• last year
Watch the intense "Too Big" scene from the acclaimed CBS cop drama series Blue Bloods. Created by Robin Green and Mitchell Burgess, this series offers a deep dive into the lives of the Reagan family, a multigenerational clan dedicated to law enforcement in New York City. In this powerful scene, Tom Selleck stars as Police Commissioner Frank Reagan alongside Will Estes as Officer Jamie Reagan. Witness the emotional weight as father and son confront a situation that feels overwhelming, highlighting the pressures and responsibilities that come with their roles. Experience the tension and gravitas as they navigate the complexities of their duties, where the challenges often seem too big to handle. Don’t miss this poignant moment that encapsulates the heart of Blue Bloods, where family, duty, and justice collide in profound ways.

Blue Bloods Cast:

Tom Selleck, Donnie Wahlberg, Bridget Moynahan, Vanessa Ray, Will Estes, Steve Schirripa and Len Cariou

Stream Blue Bloods now on Paramount+!


00:08Got a minute?
00:10Thought you and Ernie went home.
00:12Yeah, she got a ride with Aaron.
00:16I, uh, I got something I need to say.
00:22This is about the undercover operation.
00:24It is.
00:27I know you didn't get the answer you wanted.
00:30Less about the answer than the reason behind it?
00:32Jamie, it was purely a personnel decision.
00:35But I'm the personnel, and my boss thinks that
00:38you're trying to keep me out of the line of fire.
00:40Well, then your boss is way off base and way out of line.
00:43Problem is, I think he's right.
00:47Well, that just puts you on the wrong side of the line with him.
00:50You sure?
00:51Jamie, the toughest part of my job
00:54is putting officers at risk.
00:56And in this case, the risk was just too big.
00:59But I'm willing to accept it.
01:01But that's not your call.
01:06I assign hazardous duty to my most experienced people.
01:10In this case, that was the vice team.
01:12Danny's guarding Diego Rodriguez.
01:14It doesn't get more dangerous than that.
01:16You could have had the most experienced
01:17U.S. Marshals handling it, but you didn't.
01:19Danny has been fighting that cartel for years.
01:22He knows the territory.
01:23And he's earned your trust.
01:24That's right.
01:25And I haven't.
01:28I didn't say that.
01:30You didn't have to.
01:32I'm just as capable.
01:34I know that.
01:37It doesn't feel like it.
01:38And I think I've earned the right to do my job
01:41without you looking over my shoulder.
01:42And so have I, without you looking over mine.
01:47Let's go.
