• last month
00:00:00Alien species, who is looking at us?
00:00:10From the man-fly to the reptilians, a guide of extraterrestrial species.
00:00:17For several decades, men and women from all over the world would have come into contact
00:00:21with entities from other worlds, the so-called close encounters.
00:00:26However, these encounters would not always be with a single extraterrestrial race,
00:00:32but with many races of the most varied shapes and sizes.
00:00:38In our massive imagination, we are used to extraterrestrials being represented
00:00:43as skeletal beings with gray skin and a large oval head.
00:00:49These would be the so-called grays, who entered our imagination for the first time thanks
00:00:54to the so-called UFO incident of Roswell, New Mexico.
00:00:58Over the years, however, there have been many alleged contacts with different types
00:01:03of creatures or entities, many of which have been classified by ufologists.
00:01:17Brad Steiger's classification is the most used by ufologists, which divides
00:01:22the humanoids into four categories, using the first four letters of the Greek alphabet,
00:01:28alpha, beta, gamma and delta.
00:01:33Only the grays would be included in the alpha category.
00:01:38The grays are completely bald, their mouth is a slit and their nose is simply stylized,
00:01:45while their ears are two holes.
00:01:47They have oval, oriental eyes, which are often protected by black contact lenses.
00:01:55They also have mental powers, which they would use to telepathically communicate with the abducted.
00:02:01Beta-type beings are almost identical to humans, with typically Nordic features.
00:02:08They could live in peace among us without being discovered.
00:02:12The gammas are associated with typical creatures of human folklore, such as Bigfoot or Sasquatch and yetis.
00:02:19According to Steiger, these creatures would be nothing more than automata sent from space
00:02:25to collect samples of fauna and terrestrial flora for unknown cosmic purposes.
00:02:32And finally, the delta-type ones, where we can find all beings with animal characteristics,
00:02:38such as the man-fly, the insectoids and the reptilians.
00:02:48The first alien species we are going to talk about has been seen only once,
00:02:53and therefore represents an isolated case, but no less fascinating.
00:02:59At 7.15 pm on September 12, 1952,
00:03:04two brothers, Edward and Fred May, and their friend Tommy Heyer,
00:03:08were walking through the country on the outskirts of Flatwoods,
00:03:11a city in the county of Brixton, West Virginia.
00:03:15Suddenly, the three boys looked up and saw a luminous object in the sky,
00:03:21which later seemed to fall on the land belonging to the farmer Bailey Fisher.
00:03:27The two frightened brothers ran to tell their mother, Kathleen, what had happened.
00:03:33They told her that they had seen a flying saucer crash against the ground.
00:03:37Ms. May, curious, decided to check with her own eyes if her children were telling the truth.
00:03:44Kathleen, accompanied by Neil Nunley, Ronnie Shaver, her children and her friend Tommy,
00:03:50along with a member of the West Virginia National Guard, Eugene Lemon, 17 years old,
00:03:56headed to the Fisher farm to identify what the object they had seen was.
00:04:02When they arrived at the farm, the sun had already set,
00:04:05and Lemon's dog suddenly started walking.
00:04:08It ran for dozens of meters and barked in the dark.
00:04:11Then it fled, terrified of the group, moments later.
00:04:14After about half a mile, the seven of them reached the top of the hill,
00:04:19where they reported seeing a pulsating fireball.
00:04:23In addition, there was an acrid fog in the air that burned their eyes and nose.
00:04:33Lemon then noticed two small lights to the left of the object,
00:04:38under a nearby oak, and pointed his flashlight in that direction.
00:04:43The light revealed something that would mark their lives forever,
00:04:47a terrifying creature with an elongated head and large red eyes.
00:04:52As soon as he realized he was being watched, he emitted a sharp and sinister whistle.
00:04:58Then he began to move towards them at great speed.
00:05:01At this point, in panic, the seven of them fled,
00:05:05running as fast as they could without ever looking back.
00:05:09Returning home safe and sound,
00:05:12Kathleen May contacted the then-local Robert Carr
00:05:16and the owner of the local newspaper, Lee Stewart.
00:05:19The woman told them in detail what happened,
00:05:22handing over the young man to Lee,
00:05:25who that same night held a series of interviews
00:05:28and visited the scene of the incident with Agent Lemon.
00:05:32Lee Stewart also reported the presence of a metallic smell that was very nauseating,
00:05:38a detail also confirmed by Sheriff Carr and his assistant, Burnell.
00:05:43However, the two reported that they had not found any concrete evidence
00:05:47in favor of the story told by Mrs. May.
00:05:51The next morning, Stewart returned once more to the supposed place of the incident
00:05:56and discovered two long tracks in the mud
00:05:59and remains of a thick black liquid near the tree where the creature had been seen.
00:06:05The journalist reported it as possible signs of a landing,
00:06:09assuming that the area had been free of traffic for at least a year.
00:06:13However, it was later discovered that the tracks were probably in the way of the vehicle,
00:06:19Chevrolet 1942, owned by a local man, Max Lockhart,
00:06:25who had traveled to the site to look for the creature hours before Stewart's discovery.
00:06:32After the event, William and Donna Smith,
00:06:35associated with a civil investigation group of platelets,
00:06:39discovered other sightings by witnesses who reported having had similar experiences.
00:06:46These included the story of a mother and her 21-year-old daughter,
00:06:51who claimed to have encountered a creature that looked and smelled the same
00:06:56a week before the September 12th incident.
00:07:00The mother reported that her daughter was so scared
00:07:03that she was forced to stay in Clarksburg Hospital for three weeks.
00:07:08They also reported the statement of Lemon's mother,
00:07:11who said she felt her house shake shortly after the incident
00:07:15and that her radio didn't work for 45 minutes.
00:07:19The local director of the Student Council also claimed to have seen
00:07:23an unidentified flying object at 6.30 a.m. on September 13th.
00:07:29After meeting the creature,
00:07:31some members of the September 12th group reported experiencing very similar symptoms
00:07:38that persisted for some time,
00:07:41attributing them to being exposed to the fog emitted by the monster.
00:07:46The symptoms included irritation of the nose and a burning sensation in the throat,
00:07:51while Lemon suffered vomiting and convulsions
00:07:54throughout the night after the sighting.
00:07:57He had throat problems for the following weeks.
00:08:01A doctor reported that the symptoms were similar to those caused by the monster
00:08:05and that the symptoms were similar to those caused by tear gas,
00:08:09symptoms that are also common in those who suffer from hysteria
00:08:13due to a shocking and traumatic event.
00:08:16As for the creature's appearance, the descriptions of the alleged witnesses vary,
00:08:21but most agree that it was at least seven feet tall,
00:08:24with a black body, a dark red face, and two large bright red eyes.
00:08:30Some described the head as elongated, resembling the shape of a diamond.
00:08:34Behind the head, there was a kind of face,
00:08:37and it seemed to have a dark, twisted exoskeleton,
00:08:41later described as a kind of shadow.
00:08:44Its arms were long, just like the fingers with claws.
00:08:48All these characteristics, chilling to say the least,
00:08:52led to it being nicknamed the Flatwoods Monster,
00:08:55a true American legend.
00:09:05However, we must not forget that the incident generated a lot of skepticism.
00:09:11Examining the case, 48 years after the events,
00:09:15Joe Nickel of the Skeptical Investigation Committee,
00:09:18known as SIE,
00:09:20concluded in 2000 that the light the boys saw on September 12
00:09:24was probably a meteor,
00:09:27and the creature could have been mistaken for a large owl.
00:09:31According to Nickel, both the sighting of the UFO in the sky
00:09:35and the encounter with the creature
00:09:37were events created by collective hysteria.
00:09:40In summary, the version of the natural events
00:09:43was distorted by the strong feelings of anxiety
00:09:46felt by multiple observers.
00:09:49However, even today, the legend of the Flatwoods Monster
00:09:52is transmitted from generation to generation,
00:09:55legitimately occupying its place in the folklore of West Virginia.
00:09:59But another creature, much more famous than the Flatwoods Monster,
00:10:03has entered American folklore,
00:10:06becoming a symbol of mass culture.
00:10:09This entity, of unknown origins,
00:10:12for some would even be able to predict the future,
00:10:15would act as a kind of guardian angel of humanity.
00:10:19We are talking about the Polilla Man,
00:10:22the winged monster of Point Pleasant.
00:10:25Late on the night of November 15, 1966,
00:10:28two young couples,
00:10:31Roger and Linda Scarberry and Stevie Mary Mallette,
00:10:34passed in front of an abandoned explosives factory
00:10:37from the Second World War.
00:10:40The structure, known as Area TNT,
00:10:43was located a few miles from Point Pleasant, West Virginia.
00:10:46The structure was built to protect the area
00:10:49from the threat of a nuclear attack.
00:10:52Suddenly, they noticed two red lights in the darkness
00:10:55inside an old building
00:10:58next to the generator of the factory,
00:11:01so they decided to stop the car
00:11:04to see better what it was about.
00:11:07They got out of the vehicle,
00:11:10and to their amazement,
00:11:13they realized that the lights were bright red eyes,
00:11:16belonging to a large animal,
00:11:19about six or seven feet tall,
00:11:22with large wings folded against its back.
00:11:25In the eyes of the four,
00:11:28it looked like a giant bat.
00:11:31The four, terrified,
00:11:34immediately returned to their car
00:11:37and drove off at high speed on Highway 62.
00:11:40During the journey, to their terrible amazement,
00:11:43they saw the creature again,
00:11:46the creature was following them.
00:11:49The car was traveling at 90 miles per hour,
00:11:52but without any problem,
00:11:55the bat man reached it and flew by its side.
00:11:58It peeked inside,
00:12:01observing the terrified faces of the four.
00:12:04Its huge red eyes, like fire,
00:12:07stayed fixed on the two young couples for a few moments.
00:12:10Until now, having reached the car outside the city,
00:12:13the creature flew away,
00:12:16camouflaging itself in the dark and disappearing at night.
00:12:19Later, after informing the local authorities,
00:12:22Scarberry returned to the area,
00:12:25but he never found a trace of the strange creature.
00:12:28The story quickly spread throughout Point Pleasant,
00:12:31so the next night, on November 16,
00:12:34some local citizens equipped with guns and rifles
00:12:37began to look for signs and traces of the creature
00:12:40in the area surrounding the old factory.
00:12:43As often happens,
00:12:46this unusual hunting trip did not yield results.
00:12:49In fact, while the whole town
00:12:52focused its search in the old TNT area,
00:12:55Mr. and Mrs. Wamsley and Mrs. Marcella Bennett,
00:12:58with their daughter and son,
00:13:01left by car to visit Mr. and Mrs. Thomas,
00:13:04their great friends.
00:13:08The Thomas lived in a bungalow in Igloo,
00:13:11an area full of domed structures
00:13:14erected for the storage of explosives
00:13:17during the Second World War,
00:13:20near the same industrial area
00:13:23where the sighting had occurred the night before.
00:13:26Upon arriving at their friend's house,
00:13:29the Wamsley noticed a mysterious figure
00:13:32appearing behind them.
00:13:36He had the intention of looking for something on the ground
00:13:39and was not interested in the people who looked at him closely,
00:13:42paralyzed with fear.
00:13:45Running to the bungalow,
00:13:48Mr. Wamsley immediately called the police.
00:13:51The Thomas turned off the lights and decided to hide,
00:13:54trying to make as little noise as possible.
00:13:57In total silence, the eyes of the creature emanated
00:14:00a burning red light
00:14:03through the central window.
00:14:06Step by step, the creature reached the porch of the house
00:14:09and peeked inside,
00:14:12and then took off and disappeared into the sky
00:14:15as he had done the night before.
00:14:18When the police arrived, they made their report.
00:14:21The press wrote articles about the second sighting of the creature,
00:14:24which was then nicknamed Man-Chicken,
00:14:27and from then on,
00:14:30the number of close encounters increased exponentially.
00:14:35Later, on November 24,
00:14:38four county officials saw a similar creature
00:14:41flying over the TNT area.
00:14:44On the morning of November 25,
00:14:47a man named Thomas Jury reported that he had noticed
00:14:50a creature similar to the one reported the day before,
00:14:53standing in a field, next to the road,
00:14:56while heading north along Route 62
00:14:59near the TNT area.
00:15:02The creature spread its wings and began to fly,
00:15:05chasing Jury's car.
00:15:08Thomas, petrified, accelerated and managed to lose the creature.
00:15:11Upon reaching the city, he decided to inform the sheriff of what had happened.
00:15:14On November 27,
00:15:17Mrs. Ruth Foster, from the Charleston suburb in West Virginia,
00:15:20saw a large creature with bright red eyes,
00:15:23taller than a man,
00:15:26in the lawn of her house near the state highway.
00:15:29The creature disappeared as soon as Mrs. Foster left
00:15:32to see it better.
00:15:35On the morning of the same day,
00:15:38a winged creature with a humanoid appearance
00:15:41chased a young woman named Mason, also in West Virginia,
00:15:44while that night, a similar creature was seen
00:15:47near the state highway by two children.
00:15:50Finally, a group of five men
00:15:53who were trying to prepare a grave in a cemetery near Clendenin
00:15:56also claimed to have seen a brown human figure
00:15:59with wings that were raised in the air
00:16:02from the nearby trees.
00:16:05This sighting in particular was dated November 12,
00:16:08thus becoming the first alleged sighting,
00:16:11but it was not immediately reported
00:16:14when the group of five got together to talk about the incident,
00:16:17only after hearing the innumerable reports of previous sightings.
00:16:21The name Polilla Man
00:16:24was given to the creature after the first incident
00:16:27reported to the press,
00:16:30when a local newspaper reporter, in the title of his article,
00:16:33referred to the monster as
00:16:36the Polilla Man that terrifies Point Pleasant.
00:16:39Since then, the creature has become the protagonist
00:16:42of the new American mythology.
00:16:45From the various witnesses' accounts,
00:16:48we can see that they are substantially similar.
00:16:51They speak of a being of about six feet in height,
00:16:54very large eyes of fire-red color,
00:16:57endowed with its own luminosity.
00:17:00The humanoid being had human limbs.
00:17:03In fact, it was seen several times in erected postures,
00:17:06and there were numerous descriptions
00:17:09that spoke of long arms with hands with claws.
00:17:12Its wings, similar in appearance to that of a moth,
00:17:15reach a wingspan of nine feet when used in flight.
00:17:18Several witnesses reported
00:17:21how the being flew,
00:17:24keeping its wings rigid without shaking them,
00:17:27a feature similar to the flight of raptors or owls,
00:17:30while the speed of the creature
00:17:33reached 90 kilometers per hour without problems.
00:17:36This was reported by several witnesses.
00:17:39As we have already seen,
00:17:42the moth man was able to follow the cars
00:17:45that moved at high speed.
00:17:48And finally, the strangest detail of all,
00:17:51the sound the creature emitted.
00:17:54In fact, according to some witnesses,
00:17:57the being emitted a metallic sound when it moved.
00:18:00In the course of a year,
00:18:03there were more than 100 sightings near Point Pleasant.
00:18:06But it all ended abruptly on December 15, 1967,
00:18:09when the town was hit by a tragic and unexpected event.
00:18:12It was rush hour,
00:18:15and several cars were driving through Silver Bridge,
00:18:18a suspension bridge over the Ohio River,
00:18:21the point that connected Pleasant with Gallipolis.
00:18:24Suddenly, a strong metallic sound resounded in the area,
00:18:27and the inhabitants of the two towns,
00:18:30petrified with fear,
00:18:33witnessed the beginning and end of Silver Bridge
00:18:36as it collapsed over the river.
00:18:3946 people died that day,
00:18:42only guilty of being in the wrong place
00:18:45at the wrong time.
00:18:48The subsequent investigation established
00:18:51to shed light on the incident,
00:18:54concluded that the collapse was caused
00:18:57by a defect in one of the eyepiece bars,
00:19:00joined together by bearings
00:19:03that were 0.1 inches in diameter
00:19:06due to corrosion.
00:19:09But it was also due to the poor management of the bridge itself,
00:19:12which was designed to carry light loads.
00:19:15An undeniable fact was the use of poor quality materials
00:19:18in the construction of the bridge,
00:19:21which already had residual tension,
00:19:24and with the passage of time,
00:19:27it compromised its resistance to corrosion under tension.
00:19:30Despite the critics who said that the accident could have been avoided,
00:19:33the authorities concluded that to discover internal damage
00:19:36in the eyepiece bar,
00:19:39an adequate internal inspection analysis of the material in question
00:19:42must have been done by disassembling it to find the crack,
00:19:45which, based on the technologies of the time,
00:19:48was impossible.
00:19:51This tragedy was later linked to the legend of the man-chicken,
00:19:54since the creature was supposedly seen several times
00:19:57flying over the bridge during the previous months.
00:20:00Witnesses said they saw the creature resting
00:20:03in the Silver Bridge towers during the night.
00:20:06These stories made it seem
00:20:09that the man-chicken was a foreboding of fatality,
00:20:12a messenger trying to warn of an imminent disaster,
00:20:15or simply an observer of human events.
00:20:18A version of the events was popularized
00:20:21by the journalist and ufologist John Keel,
00:20:24who in 1975 wrote
00:20:27The Prophecies of the Man-Chicken,
00:20:30collecting his research on the sightings of Point Pleasant,
00:20:33also linking it to a broader model
00:20:36of phenomena related to UFOs,
00:20:39flying men, black men,
00:20:42Native American Thunderbirds,
00:20:45Garudas, similar to birds of the Buddhist and Hindu tradition,
00:20:48and even ghosts.
00:20:51Keel hypothesized that the man-chicken
00:20:54was an extraterrestrial,
00:20:57not a being from outer space,
00:21:00but a reality slightly out of alignment with ours.
00:21:03But the Flatwoods monster and the man-chicken
00:21:06were not the only evidence of extraterrestrial
00:21:09or extraterrestrial activity in the West Virginia area.
00:21:12It is strange to discover that
00:21:15in the same period of time,
00:21:18tens of miles from Point Pleasant and Flatwoods,
00:21:21a new alien race was discovered,
00:21:24with an appearance similar to that of a normal human being,
00:21:27except for one disturbing detail.
00:21:32In 1966, Woodrow Derenberg
00:21:35was a sewing machine seller
00:21:38who lived in Mineral Wells, West Virginia.
00:21:41One night in November, Derenberg returned
00:21:44from a business trip to Marietta, Ohio,
00:21:47on the road.
00:21:50He saw lights in the distance,
00:21:53and thinking it was a police car, he decided to stop.
00:21:56But soon he discovered that those lights
00:21:59belonged to an unusual-shaped boat,
00:22:02which Derenberg would later describe
00:22:05as an old kerosene lamp chimney,
00:22:08widened at both ends, with a small neck
00:22:11and then widening with a large bulge in the center.
00:22:14From the inside of the ship,
00:22:17a man came out through a hatch.
00:22:20He had slightly elongated eyes, dark brown hair,
00:22:23back combed, and deeply tanned skin.
00:22:26He was wearing reflective blue clothes,
00:22:29and his face was crooked with a wide smile.
00:22:32He was smiling, but in a way that was impossible
00:22:35for any human being.
00:22:38The opening of his mouth was almost from ear to ear.
00:22:41This is what Woodrow said in an interview
00:22:44with Ronald Mainz on a local television channel.
00:22:47These are his words.
00:23:11His face, his features, were very normal.
00:23:14I don't think he looked different
00:23:17from any other man you would find on the street.
00:23:20But one thing was really unusual.
00:23:23He had a big smile, and he kept his arms crossed
00:23:26with his hands under his armpits.
00:23:29And even though he spoke to me, his smile never wavered.
00:23:32He spoke to me telepathically.
00:23:35He asked me to get out the window on the right side
00:23:38and I did what he asked me to do.
00:23:41And this man stopped there.
00:23:44And first he asked me my name, and I said my name.
00:23:47And then he asked, Why are you scared?
00:23:50Then he said, Don't be afraid.
00:23:53We don't wish you any harm.
00:23:56We don't want to hurt you.
00:23:59We just wish you happiness.
00:24:02And I said my name.
00:24:05Derenberg reported everything to the police
00:24:08and the story exploded like a bomb in the hands of the agents.
00:24:11Newspapers and local television went crazy
00:24:14and the story soon became famous throughout the United States.
00:24:17After Derenberg's interview,
00:24:20naturally a lot of people came out
00:24:23claiming they had met this mysterious Indrid Colt.
00:24:26For example, a few days later,
00:24:29a man said he had had a close encounter with Indrid Colt,
00:24:32the strange figure corresponding to the provisional ID,
00:24:35a man with a straight smile
00:24:38who had emerged at the edge of an isolated road
00:24:41and had tried to stop the witness's car,
00:24:44who, when observing the strange features of the mysterious man,
00:24:47panicked and moved away at great speed.
00:24:50Later, other neighbors in the area reported
00:24:53having seen lights and UFOs in the sky.
00:24:56Almost at the same time,
00:24:59the Lillie family in Point Pleasant
00:25:02told John Keel
00:25:05that they had seen strange lights in the sky
00:25:08and experienced poltergeist activity inside their house.
00:25:11One night,
00:25:14her daughter, Linda, woke up
00:25:17and saw a big man leaning over her
00:25:20with a wide smile on his face.
00:25:23Linda said about this,
00:25:26I saw a man, a big man, very wide.
00:25:29I couldn't see his face very well,
00:25:32but I could see that he was smiling at me.
00:25:35He walked around the bed and stopped just above me.
00:25:38I screamed again and hid under the sheets.
00:25:41When I looked again, he was gone.
00:25:44Thus, the legend of the smiling man was born,
00:25:47fueled by the fact that Colt's visits to Derenberg
00:25:50continued throughout the months,
00:25:53even involving members of the family
00:25:56who said they had seen Indrid Colt
00:25:59several times during the winter of 1967.
00:26:02Colt was an entity or being
00:26:05who, according to his story, would be peaceful,
00:26:08educated, and genuinely interested in his life.
00:26:11But excessive media exposure, in this case,
00:26:14did not bring anything good to the family.
00:26:17In fact, for years they received harassing phone calls
00:26:20from anonymous people who discredited their story,
00:26:23and over time were accused of having invented
00:26:26the whole story to become rich and famous.
00:26:29Woodrow also suffered a nervous breakdown,
00:26:32went into psychiatric treatment,
00:26:35and although the doctors found his mental health good,
00:26:38his obsession with the figure of Colt became too stressful,
00:26:41and finally his wife divorced him.
00:26:44Woodrow Derenberg isolated himself from his loved ones
00:26:47and then left West Virginia
00:26:50to try to build another life.
00:26:53He only returned to the area of Mineral Wells
00:26:56in 1990 at the age of 74.
00:26:59After more than 20 years,
00:27:02he never withdrew from his testimony.
00:27:05Brian Dunning, author of the magazine Skeptoid,
00:27:08when analyzing the story, limited himself to saying that
00:27:11it is difficult to know if it really happened,
00:27:14but it is clear that Derenberg did not gain anything
00:27:17by taking a step forward.
00:27:20His obsession cost him his job and his wife.
00:27:23In the field of extraterrestrial creatures,
00:27:26the following type entered the common imagination
00:27:29barely 30 years ago, thanks to studies
00:27:32carried out by a small group of ufologists.
00:27:35In fact, they argue that in some cases of close encounters
00:27:38or alien abductions,
00:27:41the beings would have an appearance similar to that of insects,
00:27:44in most cases, that of mantises,
00:27:47which would vary in size and height.
00:27:50In the classification of alien races
00:27:53developed by the ufologist Brad Steiger,
00:27:56the insectoids would belong to the so-called Delta type.
00:27:59Before the 1990s,
00:28:02the only extraterrestrial insectoid seen by ufologists
00:28:05was the mothman.
00:28:08However, over the years, other insectoids
00:28:11have also entered the literature of ufology.
00:28:14It all began in 1992,
00:28:17during a conference on alleged extraterrestrial abductions
00:28:20held at MIT,
00:28:23where psychologist Brian Thompson,
00:28:26researcher of the phenomenon of extraterrestrial abductions,
00:28:29told the story of a girl who, in 1957,
00:28:32after seeing a UFO in the skies of Cincinnati,
00:28:35saw an alien about 10 inches tall
00:28:38wandering through the field,
00:28:41and although it was bipedal,
00:28:44it had a face similar to that of a mantis.
00:28:47Later, psychiatrist Carla Turner,
00:28:50also a researcher of the phenomenon of extraterrestrial abductions,
00:28:53in her book Into the Fringe,
00:28:56reported the case of a man named David,
00:28:59who, during a regression hypnosis session,
00:29:02But the greatest scholar of these peculiar cases
00:29:05of close encounters is undoubtedly
00:29:08journalist and writer Linda Moulton Howe,
00:29:11who, in her book Glimpses of Other Realities,
00:29:14reported some alleged encounters with extraterrestrial insectoids
00:29:17that looked like a large anthropomorphic mantis.
00:29:20The two most famous cases
00:29:23feature Linda Porter and David Hawkins,
00:29:26who reported how they had been kidnapped
00:29:29by extraterrestrial insectoids when they were children,
00:29:32and that they only remembered the kidnapping in 1988,
00:29:35after regressive hypnosis sessions.
00:29:38Although they are less numerous,
00:29:41the encounters with alleged extraterrestrial insectoids
00:29:44have also been reported outside the United States of America,
00:29:47many of which occurred in Canada,
00:29:50where the kidnapped,
00:29:53like their American counterparts,
00:29:56speak of extraterrestrials similar to mantis or saltamontes.
00:29:59Over time,
00:30:02various ideas and assumptions
00:30:05about this alleged extraterrestrial type emerged.
00:30:08They have developed in the context of conspiracy theories,
00:30:11which are often reported without precise sources.
00:30:14Riley Martin provides an example.
00:30:17In the book The Coming of Tan,
00:30:20he stated that in a spacecraft in orbit around Saturn,
00:30:24there were representatives of seven extraterrestrial races,
00:30:27including a race of insectoids,
00:30:30the so-called Screed.
00:30:33Through aggressive hypnosis sessions,
00:30:36several abductees by this particular extraterrestrial race
00:30:39spoke in depth about their civilization,
00:30:42describing in detail their history and their planet of origin.
00:30:45The mantis race would be a type of insectoid
00:30:48that lives on a semi-arid planet,
00:30:51similar to a terrestrial desert.
00:30:54It is thought that this race comes from the constellation of Scorpio
00:30:57or Virgo,
00:31:00while the planet where they inhabit would be mostly flat
00:31:03and with few mountain ranges.
00:31:06There are also some particular forms of plant life,
00:31:09but they are very sporadic
00:31:12and survive thanks to the alkaline soil
00:31:15in which there is a lot of salinity.
00:31:18In ancient times, the planet was covered in water
00:31:21that slowly dried up due to the intense activity of the sun.
00:31:24This is why the mantis do not need a lot of water to survive.
00:31:27Instead, they need salt,
00:31:30which they find in quantities that are abundant all over the planet.
00:31:33Their sun,
00:31:36almost a third larger than ours,
00:31:39allowed their planet to develop constantly,
00:31:42so much so that it was almost completely covered in salty water
00:31:45contained in vast oceans.
00:31:48After the star's instability,
00:31:51the planet overheated,
00:31:54creating a greenhouse effect similar to what is thought to have occurred in Venus,
00:31:57but allowing the planet to remain warm enough
00:32:00for the survival of life forms.
00:32:03Most of the water evaporated,
00:32:06creating large deposits of salt.
00:32:09Instead, the rest was absorbed by the soil.
00:32:12One of the few forms of life that survived
00:32:15is that of the mantis.
00:32:18Once aquatic beings, they evolved into terrestrials
00:32:21with a kind of prolonged biological cycle for millions of years,
00:32:24similar to what occurs on a smaller scale with mosquitoes,
00:32:27from their larval passage in the water
00:32:30to their complete maturation in the air.
00:32:33Their civilization developed for millions of years,
00:32:36and according to those contacted,
00:32:39today there are three different types of mantis.
00:32:42The first, the most common and known with green skin,
00:32:45a second with brown skin,
00:32:48and finally the third,
00:32:51which is at the top of the hierarchy of power,
00:32:54that of the white mantis.
00:32:57The smallest mantis measures 2 meters in height,
00:33:00in rare cases even less.
00:33:03The tallest ones can even reach 20 feet in height,
00:33:06and the average height is between 10 and 12 feet.
00:33:09They don't have real cities in which they live,
00:33:12but an underground network of tunnels.
00:33:15The tunnels and agglomerations are excavated
00:33:18in the sandy soil and deeper in the rock,
00:33:21and are similar to anthills,
00:33:24but obviously gigantic and on an almost planetary scale.
00:33:27They extend below almost the entire planet,
00:33:30connecting different, let's call them colonies.
00:33:36Obviously, these are just theories and stories
00:33:39that do not imply any tangible proof
00:33:42of the existence of an extraterrestrial civilization.
00:33:45In fact, according to some defenders
00:33:48of the psychosocial hypothesis of UFOs,
00:33:51the phenomenon of insectoid aliens
00:33:54would be explained by the influence of cultural factors,
00:33:57especially related to pop culture
00:34:00and the rise of the science fiction genre in the 1950s.
00:34:03For example, psychologist Martin Kottmeier
00:34:06pointed out that giant mantises
00:34:09were the protagonists of films like
00:34:12The Mortal Mantis in 1957
00:34:15and Godzilla's Son in 1968.
00:34:18An extraterrestrial mantis called Zorak,
00:34:21instead, appeared in the well-known
00:34:24Space Ghost children's show
00:34:27broadcast in 1966 in the United States.
00:34:30Extraterrestrials in the form of mantis
00:34:33appeared in the film Quatermass and the Well,
00:34:36based on the 1958 television series
00:34:39called Equal.
00:34:42Before the insectoid entered the scene,
00:34:45a theory opened up in ufology
00:34:48that saw as protagonists beings with physical characteristics
00:34:51similar to those of another animal form present on Earth.
00:34:54In fact, in relation to UFO sightings
00:34:57and close encounters,
00:35:00it has been established in several cases
00:35:03that extraterrestrials took the form of humanoid reptiles.
00:35:10In the classification of extraterrestrial races,
00:35:13they also, like mantises,
00:35:16belong to the so-called Delta type.
00:35:19Various conspiracy theories,
00:35:22especially those developed in the 1990s,
00:35:25support the supposed existence of reptilian lineages on Earth.
00:35:28According to these theories,
00:35:31it is assumed that extraterrestrials
00:35:34come from the Draco constellation,
00:35:37while John Rhodes, in his opinion,
00:35:40argues that humanoid reptiles descend from dinosaurs.
00:35:43And in support of his study,
00:35:46he quotes the theory of Del Ruzel,
00:35:49which explains how some species of dinosaurs
00:35:52lived in Yucatan,
00:35:55finding refuge in huge caves like Hang Son Dung,
00:35:58the largest cave known to man
00:36:01and discovered just 30 years ago in Vietnam.
00:36:04The cave is so large
00:36:07that it can contain an entire block of New York City
00:36:10inside it, and although it is only 490 feet wide
00:36:13and 5.6 miles long
00:36:16and 660 feet high,
00:36:19there is an ecosystem in full operation
00:36:22with meteorological events,
00:36:25such as the formation of clouds and rainfall.
00:36:28Hang Son Dung was formed between 2 and 5 million years ago
00:36:31and, according to the legends of the local population,
00:36:34humanoid creatures with skin and snake face
00:36:37lived inside it,
00:36:40in the depths.
00:36:43Stories like this led Rhodes
00:36:46to believe that human attention
00:36:49deviated deliberately from the underworld to outer space
00:36:52and it was precisely to keep things about
00:36:55the underground peoples and the supposed habitats
00:36:58of their ancient civilization in secret,
00:37:01within the theory of the hollow earth.
00:37:04According to David Icke in his book The Biggest Secret,
00:37:07the book that will change the world,
00:37:10reptilian humanoids would be a hidden force
00:37:13that dominates and controls humanity.
00:37:16The race consists of blood-drinking beings
00:37:196 feet tall that can change shape.
00:37:22They come from the Alpha Draconis system
00:37:25and govern the earth through their ability to change shape.
00:37:28According to Icke,
00:37:31the examples of reptiles that are made to pass through humans
00:37:34include the British royal family,
00:37:37Billy Hillary Clinton and Barack Obama.
00:37:40James Buckley, founder of the Universal Aquarium Church,
00:37:43believes that he is an individual
00:37:46that can channel cosmic consciousness
00:37:49through what he calls a revelation of consciousness.
00:37:52He has reported on the existence of a dangerous race of reptiles,
00:37:55some of which, however,
00:37:58can be benevolent individuals.
00:38:01Cosmic consciousness will lead him to affirm
00:38:04that even some human beings
00:38:07can contain reptilian DNA.
00:38:10But the first witness in history
00:38:13who reported the alleged existence of reptilians
00:38:16was Herbert Schirmer,
00:38:19who counted for the first time
00:38:22a being that had been kidnapped by humanoids
00:38:25with the skin and face of a reptile.
00:38:28Ashland, Nebraska, December 3, 1967.
00:38:31At 2.30 a.m.,
00:38:34Herbert Schirmer was driving on Highway 6
00:38:37with the intention of patrolling
00:38:40when he saw red lights on Highway 63.
00:38:43Assuming it was a truck
00:38:46that had been stopped by a technical failure,
00:38:49he decided to approach.
00:38:52As he was doing so, he lit the object with his headlights.
00:38:55Herbert immediately realized
00:38:58that it was not a truck at all,
00:39:01and that it was a metal surface
00:39:04floating about 10 feet over the road.
00:39:07The disk was slightly swaying from left to right
00:39:10and emitted reddish lights,
00:39:13which Schirmer described as the eyes of a ox.
00:39:16Astonished and at the same time worried,
00:39:19the agent did not want to get out of his vehicle.
00:39:22Then he just watched the disk,
00:39:25which after a few moments began to gain height slowly,
00:39:28while one of its bulbs,
00:39:31placed under his helmet,
00:39:34expelled copious flames.
00:39:37The aircraft began to emit a annoying sound
00:39:40similar to a police siren,
00:39:43and after passing over Schirmer's car,
00:39:46it disappeared into thin air,
00:39:49reaching a surprising speed in an instant.
00:39:52Still in disbelief, Schirmer grabbed a flashlight,
00:39:55and went to the place where he had seen the UFO.
00:39:58The asphalt did not seem to show any alteration,
00:40:01nor were there any other signs that could provide
00:40:04greater confirmation in relation to the presence of the disk.
00:40:07He decided to return to the station
00:40:10and wrote these words in his report.
00:40:13I saw a flying saucer at the intersection of highways 6 and 63,
00:40:16oddly enough.
00:40:19At this point, Schirmer realized that it was already 3 a.m.,
00:40:22and this was a big surprise for him,
00:40:25since it seemed to him that the sighting had not lasted more than 10 minutes,
00:40:28and the return time to the station
00:40:31could not have been more than 20 minutes.
00:40:34However, given his fatigue,
00:40:37Schirmer went home to sleep.
00:40:40But when he woke up, he discovered that he had a slight headache,
00:40:43which, as the hours passed, increased more.
00:40:46In addition to this annoying headache,
00:40:49Schirmer claimed to have heard a strange buzz,
00:40:52and also realized that he had
00:40:55an inexplicable red mark on his neck,
00:40:58just below the ear.
00:41:01The same day, the county police director, Bill Laskin,
00:41:04went to the place indicated by Schirmer,
00:41:07where he found a small piece of metal,
00:41:10whose subsequent analysis revealed that it was composed of iron and silicon.
00:41:13However, no one was able to establish what the object was.
00:41:19In those years, the Condon Committee,
00:41:22created in 1966 by the Scientific Advisory Council of the Air Force
00:41:25and led by the famous physicist Edward Condon,
00:41:28investigated the UFO phenomenon
00:41:31at the University of Boulder, Colorado.
00:41:34Some of its members
00:41:37learned about Schirmer's sighting
00:41:40and the subsequent physical problems,
00:41:43and contacted him to suggest that he undergo a regression hypnosis
00:41:46to try to bring to light aspects of the experience
00:41:49that had been repressed or of which he was not aware.
00:41:52Schirmer agreed,
00:41:55and on February 13, 1968,
00:41:58a regression hypnosis session was held,
00:42:01under the supervision of the famous psychologist and researcher
00:42:04Leo Sprinkle, from the University of Wyoming.
00:42:07During the hypnosis, Schirmer said he saw lights in the distance,
00:42:10and approached them, thinking they were a truck.
00:42:13According to Dr. Sprinkle,
00:42:16in fact, Schirmer would have tried to contact the sheriff
00:42:19as soon as he realized the anomalous nature of the object on the road,
00:42:22but the radio stopped working,
00:42:25as if the ship itself had interfered with its operation.
00:42:28However, what follows,
00:42:31what turns out to be totally different
00:42:34from what Schirmer was aware in a state like this.
00:42:37In fact, still under hypnosis,
00:42:40Schirmer said that two humanoid beings
00:42:43descended from the plane and approached.
00:42:46One of the two, in the darkness,
00:42:49took out a device that produced a thick green mist
00:42:52that enveloped the car in seconds.
00:42:55At the same time, it was as if Schirmer was immobilized
00:42:58by a strange invisible force.
00:43:01The other figure approached him and placed a small silver object
00:43:04just below his ear,
00:43:07which made him feel a sensation of spinning.
00:43:10As a result, as if he had been teleported,
00:43:13he was inside the alien ship.
00:43:16Thanks to the great brightness of the ship,
00:43:19Schirmer was able to see his six-foot-tall captors,
00:43:22eyes similar to those of a cat,
00:43:25and without eyelids,
00:43:28lizard skin with a light greenish-gray color,
00:43:31thin and elongated faces.
00:43:34They wore silver overalls with gloves and a helmet
00:43:37in which, like a banner,
00:43:40there was the emblem of a winged snake.
00:43:43The one who seemed to be in command of the flying saucer
00:43:46telepathically spoke to Schirmer,
00:43:49revealing a series of data about his identity.
00:43:52The members of this extraterrestrial race
00:43:55would have come to visit Earth a long time ago,
00:43:58and that disk in particular was extracting energy
00:44:01present in the area.
00:44:04The operation of the spaceship would have been linked
00:44:07to the use of reversible magnetism.
00:44:10Schirmer was shown screens that showed images
00:44:13of other stellar systems,
00:44:16whose disks, identical to those that had been transported,
00:44:19were detached.
00:44:22The captain also introduced him to the crew,
00:44:25one of whom told him that they would see him again
00:44:28in the future, but this did not happen.
00:44:31In the center of the room there was a similar screen
00:44:34that showed the stellar system where the aliens
00:44:37said they were coming.
00:44:40In addition, according to them, the galaxy in question
00:44:43is close to ours, but it has children and planets
00:44:46that Schirmer could not decipher.
00:44:49Following what was said in a conscious state
00:44:52and what arose during the first hypnosis,
00:44:55Schirmer began to tell stories about the whole story.
00:44:58The only element in which both the members of the Condon Committee
00:45:01and Professor Sprinkle agreed
00:45:04was that Agent Schirmer really believed in his experience.
00:45:07It was not at all a story invented
00:45:10to try to get a little fame.
00:45:13Fame that, on the other hand, did not arrive at all.
00:45:16Indeed, on the contrary,
00:45:19Schirmer began to be the subject of mockery
00:45:22by the Ashland community,
00:45:25to the point of being the subject of public mockery,
00:45:28losing almost all credibility and authority.
00:45:31The Condon Committee concluded that the lack of evidence
00:45:34and interviews with the patrolman left the staff
00:45:37of the project without confidence that the UFO experience
00:45:40reported was physically real.
00:45:43Professor Sprinkle was more indulgent
00:45:46when he stated that Schirmer certainly believed
00:45:49that he had really experienced the incident he reported.
00:45:52Schirmer, not completely satisfied
00:45:55with the results obtained,
00:45:58underwent more regressive hypnosis sessions
00:46:01in the following years at Dr. Ron Katz's office
00:46:04at the University of California,
00:46:07during which he made several drawings
00:46:10of what he saw that night on December 3, 1967.
00:46:13Over the years,
00:46:16the founders of the psychosocial UFO hypothesis
00:46:19believed that cultural reasons
00:46:22supported conspiracy theories about reptilians.
00:46:25The fear of reptiles is atavistic
00:46:28and is also found in certain mythologies and legends.
00:46:31In addition, science fiction
00:46:34may have contributed to the development
00:46:37of conspiracy theories
00:46:40about the existence of these reptilians.
00:46:43Professor John Dunning suggests that an article
00:46:46from 1943 in the Los Angeles Times
00:46:49may also have given rise to such beliefs.
00:46:52In the article, a geophysicist and mining engineer
00:46:55announced that he had discovered
00:46:58an underground labyrinth below the city of Los Angeles.
00:47:01It would lead to an underground city
00:47:04built by an advanced race of lizard men
00:47:07about 5,000 years ago to escape
00:47:10from the surface.
00:47:13The man's name was George Warren Shufelt
00:47:16and he was a geologist and mining engineer in Los Angeles.
00:47:19He was also a lover of buried treasures
00:47:22and an avid collector of Native American legends.
00:47:25In the summer of 1933,
00:47:28Shufelt met an old leader, Hopi,
00:47:31whose traditional name was Greenleaf.
00:47:34The man told him many details about his culture
00:47:37and about his disappearance,
00:47:40but during these meetings,
00:47:43he also told Shufelt a legend
00:47:46that the engineer immediately reconstructed in his own way.
00:47:49Based on this legend
00:47:52about the virtue of Hopi warriors
00:47:55and in particular of one of their tribes
00:47:58whose members are called Lizards,
00:48:01Shufelt concluded that the Hopi
00:48:04were the most important
00:48:07in the history of the Americas.
00:48:10At that time,
00:48:13the man began to turn history into modern mythology,
00:48:16adding all kinds of elements
00:48:19that were at their peak in the American mass culture of those years.
00:48:22And so the Hopi warriors of the Lizard Tribe
00:48:25became reptilian men,
00:48:28the last survivors of a super race
00:48:31that had created very advanced
00:48:34intellectual and technological communities.
00:48:37In addition, they possessed chemical substances
00:48:40that could quickly dig huge underground tunnels
00:48:43where, for thousands of years,
00:48:46humans survived and hid from us.
00:48:49Shufelt stated that there are 285 tunnels
00:48:52and a series of huge caves below Los Angeles,
00:48:55each inhabited by 1,000 families of lizards.
00:48:58He also stated that there were many treasures in the tunnels,
00:49:01a true golden reptilian to be claimed.
00:49:04As always, according to his accounts,
00:49:07all the reptilian inhabitants of the underground caves
00:49:10had been extinguished due to the deadly gases
00:49:13that penetrated the cavities of the earth.
00:49:16However, everything that Shufelt tried for years
00:49:19to obtain funds and dig underground
00:49:22in search of the lost treasure of the reptilians,
00:49:25no investor was presented
00:49:28and with the outbreak of World War II,
00:49:31the history of reptilian civilization
00:49:34in the underground of Los Angeles
00:49:37ended in oblivion.
00:49:40Although over time, thanks to this story,
00:49:43the archetype of the reptilians
00:49:46remained fixed in our collective imagination.
00:49:49The Nordic aliens or Pleiadians,
00:49:52their common origin in the Pleiades,
00:49:55are found along with the grays and reptilians
00:49:58among the most widespread populations in the ufological world.
00:50:01Close encounters with these entities
00:50:04have been reported mainly in Europe,
00:50:07especially in the north of the continent and in the United Kingdom.
00:50:10They would have humanoid shape and characteristics
00:50:13to be indistinguishable from humans themselves.
00:50:16In particular, they would have light skin,
00:50:19blue albino eyes or slightly elongated,
00:50:22blond hair and would be 5 to 6 feet tall.
00:50:25Thanks to their particular physical characteristics,
00:50:28many say that in the past,
00:50:31these creatures would have been confused
00:50:34with divine entities,
00:50:37entering the collective imagination in various ways,
00:50:40even as angels and divine messengers.
00:50:43According to several contacts,
00:50:46in the Pleiades cluster,
00:50:49there are about 50 inhabited and colonized stellar systems
00:50:52by the Pleiadians,
00:50:55which are mainly divided into two large lineages.
00:50:58The first lineage has a classic Nordic appearance.
00:51:01The second is similar to the Middle East ethnic group,
00:51:04however, they are less common
00:51:07in the reports of close encounters.
00:51:10These beings would always be positive and peace-bearing,
00:51:13providing protection against other malevolent extraterrestrials,
00:51:16such as grays and reptilians.
00:51:19The hypothesis of the existence of this type of extraterrestrial
00:51:22was advanced for the first time in the 1950s
00:51:25by the ufologist and alleged contact,
00:51:28George Adamski.
00:51:31Adamski claimed to have encountered these creatures
00:51:34on numerous occasions in Arizona
00:51:37from November 20, 1952,
00:51:40and to have known that these extraterrestrials
00:51:43lived hidden among humans,
00:51:46mixing with the populations of northern Europe.
00:51:49Adamski's contact would be called Orton
00:51:52and, according to him, would have been of Venetian origin,
00:51:55not Pleiadian.
00:51:58In addition, at the end of the 1950s,
00:52:01the English contact, Cynthia Appleton,
00:52:04also claimed that the father of her son, Matthew,
00:52:07was of Venetian origin,
00:52:10while the first real testimony
00:52:13about a Nordic who came to Earth from the Pleiades
00:52:16was thanks to the Swiss ufologist,
00:52:19William Mayer, who claimed to have had,
00:52:22at the end of the 1970s,
00:52:25contacts with female exponents of this extraterrestrial ethnic group.
00:52:28One in particular, named Semjase,
00:52:31would have revealed to him that they are of the Pleiades,
00:52:34and that they are of Taurus origin.
00:52:37Discordant stories related to the origin of this civilization
00:52:40led several ufologists to theorize
00:52:43that this population would have originated in Venus,
00:52:46from the stations in orbit, or from the planet itself,
00:52:49but before its ecological destruction,
00:52:52when it was still habitable.
00:52:55Although, according to some ufological currents,
00:52:58they would be the descendants of supposed ancient astronauts
00:53:01who would have colonized remote planets.
00:53:04And finally, there are those who speak of a supposed planet X
00:53:07within our solar system.
00:53:10In this sense, we can find the research of Zakaria Sitchin,
00:53:13a Russian astrologer who claims to have found references
00:53:16to our progenitor extraterrestrial ethnic group
00:53:19in the Sumerian tablets,
00:53:22the Anunnaki of the planet Nibiru
00:53:25of our solar system,
00:53:28but they would also be Pleiadian entities.
00:53:31The last beings we will talk about
00:53:34are the most famous and known all over the world,
00:53:37the so-called Grises,
00:53:40also known as Zeta, Gizeh, or Reticulians,
00:53:43based on their stellar system of origin Zeta Reticuli.
00:53:46They are the type of intelligent extraterrestrial life
00:53:49that appears most frequently
00:53:52in close encounter reports,
00:53:55namely, in abduction reports.
00:53:58In the Steiner classification,
00:54:01they would correspond to alpha-type aliens.
00:54:04Grises are generally described as small, thin,
00:54:07completely hairless,
00:54:10gray-skinned humanoids with large heads,
00:54:13huge black eyes without pupils,
00:54:16and small mouths, often without lips.
00:54:19Some have noticed in this a great resemblance to human babies,
00:54:22that is, they would look like adult men
00:54:25with childish features.
00:54:28Others have compared the appearance of Grises
00:54:31to that of fetuses.
00:54:34According to the studies of several contacts,
00:54:37they are supposed to have reproductive abilities
00:54:40and digestive systems.
00:54:43The most widespread theory is that they are created
00:54:46through a process of cloning,
00:54:49and that they would have reproduced for thousands of years
00:54:52using this technique.
00:54:55The supposed planet of Grises, Zeta Reticuli,
00:54:58would have a high index of radioactivity
00:55:01due to the proximity to its sun,
00:55:04so it has become uninhabitable on its surface.
00:55:07This extreme proximity to the star
00:55:10would have evolutionarily led them to have a double eyelid,
00:55:13one external and one internal to the eye
00:55:17The final objective of the Grises on Earth
00:55:20would be to genetically find cures for the diseases
00:55:23that plagued Zeta Reticuli,
00:55:26and of which the Grises are seriously affected.
00:55:29According to conspiracy theories,
00:55:32based on revelations made by alleged ex-infiltrators
00:55:35like Bill Cooper, John Lear, and Philip Snyder,
00:55:38in February 1954,
00:55:41the United States established contact with a race of aliens
00:55:44called Grises,
00:55:47who landed in Muroc Airfield,
00:55:50now renamed Edwards Air Base,
00:55:53and would have met with President Eisenhower.
00:55:56Later, members of the US government
00:55:59held a treaty with these extraterrestrial entities.
00:56:02This treaty was called the Greada Treaty,
00:56:05which basically gave rise to the agreement
00:56:08that aliens could take some cattle
00:56:11and give them to humans.
00:56:14On the other hand,
00:56:17human Indians would not have developed any memory
00:56:20of what happened to them,
00:56:23and the aliens would have provided a list
00:56:26of all the people taken to the government's secret office
00:56:29called Majestic 12.
00:56:32In addition, the Grises would provide the United States
00:56:35with advanced technology that would help its scientific development,
00:56:38as well as a new superpower.
00:56:41Finally, it was agreed that underground bases
00:56:44could be built that aliens could use for their purposes,
00:56:47and that in two of those bases
00:56:50there would be a scientific information exchange
00:56:53between the Grises and the US government.
00:56:56The first case of alien abduction involving the Grises
00:56:59was that of Mr. and Mrs. Hill
00:57:02on the night of September 19, 1961.
00:57:05The young couple from Portsmouth, New Hampshire
00:57:08were driving along the state highway
00:57:11in the White Mountains
00:57:14when suddenly their car was engulfed in a blinding light.
00:57:17A few moments passed, and the light that enveloped them went out.
00:57:20There was a blackout in the minds of the protagonists.
00:57:23It was ten o'clock at night
00:57:26when the car started up again.
00:57:29The tension between the two was rising,
00:57:32and it was necessary to get out of that narrow and isolated road
00:57:35as soon as possible.
00:57:38Upon returning home at dawn,
00:57:41the two immediately realized that the time that had elapsed
00:57:44was too much for a two-hour trip.
00:57:47During the following days, they suffered severe migraines,
00:57:50and after about ten days,
00:57:53Betty was the victim of terrifying nightmares.
00:57:56She dreamed of being subjected to surgical exams
00:57:59inside a room by doctors
00:58:02with somatic and grotesque features different from humans.
00:58:05Then the couple decided to undergo
00:58:08a regressive hypnosis,
00:58:11and their memories began to resurface in their minds.
00:58:14A skylight, a flying saucer,
00:58:17strange gray-skinned beings,
00:58:20and invasive medical tests with science fiction-type equipment.
00:58:23These details are part of the story
00:58:26that Barney and Betty told that night.
00:58:29After several sessions of regressive hypnosis,
00:58:32Betty was able to identify a clear ID of her captors,
00:58:35and for the first time in her life,
00:58:38the world knew about the grays.
00:58:44The professor at the Harvard Medical School,
00:58:47John Edward Mack,
00:58:50says that many of his abducted patients
00:58:53have had close encounters with gray aliens.
00:58:56In his books, Abduction and Passport to the Cosmos,
00:58:59he describes his experiences,
00:59:02stating that such contacts
00:59:05spiritually transformed his patients,
00:59:08momentarily elevating them to a higher level of consciousness.
00:59:11Neurologist Steven Novella,
00:59:14a supporter of the UFO psychosocial hypothesis,
00:59:17believes that grays are a product of human imagination,
00:59:20and that their somatic characteristics,
00:59:23while they are not human,
00:59:26represent what modern humans psychologically associate with intelligence.
00:59:29Grays are also the aliens
00:59:32described in the 1987 novel
00:59:35called Communion, by Whitley Strieber,
00:59:38in which the author tells alleged experiences
00:59:41of alien abduction in the first person.
00:59:44However, the writer states that
00:59:47grays are not real aliens.
00:59:50Strieber has formulated several unusual hypotheses
00:59:53about their origin,
00:59:56such as that grays are nothing more than physical manifestations
00:59:59of the human subconscious.
01:00:02The occultist Aleister Crowley
01:00:05claimed to have had contact with beings described as angels in the ocean,
01:00:08which, according to some ufologists,
01:00:11show similarities to grays.
01:00:14Other supporters of the theory of the hollow earth
01:00:17believe that grays live on a continent
01:00:20located under the surface of the earth,
01:00:23and that their physical appearance, eyes, and skin color
01:00:26is indicative of a biological evolution
01:00:29that took place in an environment with little light.
01:00:32Another theory is that they are time travelers.
01:00:35In practice, grays would be future human beings
01:00:38who went back in time with UFOs,
01:00:41being these their time machines,
01:00:44and their bodies have evolved over the centuries.
01:00:47Grays have also appeared in the so-called extraterrestrial autopsies,
01:00:50which caused a sensation in the 1990s
01:00:53when they appeared on the main television channels in the world.
01:00:56The first and best known of these autopsy recordings
01:00:59was the so-called Santilli movie,
01:01:02which documentary filmmaker Ray Santilli
01:01:05claimed to have bought from a former military cameraman.
01:01:08The film should have been an original from 1947,
01:01:11related to the movie,
01:01:14but it was immediately labeled as false,
01:01:17both by members of the UFO community
01:01:20and by many experts in various sectors,
01:01:23who detected inconsistencies and anachronisms
01:01:26in objects present in the scene.
01:01:29Obviously, many ufologists claim
01:01:32that those who claim to have seen the movie
01:01:35were paid by Majestic 12,
01:01:38according to the standard procedure of discrediting.
01:01:41Another turning point in the case
01:01:44occurred in April 2006,
01:01:47when John Humphreys,
01:01:50creator of the Max Headroom series,
01:01:53claimed to be the creator of the puppets used in the movie,
01:01:56calling them just a joke or even a scam.
01:01:59Given the large sums obtained
01:02:02with the sale of the movie
01:02:05to television stations around the world,
01:02:08John even revealed that he also appeared in the video,
01:02:11in the role of the surgeon.
01:02:14According to him, the film was filmed in early 1995
01:02:17in a house in Camden District, London.
01:02:20This is where our journey ends
01:02:23to discover these entities
01:02:26that for more than 70 years
01:02:29have made history in the folklore and history of humanity,
01:02:32as the witches, ghosts or goblins did.
01:02:35Today, our curiosity for the inexplicable
01:02:38focuses on looking at the sky
01:02:41or the depths of the earth
01:02:44to discover once again, as in the past,
01:02:47if there are hidden beings capable of revealing truths
01:02:50that we are still unable to know.