• le mois dernier
00:30Les enfants jouent aux Cowboys et aux Indiens
01:01M. Ben aimait les films des Cowboys et a décidé de les voir.
01:10Quand il est arrivé au cinéma, il a vu une longue queue de gens qui attendaient d'entrer.
01:16« Quelle foule ! » pensait M. Ben.
01:20« Je ne vais jamais lui permettre de voir le film. »
01:23« C'est pas grave. Je serai un Cowboy. »
01:27« Je vais aller à la boutique spéciale. »
01:29À l'intérieur de la boutique.
01:50À l'intérieur de la boutique.
01:53Comme si par magie, le gardien apparaissait.
01:56« Bonjour, monsieur. »
01:59« Vous avez l'air d'avoir le costume que vous voulez aujourd'hui. »
02:03« Oui. » disait M. Ben.
02:05« Le costume de Cowboy. »
02:07« Certainement, monsieur. » disait le gardien.
02:11M. Ben a pris le costume dans la salle de changement.
02:16À l'intérieur de la salle, il a changé son costume.
02:26Il a regardé dans le miroir comme d'habitude.
02:29Et puis, il est allé à l'entrée qui pourrait conduire à l'aventure.
02:35A l'extérieur, M. Ben s'est retrouvé dans un paysage rocheux.
02:40Dehors d'un grand bâtiment de roches, il a pu voir des petites nuages de fumée.
02:46Il est allé vers le bâtiment de roches.
02:49Il est tombé en haut et a pipié au dessus.
02:53La fumée venait d'un feu.
02:57Un Indien rouge s'étouffait sur un chapeau,
03:00pour que la fumée du feu fasse des différents moyens.
03:04« Des signaux de fumée. » pensait M. Ben.
03:08Et il a regardé pour voir qui l'Indien signalait.
03:16À l'extérieur, il a vu une ville de bâtiments de roches.
03:19« Une ville de cow-boys. » pensait M. Ben.
03:23« Je n'espère pas que l'Indien signale à eux. »
03:29Puis, il a vu d'autres petites nuages de fumée.
03:33Elles venaient d'un groupe de tentes indiennes.
03:36« Wigwams » les Indiens l'appelaient.
03:39M. Ben a décidé d'aller plus proche.
03:44Quand il est arrivé au bâtiment, il n'a pas vu
03:47l'une des « wigwams ».
03:50Il a pu entendre le son des tambours.
03:54Il a regardé attentivement pour voir ce qui se passait.
03:59Il a vu un groupe d'Indiens danser autour d'un chapeau.
04:05Un chapeau de totem.
04:08Le chapeau de totem a été carrément et brillamment peint.
04:12M. Ben a regardé attentivement.
04:14C'est le premier que lui ait vu.
04:18« Les chagrinons des Dieux s'attachent aujourd'hui aux cow-boys. »
04:24Les Indiens s'affrontaient en dansant.
04:28« Les chagrins des Dieux s'attachent aujourd'hui aux cow-boys. »
04:31« Les chagrins des Dieux »
04:33« les chagrins des Dieux s'attachent aujourd'hui aux cows »
04:36Les chagrins des Dieux
04:39« Un�� growing males. » pensait M. Ben.
04:40Redskins, Redskins, Redskins will beat the cowboys today!
04:44Nearby were some horses.
04:47Mr. Ben took one and rode off.
05:02In the town, Mr. Ben fired his gun.
05:06In the town, Mr. Ben fired his gun to attract attention.
05:11The door of the jail opened and the sheriff looked out.
05:15Look out! The Indians are coming, called Mr. Ben.
05:19They say they're going to beat you today!
05:22We're ready, said the sheriff.
05:25They will probably beat us. They always do.
05:28Still, it's a good game.
05:31Game? said Mr. Ben.
05:34The hide-and-seek game, of course, said the sheriff.
05:38Every week, the Indians play hide-and-seek with us cowboys.
05:42An Indian and a cowboy both hide,
05:45then the Indian team looks for the cowboy,
05:48and the cowboy team looks for the Indian.
05:51The team to find the hider first wins.
05:54Every week the same thing happens.
05:57The Indian vanishes and we never find him.
06:00Sometimes the Indians don't find the cowboy,
06:03but even then it's only a draw. We never win.
06:07Just then, the Indians arrived.
06:11They smiled and waved and said they were ready to beat the cowboys again.
06:21May I play? asked Mr. Ben.
06:24Sure, said the sheriff. You can be the man to run off and hide.
06:30The two teams lined up opposite each other.
06:34At one end stood the Indian chief and the sheriff.
06:38They were the judges.
06:41At the other end stood Mr. Ben and the Indian who was going to hide.
06:46Ready, called the sheriff.
06:49Both teams knelt down and closed their eyes.
06:52Go, said the chief.
06:54And Mr. Ben and the Indian ran off to hide.
06:57The sheriff and the chief began counting.
07:001, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15, 16.
07:21Mr. Ben peeped over the edge of the rock where he was hiding.
07:27In the sand below, he could see his own footprints.
07:31Oh dear, he thought.
07:34Anyone could follow those and find me easily.
07:38I must find somewhere else to hide.
07:41He looked around.
07:44Near the Indian village was a wood.
07:48Mr. Ben had an idea.
07:52He ran towards the wood,
07:54making sure that he was leaving a good trail of footprints for the Indians to follow.
08:05When he reached the wood, he climbed into a tree.
08:10Mr. Ben's idea was to cross the wood by moving from tree to tree along the branches
08:18so that he wouldn't leave any footprints on the ground for the Indians to follow.
08:30When he reached the other side of the wood, he was very near the wigwams.
08:35The next part of the plan was to walk backwards to the wigwams with bare feet.
08:42Now it will look as if someone with bare feet has walked from the Indian village to the woods, he thought.
08:49The village is the last place they will look for me.
08:56Mr. Ben hid in one of the wigwams.
09:00Through a slit in the side, he could see the totem pole.
09:04It looked even taller than he remembered it.
09:08There were the heads, the animals, the fish, the large bird and the Indian on top.
09:15The Indian on top?
09:18That wasn't there before.
09:21It was an Indian, all right.
09:24The Indian who was hiding from the cowboys.
09:28Back at the start, the counting had almost finished.
09:34The teams rushed off to find Mr. Ben and the Indian.
09:56The Indians easily followed Mr. Ben's footprints to the wood.
10:00But at the wood, it seemed that he had just disappeared.
10:31Meanwhile, the cowboys had followed the Indian to the village.
10:35But they just couldn't find him anywhere.
10:49Inside the wigwam, Mr. Ben had been busy.
10:53He didn't know what to do.
10:56Inside the wigwam, Mr. Ben had been busy.
11:00He tied a feather to the end of a long stick.
11:04Now he was ready to carry out his next plan.
11:19Suddenly, from above the cowboys came a laugh.
11:23The cowboys looked up and shouted with delight.
11:27They had found the Indian.
11:46Then they saw the stick with the feather.
11:50And Mr. Ben came out of the wigwam.
11:54The sheriff said,
11:56You tricked the Indians when you hid and you found the hiding Indian.
12:01You won the game for us.
12:03Thanks to you, we won for the first time ever.
12:07You deserve a prize.
12:10And he gave Mr. Ben his badge.
12:13And when Mr. Ben asked the Indians if they would do their dance for him,
12:18even they were happy.
12:42Suddenly, a man appeared.
12:45He asked Mr. Ben to show him where he had hidden.
12:49Mr. Ben went back into the wigwam.
12:52And as he did so, he found himself back in the fitting room of the shop.
12:58Mr. Ben changed back into his own clothes.
13:08He went back into the shop and returned the cowboy outfit.
13:12Thank you, he said to the shopkeeper.
13:15May I keep the sheriff's badge?
13:18Of course you may, sir. You earned it, said the shopkeeper.
13:23Back in Festive Road, the children were now playing hide and seek.
13:43At his gate, Mr. Ben looked at the sheriff's badge.
13:47He wouldn't forget that game as long as he had the badge to remind him.
14:12Translation by Jean Laflute