Claire Bruce wins River Ness 10k

  • last year
Claire Bruce wins River Ness 10k
00:00 okay congratulations on your win, we missed your time, what was your time?
00:03 i missed it 34 something, my watch wasn't accurate, 34 40 something i think, big pb
00:11 pb before 35 28 so, wow okay you'll be absolutely delighted with that yeah yeah so how did the race
00:19 actually develop? yeah no i went out fast and was at the front from the start, pretty consistent
00:26 made up a bit of time on the downhill and then just tried to hold it steady under that. okay so
00:30 there's no never anybody with you the whole way yeah so you didn't look back? didn't look back
00:35 for the first time in a race i just kept eyes forward and just trusted in myself. was this a
00:40 kind of target race for you? um yeah so i decided not to do an autumn marathon and kind of concentrated
00:46 on a bit of speed work after summer in the hills so pb in 5k then half then 10k. well it's all going
00:53 very very well yeah and um have you done this 10k before? i have it was the first year i started
01:00 running so it was a good while ago. do you remember what you did then? over 40 minutes but i can't
01:06 remember what. slight improvement? yeah just a bit. yeah that's good so what's the plan from here on?
01:12 cross country over winter but first i've got the scottish trail champs in two weeks time
01:18 and then cross country after that yeah yeah and then hopefully marathon next spring.
01:30 you got any one in particular? probably london. right okay so just coming back to today then
01:37 conditions out in the course? yeah they were pretty good um i was a bit worried about the
01:40 wind coming back in but it was fine actually yeah and the rain stayed off which was nice.
01:46 so this will go down great this is quite a important win for you yeah yeah probably the
01:51 biggest win today so i'm really happy with this. and um is that you beating your boyfriend? it was
01:57 hard to know. is he gonna let you off with that? yeah i think so. yeah okay congratulations.
