• last year
Watch the thought-provoking "Some Concerns" scene from the critically acclaimed CBS cop drama series Blue Bloods. This series, created by Robin Green and Mitchell Burgess, explores the intricate lives of the Reagan family, a multigenerational clan devoted to law enforcement in New York City. In this scene, Will Estes stars as Officer Jamie Reagan, sharing the screen with Len Cariou as Henry Reagan, the family patriarch and a former NYPD commissioner. The scene captures a meaningful exchange as Jamie voices concerns that weigh heavily on him, seeking the wisdom and guidance of his grandfather. The conversation is laced with generational insight and the gravity of experience, reflecting the deep respect and bond between them. Don’t miss this poignant moment that highlights the ongoing dialogue between duty and personal integrity, a cornerstone of Blue Bloods that resonates throughout the series.

Blue Bloods Cast:

Tom Selleck, Donnie Wahlberg, Bridget Moynahan, Vanessa Ray, Will Estes, Steve Schirripa, Abigail Hawk and Len Cariou

Stream new episodes of Blue Bloods October 18, 2024 on Paramount+!


00:00You know you can just drop by you don't need to make an appointment it was official business
00:05I was just showing respect. So what do you got?
00:09It's all in there
00:13Well, can you give me the coming attractions NYPD sergeant
00:17Ryan O'Rourke
00:19survived by his wife Ellen and sons Joseph and Luke and we're talking about him because
00:25The last police combat cross I bestowed as commissioner I hung on him as a rookie
00:35Sorry about your loss pop. The family has applied for benefits from the 9-11 victims compensation fund
00:43He worked ground zero. Yeah
00:45Well, then the family's doing the right thing, but not everyone does though. The fund has been jammed up some
00:51With false claims and there's also lawyers who chase the payouts if you can imagine
01:00So I I just want you to push it along
01:04That's it. Yeah, just pick up the phone. Yeah
01:13Thank You Francis. I
01:15Wish everyone who came through that door had just a can of corn. They needed me to feel
01:20My pleasure
