• last year
Watch the intense "Trashed" scene from the acclaimed CBS cop drama series Blue Bloods. Created by Robin Green and Mitchell Burgess, this series delves deeply into the lives of the Reagan family, a multigenerational clan dedicated to law enforcement in New York City. In this gripping scene, Will Estes stars as Officer Jamie Reagan alongside Vanessa Ray as Officer Eddie Janko. Feel the raw emotions and tension as Jamie and Eddie find themselves dealing with the aftermath of a situation that spirals out of control. Their dynamic partnership and commitment to justice are put to the test, showcasing the complexities and challenges of life on the force. Don’t miss this powerful moment that encapsulates the heart of Blue Bloods, where every decision can have lasting consequences.

Blue Bloods Cast:

Tom Selleck, Donnie Wahlberg, Bridget Moynahan, Vanessa Ray, Will Estes, Steve Schirripa and Len Cariou

Stream Blue Bloods now on Paramount+!


00:16Okay, that makes sense.
00:20What's up?
00:22What do you mean, what's up?
00:23I've been on the receiving end of that look before.
00:28Someone trashed my locker.
00:30Somebody who?
00:31Who do you think?
00:33And there they are now.
00:37Hey, you two, this ends now.
00:42What, you think we trashed a lady's locker?
00:44See? They know.
00:45Word gets around, Janko.
00:46Who says you didn't trash it yourself?
00:48I'm trying to draw up a little sympathy.
00:49That's enough.
00:50Oh, you're the only person
00:51who can accuse people, huh?
00:53Hey, get your hands off me.
00:54Oh, you don't like that one, huh?
00:55What about this one?
00:57Come on!
00:58Come on!
00:59Come on!
01:00Come on!
01:01No, no, no, no, no!
01:02Come on!
01:05Break it up!
01:06Both of you!
01:07Both of you?
01:08This guy took a swing at me, boss.
01:10He's gonna get a rip for it.
01:12He started it.
01:13And the sergeant who should know better
01:14is getting one, too.
01:16No, Captain.
01:17This is not Jamie's locker.
01:18And it sure as hell isn't Jerry's.
01:20You know what?
01:21I'm feeling generous today.
01:23Rips all around.
01:25Get back to work now.
01:27Back to work!
01:29All right.
01:30All right.
