The Wind in the Willows (1995)

  • le mois dernier
00:01:00Qu'est-ce que tu veux dire ? Les filles sont belles.
00:01:03Les filles, c'est de la merde.
00:01:26Regarde, regarde, plus de chiens. Je t'ai dit, monsieur.
00:01:29Ils cherchent de la nourriture, les pauvres.
00:01:31Regarde, un chien.
00:01:33Et les pauvres oiseaux ?
00:01:35Emma, tu t'inquiètes toujours des animaux.
00:01:39Tu ne sais pas comment ils se rafraichissent quand les bateaux passent.
00:01:42Ne sois pas folle, Emma. L'eau va directement dans leurs frontières.
00:01:46Comment tu le sais ?
00:01:48Eh bien, en fait, nous le savons tous.
00:01:50N'est-ce pas, Alexandra ?
00:01:53Les molles ont travaillé très dur.
00:01:59C'est tout à fait lié à l'eau.
00:02:02Un certain molle, et Pratt, et Mr. Butcher...
00:02:05Alexandra et Mr. Toad !
00:02:10Tu dois imaginer ce que tu ne peux pas voir.
00:02:13Et qu'il y a des voix à entendre si tu ne les laisses pas parler.
00:02:16C'est vrai.
00:02:17Tu vois, les filles, tu dois écouter l'eau.
00:02:21C'est juste la même chose qu'il y a toujours été et qu'il y aura toujours été.
00:02:26Toujours changer et toujours la même chose.
00:02:40Le molle a travaillé très dur toute la matinée,
00:02:43nettoyant son petit domicile.
00:02:45Tout d'abord avec des rouleaux, puis avec de la poussière,
00:02:47puis sur des escaliers, des escaliers et des chaises,
00:02:49avec une bouche d'huile.
00:02:51Jusqu'à ce qu'il n'y ait plus de poussière dans son ventre et ses yeux
00:02:54et des boucles d'huile blanche tout au long de son ventre noir.
00:02:58Bordel !
00:02:59Le molle était en mouvement dans l'air en haut et dans la terre en dessous et autour de lui,
00:03:04pénétrant même son petit domicile sombre et léger,
00:03:08avec son esprit de désir.
00:03:10C'était un petit miracle alors que tout d'un coup...
00:03:12Oh ! Oh !
00:03:17Et le nettoyage du molle !
00:03:24Oh !
00:03:28On y va ! On y va !
00:03:38Oh mon Dieu !
00:03:41Hé !
00:03:51Stop !
00:03:52Oh ! La voie privée !
00:03:54Saucisson d'oignons ! Saucisson d'oignons !
00:03:58Clear the way !
00:04:01Did you see that ?
00:04:02That's an OG !
00:04:03Well, I never !
00:04:10Oh !
00:04:33Oh !
00:04:41Oh !
00:04:42My !
00:05:02Hello, Molle !
00:05:04Hello, Rat !
00:05:07Would you like to come over ?
00:05:08All very well to talk !
00:05:24Step lively !
00:05:32I've never been in a boat before !
00:05:35I've never been in a boat before !
00:05:38What ? Never been ?
00:05:43My young friend,
00:05:44there is nothing, absolutely nothing,
00:05:47half so much worth doing
00:05:49as simply messing about in boats.
00:05:52Messing about in boats.
00:05:55Messing about...
00:05:57Look ahead, Rat !
00:06:01In boats or with boats.
00:06:04Boats !
00:06:05In or out of them, it doesn't matter.
00:06:06That's the charm of it.
00:06:07Whether you get away, whether you don't,
00:06:09or whether you arrive at your destination or somewhere else,
00:06:12or whether you never get anywhere at all,
00:06:14you're always busy.
00:06:16Nothing in particular.
00:06:17And when you've done it,
00:06:18there's always something else to do.
00:06:19And you can do it if you'd like.
00:06:23But you'd much better not.
00:06:27Shove that on your feet.
00:06:31A cold chicken, cold tongue, cold ham, cold beef,
00:06:33pickled gherkin, salad, french rolls,
00:06:34pressed sandwiches, potted meat, ginger beer,
00:06:36lemonade, soda water.
00:06:37Stop, too much !
00:06:38Only what I always take on these little excursions.
00:06:49this is
00:06:51a river.
00:06:52The river.
00:06:54And you live by it ?
00:06:56By it and with it and on it and in it.
00:07:00It's my world and I don't want any other.
00:07:02What it hasn't got is not worth having.
00:07:04Winter, summer, spring, autumn.
00:07:07Lord, the fun we have together.
00:07:09Just you and the river.
00:07:11No one else.
00:07:12No one else ?
00:07:13The bank's far too crowded nowadays.
00:07:15Everyone's always wanting you to do something as if...
00:07:17What's over there ?
00:07:23That is the wild wood.
00:07:25We river bankers don't go there much.
00:07:28Aren't the people there very nice ?
00:07:32Squirrels, all right.
00:07:34Rabbits, some of them.
00:07:35And this dear old badger,
00:07:36wouldn't have anywhere else he could feed him.
00:07:38There are others, you see.
00:07:44All right in a way,
00:07:46but you can't really trust them.
00:07:49And beyond the wild wood ?
00:07:52Lies the wide world.
00:07:54I'm never going there and nor will you,
00:07:56if you've got any sense.
00:07:57Don't ever refer to it again.
00:08:02Oh, my.
00:08:05Oh, my.
00:08:07Oh, my.
00:08:10Oh, my.
00:08:12Oh, oh.
00:08:33Pour l'apprentissage de la baie,
00:08:36Bagnac !
00:08:37Pourquoi ne m'as-tu pas invité, Ratty ?
00:08:39L'impudente !
00:08:40Une affaire impromptue.
00:08:41Au fait, mon ami M. Mole.
00:08:43Proud, je suis sûr.
00:08:46C'est un rumpus sur la rivière aujourd'hui.
00:08:48Je suis venu ici pour un peu de silence et me faire tomber sur vous, les gars.
00:08:51Je vous en prie.
00:08:52Je ne voulais pas...
00:08:57Phew !
00:08:58Mon cher vieux gars,
00:08:59venez et...
00:09:01Oh, mon dieu.
00:09:02Mais c'est juste son chemin.
00:09:04On ne va pas voir plus de lui aujourd'hui.
00:09:06Alors, qui est sur la rivière ?
00:09:07Le grand homme, pour un.
00:09:10Des vêtements, des vêtements.
00:09:11Tout est nouveau.
00:09:13Ha !
00:09:14Tout d'abord, c'était de l'agriculture.
00:09:15Ensuite, c'était de l'agriculture.
00:09:17Ensuite, c'était de l'agriculture.
00:09:18Toujours la même chose.
00:09:20Quoi qu'il en prenne,
00:09:21il s'ennuie bientôt de tout ça
00:09:22et commence quelque chose de nouveau.
00:09:25Au revoir.
00:09:26Au revoir.
00:09:27Ah !
00:09:29Bonjour, les gars.
00:09:32Ah !
00:09:33Oh !
00:09:34Les vêtements.
00:09:35Oh !
00:09:36Oh !
00:09:37Oh !
00:09:38Oh !
00:09:39Oh !
00:09:40Oh !
00:09:41Oh !
00:09:42Oh !
00:09:43Oh !
00:09:44Oh !
00:09:45Oh !
00:09:46Oh !
00:09:47Oh !
00:09:48Oh !
00:09:49Oh !
00:09:50Oh !
00:09:51Oh !
00:09:52Oh !
00:09:53Oh !
00:09:54Oh !
00:09:55Ah !
00:09:57Regarde, vieux,
00:09:58peut-être qu'il est temps
00:09:59qu'on se réunisse, hein ?
00:10:02Au sujet du vélo,
00:10:05pensez-vous que je pourrais...
00:10:06Mon cher ami,
00:10:07je ne pense pas.
00:10:10Je pense que j'aurai été plutôt bien,
00:10:11tu sais,
00:10:12étant plutôt un ami pratique
00:10:14et de bonne santé.
00:10:16Très rapide sur l'enlèvement,
00:10:17ça ne peut pas être aussi difficile que tout ça.
00:10:19Apprends quelque chose en faisant quelque chose.
00:10:20Non, regarde.
00:10:21Je n'ai rien à voir ici.
00:10:22Tout d'abord, vous devez apprendre la théorie.
00:10:23Je suis la théorie démoniaque. Je veux y aller.
00:10:25S'il vous plaît.
00:10:26Laissez-moi y aller. Laissez-moi, je vous dis.
00:10:28S'il vous plaît.
00:10:28Je suis déterminé.
00:10:29Je suis déterminé.
00:10:30Laissez-moi y aller.
00:10:31Je ne suis pas déterminé.
00:10:32Ne soyez pas si fou.
00:10:44Oh, Ratty, qu'est-ce que je peux dire ?
00:10:47Il n'y a absolument pas besoin.
00:10:48Oh, mais il y en a.
00:10:49Quand je pense...
00:10:50Venez, maintenant.
00:10:51Vous pensez que j'ai peut-être perdu votre magnifique sac à pique-nique.
00:10:55Je suis tellement désolé.
00:10:56Vous avez été si gentil et généreux,
00:10:58et j'ai été si stupide et ingratifié.
00:11:01Pouvez-vous m'excuser ?
00:11:02Mon cher garçon,
00:11:03l'eau sous la brèche.
00:11:05Je dirais que c'est plutôt drôle.
00:11:10Regarde ici.
00:11:11Il vaut mieux que tu arrêtes ici avec moi pour un moment.
00:11:13Apprends-toi à rouler et à nager.
00:11:15Gagne une...
00:11:16expérience de la rivière.
00:11:18Et donc, c'était accordé.
00:11:20Et tout de suite,
00:11:21le mâle contrite avait envie d'apprendre
00:11:23de son nouveau ami sage.
00:11:25Pas seulement sur les perils et les dangers de la rivière,
00:11:27et ses murs et ses flammes soudaines,
00:11:30mais aussi sur ses joies.
00:11:32La pêche de nuit avec Otter,
00:11:34les excursions au loin avec Badger,
00:11:36ces choses et beaucoup plus.
00:11:39Jusqu'à ce que la fatigue brillante du long jour
00:11:42l'ait enfin dépassée.
00:11:44Et c'était l'heure pour lui de poser sa tête heureuse
00:11:46sur le pilote,
00:11:48alors que son autre ami nouveau, la rivière,
00:11:50se lappait près de sa fenêtre.
00:11:52Et comme l'été s'éteint,
00:11:54et qu'il a maîtrisé ses compétences
00:11:56et appris les plaisirs d'aller à l'eau,
00:11:58il a appris quelque chose
00:12:00de ce que la vente
00:12:02s'éloignait si constamment dans les arbres.
00:12:11L'eau doit être un animal très gentil.
00:12:14Le meilleur des animaux.
00:12:15Si simple, si bien habitué,
00:12:18si affectionné.
00:12:20Peut-être pas très intelligente,
00:12:22et peut-être qu'il est aussi
00:12:23éloigné et concitoyé.
00:12:25Mais il a des qualités
00:12:26comme Tody.
00:12:28Il est plutôt riche, vous savez.
00:12:29Et sa maison est vraiment
00:12:31l'une des plus jolies dans ces parcs,
00:12:32même si nous ne l'avons jamais admis à lui.
00:12:35La salle de repas.
00:12:37Je me demande ce qu'il prend en place.
00:12:40On verra bientôt.
00:12:50Hurray! Splendide!
00:12:51Tody, c'est mon ami Mole.
00:12:53Mole, c'est le célèbre Tody.
00:12:56Comment vas-tu, Mole?
00:12:58C'est une maison délicate.
00:13:00Oh, quelle gentillesse!
00:13:03C'est la maison la plus jolie
00:13:04dans l'ensemble de la rivière.
00:13:08C'est juste mon chemin, vous savez.
00:13:10Regardez ici.
00:13:11Je voulais juste
00:13:12envoyer un bateau pour vous, Ratty.
00:13:15Avec des ordres stricts
00:13:16pour venir à la fois,
00:13:17peu importe ce que vous faites.
00:13:19Vous ne savez pas
00:13:20combien de chance
00:13:21vous avez de vous réveiller.
00:13:23Vous devez m'aider.
00:13:24Si c'est à propos de votre bateau.
00:13:25Oh, votre bateau?
00:13:27C'est un échec de temps.
00:13:29J'ai fait ça il y a longtemps.
00:13:33J'ai découvert
00:13:34la vraie chose.
00:13:35Et je propose
00:13:37de dévoter
00:13:38le reste
00:13:39de ma vie
00:13:40à ça!
00:13:44C'est la vraie vie pour vous.
00:13:47Oh, la route ouverte!
00:13:49La voie sauvage!
00:13:50La rivière!
00:13:51La commune!
00:13:52Les montagnes!
00:13:53Les villages!
00:13:54Les villes!
00:13:55Les villes!
00:13:56Ici aujourd'hui!
00:13:57Partout demain!
00:13:58Le voyage!
00:13:59Le changement!
00:14:01Un horizon
00:14:02qui change toujours.
00:14:03Et sachez,
00:14:04c'est la plus jolie
00:14:05de son genre
00:14:06jamais construite!
00:14:07Tout est planifié
00:14:11Allez, Ratty!
00:14:14Vous voyez?
00:14:15Tout est fait!
00:14:16Tout ce que vous pourriez
00:14:19Rien que ce qui est oublié
00:14:20vous trouverez
00:14:21quand nous commencerons
00:14:22cet après-midi!
00:14:23Je vous en prie,
00:14:28cet après-midi?
00:14:31mon cher,
00:14:32vieux Ratty,
00:14:33ne parle pas de cette façon
00:14:35Tu dois venir!
00:14:36Je ne peux pas gérer sans toi!
00:14:38Tu ne veux sûrement pas
00:14:40rester avec ton vieux riveau
00:14:41toute ta vie!
00:14:43Je veux te montrer le monde!
00:14:46Arrête, s'il te plaît!
00:14:48Je ne m'en fiche pas!
00:14:49Je ne vais pas!
00:14:50Et c'est clair!
00:14:52Et je vais rester
00:14:53avec mon vieux riveau
00:14:54et vivre dans un trou
00:14:55et un bateau
00:14:56comme j'ai toujours fait!
00:14:57Et qu'est-ce d'autre?
00:14:58Tu vas rester avec moi
00:14:59et faire ce que je fais,
00:15:00n'est-ce pas?
00:15:01Eh bien, je...
00:15:04Oh, la joie de la route ouverte!
00:15:06Pas d'inquiétudes,
00:15:07pas d'inquiétudes!
00:15:08Vive pour les autres!
00:15:10C'est mon mot pour la vie!
00:15:11Eh, je dis, Ratty!
00:15:12Prends quelque chose de rafraîchissant aussi!
00:15:21Je vais toujours rester avec toi, Rat!
00:15:23Ce que tu dis d'être,
00:15:24doit être!
00:15:27Vive pour les autres!
00:15:28C'est mon mot pour la vie!
00:15:31Parle de ton vieux riveau!
00:15:33C'est la vraie vie
00:15:35Je ne parle pas de mon riveau
00:15:37Tu sais que je ne parle pas
00:15:39Mais je pense à ça
00:15:41Je pense à ça tout le temps
00:15:53allons-nous partir demain matin
00:15:55très tôt
00:15:56et retourner à notre chère vieille rue?
00:15:58Oui, allons-nous?
00:16:00Oui, allons-nous?
00:16:02Oui, allons-nous?
00:16:03Oui, allons-nous?
00:16:04C'est la chère ancienne troue sur le riveau
00:16:06C'est la chère ancienne troue sur le rivier
00:16:08Non, on verra
00:16:10Il ne serait pas en sécurité
00:16:12sauf qu'il le serait
00:16:13Mais merci beaucoup
00:16:14C'est millionnaire
00:16:15Ça ne prendra pas longtemps
00:16:16ses pros ne le feront jamais
00:16:18Bonsoir, Molly
00:16:20Bonsoir, Ratty
00:16:31Et puis, tu adhères au poitrine,
00:16:32Et c'est comme ça, mon cher Ratty, que j'ai continué de dire mon philosophie de longue durée que...
00:16:37Euh, précisément. Et que dis-tu à elle ?
00:16:40En avant et en arrière, j'ai dit.
00:16:43En avant, j'ai dit. En avant et plus vite.
00:16:47En avant.
00:16:49Et en arrière.
00:16:51Et en avant.
00:16:53Et plus vite !
00:17:02Films ! Scoundrels !
00:17:05J'ai la loi sur vous ! Je vais vous tuer, je vais !
00:17:10Poop. Poop.
00:17:13Poetry of motion.
00:17:16The only way to travel.
00:17:19Oh, yes ! Oh, poop. Poop.
00:17:22Oh, my. Oh, my.
00:17:25Stop being an ass-toad.
00:17:27You think I never knew ?
00:17:29All those wasted years.
00:17:31I never even dreamt.
00:17:33But now, what dust clouds shall spring up behind me
00:17:37as I speed on my reckless way.
00:17:39What carts I shall fling carelessly into the ditch.
00:17:42Horrid little carts. Common carts.
00:17:45Canary-coloured carts.
00:17:48What are we to do with him ?
00:17:52Ant. Poop. All.
00:17:55But he's not safe there. Suppose another...
00:17:59I've done with him.
00:18:01Catch me going on any more jaunts with that provoking...
00:18:14You see ? Quite.
00:18:28How about this, Moe ? It's called Duck's Ditty.
00:18:32All along the backwater, through the rushes tall
00:18:35Ducks are a-dabbling, up-tails all
00:18:39Everyone for what he likes, we like to be
00:18:42Heads down, tails up, dabbling free
00:18:45High in the blue above, swift swirl and call
00:18:48We are down a-dabbling, up-tails all
00:18:53I don't think much of that, Rat.
00:18:56Nor do they.
00:18:58They say, why can't we do what we like, when we like and as we like
00:19:02without having poetry made up about us.
00:19:04They say, what a nonsense it all is.
00:19:06And so it is, too.
00:19:08No, it isn't.
00:19:17There was always a restlessness in the countryside at this time of year.
00:19:21Ratty himself was feeling restless.
00:19:23Why all this craving for change ?
00:19:27The swallows spoke, the stirring within them.
00:19:30Their sweet unrest.
00:19:32Of course the day would come when they would be homesick again
00:19:35for lush meadows and insect-haunted ponds.
00:19:38But now they must answer the call of the South.
00:19:41The South !
00:19:43They yearned for the passionate touch of the southern sun.
00:19:48For one waft of the South's authentic odour,
00:19:52their blood, they said, was dancing to a music he could not understand.
00:19:57But they were wrong.
00:19:59He, too, felt uncontrollable longings stirring within himself
00:20:03to travel far and wide.
00:20:06A voyage on a small trading vessel, perhaps,
00:20:09from Constantinople to the islands of Greece
00:20:12and then to the Adriatic Sea,
00:20:14whose shores swam in an atmosphere of amber, rose and aquamarine.
00:20:19In his mind's eye, he saw himself in and out of harbour all the time,
00:20:23sleeping through the heat of the day in some cool temple,
00:20:27and then after sundown, feasting under great stars,
00:20:31set in a velvet sky.
00:20:33In Venice, it might be, with friends,
00:20:36with the air full of music, lights flashing and shimmering,
00:20:39and swaying gondolas.
00:20:41Or then, by different ships, to Sicily, Sardinia, Corsica and Alasio,
00:20:47where the wine casks were dropped overboard,
00:20:50tied to one another in a long bobbing line like a mile of porpoises,
00:20:55and where he, Ratty, that oarsman without equal,
00:20:58would be one of the singing boat crew that towed them towards the little town
00:21:02where the great olive woods began,
00:21:05as did rest a refreshment with friends in the south.
00:21:36Come on, old friend.
00:21:40A phantom song, peeling high between vaporous grey, wave-lapped walls.
00:21:45I can't explain, Moly.
00:21:47Sea-voices, magic, haunting.
00:21:50No, I can't explain.
00:21:53But I'd have gone after them.
00:21:55Gone, and left you.
00:22:00But I'd have gone after them.
00:22:02Gone, and left you.
00:22:06Leave at this time of the year?
00:22:08Why, the apples are almost rosy enough to pick.
00:22:11There's our jams and pickles to make, and the nuts to gather.
00:22:15And remember how you said you loved watching the harvest being brought home,
00:22:19and the haystacks growing higher and higher?
00:22:22And how you'd take me to see Mr. Badger?
00:22:25You wouldn't miss the poetry of all that, would you, Ratty?
00:22:29There was a poetry, too, about wintertime when it came,
00:22:33when the pageant of summer flowers had long shriveled.
00:22:36Ever since that first brief encounter long ago in the spring,
00:22:40Mole had yearned to meet again that imposing animal
00:22:44who lived in the heart of the wild wood.
00:22:47Perhaps now, when nature had kicked off her clothes,
00:22:51and the wood seemed closer than ever to the riverbank,
00:22:54it was time to venture out and make the acquaintance of the elusive Badger.
00:23:00Going for a stroll?
00:23:02Running to Badger, maybe?
00:23:05It won't be long.
00:23:24Oh! Oh!
00:23:47Oh! Oh!
00:23:51Oh! What was that?
00:24:10Oh, my! This is awful!
00:24:13I must find Badger! I must find Badger!
00:24:20Get out of this, you fool! Get out!
00:24:22Oh, help me! Help!
00:24:30Get out of the wild wood! Get out of the wild wood!
00:24:35Ratty! Ratty! Ratty!
00:25:00I say, old chap, what rhymes with...
00:25:09I say!
00:25:12Strange. That sounded like...
00:25:15My word!
00:25:17The wild wood!
00:25:19Oh, Mole! Mole! My dear old friend!
00:25:46Oh, Mole!
00:25:54Mole, where are you? Mole?
00:26:04That's their game, is it?
00:26:39Poor old Mole.
00:26:49Oh! Oh!
00:26:52Ratty? Is that really you?
00:26:54Mole, where are you?
00:26:56Oh, Ratty, I've been so frightened you can't think.
00:27:01You really shouldn't have gone and done it, Mole.
00:27:04I did my best to keep you from it.
00:27:06If we river bankers have to come here, we come in pairs.
00:27:09We know things you don't yet.
00:27:11Passwords, signs.
00:27:13Without them, if you're small, you'll find yourself in trouble.
00:27:16If you were Badger or Otter, it'd be quite another matter.
00:27:19Surely brave Mr Toad.
00:27:21Toad? Wouldn't show his face here alone for a fortune.
00:27:24Now, we must make a start. Can't spend the night here.
00:27:27I'm dreadfully sorry, Ratty, but I'm dead beat.
00:27:30If I don't rest a while and get my strength back, I'll...
00:27:33All right, all right. Rest away.
00:27:36Anyhow, there should be a bit of a moon later,
00:27:39to help us find our way.
00:27:41Musique douce
00:28:36Musique douce
00:28:49Oh! Oh! Oh, my poor leg!
00:28:52Oh, my!
00:28:54I must have tripped on a branch.
00:28:56Poor old Moley. Not having much luck, are you?
00:29:00It's a very clean cut.
00:29:02It wasn't a branch you tripped on.
00:29:04A sharp edge of something metal more like.
00:29:07It's just the same, whatever done it.
00:29:09Whatever did it!
00:29:13Oh, come on, Rat!
00:29:15Hooray! Hooray! Hooray! Hooray! Hooray! Hooray! Hooray!
00:29:18Guess what?
00:29:20A door scraper!
00:29:22A door scraper?
00:29:24Huh! Why, that's jigs about an old...
00:29:26Don't you see what it means, you dull-witted animal?
00:29:29Yes, some very careless person has left it
00:29:32when it's sure to trip everybody up.
00:29:34I shall go and complain...
00:29:35Stop arguing and help me.
00:29:39What did I tell you?
00:29:41You told me nothing whatever.
00:29:42Go on, dance another jig.
00:29:44You found another piece of litter.
00:29:46Well, I hope you're happy.
00:29:48Can we eat it? Sleep under it?
00:29:50Sit on it and sledge home on it?
00:29:52You exasperating rodent.
00:29:54Doesn't that doormat tell you anything?
00:29:56Doormats tell one nothing.
00:29:58Doormats know their place.
00:30:00Thick-headed beast.
00:30:13Rat, you're a wonder.
00:30:16That's what you are, a real wonder.
00:30:18Argued it out step by step,
00:30:20looked at my shin,
00:30:22and door scraper, your majestic mind told you.
00:30:25And you found the very door scraper that done it.
00:30:28Did it?
00:30:29Did it stop there?
00:30:30It did not.
00:30:32Let me only find a doormat, says your intellect.
00:30:35And you found one.
00:30:36Now for the door, you said.
00:30:38And there is the door.
00:30:39Well, you're wasted here among us fellows.
00:30:42If only I had your head rather...
00:30:44But as you haven't,
00:30:45I suppose you're going to sit there and talk all night.
00:30:56Now, the very next time this happens,
00:30:58I shall be exceedingly angry.
00:31:00Who is it this time,
00:31:01disturbing people on such a night?
00:31:03Speak up.
00:31:04Oh, Badger, it's me, Rat,
00:31:06and my friend Mole.
00:31:08We've lost our way in the snow.
00:31:10Please let us in.
00:31:13Why, Ratty,
00:31:15me dear little man,
00:31:17come along in.
00:31:18You must be perished, both of you.
00:31:20Well, I never.
00:31:21Lost in the wild wood and in the snow...
00:31:29Old Mr. Badger,
00:31:30gruff and alarming
00:31:31as he appeared on first acquaintance,
00:31:33was in fact the kindliest
00:31:35and most welcoming of animals.
00:31:37Although he almost never went in search of society,
00:31:40he was always at home to his friends,
00:31:42whatever their needs,
00:31:43and for as long as they required to stay.
00:31:46His visitors could expect
00:31:47not only comfortable lodgings,
00:31:49but also comfortable accommodation.
00:31:52After all,
00:31:53the Badger was a man of his own.
00:31:55Ses visiteurs pouvaient attendre non seulement des logements confortables,
00:31:59mais aussi tous les plaisirs d'un tableau bien chargé.
00:32:03Tout ce qu'il voulait en retour, c'était les dernières nouvelles de la rivière Bangui.
00:32:09Chaque semaine, un nouveau moteur,
00:32:11plus grand, plus brillant,
00:32:13plus cher,
00:32:14plus puissant,
00:32:15pour terroriser le quartier.
00:32:17Et tout s'arrête en désastre.
00:32:19Son hôtel d'entraînement est plongé sur le toit avec de la machinerie déchirée.
00:32:23Il continue de croire qu'il est un moteur du ciel.
00:32:25Pas de respect pour la loi.
00:32:27C'est dégueulasse.
00:32:29Et riche qu'il soit, si il continue comme ça, il finira en bankruptcy.
00:32:32Oh, beaucoup, beaucoup pire. Oh, mon Dieu.
00:32:37Alors, Badger, je pense que ses amis veulent se rallier et lui faire comprendre.
00:32:42Regarde ici. Tu sais, bien sûr, que je ne peux rien faire maintenant.
00:32:48Bien, une fois que l'année s'est tournée et que les nuits sont plus courtes,
00:32:51et qu'on a envie de se lever et de faire par le soleil, tu sais,
00:32:54alors, les trois d'entre nous prendrons sérieusement le toad en main.
00:32:58Ne fais pas de bêtises, amène-le à la raison.
00:33:00Par force, si besoin.
00:33:02Nous le rendrons sensible.
00:33:05Tu as raison, Badger.
00:33:06Nous convertirons le pauvre animau malheureux.
00:33:09Il sera le toad le plus converti que j'ai jamais vu avant que nous l'avons fait.
00:33:13Je pense que tu sais quelque chose sur les créatures de l'eau sauvage.
00:33:17Je sais en effet, M. Badger.
00:33:19Oh, oh, oh. Pas si mal, vraiment.
00:33:21Reste un peu. Tu n'auras plus de soucis.
00:33:24Viens, Mole.
00:33:25Ne t'inquiète pas, Ratty.
00:33:26Je te montrerai mon bateau à la courte durée jusqu'à la fin de l'eau.
00:33:38Ratty, attends, regarde ça.
00:33:40On ne peut pas arrêter maintenant, Mole.
00:33:42Ratty, je veux que tu ailles vite.
00:33:44C'est près d'ici.
00:33:46Peu importe ce que c'est, on y reviendra demain.
00:33:48Viens, sois un bon garçon.
00:33:49C'est devenue encore pire.
00:33:50Je ne suis pas sûr du chemin.
00:33:52Et j'ai besoin de ton nez.
00:33:54Mole, oh, oh, oh.
00:33:56Oh, s'il te plaît, reviens, Ratty.
00:33:58On va s'en sortir, Mole.
00:34:00Regarde ici, Mole.
00:34:04Peu importe, mon ami.
00:34:05Nous devons vraiment y aller, tu sais.
00:34:09Tu ne comprends pas, Ratty.
00:34:11C'est ma maison.
00:34:12Ma vieille maison.
00:34:14C'est très près d'ici.
00:34:16C'est seulement un petit endroit chelou,
00:34:20mais c'était ma propre petite maison,
00:34:22et j'étais fière d'elle.
00:34:24Et je suis parti et je l'ai laissée.
00:34:26Viens, viens.
00:34:27Et juste maintenant, je l'ai senti.
00:34:30Je n'arrêtais pas,
00:34:32et je pensais que mon coeur allait brûler.
00:34:34Là, là, là.
00:34:36Quel pige que j'ai été.
00:34:38Juste un pige.
00:34:40Un simple pige.
00:34:43Viens, Mole.
00:34:47Pour trouver ta maison,
00:34:49avec ton nez.
00:34:55On va le trouver, Ratty.
00:35:13Oh, Ratty, pourquoi je l'ai fait?
00:35:16Pourquoi je t'ai amené à mon pauvre petit endroit chelou
00:35:19sur une nuit comme celle-ci?
00:35:21Tu aurais peut-être été à la banque de rivière
00:35:23à brûler tes pieds avec toutes tes propres choses.
00:35:26Le plus remarquable.
00:35:29Pourquoi je l'ai fait?
00:35:31Voyons à l'intérieur.
00:35:35Oh, Rat.
00:35:36Quel endroit négligeable et chelou
00:35:39pour t'amener ici.
00:35:40Mole, comment peux-tu dire
00:35:42que tu as un petit endroit capital ici
00:35:46compact et délicat.
00:35:48Oh, oh, oh.
00:35:49Où vas-tu garder l'ouverture?
00:35:51C'est tout joli.
00:35:52Tu le penses vraiment?
00:35:54Dans ce drapeau.
00:35:55Les verres sont sur cette table.
00:35:57Ils belongent à mon grand-père.
00:35:58Tout ce dont tu as besoin.
00:36:00Quel beau lit.
00:36:02Mme Emily m'a fait ça.
00:36:09Oh, oh.
00:36:12Si tu le dis ainsi, Rat,
00:36:14je ne pourrais pas être plus content.
00:36:16Oh, Rat, tu es le plus...
00:36:18le plus bienvenu.
00:36:22Et si confortable et à l'aise
00:36:24dans sa propre maison,
00:36:26Mole entretient son ami loyal.
00:36:28Que se passait-il si il ne pouvait pas
00:36:30fournir du pain ou de l'huile?
00:36:32Ou, comme dit Rat,
00:36:34avec un sourire timide,
00:36:36du pâté ou du champagne?
00:36:38Dans l'accompagnement d'un bon ami,
00:36:40c'est comme une fête.
00:36:42Et que se passait-il si Mole
00:36:44avait toujours dû vivre une vie
00:36:46un peu fragile et solitaire?
00:36:48Il y a toujours eu ce moment de l'année,
00:36:50dans le plus profond, le plus sombre de l'hiver,
00:36:52quand, avec le meilleur sourire,
00:36:54il a célébré tellement de choses
00:36:56qui avaient été bonnes
00:36:58pendant les 12 mois passés.
00:37:00Un moment, non seulement pour regarder en arrière,
00:37:02mais pour regarder en avant.
00:37:04Pour regarder en avant, encore une fois,
00:37:06pour la renaissance du monde,
00:37:09pour regarder en avant
00:37:11tous les remnants de l'ancien an
00:37:13dans l'hiver.
00:37:39C'est Mr. Badger.
00:37:41C'est Mr. Badger.
00:37:43C'est Mr. Badger.
00:37:45C'est Mr. Badger.
00:37:47C'est Mr. Badger.
00:37:49C'est Mr. Badger.
00:37:51C'est Mr. Badger.
00:37:53C'est Mr. Badger.
00:37:55C'est Mr. Badger.
00:37:57C'est Mr. Badger.
00:37:59C'est Mr. Badger.
00:38:01C'est Mr. Badger.
00:38:03C'est Mr. Badger.
00:38:05C'est Mr. Badger.
00:38:07C'est Mr. Badger.
00:38:09C'est Mr. Badger.
00:38:11C'est Mr. Badger.
00:38:13C'est Mr. Badger.
00:38:15C'est Mr. Badger.
00:38:17C'est Mr. Badger.
00:38:19C'est Mr. Badger.
00:38:21C'est Mr. Badger.
00:38:23C'est Mr. Badger.
00:38:25C'est Mr. Badger.
00:38:27C'est Mr. Badger.
00:38:29C'est Mr. Badger.
00:38:31C'est Mr. Badger.
00:38:33C'est Mr. Badger.
00:38:35C'est Mr. Badger.
00:38:37C'est Mr. Badger.
00:38:39C'est Mr. Badger.
00:38:41C'est Mr. Badger.
00:38:43C'est Mr. Badger.
00:38:45C'est Mr. Badger.
00:38:47C'est Mr. Badger.
00:38:49C'est Mr. Badger.
00:38:51C'est Mr. Badger.
00:38:53C'est Mr. Badger.
00:38:55C'est Mr. Badger.
00:38:57C'est Mr. Badger.
00:38:59C'est Mr. Badger.
00:39:01C'est Mr. Badger.
00:39:03C'est Mr. Badger.
00:39:05C'est Mr. Badger.
00:39:07C'est Mr. Badger.
00:39:09C'est Mr. Badger.
00:39:11C'est Mr. Badger.
00:39:13C'est Mr. Badger.
00:39:15C'est Mr. Badger.
00:39:17C'est Mr. Badger.
00:39:19C'est Mr. Badger.
00:39:21C'est Mr. Badger.
00:39:23C'est Mr. Badger.
00:39:25C'est Mr. Badger.
00:39:27C'est Mr. Badger.
00:39:29C'est Mr. Badger.
00:39:31Oh, mon voiture !
00:39:33Mon magnifique voiture !
00:39:35Badger, qu'est-ce que tu as fait ?
00:39:37Prends ces bêtises !
00:39:39Calme-toi, calme-toi, calme-toi.
00:39:41Prends-les !
00:39:43Oh non !
00:39:47Tu savais que ça allait arriver plus tôt que prévu.
00:39:49Tu n'as pas fait attention aux alertes.
00:39:51Tu as laissé ton argent.
00:39:53Tu nous as mis un mauvais nom.
00:39:55Je voulais te dire que je suis désolé.
00:39:57C'est pas bon. Il va dire quoi que ce soit.
00:39:59Je t'ai promis solemment
00:40:01que tu vas quitter tes voitures
00:40:03entièrement et pour toujours.
00:40:05Tu es si éloquent,
00:40:07cher Badger,
00:40:09et si agréable, et si convaincant.
00:40:11Je te promets
00:40:13que la prochaine fois
00:40:15que je vois un voiture,
00:40:17je vais le trouver !
00:40:19Vite, Mowgli !
00:40:21Non, arrête-le !
00:40:23Je ne le ferai pas !
00:40:25Je ne vais pas y aller !
00:40:27Laisse-le !
00:40:29Laisse-le !
00:40:31Jusqu'à ce que tu sortes de ton système.
00:40:37Badger saura ce qu'il doit faire.
00:40:43J'ai faim !
00:40:45Ce n'est pas faible !
00:40:57C'est pas faible !
00:41:19Ça va être dur.
00:41:21Je n'ai jamais vu Toad si déterminé.
00:41:25il ne doit jamais être laissé
00:41:27sans garde.
00:41:29Nous devons le faire avec lui
00:41:31jusqu'à ce que le poison s'éteigne.
00:41:33Divise le jour entre nous.
00:41:35J'y vais d'abord.
00:41:37Excellente, Mowgli.
00:41:39C'est Toad !
00:41:41Comment les Dickens ont...
00:41:43Quelle impudence !
00:41:49Réunion contre la force brute !
00:41:51Toad ! Toad !
00:41:53Retourne à ta place !
00:42:11Viens, toi fou ! Viens !
00:42:13Reviens, truc de fou !
00:42:15Sors d'ici !
00:42:21Oh, la joie ! Oh, l'ecstasy !
00:42:23C'est clair !
00:42:25Ouvrez la porte !
00:42:31Je dis que c'est mon moteur !
00:42:33Reviens ici, toi !
00:42:34Villain ! Scoundrel ! J'ai le droit sur vous !
00:42:39A mon avis,
00:42:41la seule difficulté qui se présente
00:42:43dans ce cas très clair
00:42:47comment nous pouvons
00:42:49la rendre suffisamment chaude
00:42:51pour l'incroyable
00:42:53vagabond et
00:42:55raffiné que nous voyons
00:42:57courir dans le dos
00:42:59devant nous.
00:43:05Laissez-moi voir.
00:43:07Il a été trouvé culpable
00:43:09d'abord de voler
00:43:11un moteur très cher,
00:43:13deuxièmement de conduire dans le danger public
00:43:15et troisièmement d'avoir fait
00:43:17une impuissance
00:43:19à la police.
00:43:21Monsieur Clark, pourriez-vous nous dire
00:43:23quel est l'intérêt
00:43:25le plus fort
00:43:27pour chaque d'entre ces offenses ?
00:43:29Sans, bien sûr, donner aux prisonniers
00:43:31le bénéfice d'une doute,
00:43:33parce que, bien sûr,
00:43:37il n'y en a pas.
00:43:41Certaines personnes considèrent
00:43:43que voler un moteur
00:43:45est plus dangereux.
00:43:47Mais voler à la police
00:43:49devrait porter la plus sévère pénalité.
00:43:51Disons, 12 mois pour la frappe,
00:43:53ce qui est rare,
00:43:55trois ans pour le conduire
00:43:57qui est légère,
00:43:59et pour le vol,
00:44:01qui, comme nous l'avons entendu,
00:44:03était plutôt mauvais,
00:44:0715 ans.
00:44:09En fait, un grand total
00:44:11de 19 ans.
00:44:1320 ans,
00:44:15capital !
00:44:17Appelez-le 20
00:44:19pour être sur le côté sécuritaire.
00:44:21Et si vous apparaissiez
00:44:23à nouveau devant nous,
00:44:25nous devrions
00:44:27nous en prendre
00:44:29beaucoup plus sérieusement.
00:44:43Présentez vos armes !
00:44:49Présentez vos armes !
00:44:51Au revoir !
00:44:55Présentez vos armes !
00:44:57Presentez vos armes !
00:44:59Au revoir !
00:45:17Sortez de la chambre,
00:45:19Chambre bourgeoise !
00:45:21Liberté et libération !
00:45:23Ensemble espérant
00:45:25sa seule franchise !
00:45:26C'est la fin de tout pour Toad, pour le toad populaire et beau, pour le toad riche et hôpitalier.
00:45:55Toad, comment peux-je espérer être libéré ? Toad, ah, comment je m'en doute !
00:46:07Ils vont tous m'oublier.
00:46:11Wise old fagot, clever intelligent brat, sensible moor, it really is the end, the utter bitter end, you know.
00:46:41Oh non !
00:47:11Non, c'était... seulement... un rêve.
00:47:20Oh, le toad sans joie !
00:47:23Je dois m'ennuyer jour et nuit, nuit et jour, dans ce tunnel.
00:47:30Jusqu'à ce que les gens qui étaient fiers de me dire qu'ils connaissaient moi ou l'ont oublié le nom du toad.
00:47:37Et qu'ils m'ont emprisonné tellement justement, tellement stupide, qu'ils m'ont emprisonné pour voler un moteur si beau,
00:47:46dans une manière si audacieuse, pour avoir un cheveu si lourd et imaginatif,
00:47:53pour avoir un visage si fatigué, comme un policier.
00:48:07Oh, le toad sans joie et sauf le toad.
00:48:10Joué dans une salle froide, inconvenante, après les glories du toad hall.
00:48:15Qui, maintenant, va plaisir à cette résidence des toiles rivales désirée,
00:48:20datant de la partie du XIVème siècle,
00:48:22avec toutes les conveniences modèles,
00:48:24cinq minutes de l'agence postale, du club de golf,
00:48:26la glace, le jardin, les chaises, la chambre de cuisine, la maison de la cuisine, la chambre de la nourriture, la maison de la chauve,
00:48:31le couloir de chambre d'hôtel,
00:48:33Good morning, Mr. Toad Yes, yes, good morning, Mr. Toad
00:49:02Now, Mr. Toad, I've been thinking, seeing as how fond I am of animals, and seeing as how I do feel pity for you, and seeing as how you are rich
00:49:19Very rich, my girl
00:49:20Very rich, and seeing as you wouldn't miss a pound or two, well see, I have an aunt who's a washerwoman
00:49:30Well, never mind, think no more about it, I have several aunts who ought to be washerwomen
00:49:36Do be quiet, you do hurt my head, it's my aunt, as does the washing for the prisoners, see, because my father, the jailer, do like to keep any pay in business in the family
00:49:47Now, my aunt is very poor, and if you, Mr. Toad, don't want to stay here for twenty years, and would come to an arrangement
00:50:00To be free
00:50:01When her comes directly, her could, just slip her clothes on, you could put hers on, and everything would be alright, you see, because we could get you out
00:50:18Hello old friend, had a nice day, hasn't it been hot
00:50:24Been on the river with some pals, how's your supper with the otters
00:50:31Something's the matter, out with it
00:50:34I've been worrying about Toad, wondering how he'll stick being in prison
00:50:41Never mind Toad, he always falls on his feet
00:50:46Ratty, how could you
00:50:48Save your concern for the otters, young Portly's been missing for several days, he's strayed before but never for so long, and the river's swollen
00:50:56And the lad's no great swimmer yet, the weir, suppose
00:51:01Quiet, his father's frantic, he's going to keep watch all night by the fall, it's where he caught his first fish, you see
00:51:08Toad, old boy, you are a marvel
00:51:13Oh, what's that?
00:51:16What's that?
00:51:18Oh, what's that?
00:51:21What's that?
00:51:23Oh, what's that?
00:51:26Oh, what's that?
00:51:29Oh, what's that?
00:51:32Oh, old boy, you are a marvel
00:51:49Oh no, my wallet, it's in my other clothes
00:51:54I haven't got any money
00:51:57Oh no, wait, wait, don't go
00:52:01Oh sir, oh sir, I'm a poor unhappy washerwoman and I've lost all my money and I can't pay for a ticket and I must be at home tonight
00:52:11Hmm, I've got some nippers awaiting for you there sir
00:52:14Oh yes, any amount for me, oh dear, oh dear
00:52:18I'll tell you what, you wash a few shirts for me, I'll give you a ride
00:52:23Oh yes, yes, a thousand shirts
00:52:26Up with you then
00:52:32Ah, admit it Toad, old boy, you are marvellous
00:52:37Luck, luck doesn't come into it
00:52:40Oh, with what brilliant theatrical skill you bamboozle the prison guards
00:52:44With what subtle arts of persuasion you wrung the heart of this clod of a train into either
00:52:49Why, you're probably the greatest actor in England
00:52:52And you're once again free, my dear fellow, free
00:52:56Is a run girl a washerwoman?
00:52:59And now as though I didn't ought to start
00:53:02No, I will confess, I am not a poor washerwoman but rather the famous Mr Toad
00:53:07I've just escaped from a loathsome jail and if they recapture me it will be chains and misery once again for poor innocent me
00:53:15Innocent? What were you in prison for?
00:53:18Only borrowing a car
00:53:20I ought by rights to turn you in
00:53:24But I don't hold with being ordered about by policemen when I'm on me own engine
00:53:28Here's the tunnel we're coming
00:53:31You must jump just before, right?
00:53:34Are you ready? Now!
00:53:36Jump! Jump!
00:53:45So Toad was safe for the moment
00:53:47But what of little Portly? Missed, looked for, not yet found
00:53:51And leaving no clues to help the searchers
00:53:54Ah, Ratty, dear old Ratty
00:53:57Who was so wise in the ways of the river
00:54:00Was following an instinct of his own
00:54:03Something there was in the air
00:54:05Some spirit drew him on
00:54:08Haunting, awesome
00:54:10And once he heard its voice he had no option but to follow
00:54:14Sometimes the beauty of it hurt him
00:54:17It would come and go
00:54:19Fainter now and then stronger
00:54:21Which was nowhere and yet everywhere at once
00:54:24A merry bubble and joy
00:54:26Else a thin, clear, happy call
00:54:29That he had once heard at its loudest and strongest
00:54:33At the place of what he called his song-dream
00:54:36A holy place
00:54:38Where, if anywhere at all, that spirit might be found
00:54:43Ratty, are you afraid?
00:54:47Of him? Never, never
00:55:07Some great creature has been here
00:55:17Here he is, Ratty
00:55:20Oh, now we must get you back to your father, young Portly
00:55:23Come along, Rat
00:55:25Think of poor Otter waiting by the ford
00:55:29You scoundrel! Where did you get to?
00:55:32Do you know I've had no sleep but two nights because of you?
00:55:37I'm so tired, Rat
00:55:40Are you?
00:55:41Dead tired
00:55:44Something very splendid and beautiful has happened, though
00:55:49Hark to the wind in the reeds
00:55:52Like faraway music
00:55:54Music, yes, but words too
00:55:58I can't hear any words
00:56:00Lest the oar should dwell and turn your frolic to fret
00:56:07You shall look upon my power at the helping hour
00:56:13But then you shall forget
00:56:16Can't you hear those words in the reeds, Mole?
00:56:19No, Ratty, I'm sorry, I just can't
00:56:23Helper and healer I cheer
00:56:26Small waifs in the woodland wet
00:56:29Strays I find in it
00:56:32Wounds I bind in it
00:56:35Bidding them all forget
00:56:43I shan't forget Mr Toad
00:56:47Not ever
00:57:05Nice morning, missus
00:57:07I dare say it is to them
00:57:10As isn't a poor washerwoman as needs to wear her poor old feet out
00:57:15To visit her daughter as lives near Toad Hall
00:57:17Toad Hall? Canal joins the river near there
00:57:21I'll give you a lift
00:57:23Thank you, ma'am, indeed
00:57:26It's the charm that does it, Toad, me old lad
00:57:29Pure charm
00:57:32Washerwoman, you says, missus?
00:57:35Laundry lady, I should have said
00:57:38I run a very high-class business
00:57:41Oh, my idiot, I'm in hot water again
00:57:44Oh, never mind, poo, I say
00:57:46Any fool can wash
00:57:48Then you put these things in here
00:57:52And you rub a bit of soap on like this
00:57:58Come here, little beast
00:58:00Then you're supposed to do something with this
00:58:04Like that, I think
00:58:07I'll get back in there, will you?
00:58:09Well, I never
00:58:16And what I say is, washing should be left to fools
00:58:20How dare you mock me, you common, low, fat bargewoman?
00:58:24Here, who are you to be calling me names?
00:58:28I'll have you know that I am in reality
00:58:31I am in reality the very well-known, highly respected and distinguished Toad
00:58:36So there
00:58:37What? A nasty, creepy-crawly Toad?
00:58:42On my lovely, clean barge?
00:58:46Get off me, pal
00:58:47Good, good
00:58:57I am your face-washer, woman
00:59:00And you'll pass for a fair-looking Toad
00:59:03But I'll pull you out
00:59:05Oh, yes
00:59:08Here, horsey, come to Toad
00:59:11Stop! Stop!
00:59:15Brattons, Dominique!
00:59:17You, you clumsy, you nasty, you coward!
00:59:22Ow! Ow! Stop!
00:59:27The world has held great heroes as history books have shown
00:59:32But never a name to go into vain
00:59:36Compared with that of Toad
00:59:40Aha! Toad shall arrive home in style
00:59:46Oh, no! Oh, no!
00:59:49Oh, prison and chains again, oh, hapless Toad
00:59:58Oh, poor old washerwoman
01:00:01Overcome by the heat, I dare say
01:00:10Why, she looks better already
01:00:13How do you feel now, ma'am?
01:00:15A great deal better, sir
01:00:17Thank you kindly
01:00:19Except, sir, I was just thinking
01:00:23I've never been in a motor-car before
01:00:26How do they work, I wonder?
01:00:29I'll be more than glad to show you
01:00:31But I fear it's a rather complicated business for an old lady to understand
01:00:37What a woman, eh?
01:00:39I am not other than the famous Toad
01:00:42Motor-car snatcher and prison breaker
01:00:45Grab him! Stop him!
01:00:47Sit still and you shall know what driving means
01:00:49However you are in the hands of the famous, skillful, entirely fearless Toad!
01:01:00Help! Help! Help!
01:01:04You ripple-bait, how dare you kidnap me? I shall have you arrested!
01:01:11The bobbies!
01:01:13Catch me if you can!
01:01:17Faster! Faster!
01:01:19Keep going!
01:01:20Come on!
01:01:28He's gone away!
01:01:34Oh, poor Toad!
01:01:39Hold fast, madam! Hold fast!
01:01:42Oh, kind sir, help me, poor wretch that I am!
01:01:51You simply won't believe what I have to tell you, my dear fellows
01:01:54With one pound, I was free from prison
01:01:56Took a short cruise on a luxury ship
01:01:58Took up me old interest in motor-cars once again
01:02:01Oh, Toad, it is lovely to have you back
01:02:04Just wait till I tell you my last exploit
01:02:06Now, see here, Toad, we don't want to give you pain after all you've been through
01:02:10No, we don't. Hooray for old Toad
01:02:12However did you do it, you clever, intelligent...
01:02:15But it's like this
01:02:17As soon as you got into your scrape, we river-bankers...
01:02:20Who all stuck up for you
01:02:22Yes, Moly, we decided to keep an eye on Toad Hall for you
01:02:25And keep it aired and dusted
01:02:27Very civil of you
01:02:29And so Badger and Mole here moved in with some of their things
01:02:33But the Wildwooders came and surprised us with a raiding party
01:02:36Weasels out to the teeth and stoats and ferrets and...
01:02:40And beat the living daylights out of the two of them with sticks
01:02:43And threw them out
01:02:45And they say they're staying in Toad Hall for good
01:02:48Eating your grub, drinking your drink
01:02:51And making up rude songs and jokes about you
01:02:54What? We will jolly soon see about that
01:02:58It's no use. Armed sentries everywhere
01:03:01Ferret on the gate with a rifle, stoats on the roof with rocks
01:03:05I know. I'll dry out Toad's washerwoman clothes and put them on
01:03:09And go up to Toad Hall and ask them if they want any washing done
01:03:13And they'll say, run away, old woman
01:03:15And I'll say, won't be me running away before long
01:03:18Because there's a great army of badgers and rats and moles
01:03:21Coming up through the paddock tonight, armed to the teeth
01:03:24Not to mention the death or glory toads
01:03:26And oh my, won't that get them flustered
01:03:29A great army
01:03:31Poor frivolous animal
01:03:33Good day to you, Toad
01:03:35Unhappy creature
01:03:37I have high hopes of you, Mole
01:03:40Tonight, they're having a banquet for the chief weasel
01:03:43If the good moles' washerwoman ruse works
01:03:46The stoats and ferrets would be mainly posted sentinel in the paddock
01:03:50I'm not best pleased with the weasels
01:03:52Who will all be eating and drinking in the dining hall
01:03:55None of them armed, and little suspecting how we shall overpower them
01:03:59Poo, only four of us, and we'd be seen
01:04:02My young friend, your father, who was a worthier animal than some
01:04:06Told me things he'd never have dreamt of telling you
01:04:10There's a secret underground passage
01:04:12Which leads right up under your butler's bed
01:04:14What a squeaky board!
01:04:36Now boys, all together
01:04:39I should like to say one word about our kind host
01:04:43Mr. Toad
01:04:45We all know Toad
01:04:49Good Toad
01:04:51Modest Toad
01:04:53Honest Toad
01:04:57Let me add in a poem card
01:04:59Get ready, all of you, the hour has come
01:05:02Let me sing you a little song on the subject of Toad
01:05:08Toad, he went a-pleasuring
01:05:10Gaily down the street
01:05:12Money in his pocket
01:05:15What's this?
01:05:35Eat my food, would you?
01:05:37Drink my drink, would you?
01:05:40Sleep in my beds, would you?
01:05:45That's it!
01:05:46You're allowed to never come back, you rotters!
01:05:51That's it then, Badger
01:05:55Mold, you're the best of fellows
01:05:57You and old Ratty go outside and send those ferrets and stoats about their business
01:06:01While I have a word with Toad
01:06:03Oh, my Toad Badger
01:06:05Did you see how I sent that chief weasel flying?
01:06:08Asseyez-vous, Toad
01:06:10Bientôt, vous attendrez nos besoins immédiats
01:06:13Et demain, vous donnerez un magnifique banquet pour célébrer cette affaire
01:06:17Bien sûr, et ce sera le plus fort
01:06:19Vous ferez immédiatement une liste d'invités et écriverez les invitations à tous nos amis
01:06:30C'est tout fini, ils ont tiré leurs fusils et ils sont partis
01:06:33Pas tous, certains se sont arrêtés pour un moment
01:06:36Et il y avait des stoats qui se battaient avec des weasels
01:06:38Et il y avait du boulot et des rires
01:06:41Excellents et méritables animaux
01:06:43Comment va la liste d'invités pour notre fête demain?
01:06:46Ne vous en faites pas, la liste d'invités
01:06:48Voici le programme d'entretien
01:06:50On va ouvrir avec un discours de Toad
01:06:52Il y aura d'autres discours de lui plus tard, bien sûr
01:06:54Puis une adresse de Toad
01:06:56Sur le système de prison, les canals, le trafic de chevaux, etc.
01:07:00Puis une chanson de Toad
01:07:02Et d'autres morceaux de la chanteuse Toad
01:07:08Oh, je vois
01:07:10Pas un discours demain?
01:07:13Pas une chanson?
01:07:31Pas une chanson?
01:07:33Je voudrais savoir qui c'est qui est venu
01:07:37Quand le Toad est rentré à la maison
01:07:43Quand le Toad est rentré à la maison
01:07:49Il y avait du boulot dans la fenêtre
01:07:52Et du boulot dans la porte
01:07:54Il y avait du boulot et des weasels
01:07:57Il y avait du boulot et des weasels
01:07:59Qui s'étouffaient sur le sol
01:08:01Quand le Toad est rentré à la maison
01:08:07Les trompettes sonnent
01:08:09Les trompettes sonnent
01:08:11Et les soldats saluent
01:08:13Ils tirent des canons
01:08:15Et les voitures de voiture sonnent
01:08:17Poop! Poop! Poop!
01:08:21Quand le Toad est rentré à la maison
01:08:31Vous n'aimez pas mes chansons, hein?
01:08:34Eh bien, c'est totalement leur faute, bien sûr
01:08:37Oh, pauvres gars
01:08:40Eh oh!
01:08:47Criez! Hurray!
01:08:51Et laissez chacun du public essayer
01:08:54Et criez très fort
01:08:56En honneur d'un animal
01:08:58De qui vous êtes très fiers
01:09:01Car c'est le Toad
01:09:03Le grand
01:09:21Tous les animaux s'entraînaient quand il est entré
01:09:24Et se rassemblaient pour saluer son grand courage
01:09:27Et sa clavardeur
01:09:29Le grand Toad se souria et murmura
01:09:33Pas du tout
01:09:35Adger était le maître d'esprit
01:09:37Et Mole et Waterrat faisaient le bruit de la lutte
01:09:40Je n'ai servi que dans les rangs
01:09:43Et n'ai fait rien
01:09:49Il était en effet un Toad alterné
01:10:00Oh mon dieu! C'est le bout!
01:10:02Est-ce que c'est le bout?
01:10:03Pas tout à fait
01:10:05Par l'ordre de Bagger, Toad voulait envoyer des cadeaux
01:10:08Ou de l'argent à sa fille et aux sauveteurs d'engin
01:10:11Et le barde-femme
01:10:13Et le barde-femme
01:10:22Sometimes, on long summer evenings, four friends would take a stroll together in the wild wood.
01:10:33Mother weasels would bring their young ones to the mouths of the hills and say,
01:10:37Look, there's the great Mr. Toad, and that's the gallant water rat, and yonder's the famous Mr. Mole.
01:10:46Whenever their children were naughty, they would be told if they didn't behave, the terrible grey badger would up and get them.
01:10:55But this was very unfair on Badger, because he was rather fond of children.
01:11:01And so am I. I dare say Ratty's out with the others, messing about in boats.
01:11:06Gosh yes, we might even see them.
01:11:10The very next time this happens, I shall be exceedingly angry.
01:11:14Mother, don't blow. Thanks for the cleaning.
01:11:19I'm not always talking about my old river, but I think about it all the time.
01:11:24Been in prison? I got out, of course.
01:11:27Thrown into a canal, swam ashore, stole a horse. I'm such a clever toad.
01:11:37Wasn't that such fun? What adventures did they have next?
01:11:44To be continued...
01:12:14To be continued...
01:12:44To be continued...
