstructing the site with exaggerated information,
01:02:09there is no knowledge of any tangible real evidence
01:02:12of the Crystal Knights and Serpo project.
01:02:15But at the same time, we do not have strong evidence
01:02:18that can demolish it, that are not assumptions.
01:02:21Throughout the years,
01:02:23multiple denouncers, former government employees,
01:02:26have come forward in favor of the veracity of this story.
01:02:29Even Barney and Betty Hill,
01:02:31victims of the most famous documented alien abduction,
01:02:34support Serpo,
01:02:36since the aliens who kidnapped them were from Zeta Reticuli.
01:02:40Is everyone lying?
01:02:42Are they all hungry for those 15 minutes of fame?
01:02:46Or is there a real grain?
01:02:49The next time you look at the night sky,
01:02:52remember that only in our galaxy
01:02:54there are around 300 billion stars,
01:02:57including at least 5 billion solar systems similar to ours.
01:03:01Perhaps not everyone has a planet
01:03:03suitable for the development of organic organisms,
01:03:06or are placed at the right distance from their own sun.
01:03:09Therefore, it is estimated that of these 5 billion,
01:03:12at least 10 million could have those characteristics.
01:03:15And among these 10 million,
01:03:17at least a thousand could have seen the development
01:03:20of a form of bacterial life that,
01:03:22in the worst case,
01:03:24is at least 50 planets where it could have evolved
01:03:27into a form of multicellular life and intelligent organisms.
01:03:31From this, it has been calculated that,
01:03:33in the worst case,
01:03:35the possibility that technologically advanced civilizations
01:03:38and multicellular extraterrestrial organisms
01:03:40that exist in our galaxy
01:03:42is equivalent to around 0.1%.
01:03:46This does not seem like much,
01:03:48but if it is multiplied by the approximately
01:03:50500 billion galaxies that are estimated to exist,
01:03:53it becomes the most pessimistic hypothesis.
01:03:5850,000 technologically advanced civilizations
01:04:01currently exist in the universe.
01:04:04The next time you look at the night sky
01:04:06and observe celestial bodies,
01:04:08remember that they could also be looking at you.
01:04:20Transcription by ESO. Translation by —
