Short filmTranscript
00:00No, a ver, Fatima, tengo que ir a hablar con mi mamá.
00:02Mira, es que se la ha pasado evadiéndome todo el dÃa,
00:04pero sÃ, sÃ, hay que enfrentarla, yo sé.
00:06No vamos a la casa y no me voy a mover
00:08hasta que yo haya hablado con ella.
00:10¿No quieres estar más tranquila y esperar un poquito más?
00:13A ver, Fatima, jamás voy a estar tranquila con esta noticia.
00:16Ya, quiero hablar con ella.
00:18No, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no.
00:21No, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no.
00:24No, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no.
00:27No voy a estar tranquila con esta noticia.
00:29Ya, quiero hablar con ella.
00:31Mi mamá, no lo puedo creer que mi mamá esté haciendo esto.
00:35Por supuesto, yo jamás volvà a trabajar en ninguna de sus fiestas.
00:39Y bueno, es algo que no me enorgullece,
00:44pero el daño ya se me ha hecho.
00:48Lo siento mucho.
00:52Me ha costado mucho llegar hasta donde estoy hoy.
00:55¿Por qué ese tipo se empeñaba en cerrarme las puertas?
00:58Por eso era tan importante para mà la campaña.
01:01Y por eso fue tan doloroso perderlo.
01:05Mira, Sebastián, si seguÃamos saliendo, yo pensaba decÃrtelo.
01:10Yo no me siento orgullosa de eso, pero...
01:13SabÃa que tenÃas que conocer mi pasado.
01:18Solo que Verano se me habÃa rompido.
01:21Y bueno...
01:23EntenderÃa de verdad si no quieres volver a verlo.
01:28Carolina, mira.
01:32A mà no me importa el pasado de la gente ni lo que hicieron.
01:35Lo único que me importa es lo que son cuando los conozco.
01:40Y lo que sé de ti me agrada mucho.
01:44Asà que tu pasado es eso, pasado.
01:51¿Creà que la señora Renata ya se lo habÃa comentado?
01:55No lo hizo.
01:57Pero no podemos permitirse escudar en una enfermedad mental para no ir a la cárcel.
02:02Ese tipo es muy listo.
02:04Pero nosotros no nos vamos a dejar.
02:06Estoy de acuerdo con usted, Ingeniero.
02:08Y voy a pelear para invalidar sus argumentos.
02:11Cuento con buenos psicólogos y psiquiatras, asà que pediré una evaluación.
02:16Haga todo lo que tenga que hacer.
02:18Pero José tiene que pagar con la pena máxima por su delito.
02:23Asà será, Ingeniero. Lo mantengo informado.
02:26Me retiro. Con permiso.
02:38Renata, te voy a pedir un favor.
02:41Sé que no quieres nada conmigo.
02:44Pero te pido que todo lo referente a José me lo informes.
02:49Es la única manera que tengo de protegerte, aunque estemos separados.
02:53No hace falta, Federico.
02:55José está preso y ya no me va a hacer daño.
02:58Sabes bien que no podemos confiarnos.
03:01Y que si él quiere alegar un padecimiento mental, tenemos que evitarlo.
03:05Tienes razón.
03:06Necesitamos estar en comunicación.
03:09Al menos permÃteme eso en nombre del gran amor que hubo entre nosotros.
03:14O mejor dicho, del gran amor que aún te tengo.
03:30Señorita, disculpe.
03:32Entre los accidentados no ha visto a esta señora.
03:36En el fondo tenemos a los enfermos que no han sido identificados.
03:39Pase por ahà a ver si la encuentra.
03:41¿Puedo pasar?
03:42SÃ, por favor.
03:53Jesús, qué bueno que te encontré.
03:56Señora, ¿cómo le escucha?
03:58Está en estado de coma.
04:01Le están haciendo estudios, pero desde que llegó no ha podido recobrar el control.
04:06Y será de gran utilidad que la hayan identificado.
04:10SÃ, su nombre es Jesúsa MartÃnez.
04:13Ok, voy por el cuestionario para abrir su expediente con todos sus datos.
04:16No me tardes.
04:17No me voy a mover de aquÃ.
04:20Ay, Jesús.
04:23Le voy a decir a Julián y a Adriana que te encontré, que estás viva.
04:28Ay, Jesúsa querida.
04:33Bendito sea Dios.
04:38¿Por qué no me dijiste que mi papá no era mi papá, sino que era Federico Méndez?
04:43¿Cómo es posible que le hayas ido a contar todo a tu hermana sabiendo que está embarazada?
04:47Y encima con el problema del divorcio eres una inconsciente.
04:50No soy inconsciente, mamá.
04:51TenÃa todo el derecho a saberlo.
04:53Esperar a que naciera el bebé no iba a cambiar las cosas.
04:55Habla, mamá.
04:57¿Por qué?
04:58A ver, Bárbara.
04:59No es fácil enfrentar un secreto que he guardado durante tantos años.
05:03Bueno, pues aunque no sea fácil lo vas a tener que hacer.
05:05Es que no puedo creer cómo te quedaste todos estos años con esa mentira sabiendo que habÃas tenido una hija con otro hombre.
05:12No me juzgues sin saber todo lo que he sufrido.
05:15Tú no tienes idea de todas las lágrimas que he derramado.
05:21Yo era muy joven cuando me enteré que estaba embarazada.
05:25Fue unas semanas después que Federico rompió conmigo para casarse con la madre de Sebastián.
05:31Tu abuelo no querÃa que yo fuera madre soltera y me obligó a casarme con Gonzalo.
05:37¿Sabes lo que es el sacrificio de casarse con un hombre que no amas?
05:42Pero lo hice por ti.
05:44Para darte un hogar, una familia, un apellido.
05:48Y si callé todos estos años fue pensando que era lo mejor para ustedes.
05:53Yo no querÃa verla sufrir por mi culpa.
05:56Sobre todo a ti, Bárbara.
05:58Jamás pensé que un dÃa iba a volver a ver a Federico.
06:02Pero a Gonzalo jamás le mentÃ.
06:04Él estaba enterado de todo.
06:05¿Ah, s�
06:06A ver, y si eso que dices es verdad, ¿entonces por qué Pablo le dijo a Fatima que mi papá era un mal hombre?
06:12Si te aceptó con una hija que no era de él y además me quiso como su propia hija.
06:16¿Por qué, mamá?
06:17¿Por qué?
06:20Y me notificaron que el juicio contra Brenda Contreras será dentro de diez dÃas.
06:24Será por abuso de confianza,
06:26aunque podrÃan sumarse otros como daños patrimoniales, daño moral,
06:30violación o falsificación de documentos privados.
06:33De ser asÃ, podrÃa alcanzar una sentencia de hasta seis años de cárcel.
06:36¡Es absurdo!
06:37Además de una multa de 465 salarios mÃnimos
06:40que pueden incrementarse si la empresa decide que debe haber reparación del daño.
06:45Incluso hasta de unos cinco millones de pesos.
06:47¡Eso es una fortuna!
06:49Lo sé.
06:51PodrÃamos intentar llegar a un acuerdo reparatorio con la empresa.
06:55Si se paga el monto que ellos fijen, se retira la demanda y Brenda quedarÃa libre.
07:00¿Eso que acabas de decir?
07:02Mi futuro está en peligro.
07:05Yo creà que habÃa sido Gonzalo que le habÃa pedido a Jesús
07:08a que le dijera a Federico cuando regresó a buscarme que yo me habÃa suicidado.
07:13¿Pero tú la aseguraste?
07:16No, bueno.
07:17¡Eso fue lo que dijo ella!
07:20Pero desde que Jesús se fue, yo he estado pensando y...
07:24y no.
07:25Yo creo que fue ella quien inventó todo.
07:28¿Pero para qué le iba a querer mentir Jesús a Federico?
07:31No entiendo, mamá.
07:32¡Ay, porque Jesús adoraba a tu padre!
07:35Y eso no es nuevo para nadie.
07:37Ella sabÃa que Federico era un malvado.
07:40Yo creo que no querÃa que terminara mi matrimonio por culpa de Federico.
07:45Tu papá y yo nos llevábamos muy bien en un principio,
07:48pero luego pues empezaron las diferencias.
07:51Como las que tienes tú con Mario.
07:54Y como las hay en cualquier matrimonio.
07:57Y Jesús ya sabÃa de mi insatisfacción.
08:01Asà que no sean tan duras conmigo.
08:03No, mamá.
08:04No, mamá.
08:05No, mamá.
08:06No, mamá.
08:08Asà que no sean tan duras conmigo.
08:10Yo también soy humana.
08:11Cometo errores como cualquiera.
08:14Les pido compasión y comprensión.
08:30No, Fátima.
08:32Más allá de lo que le hayas dicho a Carolina,
08:34yo todavÃa no me doy por vencido, mi amor.
08:43¿Y por qué me alejaste de mi papá?
08:45Tú te encargaste de que mi relación con él fuera frÃa y distante.
08:49Eso no tuvo nada que ver con Federico,
08:51sino con la separación que tuvimos Gonzalo y yo antes de que naciera Fátima.
08:56Él tuvo una fer.
08:57Yo me enteré.
08:58Eso no es verdad.
08:59Ay, a ver, niñas.
09:02Yo no quiero destruir la imagen que ustedes tienen de su padre,
09:05pero es verdad.
09:06Y no fue la única vez.
09:09En aquella ocasión yo estaba muy enojada, desilusionada.
09:13Yo no querÃa estar cerca de él.
09:15Tú, al verme sufrir, tomaste partido con mÃ.
09:18Yo no te pedà que lo hicieras.
09:21Incluso antes de morir,
09:23Gonzalo me volvió a engañar con su amiga Carmen.
09:26Maggie los encontró muy acaramelados en un restaurante.
09:29Ay, no, mamá.
09:30Claro que no.
09:31¿Qué te pasa?
09:32Niñas, yo no estoy mintiendo.
09:34Miren, aquà está la prueba de lo que estoy diciendo.
09:39Yo no quiero hablar mal de Gonzalo,
09:41mucho menos ahora que está muerto.
09:44Pero asà como me júzganme a mÃ, júzguenlo a él.
09:48Porque si seguimos juntos por más de más de treinta y tantos años,
09:51no fue por amor,
09:53sino porque tenÃamos el proyecto en común de la familia.
09:57Por ustedes sacrificamos todo.
10:01Pues si lo que has dicho es verdad,
10:03a mà no me interesa nada que tenga que ver con el señor Méndez
10:06ni me voy a hacer ninguna prueba de ADN como dijo Sebastián.
10:11Como Sebastián te dijo que te hicieras una prueba de ADN.
10:13SÃ, sÃ, lo dijo.
10:14Pero lo que importa es lo que quiere Bárbara, no él.
10:17SÃ, y yo no la necesito porque mi papá es Gonzalo y punto.
10:21¿Está claro las dos?
10:22SÃ, sÃ, mi amor, claro.
10:23SÃ, está claro.
10:24Se va a hacer como tú quieras.
10:26Asà que dile a Sebastián y a su papá que se mantengan lejos de mÃ.
10:31Los dos.
10:32SÃ, sÃ.
10:35¿Qué pasó?
10:36¿Qué dijo el abogado?
10:38Aún no hay fecha para el juicio, asà que, por favor, tranquilÃzate.
10:42De todas maneras, mañana voy a hablar con Federico
10:44para ver si ya se ha ablandado un poco el corazón
10:46y ver si podemos llegar a algún acuerdo.
10:48¿Y tú crees que vaya a ceder?
10:50¿Que ya se le haya pasado el coraje?
10:52Bueno, harás de lo imposible para lograrlo.
10:55Asà que, por favor, relájate.
10:58Siempre logro lo que quiero.
10:59Espero mañana traerte buenas noticias, ¿ok?
11:02SÃ, Adrián.
11:04No está mal, ¿eh?
11:12Fátima, por favor, llévame a mi casa.
11:14Necesito asimilar todo esto.
11:16SÃ, pero antes de irnos necesito que me contestes otra cosa.
11:20¿Por qué corriste a Jesúsa?
11:23Yo no la corrÃ.
11:24Ella se fue.
11:25Ella asegura que tú la corriste.
11:28¿Ah, y prefieres creerle a ella,
11:30que ha resultado ser una mentirosa, que a tu madre?
11:32A ver, mamá, ¿no es lógico que Jesúsa se haya ido
11:35de la manera que se fue?
11:37Pues seguramente se fue por miedo a ser descubierta.
11:41Si yo la hubiera corrido,
11:42le tendrÃa que haber dado su liquidación
11:44o me exponÃa a que ella me demandara, ¿no creen?
11:46Pero es que en la carta que me dejó decÃa
11:48que no querÃa vernos sufrir por algo que no es.
11:51Ahà está.
11:52No querÃa vernos sufrir como ya lo estábamos haciendo Pablo y yo
11:56al pensar que Gonzalo habÃa sido tan cruel,
11:59tan cruel de inventar algo tan vil como lo de mi suicidio,
12:03cuando ella fue la que inventó todo.
12:20Amiga, ¿podemos hablar?
12:26Fátima, porfa.
12:29Porfa, no podemos terminar una amistad de tantos años
12:31por un malentendido.
12:42Pensé en llamarte anoche,
12:43pero bueno, preferà hablar contigo en persona
12:46y también querÃa esperar a que estuvieras un poquito más tranquila.
12:52¿Cómo estás?
12:54¿Qué te digo, Triana?
12:56Muy sacada de onda.
12:58Amiga, lo sé, pero te juro que si no te dije nada
13:01nunca fue con una mala intención.
13:03No podÃa hacerlo, implicaban muchas cosas y...
13:06y no sé, o sea, no sé mucho más de lo que ya te dije.
13:09Yo sé, pero si yo lo hubiera sabido antes
13:12y me hubieras dicho,
13:13las cosas no hubieran llegado hasta este punto.
13:15PodrÃa haber escuchado la versión de Jesúsa.
13:18Bueno, vas a poder hacerlo.
13:20En cuanto ella regrese.
13:22¿Tú sabes dónde está?
13:32¿Ya viste los resultados de la campaña?
13:34Son espectaculares.
13:35SÃ, sÃ, he estado al tanto de todo lo que está pasando.
13:37Me da mucho gusto.
13:38Ya se está viendo reflejado en la demanda del producto.
13:44Pero bueno, ¿para qué querÃas verme?
13:47QuerÃa interceder por Brenda.
13:49Yo sé que en unos dÃas empieza su juicio,
13:51pero estaba pensando que tal vez podrÃamos llegar
13:53a un arreglo que nos venga bien a todos.
13:58¿Qué clase de arreglo, Adrián?
14:01Pensando en voz alta,
14:03se me ocurre, ahora que estoy aquà con usted,
14:05¿por qué no hacemos que Brenda pague
14:07todo lo que la compañÃa gastó en la campaña?
14:09Incluyendo todo en Nueva York, todos los gastos mayores.
14:12Y de esa manera,
14:13Brenda no necesariamente pisarÃa la cárcel.
14:18SÃ, no sé, se me hace muy raro.
14:20Yo creo que por iniciativa propia,
14:22Jesús haya dicho una mentira de ese tamaño.
14:26No sé, aunque...
14:28Bueno, tampoco creo que tu papá lo haya hecho.
14:31Mi mamá lo dedujo cuando Bárbara y yo la cuestionamos
14:34y nos negamos a creer que mi papá fue un mal hombre.
14:38O sea, Bárbara ya sabe que según tu mamá,
14:40ella es hija de don Federico.
14:42Ya, y si mi mamá lo dice es porque es verdad, Triana.
14:46A pesar de que no he tenido una buena relación con ella,
14:48no mentirÃa en algo asà de grave.
14:50Bueno, bueno, esperemos.
14:53Esperemos a que Jesús se recupere
14:55y que pueda aclararte todo, ¿va?
15:01Y bueno, ¿me perdonas?
15:07Ay, por favor, amiga, ya.
15:10Sabes que yo te quiero mucho.
15:12Yo también te quiero mucho.
15:14No me ocultes cosas.
15:16¿Asà de fácil se arreglan las cosas para ti?
15:19Ingeniero, Brenda no hizo esto de mala fe.
15:23Lo hizo por amor.
15:25Por supuesto que me siento responsable.
15:28Adrián, en este caso el dinero es lo de menos.
15:31El daño moral y el abuso de confianza por el motivo que sea
15:35son lo grave del asunto.
15:38El que Brenda está enamorada de ti no justifica lo que hizo.
15:42Como dirÃan por ahÃ.
15:45¿Cuántos pecados se cometen en nombre del amor?
15:48¿No lo crees?
15:49SÃ, totalmente. Totalmente.
15:51Mire, yo como un último esfuerzo le pido que,
15:54por todos los años que lleva en la compañÃa,
15:56reconsidérelo, por favor.
15:59Esa es una decisión que no solo depende de mÃ.
16:02Lo tengo que platicar con Sebastián.
16:04¿Con Sebastián?
16:06Bueno, perdón, pero usted es el CEO de la compañÃa.
16:08Usted es el dueño.
16:09Es decir, usted no necesita que otras personas avalen
16:11lo que usted quiere hacer.
16:12SÃ, lo sé.
16:14Pero mi hijo fue el más afectado en todo esto.
16:17Asà que no voy a tomar ninguna decisión
16:19sin su consentimiento.
16:22OK, está bien.
16:23Lo entiendo.
16:24Pero es un hecho que esto no va a suceder.
16:27Cualquier cosa que venga de mi parte,
16:29Sebastián la va a rebotar.
16:30Pero no se preocupe.
16:31Lo entiendo.
16:32Ingeniero, con permiso.
16:33Y gracias por escucharme.
16:35Cuando me encontré con tu mirada,
16:39un fuego se encendió en mi interior.
16:44Un mar de sentimientos que me ahoga.
16:50Llenaste de pasión mi corazón.
16:54Bendita sea la vida porque me ames.
17:00Inmenso el universo para amarte.
17:06Gracias al destino que te puso en mi camino.
17:11Te juro que jamás dejaré yo de amarte.
17:16Y aunque nos quieran, robaré nuestro amor intenso.
17:25Pelearé hasta la muerte para amarte y protegerte.
17:35Mi amor sin tiempo.
17:39Mi amor profundo.
17:41Amor del alma.
17:44Amor sin orgullos.
17:47Este amor sin tiempo.
17:49Que el tiempo es uno.
17:51El amante oportuno.
17:54Segundo a segundo.
18:08Don Federico,
18:09look, we've never had a single problem
18:12in all the time I've been in the company.
18:15Everything was fine until your son arrived.
18:18And I understand, I understand that things can change, right?
18:21But I ask you not to lose the trust you have in me,
18:26Don Federico.
18:27I've never been bad to you.
18:53No, although I'm curious to know who you are
18:56and that supposedly you were the one who gave me life.
19:01My dad is the one who gave me all the love and who raised me.
19:04You are Gonzalo Uriarte.
19:14Good afternoon.
19:17Good afternoon.
19:20Good afternoon.
19:21Hello, son.
19:22Hello, grandfather.
19:23Sit down.
19:24Hello, son.
19:25Hello, mom, how are you?
19:26Sit down.
19:27Sit down, grandfather.
19:29I was very surprised that you asked me to come to the house.
19:33Well, we just found out about something that affects Barbara
19:38and we thought it was very important that you knew.
19:42My name is Ana.
19:43She is in a hospital in Morelia because Jesusa had an accident.
19:46Is Jesusa okay?
19:47Yes, yes, calm down, calm down.
19:49She is delicate, but she is alive.
19:51Jesusa went to Morelia to investigate the birth of Barbara.
19:55And why is that?
19:56What's so strange about Barbara's birth?
19:58A few days ago, Ana called us and told us that Greta assures
20:02that Barbara is not Gonzalo's daughter.
20:05Oh, you can expect anything from that woman.
20:09And it seems very strange to me that Gonzalo has not told me anything.
20:13If Barbara was not his daughter, he would have confessed it to me.
20:17I'm sure.
20:18Greta lies.
20:21No, dad.
20:22Of course we are not going to reach any economic agreement with Adrian.
20:25He is kicking the bucket because he knows perfectly well
20:28that if Brenda goes to jail, she will confess that he is behind all this.
20:32Do you have any doubt about that?
20:35You can't consider that she did it out of love and without his consent.
20:39Of course not.
20:40And in that case, then both are guilty, dad.
20:43Adrian for manipulating her and she for letting him do it.
20:46Let's see, I gave her the opportunity to tell the truth before filing that complaint.
20:50She didn't do it.
20:51So there is no negotiation?
20:52No, and not only that, but I'm going to put all the possible aggravators in that complaint.
20:57I'm going to corner him to tell the truth and confess.
21:00And even if Adrian wants to be the victim so as not to take responsibility for his actions,
21:04he will not achieve it.
21:07Okay, son.
21:09Let's do things your way to get to the bottom of this matter.
21:15Thank you, dad.
21:17Hey, I wanted to tell you something else.
21:21Triana told me that Greta already told Barbara that she is your daughter.
21:26And both Fatima and she do not doubt her mother.
21:31And why would she do it?
21:32No, we don't know, but Ana is finding out.
21:36It is curious that the story is repeated.
21:40In the supposed case that Greta is telling the truth and that Barbara's baby is Mario's,
21:48the same thing will happen to you as to Gonzalo.
21:51You are going to raise a child that is not yours.
21:54Grandpa, I remind you of all the fertility problems that Mario and Barbara had.
21:58That's why I'm sure that baby is mine.
22:00And if you're wrong?
22:02No, I'm not wrong.
22:03You could love that baby as yours and you wouldn't make any difference if you had other children with Barbara?
22:09Of course, mom.
22:11Even with Maca, I'm not going to make any difference.
22:14Yes, but it turns out that girl doesn't love you.
22:18And she also has a father who is a good man.
22:22I'm sick of it.
22:24I'm sick of Mario always being the good guy.
22:26Because believe me, he has also made mistakes.
22:28He is not better than me.
22:29He is not a saint.
22:31I'm going to the office.
22:32Let's see.
22:33Let's see.
22:34Calm down.
22:35Son, son.
22:37Don't tell Barbara anything about this, please.
22:39We have to wait for Jesusa to recover to find out what she found out.
22:44San Mario, San Mario.
22:45He's always the best.
22:46He's always the best.
22:47Come on.
22:49What do we do?
22:53I'm glad you're here.
22:55You are a traitor.
22:56You are a traitor.
22:58I asked you to keep the secret of Federico and your father.
23:01And the first opportunity you have, you tell Fatima.
23:04And of course, she ran to tell Barbara.
23:06Well, you would have supported me instead of her.
23:08She wouldn't have found us arguing.
23:10She wouldn't have found out anything at all.
23:12It's amazing that you've talked about Mas with how well I've behaved with you.
23:15And of course, also with your wife.
23:17Mom, the fact of the matter is.
23:19And the truth is, I'm glad my sisters already know.
23:22Let's see if they stop idealizing my dad.
23:23Well, yes.
23:25Well, yes, the truth is that it turned out better than I imagined.
23:28But well.
23:30Now explain this to me, Pablo, because I don't understand anything.
23:33I don't know.
23:34I understand it less.
23:35That's why I told you to sell the factory.
23:38Ask Mrs. Perfecta to explain it to you.
23:42Please, get me a job with your boyfriend, right?
23:45Wouldn't it be nice if you resumed your life with him?
23:48That he will adopt us like his children, all of us.
23:50I just don't understand why Barbara doesn't want to do that DNA test.
23:53It's the first thing I would do.
23:55Well, not everyone thinks the same.
23:57I'm sorry for you.
23:59But we can't do anything.
24:01Dad, please.
24:03We can't give up.
24:05We have to go talk to Barbara.
24:07Try to convince her to do it.
24:12She made a decision.
24:14And we have to respect her.
24:16I had already told you that there was a possibility that it was her.
24:20That she didn't want to do the test.
24:22And I'm not mistaken.
24:24Dad, if we don't do it, I can't prove to Fatima that her mother is lying.
24:28I'm very sorry that that keeps you away from Fatima.
24:31But I think it's time for you to give up.
24:33And let's stay away from the Uriarte forever.
24:36No, dad, forgive me, but I'm not going to give up.
24:38Because Mrs. Greta is also saying that Jesusa made up the suicide.
24:43But if Greta told me ...
24:45I know what Greta told you.
24:47But that lady is changing all versions to her convenience.
24:48That's why I'm telling you that she's lying.
24:51We have to get to the bottom of this matter, dad, please.
24:57Would you agree that Federico and I had a relationship?
25:01Of course, of course.
25:03You could start by talking well about me and getting me an executive position in the soda company.
25:07And why don't you work in the factory now that we remodel it?
25:11Or transform it, as they say.
25:13Here you will also have an executive position, my love.
25:16I am the owner.
25:18I wouldn't even work there.
25:20Imagine Mrs. Perfecta giving me orders.
25:22There's no way.
25:24Well, I'm very sorry, my son.
25:26At this point, I'm not going to ask Federico for a single favor.
25:28So look for options elsewhere.
25:30I can imagine.
25:35It's just that I don't like anyone.
25:41Daughter, please come to the office.
26:06What happened, mom?
26:08Daughter, can you ask Claudio to come and explain to me about the transformation project?
26:12The truth is that I don't understand anything and I need to have clarity to make a decision.
26:16If you want, I can explain it to you.
26:18No, no, no.
26:20I'd rather you explain it to me.
26:22Claudio is the expert.
26:24Please ask him if he can come see me right now.
26:27I understand.
26:28I'll call him right now.
26:43My love, how are you?
26:44Daniel, you don't know everything that has happened to me.
26:47I swear that my world is falling apart.
26:51Everything I felt that you supported me is falling apart.
26:54What's wrong, my love?
26:56My mom says that my dad is not my dad.
26:59That my dad is Sebastián's dad.
27:04Fátima's boyfriend?
27:06The ex-boyfriend now, who turns out to be my half-brother.
27:08I swear I can't handle all this.
27:11I'm going to see you right now.
27:13I'm going to be there by your side.
27:17Please come.
27:19I need you.
27:21I feel like I don't know where I'm going anymore.
27:23That I'm left without a north.
27:25You know?
27:27Like without a compass.
27:29I feel like I don't know where I'm stepping in this life anymore.
27:32Please hurry.
27:34I need you.
27:36I need you.
27:50Miss, they're looking for you.
27:53You got here so fast.
27:55Yes, Cata, thank you.
27:57Make yourself at home.
27:59I'll be right there.
28:01With pleasure.
28:12Grandpa, I have to go to Mexico right now.
28:15I'm sorry, son, but you can't go.
28:19Justino is not there.
28:21There are many pending matters to resolve.
28:24Barbara needs me.
28:26She knows she's not Gonzalo's daughter and she's very affected.
28:29I need to be by her side.
28:31I'm sorry, Daniel, but I was very clear with you.
28:34Look, every weekend you don't work,
28:38you can do whatever you want with your time.
28:42But if you want to keep working here,
28:45you're going to have to fulfill your obligations.
28:48Grandpa, please understand.
28:50Barbara is very bad.
28:52And it hurts me in my soul what is happening to her.
28:55But she has her mother and her brothers
28:58in whom to rely on,
29:00so you can go see her.
29:02So forget about all this and get to work.
29:06Grandpa, please, hold on.
29:13Claudio, I'm sorry to keep you waiting.
29:16No, I'm Claudio.
29:19Sebastian, I'm sorry.
29:21It's okay.
29:23Hey, I was worried about the way you left my office yesterday.
29:27You have nothing to worry about.
29:28Barbara and I already talked to my mom, my sister.
29:31She knows the whole truth.
29:33And we clarified that my dad was not a bad person.
29:36I never doubted that.
29:38It was Jesus who lied to your dad
29:40to save the marriage of our parents.
29:42Maybe, but I still think
29:44that you and I don't have a half-sister in common.
29:46Fatima, I want you to come with me to ask Barbara
29:50to do a consanguinity test with me, please.
29:53No, I'm not going to do that.
29:55Barbara doesn't want to do any tests
29:56and she doesn't want anything to do with you either.
29:59And I'm going to respect her and I hope you do the same.
30:02Even if that means that you and I are still estranged?
30:04Well, honestly, I thought that our relationship was stronger,
30:07Sebastian, stronger than anything that happened between our parents,
30:10but I see that it's not.
30:12You cling to doubt my mom constantly.
30:14It's stronger.
30:16And I can't do that.
30:18I think it's best
30:20that we break up, Sebastian.
30:23Don't say that, please.
30:24I can't and I don't want to be away from you.
30:27You don't know how much it hurts me not to be with you.
30:30And it hurts me that you doubt.
30:32But sometimes love is not enough.
30:35Please, reconsider.
30:39I love you with all my heart.
30:42And I love you.
30:44But we can't be together anymore.
30:47Goodbye, Sebastian.
30:52Goodbye, Sebastian.
30:54Goodbye forever.
31:07Excuse me.
31:28Thank God you woke up.
31:31What happened?
31:36The truck was coming.
31:39It made a horrible noise.
31:41And we all flew away.
31:43The bus was coming.
31:45And we all flew away.
31:47And we all flew away.
31:49And we all flew away.
31:50And we all flew away.
31:52The bus crashed and there were several deaths.
31:56But you are alive, thank God.
31:59And the papers?
32:01Where are the papers?
32:04I don't know.
32:06The belongings they gave me is what you have put on,
32:09but there were no papers.
32:11Please ask for them.
32:14The papers.
32:16They must have them there.
32:17Those papers were very important.
32:20That's why I went to look for them.
32:23Don't worry.
32:25I don't think I have them right now.
32:37Come in.
32:39Claudio Altamirano, Sebastian Mendez.
32:42Nice to meet you.
32:43Nice to meet you too.
32:45Claudio, can you wait for me in the office
32:48until I finish talking to Sebastian?
32:50And Cata, can I talk to my mom, please?
32:52Of course.
32:54Excuse me.
32:56This way, please.
33:01Fatima, I refuse.
33:03I refuse to accept that our relationship is over.
33:06Please, we have to do something.
33:08Sebastian, there's nothing to do.
33:09What I lived with you was the most wonderful thing
33:12that has ever happened to me.
33:15I have never loved someone like I have loved you.
33:21I swear you changed my life.
33:26Because of you, I was a better person.
33:31I reconciled with my dad.
33:35With the whole world.
33:40I changed my plans for the future.
33:43Sebastian, I don't want our relationship to end in hatred.
33:46Forgive me.
33:49No, no, no.
33:52That's not going to happen.
33:54You know it will.
33:56You know it.
33:58It hurts me so much to be a part of your past,
34:00but I...
34:02What you need...
34:05I'll always...
34:07I'll always be there for you.
34:10Me too. I'll always be there for you.
34:15Pablo told me that Bárbara already knows
34:18that Don Gonzalo wasn't her father
34:20and that you don't want to get her another job.
34:24And what about that?
34:28I wanted to remind you that I have a recording
34:32in which you tell your husband about Bárbara
34:35and he has a heart attack
34:36because what he told his children was a big lie.
34:39Please, be careful with what you say.
34:42Someone might hear you.
34:44I'm not going to misunderstand you.
34:46It's just that it's not time to ask Federico for a favor.
34:49I'll do it later.
34:51Thank you, ma'am.
34:53And well, I also wanted to ask you for some money
34:56because I need to hire a lawyer
34:58to help me get my children back.
35:02Don't worry.
35:03I'm going to ask my lawyer to come see you.
35:09While I'm at it,
35:11I wanted to ask you for another favor.
35:15I mean, when the factory starts generating money again,
35:18could you buy me a house
35:20so I can live there with Pablo and my children?
35:22Count on it.
35:24I don't want your children here in my house
35:26and that's a good solution.
35:28Besides, it's time for my children to fly out of this house
35:30so I can have peace and tranquility.
35:33And let's go
35:35because Claudio Altamirano is waiting for us.
35:37Well, he's waiting for me.
35:39Let's go.
35:41I told you you were wonderful, and it's true.
35:44And remember,
35:47you are and always will be my wonder.
35:50Go for it.
35:54Even if you don't want to.
35:56And I'm sorry,
35:57I'm really sorry
35:59that our love wasn't strong enough.
36:03I'm sorry too.
36:24Goodbye, Sebastian.
36:42Goodbye, wonder.
37:14I know, love.
37:16Believe me, I'm very afraid of not being able to go with you.
37:19But I have to solve a problem here at the ranch.
37:22But I promise you that on the weekend I'll be there for her.
37:25It's a shame,
37:27because I feel very sad
37:29and very confused with all this.
37:31Yes, I know, my love,
37:33but I swear I'll make it up to you.
37:36Mom, can you help me comb my doll?
37:38Her hair is all tangled.
37:40Well, we'll talk about it later.
37:43Yes, my love.
37:46Look how it looks.
37:48Yes, my love.
37:54Now it's forever.
38:24Well, although I don't quite understand the document you gave me,
38:27if you guarantee that I'm going to make more money
38:30remodeling the factory than selling it,
38:33then I accept.
38:34I accept the partnership.
38:36I can only guarantee that, ma'am.
38:39And for how long do you think we can see profits?
38:42Mom, before thinking about that,
38:44we have to find a third partner
38:46and start the new factory.
38:48As I told you,
38:50Claudio is willing to partner with you,
38:51but it requires another investment partner
38:53who contributes the same capital as Claudio.
38:56Well, do you already have someone in mind?
38:59Not yet,
39:01but I'm going to start looking at my contacts.
39:04I think it's very good
39:06that you take care of all this
39:08because I really have no idea about business,
39:11but hey,
39:13you have to be an honest person
39:15and of absolute confidence.
39:17I don't want to get any surprises.
39:19Mrs. Uriarte, believe me when I tell you
39:21that you can trust me.
39:23I also want to take care of my investment.
39:25Of course.
39:26So is it a fact?
39:28Are we going for the transformation of the factory?
39:30Yes, it's a fact.
39:35You don't know how happy I am
39:37to be associated with you.
39:39As soon as I have the third partner,
39:41we will do everything official before the notary.
39:43I think it's very good.
39:45We have a deal.
39:47That's right.
39:54Yes, boss.
39:56Do it.
39:58Are you going to ride this time, boss?
40:00Do I have to ask you for a bonus too or what?
40:02No, no, boss.
40:04I wish because he never goes out to ride at this time.
40:12It's not your fault.
40:14Don't worry, boss.
40:16I'll do it right now.
40:24Jesusa is better now
40:26and apparently tomorrow they will release her.
40:28And if that's the case,
40:30we're going to Mexico tomorrow.
40:32That's very good news.
40:34I need to have proof that Greta is lying.
40:36Oh, Sebastián.
40:38The problem is that the evidence was lost in the accident.
40:42No, don't make me up.
40:44Jesusa did have the ultrasounds in his hands
40:46and confirmed that Barbara was Siete Mesina.
40:49But the document no longer exists.
40:51So how are you going to prove that Greta is lying?
40:53I don't know.
40:55Because the only thing we have now
40:57is Jesusa's word against Greta's.
41:00And you don't know how sorry I am
41:02that everything Jesusa did
41:04to unmask Greta
41:06was useless.
41:22Thank you for being our partner
41:24and helping me continue with my father's project.
41:26As you think.
41:28It's an honor to be associated with you.
41:30Well, I mean, with you.
41:32I'm sure this is going to be a good business
41:34for all of us.
41:36What I don't like is seeing you so sad.
41:38I'm sorry, I can't help it.
41:40It's just...
41:42I don't know.
41:44I don't know what to do.
41:46I don't know what to do.
41:48I don't know what to do.
41:49I'm sorry, I can't help it.
41:51It's just...
41:53I just broke up with the love of my life.
41:55I understand that you are affected by all of this.
41:58But over time, we realize
42:00that different types of love come into life.
42:02All equally important.
42:04So I'm sure
42:06your next love will come, too.
42:08I don't think I'll ever love anyone
42:10like I love Sebastian.
42:12Time to time.
42:16Why don't we celebrate?
42:19Your mom decided to be with me.
42:21I want to take you out to dinner.
42:23What do you say?
42:25Yes, of course.
42:27Time heals all wounds, Fatima.
42:31I'm telling you from experience.
42:47I love you.