• last year
01:30You leave your children alone at home and you go with your boyfriend at night for this you took them away from me you are a mother
01:49honor don't talk to me about maternity that doesn't work with me
01:56you already know that
02:07the woman who accused her husband of being unfaithful was seen entering a house with her
02:17boyfriend in a hug together we only talked that yes because he stopped the transfer I tried to convince him
02:33that he did not hear that he has already confessed to me he has told me that he was sure that you would never ask me
02:37to take him away I thought he was imagining it and I told myself that you would never do it
02:45if I wouldn't do that she wouldn't do something like that but look at you too honor don't say things
02:53that you will regret later I am not like you because you deceived me now you have a girlfriend and
03:00you have also left me for her it is different if there is no difference tell me what is the difference
03:05that you do it in secret does not make you innocent enough I am not hiding it you believe the lies of
03:12that magazine I would have told you if it were true but we have already broken there is nothing please stop
03:18we are going to divorce it is a secret until then true just in case you already know fortune
03:25money true that's why I'm telling you that I don't want anything more than children you understand it or not
03:34it is true it is
03:35but what the hell is wrong with you what are you saying you think I'm worried about the wonderful life
03:43you gave me one day and maybe another day no this is my life now this is my house I'm going to live here
03:49with the children you understand with the children with the children what do you mean what do you mean
04:01but what do you say
04:10calm down nothing happens
04:12he is going to move in with you, right?
04:14that imbecile is going to move here
04:16are you crazy?
04:18you are going to scare the children, please stop
04:20he is going to move, he is going to live here, right?
04:22he will live here, right?
04:24and he is going to live here with my children, right?
04:26Do you realize what you're saying, Sebnam?
04:28Are you crazy? Are you crazy?
04:30What nonsense, Onur!
04:32You're all going to live here together
04:34and you want my approval, don't you, Sebnam?
04:37Onur, shut up.
04:38Sebnam, watch what you say.
04:40Be careful.
04:41You're insinuating that you're going to live in this house with Mesut and the kids.
04:46What are you talking about?
04:48When did I say anything about him moving here?
04:53It's true.
04:55Okay, okay.
04:58How could I not think of it before?
05:00How could I not think of it?
05:02Okay, okay.
05:06He's not coming.
05:08You're going to leave the kids at home
05:10and you're going to leave.
05:12Onur, look.
05:14What he does or doesn't do after our divorce
05:16is none of your business, is that clear?
05:18So you accept that you're going to see him, huh?
05:25But weren't you...
05:27Weren't you the one who kicked me out of the house?
05:29Weren't you the one who told me that if I took one more step
05:31I wouldn't see the kids and what has changed now?
05:33It's true.
05:35It's true.
05:36You told me...
05:37You told me that one day I would beg you to cross that door again.
05:40That's right.
05:43What are you trying to do, Sebnam?
05:45What do you want?
05:46Do you want me to beg you?
05:47Is that what you want?
05:48You're doing this so I can beg you, aren't you?
05:51I don't want you to beg me.
05:52You just don't understand, Onur.
05:54You just don't understand.
05:55I don't want your money.
05:57I don't want anything from you.
05:58I want the kids.
05:59I don't want what's mine.
06:01Do you understand?
06:09Great love.
06:13A great love, yes.
06:15What a way to love.
06:19Of course, of course.
06:21I've taken care of you until today.
06:23I've done what you asked and now he'll take care of you, right?
06:36Get out.
06:37Just before it gets worse.
06:40You're absolutely right.
06:42I can't stand so much nonsense, so much misfortune.
06:46And neither can my children.
06:49Princess Abena.
06:51Onur, no.
06:52They were sleeping.
06:54Onur, what are you doing?
06:55Why are you taking the kids out of bed?
06:57Don't meddle, Sebnam.
06:58Shut up.
07:00Kids, uh...
07:01Pack your things.
07:03Calm down, dear.
07:04You're scaring them.
07:05It's your fault, Sebnam.
07:07Yes, yours.
07:08Not mine.
07:12Pack your bags.
07:14Your things.
07:16Pack your bags.
07:18Your things.
07:21Come on, your things.
07:32Come, dear.
07:37Come on, be careful.
07:38Go, go, go.
07:43Tufan, open the door now.
07:44Come on, calm down.
07:45Why are you meddling with the kids now?
07:48Come on.
07:51Come here.
07:52You didn't fill the house.
07:53You took them.
07:54Like this.
07:55Now I'll take them.
07:59But that was because Melissa was with them at home.
08:02Like you did, huh?
08:03You left the kids and you left.
08:05But it's just two photos.
08:07This is just for two photos.
08:10Sebnam, I already warned you.
08:12I told you to behave while you were still married.
08:16And what did you do?
08:17What did you do while you were still married?
08:20I kept quiet so that the family wouldn't fall apart, Onur.
08:24But now you want it to fall apart.
08:26And we both know who's to blame for this mess.
08:29That's changed.
08:30It's over.
08:35Hey, can you get in the car?
08:37I can't.
08:38I don't want to go with you.
08:39Hey, get in.
08:40Come on.
08:42Okay, honey.
08:46Mom, please.
08:47Come on, honey.
08:48I'll call you.
08:49I'll call you, okay?
08:52Come on.
08:53Get in.
08:54Your brother is waiting for you.
08:56Come on, get in.
09:05I'll go tomorrow.
09:08I'll go tomorrow.
09:10We'll talk, Onur.
09:11Don't listen to me.
09:12You're angry.
09:13Listen to what?
09:14What is it, Sebnam?
09:15Listen to what?
09:16Isn't everything clear?
09:30You won't fool me again.
09:32I've seen what kind of woman I married, okay?
09:35What kind of woman?
09:37What kind of woman?
09:38Tell me.
09:39What kind of woman?
09:40No, no.
09:41Please, calm down.
09:43Mesut, come on.
09:44Calm down.
09:46Well, that's enough.
09:47You and your mother have made his life impossible.
09:50Mesut, I'll take care of it.
09:52You only make it worse, Mesut.
09:54Sebnam, look, you denied it, but he's your boyfriend.
09:58Onur, he's not my boyfriend.
10:01He protects you.
10:02He's protecting you.
10:03I'm your husband, Sebnam.
10:06You're not his husband.
10:07It's over.
10:08Stay out of it.
10:10Didem, can you take him?
10:12Calm down, Mesut.
10:13That's enough.
10:14Tufan, take him.
10:16Take it off.
10:17Onur, the children are here.
10:19I'll give you what you deserve.
10:20Do you hear me?
10:21Get out.
10:22Who do you think you are?
10:25Didem, who are you?
10:26Onur, that's enough.
10:27Sebnam, who is this?
10:32Who do you think you are to protect her?
10:33Sebnam never needs protection.
10:34And neither does yours.
10:35Do you hear me?
10:36You're a woman who fights for her family.
10:38And you're a shameless Onur.
10:41But they're also my children.
10:43Now that you realize it, what the hell are you going to do?
10:46Tell me, what are you going to do?
10:47How brave.
10:48Tell me, what are you here for?
10:49Mr. Policeman, with that baton.
10:51It's not a child.
10:52What are you going to do?
10:53Come on.
10:54Come on.
10:55Come on.
10:58Do you want to see her up close?
11:03Enough with the children.
11:04Inspector, it's your weapon.
11:05So if you take it out, you have to use it.
11:08Come on.
11:29Come on.
11:30Come on.
11:31Come on.
11:37No no no.
11:39The children are here.
11:40What are you doing?
11:41What are you doing, Onur?
11:42What are you doing?
11:44The children are here.
11:45Onur, you don't know how I am, you don't know how I am.
11:50You don't know, Onur.
11:52You don't know better than anyone what kind of mother I am.
11:55You don't know.
11:56Why are you doing this?
11:57I only have them.
11:58Nobody else.
11:59I have a family.
12:00I don't have it.
12:02What do I have besides them, Sonor? Who do I have, Marta?
12:07It's too late. It's too late. You should have thought about it.
12:18I told you there would be consequences if you did something like this.
12:25There will be consequences.
12:28What are you going to do?
12:30Aren't you going to let me see them?
12:33Are you going to separate them from their mother? What are you going to do?
13:23I'm sorry.
13:27We had to stop him.
13:31Trust him. Trust him.
13:36Come on, honey. Let's go home.
13:44I want to be alone today.
13:58I'm sorry.
14:17Hi, Aisle. I'm here. Don't worry.
14:23I can see you're here.
14:26Have you spoken to your husband yet?
14:30Of course. I have.
14:34Where are you going now?
14:37To celebrate my release from Sefnam.
14:40What's going on?
14:45Look at this. You were right.
14:49What did I tell you?
14:50Look. Of course there's something between them.
14:54Look. There's intimacy.
14:56Both of them hugged.
14:58You can't throw the first stone. Is that right?
15:01Extramarital love.
15:03Despite everything.
15:10He took the kids and left.
15:13Aisle, please. Don't cry.
15:16I swear you'll break my heart. Don't cry anymore.
15:19Don't cry, uncle.
15:23I'm not going to cry.
15:25He took them. I don't know when he'll bring them or if I'll see them again.
15:28But look. I'd rather die than be without them.
15:32No, no, Sebo. Don't die.
15:34I'm warning you. It's not good, girl. I'm telling you.
15:37Demons don't leave you alone.
15:39But if you live, I'm sure you'll find a solution.
15:44Sebo, you're smart.
15:45What's wrong? They can't compare to you.
15:49What did Melissa say?
15:53Well, she's very good.
16:00I've never seen Honur like this.
16:02Wow. He's gone crazy.
16:05Mesut has always been crazy.
16:07And you, not to mention, the craziest.
16:09Oh, my God.
16:11I thought Mesut would take him to the police station.
16:13But you're both very crazy.
16:15What's going on?
16:19I let him take me and I told him.
16:21So what? Is it bad?
16:23Sebo, you haven't seen him.
16:25He kissed your hand and said he wouldn't give you up.
16:27And I was hallucinating. I was still.
16:31Because I really thought he was going to stop you tonight.
16:38But from what I see, he loves me.
16:40I know.
16:41But look what happens.
16:43Well, you were a victim of the paparazzi.
16:46Maybe the queen sent those paparazzi for you.
16:52Ay, Aysel I of Turkey.
16:54You know our Aysel.
17:01Sebo, you know what we should do?
17:03Let's have a drink.
17:07Then we'll go to sleep.
17:08A drink.
17:10After that, we don't know what will happen to us tomorrow.
17:12You never know.
17:14A little.
17:16A little.
17:18Come on.
17:32Oh, Onur.
17:34Onur, I was very worried.
17:35I called you and you didn't answer.
17:37I wanted to come see you.
17:39Are you okay?
17:41I asked Sernan one thing.
17:43One thing.
17:45I asked him not to do anything until we got divorced.
17:47But he did.
17:51Because he wants problems.
17:53Well, I'll be his problem.
17:55Let's see if he can solve it.
17:57I don't know what happened between you two,
17:59but I don't think you should give him more opportunities.
18:02We've already passed that point.
18:04I've already lost all faith in her.
18:07It's time for her and her followers
18:09to get to know the Gumuscu family for real.
18:14Oh, finally.
18:16Finally, Onur.
18:18What are you going to do?
18:23You'll find out with the others.
18:28I'll go.
18:32Very well.
18:36Ege Asade is for me.
18:39Because I've prepared a beautiful ending for her.
18:45Leave her to me.
19:00How are you?
19:02I'm fine, uncle.
19:04I'm glad.
19:11What's going on?
19:13What do you think? You're famous.
19:15You're in the magazines. Everyone's talking about you.
19:17What are you saying?
19:19What you're hearing.
19:21Look, there they are.
19:23They keep asking about you.
19:25Mesut, can you tell us a few words?
19:26Mesut, please, say something.
19:28Mesut, please, say something.
19:31Mesut, please.
19:33Get out, please.
19:35I won't say anything.
19:36Mesut, please, say something.
19:38Do you really have a relationship?
19:40I'd say a few words.
19:42Please, get out.
19:44Please, answer us.
19:46Yes, answer them.
19:48Shefnam Gumuscu is her boyfriend?
19:50Are you together?
19:52Mesut, please, say something.
19:54Come, leave him alone.
19:56Get out! Get out of here, please!
19:59How did they find me? They must have told you!
20:04Come with me, Mesut.
20:13Close the door. Close it.
20:16Sit down.
20:17Let's see. Article 2.
20:26Leave in evidence the reputation and confidence of the security forces of the State.
20:33What's going on?
20:36I have been notified that an investigation has begun.
20:43It is suspended until it is decided.
20:47The investigation is suspended until it is decided.
20:59So Onur Gumuscu intervened.
21:03He is one of the richest men in the country.
21:05What do you think was going to happen after those pictures with his wife?
21:09He is about to sign the divorce.
21:11What does he do with her? What does he have with her?
21:14But if she is suspicious and has come to investigate ...
21:20Well, tell me, Mesut.
21:22Let's prepare a defense.
21:24If not, you will pay the consequences.
21:31I did everything for them, for my children.
21:34I'm not looking for properties or wealth or anything.
21:37I just love them.
21:40I was afraid, very afraid, of never seeing them again.
21:49I was the one who killed Anil Yaseen.
22:09He is not guilty.
22:11As far as I know, he is innocent.
22:39I just have to say that.
22:48How have I not seen it?
22:51It is that we could not see the like.
22:54For him.
22:57Nesla, it is clear why Don Estatua Griega came to this place.
23:02What a shame.
23:04I had some hope, really.
23:06But now it has completely broken me.
23:09Anyway, good couple, they hit me.
23:12It is true.
23:13In addition, Ebnam is always the center of attention.
23:16Everyone always looks at her.
23:18And she is very sure of herself, like a queen.
23:21Oh, Mbajar, are you angry?
23:25Seynep, ask us something cold so we can relax.
23:28Ali, come.
23:30Three very cold prosecco, please.
23:32Oh, how good, how rich.
23:34That will calm us.
23:35It turns out that they did not have a broken heart.
23:38They were having a lot of fun, but in secret.
23:42Look at it.
23:43It's a picture of Sefnam in flames.
23:45What do you tell me?
23:48It is not, Aydin.
23:50They are false news.
23:51They are not a couple, okay?
23:53Do not tell me that, girl.
23:54There is no smoke where there is no fire.
23:56Look at them.
23:58They are burning both.
24:06This is Mrs. Didem, the owner of the bar.
24:08Yes, but something happens?
24:10Sir, it's me.
24:15We must close the place for illegal reforms.
24:19Wait, how can it be?
24:21We made the request years ago.
24:23If you have any complaints, present them to the authorities.
24:26Come on, evict the place.
24:28One moment, please, wait.
24:30I'm going to call my lawyer.
24:32I'm going to call my lawyer, come right away.
24:34And then you can continue, agent.
24:36You can wait, please.
24:38Lady, I have a court order.
24:40Do not tell us.
24:56But do you know who we are?
24:58Already, long.
25:00Ali, bring the prosecco, come on.
25:02Please, sir.
25:03Okay, I hope.
25:04I'm going.
25:05Come on, help.
25:15I'm sorry, girl.
25:30The first time I saw him,
25:32I thought that cop was going to give you problems.
25:37Keba, I am the problem.
25:40He had a beautiful and quiet life.
25:44In addition, you have given them a gift.
25:47Now Issel will use these photos in his favor.
25:51Well, she must have leaked them.
25:56I called home.
25:58And nothing.
25:59Nobody answers.
26:01I can not see the children.
26:03Okay, no, you calm down.
26:05Let's see, let's think of a plan.
26:08We will think of something.
26:10The doorbell rings.
26:25Sefnan Kumuscu?
26:27Yes, it's me.
26:30Can I sign here?
26:49What is it?
26:52A quote.
27:01Bora is calling me.
27:03So, honor is mine.
27:11Yes, Mr. Bora?
27:14He has arrived.
27:15Right now.
27:17How strange, he will not be spying on me.
27:23A meeting?
27:29They want us to reconcile before the trial.
27:33Okay, I accept.
27:37Where and when?
27:44Oh, very good.
27:45It is very urgent.
27:47Of course, of course, it does not matter.
27:49It does not matter, I'm going today.
27:55At three in his office.
27:59I'll call Omer and see what we do.
28:10Tell me, heaven.
28:19They are closing the spot.
28:26Thank you very much.
28:32You're welcome.
28:34Oh, Umran, tell me.
28:36Well, Umran, why did I call you?
28:41I know your daughter has been living in Istanbul for a while.
28:45It is true, but I have not seen her yet.
28:49Of course not, yes, it is true.
28:52Because your dear daughter has left her job and all her life.
28:57And she has gone to live with Sefnam, right?
29:00Well, she goes where Sefnam goes.
29:03Sefnam is not attacking us.
29:06And your daughter plans everything with her.
29:08They are together in this.
29:10What do you mean?
29:12It seems like a joke.
29:13But look, it turns out that they are old friends or something like that.
29:17Okay, I understand.
29:18But she supports Sefnam financially and personally.
29:23Let's see.
29:25Umran, this cannot be.
29:27Because if this continues like this, look.
29:30Friendship will end.
29:33I did not know any of this.
29:35No, my life, of course.
29:37But Aysel, she is an adult woman, do you think she will listen to me?
29:41Let her listen to you.
29:44Do your best to make her listen to you.
29:47Let her go now.
29:49I also want her to go.
29:51Not for her husband, Aysel.
29:52For her daughter.
29:53Let's see, she is very sick.
29:56She has to go take care of her.
29:58Oh my God.
30:01I can not believe it, friend.
30:03Is your granddaughter sick?
30:06Well, I did not know how to say it.
30:11If you do not tell me, who are you going to tell?
30:15Oh, my friend.
30:17My mother.
30:18It's horrible.
30:22Is something wrong?
30:25Who is that?
30:27It's Umran, Egea's mother, you know.
30:30And the queen attacks again.
30:35Good for her.
30:52Hello, Ahmed.
30:54Let's do this.
30:55I'll send you a location.
30:57And we'll see you there in an hour, okay?
31:01Will you take two million more?
31:03I take them, I take them.
31:05But some documents too.
31:08You will not receive a penny until you have your signature.
31:11Okay, I'll sign them.
31:14Why don't you come?
31:16Well, because I don't want them to see me with you anymore, okay?
31:26Aysel and I have been stepping very hard, the truth.
31:37Where is this?
31:47I think it's here.
31:48It's here, sir.
31:50Thank you, thank you.
31:51Good morning.
31:55Good morning.
32:35Hi, Melissa.
32:37Tell me, husband.
32:38I'm here.
32:39Where are you?
32:41I'll be right there.
32:43The boys are my friends, have a good time.
32:46What do you mean, boys?
32:48What are you saying?
32:50See you later.
32:55See you later.
33:07What the hell?
33:23What do you want?
33:25Calm down.
33:36Stop it!
33:39Boys, calm down, stop it!
33:41No, don't do it!
33:55Don't do it!
34:37Okay, guys, enough.
34:41It's enough.
34:47Hello, sweetheart.
35:00Very good.
35:06Where were we going?
35:09Oh, I remember.
35:17I think you asked me for three million dollars.
35:23I went a little too far.
35:26A little?
35:29Okay, fine.
35:32I'll settle for a million.
35:35Let me go.
35:39Well, thank you very much.
35:40But one thing.
35:41Since I won't have the bill,
35:43if we deduct the maintenance,
35:45Iva, and that,
35:46can't you give me more discount?
35:48But what are you saying?
35:50I'm saying that,
35:51if I wanted to,
35:52I could get you to sign the papers right now
35:54without giving you anything.
35:57But don't worry.
36:00I'm not as bad as you.
36:05You're going to sign the papers
36:08for a hundred thousand dollars.
36:16Don't worry, don't worry.
36:17Don't touch me.
36:18I'll sign them.
36:21My signature is valid, right?
36:25Now it's your turn.
36:38Guys, he forgot how to sign.
36:40Maybe we'll have to convince him.
36:43Damn you, Melissa.
36:47A lot of people curse me,
36:48but it doesn't affect me anymore.
36:55Thank you very much.
36:59And you're lucky.
37:01I have your bill back,
37:02business class.
37:04You'll fly out of my life
37:05like a little bird, my love.
37:08The guys will drop you off at the airport.
37:11I have to go to the hotel.
37:13My things are there,
37:14and my passport.
37:15Why do you want so many old things?
37:18You have a hundred thousand dollars,
37:20You're going to be fine.
37:21Old things.
37:22You have a hundred thousand dollars,
37:27Guys, you can go on.
37:31Don't touch me.
37:45Ma'am, good morning.
37:47Mr. Omer, let's go.
37:51Oh, is he here too?
37:53Well, look, Omer,
37:54not only did I get a divorce from Onur,
37:55but from all the Gumuscu in general.
38:03We're family.
38:05We are.
38:09It's important.
38:13But of course, how are you going to know?
38:16In these situations,
38:18the family is united.
38:21It's important.
38:26Anyway, Borda,
38:27could you go to the point as soon as possible?
38:29Because I don't have much time.
38:31Right now.
38:33Well, Mrs. Sednam,
38:34this is the text of the agreement
38:36that we have prepared for you.
38:37There are no changes.
38:39Either you accept the terms,
38:41or there will be
38:42a contentious process.
38:52There are no changes, sir.
38:54I'll ask you like this.
38:56Why would you accept this, Sednam?
39:08things have happened,
39:10Mr. Omer.
39:21This does not prove that the lady
39:23had an affair.
39:25But we have evidence of Melissa, sir.
39:33Come on, show me the evidence.
39:36Onur, but if you live with her,
39:39are you going to deny it?
39:45Wait, but what is there to deny?
39:49is the daughter of an old friend of our family.
39:53She has stayed in my house
39:54since she was little.
39:57Also, as she said,
39:59she is a married woman.
40:01What does it have to do with him?
40:09And I'm the liar, right?
40:11I'm lying to you.
40:13I'm lying to you.
40:14And I'm the liar, right?
40:16I'm lying to you.
40:24Anyway, ma'am,
40:26can we review all the clauses?
40:29Very well, let's review them.
40:33Change the custody clause and that's it.
40:37Keep the money.
40:40Forget it, Sednam.
40:42The children will live with me.
40:43And if you continue to act that way,
40:46you will never see them again.
40:51He has no legal right.
40:53Even if he gets custody,
40:55she can see them.
40:56The court would not allow it.
41:03Let's see.
41:05What will you do tomorrow
41:06if I take my children to a country
41:08you don't even know the name of?
41:14And I start a new life there with them far away.
41:17What would you do, Sednam?
41:19Tell me, what would you do?
41:24What are you saying, love?
41:28It can't be done.
41:29I could.
41:31You know I can do it.
41:33I could.
41:36So, look, don't pressure me.
41:39Accept it once.
41:40Then, when it's time,
41:41you'll see the children.
41:49Oh, my God.
41:51Are you the only one who can decide?
41:54It's not just you.
41:55I'm the mother of the children.
41:57I'm their mother.
41:58And I'm the father.
41:59Sednam, sit down.
42:01Look, Onur,
42:02no one, no one
42:03will be able to stop me
42:04from seeing them, okay?
42:06Sednam, you can sit down now.
42:08Let's talk about it.
42:09Please, calm down.
42:10This is incredible.
42:11I can't believe it.
42:12I just don't get it.
42:14You're the mother.
42:15How can you let this happen?
42:17I don't know how you can be
42:18so calm about this.
42:20But who forbade you
42:21to see your children, Sednam?
42:24We didn't forbid you
42:25to be able to see them.
42:28Don't say that.
42:30But custody is something else.
42:33Someone who comes from your class
42:36should never keep them.
42:38What are you saying?
42:39Who do you think you are?
42:41What are you saying?
42:42What do you care about
42:43the class of the mother?
42:45Okay, I don't have a family.
42:48No fortune, no money.
42:49Is that why I have to be your slave?
42:51What are you saying, Sednam?
42:52It's not like that.
42:53It's that.
42:54It's that.
42:55It's that.
42:56That's the problem.
42:57It's that.
42:58Could you do this to Melissa?
43:00Could you?
43:01No, you couldn't.
43:03Because she's one of you
43:04and I'm not her.
43:06Do you think I'm poor,
43:07a starving whore?
43:09It's that.
43:10Don't talk.
43:11You won't exploit our emotions.
43:13This is just a normal process.
43:16It only counts what you say.
43:18And that we're all equal
43:20before the law.
43:21It's true.
43:23So you threatened
43:24to kidnap the children, sir.
43:26It's not true.
43:27That's out of context.
43:29Mr. Omer, don't get it wrong.
43:31It's just a test
43:32of good intentions of honor.
43:34I could do it without further ado,
43:36but never that.
43:41The good Samaritan?
43:42Yes, thank you.
43:43You've seen
43:44that a moment ago
43:45he publicly threatened me.
43:50Can you leave me alone with Sednam?
43:53Come on.
44:04Come on.
44:34I'm sorry.
44:35I'm sorry.
44:36I'm sorry.
44:37I'm sorry.
44:38I'm sorry.
44:39I'm sorry.
44:40I'm sorry.
44:41I'm sorry.
44:42I'm sorry.
44:43I'm sorry.
44:44I'm sorry.
44:45I'm sorry.
44:46I'm sorry.
44:47I'm sorry.
44:48I'm sorry.
44:49I'm sorry.
44:50I'm sorry.
44:51I'm sorry.
44:52I'm sorry.
44:53I'm sorry.
44:54I'm sorry.
44:55I'm sorry.
44:56I'm sorry.
44:57I'm sorry.
44:58I'm sorry.
44:59I'm sorry.
45:00I'm sorry.
45:01I'm sorry.
45:02I'm sorry.
45:03I'm sorry.
45:04I'm sorry.
45:05I'm sorry.
45:06I'm sorry.
45:07I'm sorry.
45:08I'm sorry.
45:09I'm sorry.
45:10I'm sorry.
45:11I'm sorry.
45:12I'm sorry.
45:13I'm sorry.
45:14I'm sorry.
45:15I'm sorry.
45:16I'm sorry.
45:17I'm sorry.
45:18I'm sorry.
45:19I'm sorry.
45:20I'm sorry.
45:21I'm sorry.
45:22I'm sorry.
45:23I'm sorry.
45:24I'm sorry.
45:25I'm sorry.
45:26I'm sorry.
45:27I'm sorry.
45:28I'm sorry.
45:29I'm sorry.
45:30I'm sorry.
45:31I'm sorry.
45:32I'm sorry.
45:33I'm sorry.
45:34I'm sorry.
45:35I'm sorry.
45:36I'm sorry.
45:37I'm sorry.
45:38I'm sorry.
45:39I'm sorry.
45:40I'm sorry.
45:41I'm sorry.
45:42I'm sorry.
45:43I'm sorry.
45:44I'm sorry.
45:45I'm sorry.
45:46I'm sorry.
45:47I'm sorry.
45:48I'm sorry.
45:49I'm sorry.
45:50I'm sorry.
45:51I'm sorry.
45:52I'm sorry.
45:53I'm sorry.
45:54I'm sorry.
45:55I'm sorry.
45:56I'm sorry.
45:57I'm sorry.
45:58I'm sorry.
45:59I'm sorry.
46:00I'm sorry.