• last year
Caitlyn Heggie wins River Ness 10k
00:00So, winning at 17, the last 17 year old to win this race was...
00:26So does that give you a little bit of inspiration for the future?
00:29Oh yeah, it was amazing. I heard her cheering me on as well.
00:33I was like, that gave me a wee boost at like 8k when I was dying.
00:36But like, to be able to do what she did, that's really cool.
00:39Yeah, brilliant. So how does your time compare with what you've done before?
00:43I think it's about a 20 second PB.
00:46I wasn't, I didn't really expect a PB because obviously down at uni I'm a bit ill at the moment.
00:52But I was running in my granny's honour today because she passed away last week.
00:56So, I wasn't sure I was going to do it, but I was like, she's been wanting me to.
01:00So, whenever it was hard I was just thinking about her.
01:03Ah, brilliant. Well done.
01:05It's not easy.
01:07That's why I looked quite taken back at the finish.
01:11Yeah, quite emotional.
01:12Yeah, it meant a lot to me.
01:14Oh well, it's a double achievement to do that in her memory as well.
01:20So, I bet you've run here many times before in 5k as well.
01:24Yeah, used to the roads of Inverness.
01:26So, it was nice to be back because down in Edinburgh it's so busy wherever you go.
01:31And it's just cars, buildings everywhere.
01:33So, even just to run that little bit in the Highland Countryside was so nice.
01:37It was so refreshing.
01:39Yeah, and did you have any company for any of the way in terms of other girls?
01:44I don't know about girls.
01:46There was a few boys that I ran with that were keeping me going the whole way, which I saw the end.
01:51That was really what was keeping me going. It was horrible running by them.
01:54You knew you were in the lead, did you, all the way?
01:57So, you weren't looking back?
01:59No, that's the one thing my dad tells me not to do is look behind you because that's when you start to struggle.
02:05I was quite proud of myself for not looking back.
02:07Well done, yeah.
02:08So, overall then, it's been a great performance. Ideal conditions as well.
02:12Oh yeah, it was perfect because I was looking at the weather and I was in Edinburgh.
02:15It was quite cold earlier this week and even in the mornings, but today it was perfect.
02:19There was hardly any wind, or what wind there was cooled you down.
02:22So, it was great.
02:24So, from here, what's your next target, next ambition?
02:28So, I'll be running for the Edinburgh Uni Hare and Hounds next.
02:32So, I'll be doing East District Relays next week and then District Relays a couple of weeks after.
02:37So, on to cross country.
02:39Yeah, and Edinburgh Uni always have a strong set-up.
02:42Yeah, and I'll have a good team down there as well, which I'm really excited about.
02:45There's a good group of girls that I've been training with.
02:47Is Megan still at Edinburgh?
02:49Yeah, she is. She's down there.
02:50So, I've seen her a couple of times as well, which is really cool.
02:53So, you've had a good time with her?
02:55Yeah, very cool.
02:57Although she's miles ahead, but it's nice to look up front and see her flying.
03:03Well, very good and all the best for the future.
03:05Thank you very much.
