• last year
Watch the compelling "Not the Way" scene from the acclaimed CBS cop drama series Blue Bloods. This series, created by Robin Green and Mitchell Burgess, offers an in-depth look into the lives of the Reagan family, a multigenerational group committed to law enforcement in New York City. In this thought-provoking scene, Tom Selleck stars as Police Commissioner Frank Reagan, alongside Len Cariou as Henry Reagan, his father and a former NYPD commissioner. The scene is filled with tension as Frank and Henry engage in a conversation that highlights their differing perspectives on a critical issue, reflecting the generational divide and the weight of legacy. Experience the emotional depth and the complexities of their relationship as they confront the tough realities of leadership and family duty. Don’t miss this powerful moment that captures the essence of Blue Bloods, where moral dilemmas and familial bonds are constantly tested.

Blue Bloods Cast:

Tom Selleck, Donnie Wahlberg, Bridget Moynahan, Vanessa Ray, Will Estes, Steve Schirripa, Abigail Hawk and Len Cariou

Stream Blue Bloods now on Paramount+!


00:00I want to talk about it.
00:06Not really.
00:14Who called you, Baker?
00:17Somebody who was worried about you, doesn't matter who.
00:24So you think I ought to rescue Tess, too?
00:26What would Lenny want?
00:27You know damn well what Lenny would want.
00:29To make her right.
00:31You're all Tess had.
00:34She called on you.
00:35Where were you, Francis?
00:36I was there for her.
00:38The only way I know how.
00:40But not the way she needed.
00:42So screw that.
00:43Pop, I treated her like I would my own kid.
00:47And so would you.
00:48You're not her father.
00:50She just lost her father.
00:52A father she didn't know existed until a few years ago.
00:57Can you imagine what that's like to have found something that you've been searching
01:00for your entire life and have it snatched away?
01:07I think I can.
01:11Maybe it's not just Bale she was looking for.
01:14I can't read minds, Pop.
01:17You know, you and Tess aren't so different.
01:22She hides in a bottle, you hide behind a shield.
01:24I'm not hiding.
01:25If you want to know what to do about her, maybe look to yourself first.
