00:00The idea for most people staying at a monastery is that they want to take part in the activities.
00:18So there's eight church services every day and there's work in the garden and things
00:26like that.
00:27So it puts the guests more in the heart of things here and gives them an overall better
00:33experience I think.
00:35Anyone who comes round the corner there and sees it for the first time, they say,
00:38Oh, look at that!
00:40And it looks like it's been there forever but it's all fresh and new.
00:57I've been carving stone since 1978 and I've studied in Italy, studied architecture as
01:25well so I have an intuition to what I can do and I respond to what exists here, which
01:33has been cut, what comes down to us from the medieval period and even from later periods.
01:40So I'm able to speak the same language in stone.
01:43But you've also got to think about a sculpture that is fitting for now, not 1301.
01:51And I'm not a sculptor working in the 13th century, I'm a sculptor working in 2025.
01:56So we have a modern brain but I try and work in the medieval way.
02:00I always leave the eyes to the last minute.
02:03So it's the soul of the spirit of the sculpture coming in.
02:06And today is the feast day of Saint Joseph so he's just arrived right on, bang on cue.