• last year
Watch the emotionally charged "Love Lost" scene from the critically acclaimed CBS cop drama series Blue Bloods. Created by Robin Green and Mitchell Burgess, this series delves into the lives of the Reagan family, a multigenerational clan dedicated to law enforcement in New York City. In this poignant scene, Donnie Wahlberg stars as Detective Danny Reagan, joined by Marisa Ramirez as Detective Maria Baez. The two grapple with the fallout of a case that hits close to home, exposing the personal toll their work can take. Feel the depth of emotion as Danny and Maria navigate the pain of loss, highlighting the vulnerability that often lies beneath their tough exteriors. This powerful moment encapsulates the heart of Blue Bloods, where love, loss, and duty are in constant interplay. Don’t miss this scene that showcases the emotional complexities of life on the force.

Blue Bloods Cast:

Tom Selleck, Donnie Wahlberg, Bridget Moynahan, Vanessa Ray, Will Estes, Steve Schirripa, Abigail Hawk and Len Cariou

Stream Blue Bloods now on Paramount+!


00:00We appreciate you seeing us,
00:03especially given the circumstances.
00:05No, it's fine, Detective, really.
00:07This is exactly how I envisioned my honeymoon.
00:10This won't take long.
00:11It does seem fitting, though.
00:13Typical mess.
00:14What does that mean?
00:15It's not exactly a lot of love lost between our families.
00:19Why not move, then? Elope?
00:23Have you ever met an Italian?
00:24What she's trying to say is family is important to us.
00:29What I'm saying is that Italian men
00:32do not run away from their mothers.
00:34What about your fathers? What's the story with them?
00:37Two hard-working men living the American dream.
00:39Are you sure about that?
00:41Absolutely. 100%.
00:44What about your father, Francesca?
00:46What's the story with them?
00:48Same story, of course.
00:52Can we not do this?
00:54Actually, we should hear from you.
00:57Is it true or not?
01:02What are they talking about?
01:04You have a great relationship with my father.
01:07And it means everything to me.
01:09But the truth is...
01:12he hasn't been honest with you.
01:17You scare me, Franny.
01:19No, it's nothing like that. It's just...
01:22he's broke.
01:29What about the wedding?
01:31You know, the Rolex.
01:32I mean, they probably put him in the poorhouse.
01:35My mom, a few months back, she got drunk.
01:38She told me that the wells dried up.
01:42You know this for sure?
01:44No. I'm not involved in the business.
01:48I can hear it in his voice.
01:51See it in the way that he walks.
01:54Carmine Romano is a proud man.
01:59And this is killing him.
