• le mois dernier
01:01Il n'était pas dans son jardin.
01:04Et il n'était pas dans le parc.
01:07M. Ben était à côté de la rivière.
01:10Il regardait les bateaux et pensait aux aventures qu'ils avaient.
01:16Il pensait que c'était l'heure de faire une autre aventure.
01:20L'heure de faire une autre visite à cette boutique spéciale.
01:30Au-dessus du jardin, comme par magie, le gardien apparaît.
01:36« Bonjour, monsieur », il disait.
01:38« Que voulez-vous essayer aujourd'hui ? »
01:40« Est-ce une robe d'un frogman en eau ? »
01:43« Oui », répond le gardien.
01:47M. Ben a pris la robe.
01:50Il est venu à la salle de bain.
01:52Il est venu à la salle de bain.
01:54Il a vu des animaux dans la boite.
01:56Il a vu des animaux dans la boite.
01:59Mr. Ben a pris son vêtement dans la salle de changement.
02:03Il a rapidement changé.
02:08Et puis il a essayé le tube de respiration spécial qu'il avait à utiliser pour nager sous l'eau.
02:14Puis il a regardé l'autre porte.
02:17La porte qui pouvait conduire à l'aventure.
02:19On the other side of the door, Mr. Ben found himself among rocks beside the sea.
02:32He walked to the water's edge.
02:36Just as he was about to jump in, there was a shout.
02:40Hey! What are you doing?
02:43The shout came from some sailors on a red boat.
02:46An underwater boat, thought Mr. Ben. A submarine.
02:52The captain of the submarine shouted again.
02:55We are going to look for a monster.
02:58If you see the green submarine, you can say that we shall see the monster first.
03:03Look out! We're going to dive.
03:17The crew climbed into the submarine.
03:21It slid into the water, floated away and dived under the water.
03:29Mr. Ben was just about to jump into the water when there was another shout.
03:34Hey! What do you think you're doing?
03:38This time, Mr. Ben saw a green submarine.
03:41The captain shouted.
03:43We are going to look for the monster.
03:45If you see the red submarine, you can say that we shall see the monster first.
03:50Look out! We're going to dive.
03:52We are going to dive.
04:06Further along, Mr. Ben met an old sailor who said.
04:11Hello! Are you looking for the monster as well?
04:14I don't know anything about a monster, said Mr. Ben. Tell me about it.
04:18Oh, people say that there's a monster living in the water around here, the old sailor smiled.
04:24The two submarines have come to take a photograph of it.
04:28They won't leave until one of them has seen it.
04:31It's a kind of race.
04:33I see, said Mr. Ben. Well, I'm not looking for any monster.
04:37And not wanting to waste any more time, he walked to the edge of the water and jumped in.
04:49Swimming beneath the water was like being in a different world.
04:54Mr. Ben was happy to swim about, just looking at the fish.
05:06He had forgotten about the submarines until he saw the red one nearby.
05:11A little later, he met the green submarine.
05:15Those submarines are a nuisance, thought Mr. Ben.
05:19And he swam to the bottom of the sea to watch the creatures there.
05:24A seahorse.
05:27A whale.
05:30A whale.
05:32A whale.
05:34A whale.
05:36A whale.
05:38A whale.
05:40A whale.
05:42A whale.
05:44A whale.
05:46A whale.
05:48A whale.
05:52A whale.
05:59A dogfish.
06:07And all sorts of creatures.
06:10Hello, he said. You're the first mermaid I've ever seen. What are you doing? I'm looking
06:19for a new shell for our King Neptune because it's his birthday today, she said. Surely
06:26you can hear the sea without listening to it in a shell, he said. It's not the sea I'm
06:32listening to, said the mermaid. You listen. Mr. Ben put the shell to his ear. It sounds
06:42like, like the wind, he said at last. Yes, said the mermaid. King Neptune has one that
06:50makes that sound. Do you mean to say that you can hear different sounds in different
06:56shells? Oh yes, the mermaid said. King Neptune has a lot of shells with sounds of the wind,
07:04rain, birds, animals, all sorts of things. That's fantastic, said Mr. Ben. I'll help
07:14you search for a new one. Whenever Mr. Ben found a shell, it seemed that King Neptune
07:22already had it. Then, he found an unusual striped shell that sounded like the buzzing
07:30of a bee. Mr. Ben was pleased because King Neptune didn't have that one. The mermaid
07:38was pleased too and asked Mr. Ben to come with her to King Neptune. Eventually, they
07:55came to King Neptune's cave. The king smiled when they said happy birthday to him and he
08:05was delighted with the new shell. Beside King Neptune was a huge animal. Mr. Ben looked
08:14at the huge animal and asked the king, is that the monster that the submarines are
08:19looking for? Yes, said the king. It's my pet monster. Those submarines are a nuisance.
08:28They frighten him. We can't go out because of them. I wish they would go away and leave
08:34us in peace. They all sat down. Poor King Neptune, said the mermaid. It's not a very
08:45nice birthday for him. Can't you ask the submarines to go away, she asked Mr. Ben. Well, they
08:54won't go away until they have a photograph of the monster, said Mr. Ben. I may be able
08:59to help. I've had an idea. I'll see you later. And he swam back to the shore. Once ashore,
09:14Mr. Ben soon found the green submarine. He asked the captain if he'd seen the monster
09:20yet. The captain said no, he hadn't. You've probably frightened it away, said Mr. Ben.
09:27Now, if you dressed up your submarine to look like a monster, it wouldn't be frightened
09:33and would come close enough for you to photograph it. The captain thought that was a good idea
09:39and told the crew to make a monster costume to cover the submarine.
09:57Then Mr. Ben went to the red submarine and said exactly the same thing to the captain.
10:21As soon as they were both gone, Mr. Ben swam back quickly to King Neptune's cave. Mr.
10:28Ben told King Neptune that the submarines were having a competition to photograph the
10:32monster. I've played a little trick on the two submarines. Let's see if it works, he
10:38said. Mr. Ben led the way and they hid behind a huge pile of rocks. Now watch, said Mr.
10:59Ben. In the distance, they could see a monster. That's really the red submarine in a monster
11:08outfit, said Mr. Ben. Another monster appeared. That's the green submarine, said Mr. Ben.
11:19The two submarine monsters swam around taking photographs of each other.
11:49Both the submarines thought they'd got a photograph of the monster and went off. King
12:07Neptune was delighted and the monster gave Mr. Ben a ride back to the shore. At the
12:16water's edge, Mr. Ben waved goodbye and looked for the submarines. Sure enough, they soon came
12:24past. First the red one. When the captain saw Mr. Ben, he smiled and waved a photograph. Then
12:33the same thing happened with the green submarine. Suddenly, a man appeared on the rocks beside Mr.
12:50Ben and said, well, they both have their photographs. I think that you deserve a rest. Come into this
12:57cave and sit down. Mr. Ben walked into the cave and just as he'd expected, found himself back in
13:08the changing room of the shop. He changed back into his own clothes. Mr. Ben returned the underwater
13:20outfit and thanked the shopkeeper who said, look, there's a seashell stuck to this outfit, sir.
13:26Do you want to keep it? Thank you, said Mr. Ben. It will make a good souvenir. Back in Festive Road, things were as busy as usual. There was one group of children saying happy birthday to a boy and looking at his presents. At his door, Mr. Ben stopped and listened to the seashell.
13:55He wasn't sure if it was the sea he could hear in the shell or the wind. Anyway, he said, it's just the thing to help me remember.