WWF Monday Night RAW: March 20, 1995

  • 2 days ago
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00:00The World Wrestling Federation for over 50 years, the revolutionary force in sports entertainment.
00:30Welcome everyone to Monday Night Raw.
00:35Thanks for being here along with Jim Cornette.
00:37We are ready for action here this week.
00:39I'll tell you what, I'm ready.
00:40I'm ready for the most historic night in the history of the World Wrestling Federation
00:44because tonight, the Heavenly Bodies become the World Wrestling Federation Tag Team Champions.
00:48Something they've deserved for a long time now.
00:51King Kong Bundy will join us in a handicap matchup.
00:54Bundy has already singled out Reggie White for WrestleMania.
00:58And I'll tell you, somebody else that I've singled out,
01:00Steve McMichael is going to be here tonight trying to do color commentary.
01:03He wants to take my job, but Kama may have something to say about that.
01:07And of course, on his way to the ring as we speak,
01:10take a look at the man who oozes machismo.
01:15The bad guy, Razor Ramon.
01:17What a matchup this is going to be.
01:19He oozes all right, but I think penicillin would clear that up.
01:22Now, I'm going to tell you right now, McMahon, I can't stay long because the Heavenly Bodies
01:26are in the back right now doing push-ups, sit-ups, kip-ups, throw-ups.
01:29They're doing everything up.
01:31And yes, the fireworks ready to begin here tonight on Monday Night Raw.
01:34It's Henry Godwin, the big rugged hog farmer against Razor Ramon
01:40to kick things off, so to speak, here tonight in California.
01:44I told you I don't like these explosives in the building, McMahon.
01:47But you know, I've been wondering something about this Henry O'Godwin.
01:50You know, he's from one of those small towns, Bitters, Arkansas.
01:53I'm just wondering what he thinks about these big cities,
01:55these big megalopolises, because, you know, Bitters is a very small town.
01:59I stayed there last week, stayed in the hotel.
02:01It was so small, they stole my town.
02:04And Razor, face-to-face now with this big monster hog farmer is quite aggressive,
02:09He ain't going to take nothing off of Razor.
02:11Henry Godwin.
02:12Ooh, and that was a slap.
02:13Yes, he just took a slap off of Razor.
02:15Oh, look out.
02:16The taste right out of his mouth.
02:18Razor locking up with Henry Godwin.
02:21Works on the rest area.
02:22Now into the shoulder.
02:23Razor Ramon, ladies and gentlemen, it's no secret he's not a happy man.
02:27As a result of what happened last week on Monday Night Raw, when Double J inadvertently
02:32granted Bob back in the championship matchup clear to WrestleMania.
02:36And I think Razor thinks the title is gonna change hands
02:39before he gets his opportunity at WrestleMania.
02:42Now, wait a minute- Wow, down across the arm.
02:43First of all, inadvertently, that's a nice way to put it.
02:46The WWF has more shady contract dealings going on than I don't know what.
02:50But Razor Ramon has nobody to blame but himself.
02:53Because if he hadn't lost the title to begin with,
02:55this whole thing wouldn't be happening.
02:56Now he's mad at Jarrett, mad at Backlund, mad at Bret Hart.
02:59He don't know who he's mad at.
03:00I hope he's angry.
03:01My goodness, what a clothesline by Henry Godwin.
03:06Many of you will recall the row Henry Godwin had with The Undertaker.
03:10That was an extraordinary matchup some weeks ago.
03:12And look at, what's this now?
03:14Henry Godwin slamming Razor face first down to the canvas.
03:19And Henry O'Godwin's looking good.
03:20And speaking of looking good, I make you look good with this Steve McMichael
03:24joining you later.
03:25I make you look like Dan Rather.
03:26He's gonna make you look like Stan Laurel.
03:28I hope you realize the value of a talented color commentator.
03:31Wait a minute there, for the ride.
03:33Hopefully he won't talk as much.
03:36And to the far side now, Henry Godwin really pouring it on Razor Ramon at scoop.
03:41And what's he gonna do when he slams him down to the canvas?
03:46Off the rope now, and elbow into the sternum area.
03:49We have a cover, a count, and a count of two, and the bad guy kicks out.
03:53Is Razor Ramon so distracted over this issue with Double J and
03:58Bob Backlund that he can't concentrate on this match?
04:01I don't think he can concentrate on walking and chewing gum at the same time.
04:04That's what I think Razor Ramon's problem is.
04:06He just wants to blame other people for his shortcomings.
04:09Speaking of which, you heard Ernie the Big Cat Lad last week here on Raw.
04:13A hard right hand by the bad guy.
04:15Razor trips to Henry Godwin again.
04:17Razor now sends Godwin off the rope and, no.
04:22Henry Godwin staying in control of Razor Ramon, bringing him back down.
04:26Like I said, Ernie Lad last week on Raw.
04:28Ernie Lad's a man I have a lot of personal admiration and respect for.
04:31He made the transition from professional football.
04:34He said Lawrence Taylor is getting in over his head.
04:36Taking on a man like Bam Bam Bigelow,
04:38a man of that caliber in his first match ever in the ring.
04:41Just how well can LT make the transition from the gridiron to the squared circle?
04:46Matter of fact, Jim Ross is on the case, ladies and gentlemen.
04:49Coming off the rope, now, ooh.
04:50Out goes Razor again.
04:51Jim Ross on the superstar line.
04:54Option number six, ladies and gentlemen, talks all about.
04:57He was there, apparently, in one of those secret LT training sessions and
05:01lets us in on the inside.
05:02The number 1-900-737 for WWF.
05:06It's open seven days a week, 24 hours a day in investment of $1.49 per minute.
05:11And again, please, you must be 18 years of age or
05:13have your parent's permission before calling.
05:15And unlike other 900 numbers, the WWF superstar line does not begin billing,
05:21ladies and gentlemen, until after you have chosen your option.
05:23Again, that's option six.
05:25Jim Ross' personal observation as to LT's ring preparation.
05:30You know that Jim Ross, he's everywhere doing these special reports.
05:32He's the guy that uncovered the Watergate burglary.
05:35You never know when he's gonna pop up.
05:36He even crashed Madonna's pajama party the other day.
05:39But I tell you what, I hope he's there tonight.
05:41Wait a minute.
05:42When the heavenly bodies win the World Wrestling Federation Tag Team title,
05:45I wanna see a report on that.
05:46Wait a minute, Jim Ross was at the MTV Madonna pajama party?
05:50He was in pajamas?
05:50I didn't see.
05:51He wasn't in pajamas.
05:52He was the guy with the lampshade on his head.
05:54Razor now, series of elbows.
05:56Razor coming up to rope over the hip.
05:57No, a plot.
05:58Henry Godwin trying to get him over again.
06:00Razor trying to reverse for a backslide.
06:03Trying to get the big hot farmer down.
06:05Can this do it?
06:06Henry Godwin hanging on.
06:07No, he's going down.
06:08One, two.
06:10Stay with us.
06:13We're back with more WWF action.
06:14Razor Ramon and Henry Godwin still battling it out here, exchanging right hands.
06:18And it looks like Razor has the upper hand right now, hammering away.
06:22But the big hot farmer won't go down.
06:24He's now finally down to the canvas.
06:26What is he doing, throwing punches or throwing a discus?
06:28Look at Razor Ramon.
06:29He's got a new life, a new rejuvenation.
06:32Razor Ramon wants to be the Intercontinental Champion once again.
06:36Will he have his shot at WrestleMania?
06:38Back and beat him on the Sunday Night Slam, my goodness.
06:42Holy mackerel, he caught him right in the teeth.
06:44He's not gonna be eating any corn on the cob without kissing for a while.
06:46And down to the canvas.
06:48Razor Ramon, the big hot farmer is in too.
06:51And he can't quite put him away.
06:54He thought he got it, he wasn't sure.
06:55Wait a minute.
06:56The roadie coming out.
06:58The roadie coming out, now Razor sees the roadie.
07:02What's gonna happen here?
07:04I'll tell you what's gonna happen.
07:05The roadie's attempting to bait.
07:07The roadie is coming out here trying to protest.
07:09The double J was horn swatted last week.
07:11Coming from behind.
07:12Turn around, Razor.
07:13The roadie distracting the bad guy, Razor Ramon.
07:18Henry Godwin taking full advantage of the situation.
07:22You never take your eye off the ball, McMahon.
07:24Roadie now.
07:25Wait a minute, Henry Godwin.
07:27Wait a minute, look at that.
07:28Yes, the kid coming up behind.
07:30Holy mackerel.
07:31He just nailed the roadie.
07:34A one, two, three kid with a boot right on the square of the jaw.
07:37And Henry Godwin now is distracted by the one, two, three kid.
07:41Razor Ramon, what's he doing?
07:43Yes, here we go, the Razor's Edge.
07:45Can he get him out?
07:47He has him out.
07:48This can't be happening.
07:51Cover him, cover him.
07:53Razor Ramon covers the big hug.
07:54Farmer gets two and yes, he got him.
07:57A backfire.
07:58The roadie's efforts backfiring, ladies and gentlemen.
08:01What about the one, two, three kid's efforts?
08:03He's the one that jumped the roadie from behind.
08:05Roadie never saw him coming.
08:07I thought this would be a victory for Henry O'Godwin, but it's not.
08:11And there you see the roadie, ladies and gentlemen.
08:13He's still reeling.
08:14Well, yes, and the bad guy's still rocking.
08:17But will Razor Ramon go to WrestleMania and win the Intercontinental title back?
08:22Or will Bob Backlund defeat Double J prior to WrestleMania?
08:26During the Sunday Night Slam.
08:27We'll get a word with the bad guy and the kid when we return.
08:30Promotional consideration paid for by the following.
08:33There are two kinds of snacks.
08:35One's for wimps and punks, and the other's for me.
08:40You need a little excitement?
08:42Snap into it, Slim Jim.
08:43All right, Razor Ramon, first of all, congratulations.
08:50And I guess a little assist going to the one, two, three kid.
08:54We understand, however, you're not too happy as a result of last week's
08:58Monday Night Raw, when Bob Backlund sort of cajoled his way into a WWF
09:03Intercontinental title matchup.
09:04You know, man, Tony, you should never let it happen, Chico.
09:11Double J, you're so a stupido.
09:14That's my belt, I want it, so we all know what happens.
09:21Double J, Bob Backlund puts you in that chicken wing, you're beat.
09:27He's got my gold, he goes to WrestleMania, he faces Bret Hart.
09:34We all know Bret Hart, he puts you in a sharpshooter, now he's got my gold.
09:44That's great for Bret Hart, but what about me?
09:48I want what I got coming to me.
09:51I don't like it, and I can do something about it.
09:55Raze Ramon, ladies and gentlemen,
09:57does not like, obviously, the latest turn of events.
10:00And speaking of which, let's take you back now and show you the footage.
10:04Last week, you'll see Double J responding to the challenge of Barry Horwitz.
10:07Green getting the best of Double J, putting the title on the line, and
10:11then Bob Backlund shows up.
10:12That's exactly right, Horwitz, you've been crying for two reasons.
10:15One, because of Figure Four, Harsha, and number two, you've been crying for
10:18a rematch.
10:19Well, the sporting champion that I am, I'm gonna give you a rematch.
10:22Yeah, you couldn't beat me on my worst day, but I'm gonna get,
10:25not only a rematch, I'm gonna give you a title shot.
10:28Yeah, before- All right, you're gonna put the title up before WrestleMania?
10:31Congratulations, Barry Horwitz, has he had a match with Double J?
10:36Wait a minute, it's a title shot, the sporting champion that I am.
10:41Get in, get in, get in, Bob, get in, get in, get in, Bob.
10:47What is going on?
10:50What's he doing?
10:51What's he doing?
10:52No, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no.
10:59What's he doing?
11:00Hey, wait a minute, you're gonna run away,
11:02Bob Backlund's got a title match with you before WrestleMania.
11:05No, no, no, no, no, no.
11:06Two rivals, one cage.
11:09For Luger, it means no more corporate interference,
11:12which will afford him the one on one battle he desires.
11:16For Tatanka, it means the ultimate recognition.
11:20He wants to become the new Man of Steel.
11:23Lex battles Tatanka in a steel cage.
11:26Plus, Bam Bam battles Sione, and Diesel speaks out.
11:31Next week on the WWF Sunday Night Slam.
11:35The most grueling match there is in the WWF,
11:38the steel cage matchup, Tatanka against Lex Luger.
11:41It's gonna happen, yes, Sunday night, ladies and gentlemen.
11:44However, yet to come, right here on Monday Night Raw,
11:48we're gonna hear from Lawrence Taylor, and
11:50we're gonna hear from a member of Lawrence Taylor's All Pro team.
11:52Yes, the one and the only Steve McMichael.
11:54Hey, hey, wait a minute, I don't care about any of that.
11:57I'm fixing to go back to the locker room right now,
11:59where the heavenly bodies have a date with destiny.
12:02They're gonna be the World Wrestling Federation tag team title holders
12:05later on in this program.
12:06That's what you ought to be telling people about.
12:08Go ahead, do that now, I'm out of here.
12:10You mean you're gonna leave?
12:12No, I already left.
12:14Well, that's the best part of the program, ladies and gentlemen.
12:16Jim Cornette is leaving on his way to get together with his heavenly bodies.
12:21Yes, the tag team title will be up for
12:23grabs at Heavenly Bodies against the Smoking Guns.
12:28The World Wrestling Federation Fan Festival will be held at the Hartford
12:31Civic Center Exhibition Hall from Friday, March 31st through Sunday, April 2nd.
12:35The Fan Festival is the experience of a lifetime.
12:38It's interactive, so
12:39you can experience the WWF in a hands-on style like never before.
12:43How many times have you dreamed of getting an autograph from your favorite superstar?
12:47Well, that dream can come true because the Fan Festival has three autograph areas,
12:51all sponsored by Connecticut's Foxwoods Resort Casino.
12:54Imagine getting a personal note from Lex Luger, or
12:56receiving best wishes from Reza Ramon.
12:58You can get to see just how great Jeff Jarrett really is.
13:01Plus, there are plenty of other fantastic exhibits for
13:04the entire family to enjoy.
13:05So make sure to come, and don't forget to bring a camera.
13:08Tickets are on sale now at the Hartford Civic Center box office and
13:10at all Ticketmaster locations in the Northeast.
13:13Just call 203-525-4500.
13:17No one cares more about you, our fans, than the World Wrestling Federation.
13:21That's for certain, and unquestionably, ladies and gentlemen,
13:23you're gonna see a whole host of superstars at the Fan Festival, maybe even this man.
13:27Am I afraid of BamBam?
13:31I don't believe in being afraid of any man.
13:34The only thing I'm afraid of is probably snakes and alligators.
13:40I don't see any snakes and alligators in BamBam.
13:43I see pussycats.
13:48I think on a good day, I can take BamBam.
13:54Yes, indeed, on a good day.
13:59Well, it's gonna have to be a good day for Lawrence Taylor, ladies and gentlemen.
14:02At WrestleMania, where less than two weeks ago, by the way,
14:05BamBam Bigelow had a very good day just yesterday on the action zone.
14:10Let's take you back to footage.
14:12All right, now, BamBam was already victorious over Doink the Clown.
14:14But watch what happens now as the official assists Doink the Clown.
14:18BamBam attempts to show us his skills as if he were on the gridiron, and
14:22as if Doink the Clown was the quarterback.
14:24Yes, we're down, set, ready, hot, hot, hot, hot, hot.
14:29And BamBam charges it down goes Doink the Clown, a sack.
14:32And for you, Lawrence, you ain't met an animal, you haven't met a lineman.
14:37And to feast your needs, WrestleMania 11, LT, you're going down.
14:43Bam, Bam, Bam, Bam.
14:47At this time, I'd like to introduce to you one of the most dominating linemen to
14:52ever play in the National Football League.
14:54Formerly with the Chicago Bears and now a proud member of the Green Bay Packers.
14:59And more importantly, a member of LT's all-pro team.
15:04Former all-pro, Mr. Steve McMichael.
15:09All right, Steve McMichael, ladies and gentlemen, yeah.
15:13He's gonna be right there, backing up Lawrence Taylor.
15:18As Steve McMichael joins Reggie Wright, his teammate, his Green Bay teammate.
15:25And they will join, of course, the likes of Ken North,
15:29Chris Fieldman, Earl Banks, and Reggie Jackson.
15:32Yeah, yeah, yeah.
15:36And this man, unquestionably, one of a kind, for sure.
15:39Come on down, come on down.
15:42Steve McMichael's gonna join us here in our broadcast position.
15:51And you talk about commentary,
15:52you talk about a man who knows what he's talking about.
15:55Yes, indeed.
15:56Whether it's on the gridiron or right here behind the mic, have a seat, partner.
16:00All right, let's get down to it.
16:05Can they hear me?
16:07Yeah, we can hear you just fine.
16:10But this is what it's all about.
16:11Ted DiBiase on his way to the ring right now.
16:14And yes, it's the money trail for sure.
16:16Take a look at the size of King Kong Pundey.
16:20He's had a few cream puffs in his life, hasn't he?
16:23No question about it.
16:25How'd you like to line up across the gridiron with somebody with that kind of
16:29I have before, look at that guy.
16:31He looks like half the offensive lineman in the league.
16:33King Kong Pundey will be one of the individuals, by the way,
16:41assisting Bam Bam Bigelow as King Kong Pundey has singled out Reggie White,
16:47your teammate.
16:49He wants Reggie, huh?
16:51He certainly does.
16:52I've seen Reggie make men to me that are bigger guys than him.
16:56They come bigger than this man?
16:58Wait a minute.
16:59And- Go wrestle, baby.
17:05Hey, I hope they don't hurt you.
17:10And Ted DiBiase peering over this way.
17:14You bet you'll have his eyes on you, Steve.
17:17Uh-oh, look at this.
17:18King Kong Bundy going to work in a handicap matchup, ladies and gentlemen,
17:22against Raven Clark and Adam Crooms in the ring at the moment.
17:26Why don't they let him in the ring at the same time?
17:28Well, that might be a little more fair, actually.
17:30Bundy is the size of two individuals.
17:33Yeah, they could grab ahold of a leg each and make a wish.
17:36I don't think that's a very wise maneuver, attempting to body slam.
17:42So wait a minute, both men in there right now trying to get King Kong Bundy out.
17:46And Bundy with two forearms turned, uh-oh, my goodness.
17:49Now, is that gonna happen to you and Reggie?
17:52I mean, is that gonna happen?
17:53Are they gonna, is someone gonna like bang your head, no helmets now?
17:57I don't need a helmet, Vince.
17:59You're right, I don't think you do.
18:00I'm one of those throwbacks that could play without one, I'm telling you.
18:03Yeah, I believe that.
18:04But then again, can your other teammates?
18:06I mean, you got Carl Banks, wait a minute, look at this, to the post.
18:10And it looks like Raven Clark and
18:14Adam Crooms are having their problems with King Kong Bundy.
18:18Bundy pretty much dominating this matchup, much like the gentleman to my right,
18:23Steve McMichael, dominates the defensive line, look at this, my.
18:27That must have hurt.
18:29Bundy with those 400 plus pounds and the ribs of Raven Clark.
18:35Yeah, he- And look at this.
18:38With ease, a body slam, that's something else.
18:40You know, are we gonna see a Donnie Brooke out there?
18:43I mean, do you think all the NFL stars are gonna clash with all the WWF Super Bowl
18:47of a million dollar team members?
18:49Wait a minute, only if the million dollar mouth over there gets his legion
18:54of losers to try to interfere in that match, will we be in it?
18:58Well, I would likely suggest that they will interfere, I mean, my goodness.
19:04As a matter of fact, speaking of interfering, again-
19:07If they interfere, you will see us reciprocate, I promise.
19:11Ted DiBiase has sort of singled you out as well, as you will recall.
19:15And Kama, the supreme fighting machine, apparently has set his sights on you.
19:20Kama, not Koma.
19:22Yeah, that- I thought that's what he gets put in when he wrestles with Koma.
19:25Ha ha ha ha.
19:27Look, Ted DiBiase though, that urn, I wonder how good a dent it would make on his head.
19:33Well, I don't know, perhaps we'll see the WrestleMania Bundy.
19:36Oh my, and Bundy all over Adam Croom's, oh no, don't tell me he's got.
19:44Can you believe the arrogance of Bundy pinning a man with his foot across
19:48the chest like that?
19:49That must have hurt.
19:52King Kong Bundy dominating now one, but two individuals here this week on
19:57Monday Night Raw, as Steve McMichael joining us for commentary and
20:01joining us in less than two weeks at WrestleMania.
20:05If I get up in that ring, Vince,
20:06make sure and remind me to stay off those turnbuckles, will you?
20:11Look at it.
20:12There are gonna be a number of reminders unquestionably for
20:14everyone to keep in mind.
20:15Wait a minute, wait just a moment.
20:19Here it comes.
20:21Is this Koma?
20:22What does he want?
20:23Let me tell you something.
20:25What is- I am sick and tired of you sitting out here,
20:29running your mouth, talking about things you know nothing about.
20:33What you should do is get back on the football field where you belong.
20:37Because you see, since you have chose to enter my profession,
20:43understand one thing, all I do is hand out pain.
20:48Come April 2nd, at WrestleMania, if I get my hands on you,
20:53I am gonna beat you like the dog that you are.
20:57Just ignoring.
20:58Can you tell me something, Mr. B?
21:00Well, tell me something else.
21:01If you have a problem with that, what I suggest you do is you stand up like a man and
21:08do something about it.
21:10Now wait a minute, wait a minute.
21:11He's got gas here.
21:12He's got gas suspenders here, my man.
21:14Hey, whoa.
21:16Yeah, go away.
21:18You, you, what are you, what is going on?
21:25McMahon, McMahon, come and join them, and wait a minute, stop it, stop it, stop it!
21:31Wait a minute.
21:31Wait a minute,
21:36wait a minute.
21:41Stop it, stop it,
21:47stop it, stop it.
21:50Come on!
21:51Knock it off!
21:52Break it off!
21:53Break it off!
21:54Whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa!
21:56Oh, shoot!
22:01Please, take it easy.
22:04There he is!
22:06Come on, Steve.
22:07Come on, take it easy.
22:10I don't know about easy.
22:11Easy, easy.
22:20I'll see you in WrestleMania!
22:23I'll see you!
22:42Welcome, everyone, to your WrestleMania report here on Monday Night Raw.
22:46It's Todd Pettengill.
22:47And, folks, WrestleMania 11, the WWF's kickoff to our second decade of the new generation,
22:54is only two weeks away.
22:56Sunday, April the 2nd at 7 o'clock Eastern, 4 Pacific, from the sold-out Hartford Civic
23:01Center and exclusively on pay-per-view.
23:04Pick up the phone, just the receiver part.
23:06Call your local cable company right now.
23:08I mean, Hollywood's biggest stars have cleared their calendars to join us, and the action
23:13is going to be truly spectacular.
23:15Oh, and by the way, one thing I forgot to mention.
23:17WrestleMania is the crown jewel of the World Wrestling Federation.
23:21And after what you just saw between Kama and Steve McMichael, at WrestleMania, almost anything
23:27can happen, and probably will.
23:30Let's begin with the WWF Championship match.
23:33Big Daddy Cool strides down the aisle with the gold draped over his monstrous frame to
23:39meet the challenger, Shawn Michaels, of course, with his bodyguard, Sid, as his protector.
23:44Two former friends and tag team champions have gone their separate ways.
23:49However, their paths will cross again with a WWF title on the line at WrestleMania 11.
23:55Big Daddy Cool Diesel remains confident he can retain the gold and defeat the Heartbreak Kid.
24:01But Shawn Michaels and Psycho Sid see things a bit differently.
24:06Just ask him.
24:07Well, I'll be.
24:09The World Wrestling Federation champion, Big Daddy Cool, is gonna grace the World Wrestling
24:14Federation with his presence when he gives a live interview with Vince McMahon next Sunday.
24:19Whoa, that's a rare sight.
24:21Big Daddy Cool and the Vin Man, one another.
24:23What a couple of suck-ups.
24:25Well, I got news for you.
24:26Two guys that suck up to absolutely no one are the Heartbreak Kid and Big Sid.
24:32We make our own rules.
24:33And the funny thing is, sometimes even we don't follow them.
24:37Rest assured, Big Man, Big Daddy Cool, World Wrestling Federation champion, you got an
24:42interview with the Heartbreak Kid and Big Sid.
24:44Wanna hear it?
24:45And we will.
24:46Oh, yes.
24:47We will be in the building.
24:50Man, what a night this is gonna be.
24:52WWF Intercontinental title also on the line as Double J Jeff Jarrett with the underhanded
24:58roadie in his corner squares off against the former champion, the bad guy Razor Ramon.
25:03And in light of what we saw earlier on here tonight, there is no question Razor is sick
25:08and tired of the roadie.
25:10You will also see the one and only Hitman Bret Hart step into the squared circle one
25:15more time with Mr. Bob Backlund in an I Quit match.
25:20The question remains, is Bob Backlund ready for the fight of his life?
25:24But Backlund claims that question is a rhetorical mean-spirited attack on his individualism
25:29and he does not have the proclivity to surrender.
25:33You will also see the unearthly Undertaker with Paul Bearer, but without his urn, face
25:38the mighty King Kong Bundy.
25:41Now the Undertaker has a few choice words for the cornerstone of the Million Dollar Corporation.
25:47Ted DiBiase, King Kong Bundy, how dare you violate one of my Undertaker's prized possessions,
25:57the sacred urn?
25:59With every birth certificate comes a death certificate and yours will be signed at Wrestlemania.
26:06King Kong Bundy, the power that you hold in that urn draws you ever closer to your final
26:18At Wrestlemania, you come face to face with the Reaper.
26:23I'll collect my urn and I'll fill it with the soul of King Kong Bundy.
26:33Man, the classic confrontations just keep on coming.
26:36Talk about a powerhouse tag team.
26:39Made in the USA Lex Luger and the British Bulldog Davey Boy Smith team up to take on
26:45Jacob and Eli Blue.
26:47All these matches and more make up the greatest card in the history of the WWF and I'll tell
26:53you that's saying something.
26:54How about a little Hollywood firepower for you?
26:56We all know the star of the hit TV show Baywatch, Pamela Anderson, will be in the house with
27:00Shawn Michaels, right?
27:02Well, we'll also see Nicholas Turturro of ABC's award-winning NYPD Blue.
27:07You'll see Jonathan Taylor-Thomas who plays Randy on Home Improvement with Tim Allen.
27:12How about the gorgeous Jennifer McCarthy from MTV?
27:15They will all be a part of the biggest night of the year known as Wrestlemania, just two
27:20weeks away.
27:21Sunday night, April 2nd, totally live from the sold-out Hartford Civic Center, 7 o'clock
27:26Eastern, 4 Pacific, exclusively on Pay-Per-View TV.
27:30It's gonna be a night unlike-
27:32Ladies and gentlemen, here they are!
27:34They're the idols of every woman in America and the next World Wrestling Federation Tag
27:40Team Champions!
27:41The Doctor of Desire, Tom Prichard, and the Gigolo, Jimmy Del Rey!
27:46They are the Heavenly Bodies!
27:51Yes, they are!
27:52But are they the next WWF Tag Team Champions?
27:54We're gonna find out very shortly.
27:57Mr. Jim Horton!
28:00Jim Cornette being introduced!
28:03Yes, Mr. Cornette, big smile on his face.
28:05Will he be continuing to smile that smile?
28:07Ooh, that's repulsive.
28:08After the matchup is over, who knows?
28:11This week, ladies and gentlemen, Monday Night Raw is brought to you by Skittles!
28:16Skittles bite-sized candies.
28:18There are thousands of fruit-flavored combinations in every bag of Skittles.
28:24Stay tuned, everybody!
28:25The Tag Team title up for grabs when we return!
28:30Welcome back, everyone, to more WWF Monday Night Raw!
28:33The Smoking Guns ready to come down at any moment!
28:36Here they come!
28:37The WWF Tag Team Champions, Billy and Bart!
28:40They have been fighting champions for sure!
28:43They've been living up to their word!
28:45They said they would take on all cover, as a matter of fact, recently in a battle with
28:50Men on a Mission about eight days ago, and Mom not too happy with the result of that
28:56matchup for sure!
28:58Matter of fact, after the matchup was over, they were a bit overzealous, to say the least.
29:02And just yesterday, Oscar, on behalf of Mom, apologized on the action zone.
29:07I want to deeply, deeply apologize to all you fans, and especially to the Smoking Guns,
29:15for what we did at the end of the match.
29:20To be a Tag Team Champion is every person's aspiration in the World Wrestling Federation.
29:27And when we thought we won the match, we were disappointed, so therefore, Mabel and
29:32Moe were a bit overzealous.
29:34And for that, I'm sorry.
29:37All right, we're back, ladies and gentlemen, yes.
29:40Nice apology on the part of Oscar, representing Men on a Mission.
29:45Yes, take your picture while you can, as far as Jim Cornette's concerned, because this
29:49will be the last time you see the Smoking Guns wearing the championship belts.
29:54But speaking of tire, ladies and gentlemen, how about this?
29:56Home Shopping Network, yes.
29:58As a matter of fact, next week, just prior to Monday Night Raw, at 8.30 Eastern Time,
30:03your opportunity to shop for WWF WrestleMania merchandise.
30:09Exclusively, Home Shopping Network, just prior to Raw next week.
30:17Billy, starting things off on the Smoking Guns, against the Doctor of Desire, if you would.
30:22Tom Prichard, here we go.
30:24They have met before, ladies and gentlemen.
30:27Seesaw matchup is likely to occur here tonight on Monday Night Raw.
30:31Heavenly bodies.
30:34What a nice touch.
30:35Over and right back, nice leapfrog by Billy.
30:38Uh-oh, look at this crisscross where she stomps.
30:40Wow, what about that?
30:42What a bulldog.
30:43And look at that dropkick, just to make sure that the Gigolo doesn't get involved.
30:48The Smoking Guns are pumped.
30:51And if they are victorious, ladies and gentlemen,
30:53they're gonna have to stay pumped at WrestleMania,
30:55when they face Owen Hart and his Mr. Parker.
30:57Wait, what's this?
30:58I've made some promises around here that you've gotta keep.
31:01Did you hear that?
31:02Cornette's making promises, and he makes sure that the Heavenly Bodies have to keep them.
31:06What a loud mouth.
31:08All right, look at this.
31:09Feigning an eye injury now, and locking right back up with Billy.
31:13Tag is made, here comes Bart.
31:15Bart, oh my goodness, taking full advantage.
31:18Winding up the Doctor of Desire, Tom Prichard.
31:23And Prichard with a reverse knife edge, and that gets him nowhere.
31:26And another attempt, and that gets him nowhere as well.
31:29Or can you believe it?
31:30You can believe that for sure.
31:32Oh, yeah.
31:33And there's one to throw on down to the canvas.
31:37Back to the corner.
31:38And Tom Prichard with his own bag of tricks now.
31:42Reversal, and it's Prichard to the buckle.
31:44Bart sends him up, way up.
31:48And way down.
31:49A big slam down to the canvas.
31:51Yo, all right.
31:55The Smoking Guns watching each other's back,
31:58just as all of the LTT members will be doing,
32:01watching Lawrence Taylor's back.
32:03Uh-oh, look at that.
32:05As Billy comes in and takes over.
32:07Billy now on Tom Prichard.
32:10Nice arm drag takedown by Prichard.
32:13And a little conversation there.
32:14Oh, look at that.
32:16How about that maneuver?
32:18By the way, Steve McMichael's back in the locker room,
32:20apparently still calling Kama out.
32:23They're trying to restore order, if there was any doubt,
32:27as to the attitude of the team members of Lawrence Taylor's.
32:30There can be no doubt now, not with what we have seen here tonight
32:33from Steve McMichael, not with what we heard yesterday
32:36on the Action Zone from Reggie White.
32:38No, sir.
32:39LT's team members are ready for action.
32:42And I would suggest they're likely to get just that,
32:44plenty of action from the Million Dollar Team at WrestleMania.
32:49Bart now with the gigolo.
32:52Nice takedown.
32:53Bart and Billy putting the WWF Tag Team Championship up for grabs
32:57so close to WrestleMania.
32:59They said they were fighting champions,
33:01but this is a bit ambitious.
33:03And an opportunity for Jim Cornette and his Heavenly Bodies.
33:08Speculation continues to abound as to just whom
33:11Owen Hart has selected as his mystery partner.
33:17You wonder whether or not it is a current WWF superstar.
33:20Wait a minute, let's stay with this.
33:22And down goes the gigolo.
33:24Ooh, wow.
33:25You wonder whether or not Owen Hart's partner is a current WWF superstar
33:29or whether or not he's introducing someone new
33:31to the World Wrestling Federation.
33:34A pretty tight-lipped Owen Hart is not telling anyone
33:38who his partner is going to be.
33:40Unless Jim Ross knows.
33:42That's the kind of investigation Jim's been doing
33:45for the WWF superstar line.
33:48So far, we have seen very little in the way of tag team coordination
33:52from the Heavenly Bodies.
33:53More of that, obviously, from the champions of Smoking Guns
33:56who currently have an advantage.
33:58Billy and Bart have fought their way, ladies and gentlemen,
34:01all the way to the top.
34:04And it was a long, hard battle to get to be WWF Tag Team Champions.
34:08A little consultation going on now.
34:10Billy and Bart want action.
34:15Bart now getting ready to lock back up with the gigolo.
34:19Who, if nothing else, has the most repulsive set of moves
34:23when he's introduced.
34:24That sort of undulating abdominals is repulsive, for sure.
34:28Off the rope, down he goes again.
34:30Bart, off the rope, over the gigolo.
34:32Right back collision now.
34:33Hip toss, yes!
34:36And an arm drag takedown.
34:38And Bart and Billy continue to dominate the Heavenly Bodies.
34:41And Cornette with that tennis racket is going berserk.
34:49Here we go.
34:50Tag was made.
34:51Billy the legal man in.
34:53A bit of a double team here.
34:55You know it!
34:57Ha, ha, ha, ha.
34:59Tactics at the Heavenly Bodies.
35:01Wait a minute, ref.
35:02Turn around.
35:03One, two, and a kick out by the gigolo.
35:05And Billy asking for a little closer attention by the official,
35:09who had his eyes actually on Bart, who's tagged right back in.
35:12Quick tag off.
35:13Billy and Bart, ladies and gentlemen, thus far,
35:15taking it to the Heavenly Bodies.
35:17But who knows what's gonna happen.
35:18Oh, look at that.
35:19And drop toe.
35:21The match continues.
35:22Stay with us.
35:24Oh, a count of three.
35:25Almost a count of three.
35:26We're back.
35:27And things have really turned around for the Heavenly Bodies.
35:31Yes, there's a determined look on the face of Jim Cornette.
35:35He's just relishing, relishing the moment
35:37when his Heavenly Bodies become tag team champions.
35:39And now, Bart trying to reach for the tag to his partner, Billy.
35:45Ever so close and getting closer.
35:48The smoking gun.
35:49The fighting is WWF tag team champions.
35:52Wait a minute.
35:53Look at this.
35:54Look at that.
35:55Distracting the official.
35:56And now the official did not see the tag.
35:58Double team member behind the official.
36:00He's back.
36:01Turn around, Raph.
36:02Turn around.
36:03Turn around.
36:05And Billy inadvertently distracting the official himself.
36:10Meanwhile, there's-
36:11Come on, there's a blatant choke hold.
36:13Get in there, Raph.
36:15And the Heavenly Bodies all over Bart.
36:18Just unquestionably the management style of Jim Cornette.
36:22The Heavenly Bodies, make no mistake about it, would stoop.
36:25They would stoop to anything to gain the tag team title here tonight on Monday Night Raw.
36:33So many, many tag teams watching this very important tag team championship.
36:38That's the report.
36:39Look at that.
36:40What a maneuver.
36:41A cover.
36:45Not quite.
36:47A little frustration on the face of the Gigolo, Jimmy Del Rey now.
36:51Billy and Bart Gunn giving it their all as they always do.
36:57A knee by the Gigolo.
36:59And now the Gigolo tags his fresh partner in.
37:03Let's see what Del Rey can do against Bart.
37:06Wait a minute.
37:07They're both in there.
37:08Going up to rope now.
37:09And a double clothesline.
37:12And finally, the official getting the Gigolo out of the ring.
37:15A doctor to the cover.
37:16Two in.
37:17Oh, no.
37:18Almost again.
37:20And again, a frustration.
37:21Obviously shown by Jim Cornette.
37:26And unable to hook.
37:27Look at that.
37:29Bart is so wide that Richard can't quite hook him up.
37:34You wonder if Joe's going to hook up with that WrestleMania.
37:40Owen Hart, by the way, ladies and gentlemen, taking on a match.
37:43It's not advised for either himself or for that matter, the Hitman.
37:47It's the No Holes Bart matchup you'll see here next week on Monday Night Raw.
37:52Just prior to WrestleMania.
37:53It's a question of wisdom of both individuals in a No Holes Bart match here next week.
37:58Just prior to WrestleMania.
38:00Nice reversal there by Bart.
38:03Just goes to show you the resilience of Bart Gunn.
38:05Wait a minute.
38:06Here comes the tag, however.
38:07Bart needs to tag Billy.
38:09Tag has already been.
38:10Here comes the Gigolo.
38:12And the Gigolo makes certain.
38:14Oh, look at that.
38:15Right in the back.
38:18Bart needs to tag his brother Billy.
38:23And the Gigolo now.
38:26Applying a little more pressure.
38:30Come on.
38:31Look at this.
38:36Desperate tactics on the part of the Gigolo Jimmy Del Rey.
38:41Tactics that might get them disqualified.
38:43I remind you.
38:44If there is a disqualification, the title will not change hands.
38:48To the outside now.
38:49High risk maneuver coming up.
38:51The Gigolo Jimmy Del Rey.
38:52Thinks he has Bart Gunn exactly where he wants him.
38:55Bart's not moving.
38:56The Gigolo takes his tag from the top.
38:59No body hold.
39:03And the Gigolo doing tremendous damage to himself.
39:08And Cornette doing what he can to boost his heavenly bodies.
39:13I need to boost it.
39:14Here's a tag.
39:16And Prichard stops Bart Gunn from tagging his partner Billy.
39:20Prichard setting up Bart.
39:22Now off the ropes.
39:23Roundhouse misses from the other side.
39:25And now a double clothesline.
39:27Both men go down.
39:30The heavenly bodies and the smoking guns.
39:33Really getting it there all this week.
39:35And Bart getting so close to make the tag.
39:38Likewise on the other side.
39:41Del Rey tag right back in.
39:43Del Rey can't prevent this one.
39:45Here we go.
39:46Billy Gunn hammering away.
39:48Look at this.
39:50Billy Gunn all over.
39:51Both heavenly bodies.
39:53For the ride.
39:54Off the rope and down.
39:56Billy Gunn knocks one heavenly body to the outside.
40:00There's one left to go.
40:01Are we going to see a double team effort now?
40:03Off the rope.
40:04Boot and look out.
40:06What's this now?
40:08And Billy's on the top.
40:10What's he going to do?
40:12Billy Gunn.
40:16All the way down.
40:18Bart needs to get out of there.
40:20Get out.
40:21Wait a minute.
40:22Wait a minute.
40:23Wait a minute.
40:24There's Black King Bart.
40:25There's Cornette.
40:26Look at the other side.
40:27Oh no.
40:30Del Rey from the top.
40:32Don't do that.
40:34Wait a minute.
40:37Look at this.
40:38Behind the official's back.
40:40The gigolo in there.
40:42Del Rey with Billy Gunn.
40:44Billy Gunn misses with a clothesline.
40:46Oh goodness.
40:48A DDT applied.
40:50And that should do it.
40:51One, two.
40:54Bart made certain that there was not going to be a pin risking disqualification.
40:57But remember, if the guns are disqualified, the title won't change hands.
41:01There must be a pin or a submission.
41:04Now what is Del Rey going to do?
41:06A one, two, and this time three.
41:09What a maneuver.
41:10Look at that.
41:13Oh, he got him.
41:14I can't believe it.
41:16A tremendous turn of events from Billy Gunn.
41:18Although I thought Del Rey's foot was on the bottom rope.
41:21The official.
41:23I'm not so sure the official saw it.
41:25Nonetheless, it looks like it's going to remain a victory for the Smoking Guns.
41:29But for our benefit, let's go back and take another look at it.
41:32Here we go now.
41:34Tremendous arch.
41:36Unbelievable bridge there.
41:38And watch this.
41:40Watch the foot.
41:41One, two.
41:43The foot was not on the rope.
41:45A clean victory for the Smoking Guns.
41:47They head to WrestleMania to face Owen Hart and his mystery partner.
41:51Promotional consideration paid for by the following.
41:54Big Daddy Cool needs a big lift.
41:57I go for the big beef and spice.
42:00Need a little excitement?
42:02Snap into a sling jam.
42:05Just last night, ladies and gentlemen, in New York City, the WWF superstars had the privilege
42:10of teaming up with the Magic Johnson Foundation and the Robin Hood Foundation to fight age.
42:15Yes, it was March Madness of a sort.
42:17All right.
42:19A benefit dinner and an auction to help raise funds to educate underserved and at-risk kids
42:24and adolescents in New York City about HIV and AIDS.
42:27And who was there?
42:29Well, Magic, of course, along with Big Daddy Cool, the WWF champion Diesel.
42:33This over here used to be Allstate in Michigan when I was Allstate.
42:38High school.
42:40We used to play together.
42:42Isn't that something?
42:44We used to play together.
42:45We used to play ball together.
42:48Allstate High School.
42:50Pat Riley, coach of the Knicks, along with the hitman Bret Hart.
42:53One, two, three, kid.
42:55Patrick Ewing was on hand, ladies and gentlemen, along with Lawrence Taylor.
42:59Yes, LT himself.
43:01And whoa, how about this?
43:03The bad guy, Razor Ramon, bids $21,000 for two tickets to next year's Allstar NBA weekend.
43:11Yes, indeed.
43:13It was an Allstar effort.
43:15Congratulations to everyone who participated.
43:18Over a half a million dollars was raised, and all for a good cause.
43:22Unfortunately, Jim Cornette's cause didn't work out too well for Mr. Cornette.
43:26Nonetheless, he's going to join us when we return.
43:32Bret and Owen Hart.
43:34You thought you'd seen it all.
43:36Until now.
43:38For the first time ever on TV,
43:40no rules,
43:42no regulations,
43:43no holes barred.
43:46Anything can happen, and probably will.
43:50As Bret and Owen finally settle the score.
43:53Next week, on a special edition of Raw.
43:57Welcome back, everyone, to our Monday Night Raw.
43:59We'll remind you next Monday night, ladies and gentlemen,
44:01in a matchup with the hitman Bret Hart against his very brother,
44:04no holes barred.
44:06However, let's get to Sunday Night Slam.
44:09A reminder, it's the cage match.
44:10It's Lex Luger against Native American Tataka.
44:13You can bet that that issue will be settled once and for all.
44:16Oh, you can never bet on anything around here
44:18in the World Wrestling Federation.
44:20I get no respect.
44:22I'm the Rodney Dangerfield around here.
44:24Everybody's getting no respect,
44:26and I'm sure Tataka will get no respect in that cage as well.
44:28And ladies and gentlemen, we will have a very special interview
44:30with the reigning World Wrestling Federation champion,
44:32yes indeed, all seven feet of him.
44:34We're talking Big Daddy, Cool Diesel.
44:36Well, I got a feeling that at WrestleMania,
44:38Diesel is going to run out of gas.
44:40And of course, you know that where there's Diesel,
44:42there's likely to be Shawn Michaels.
44:44Where there's Shawn Michaels,
44:46there's almost a certainty to be said.
44:48I don't even know what you're talking about anymore.
44:50Psycho Sid.
44:52Psycho Sid, I don't want him around here.
44:54That's what I thought.
44:56Is he around here?
44:58And of course, ladies and gentlemen,
45:00on the Sunday Night Slam right here on USA,
45:02you don't want to miss as well,
45:04a matchup between Sione one-on-one
45:06from the Head Strikers against Bam-Bam Bigelow.
45:08And this is going to be a little more,
45:10a little more intense than Lawrence Taylor.
45:12Sione is all of a sudden going to magically transform
45:14into an NFL Football Hall of Famer.
45:16And of course, the Intercontinental title
45:18up for grabs.
45:20Double J, Jeff Jarrett against
45:22former two-time WWF champion,
45:24Bob Backlund.
45:26All that and more, ladies and gentlemen.
45:28Trickery, trickery, trickery.
45:30They tricked me, they tricked Double J,
45:32they tricked everybody around here.
45:34Razor's not too happy about it either.
45:36I could care less what he thinks.
45:38Let's take you to comments, ladies and gentlemen.
45:40Lex Luger, so long everyone.
45:42So Luger, you wanted it, you got it.
45:45Next Sunday, you and me in a 15-foot steel cage
45:49where I made a fool of you at SummerSlam
45:51and I destroyed you at Survivor Series.
45:54But this time, you're going down for good.
45:57Next Sunday, Taka, I finally got what I asked for.
46:01A steel cage match, the most dangerous match
46:04in the World Wrestling Federation.
46:06And for Taka, there's nowhere to run this time
46:08because we're going to be locked inside
46:10that steel cage and there's only one thing
46:12that's going to happen.
46:14End of story, final chapter.
46:16You're going to get beat right there
46:18in the middle of the ring.
