Garfield's Halloween Adventure, Garfield in Disguise Full Episode

  • le mois dernier
01:00Je t'adore, Binky!
01:02Où est mon contrôle réel?
01:04Mettez-le en marche, vous perdants!
01:06Vous ne voulez pas être malheureux, n'est-ce pas?
01:10Vous devez vous préparer pour ce soir, les garçons!
01:13Parce que ce soir, vous pourrez recevoir beaucoup de...
01:19Prends ça, Binky!
01:23Attendez un instant!
01:24A-t-il dit que nous pourrions recevoir beaucoup de candé ce soir?
01:27Binky! Binky, reviens!
01:29Où es-tu, mon vieil ami Binky?
01:31C'est ça, les garçons!
01:33Ce soir, c'est la Noël!
01:35Et nous voulons être en bonne forme
01:37pour tricoter pour tout ce candé!
01:40N'est-ce pas?
01:42Oui, nous le faisons!
01:46C'est la nuit
01:48C'est la nuit
01:49Que j'ai été créé pour
01:52Je vais mettre mon meilleur visage
01:55Et j'attraperai tout le monde
01:58C'est la nuit
01:59C'est la nuit
02:01Je vais attraper la rue
02:04Parce que c'est la nuit
02:06Les garçons ont laissé
02:08Beaucoup de bonnes choses à manger
02:11Oh, les gens, vous savez
02:14Qu'est-ce qui serait si mignon
02:17Si chaque nuit
02:18était une nuit pour tricoter
02:22N'est-ce pas si mignon?
02:25Juste un tricoter
02:28N'est-ce pas si mignon?
02:31Juste un tricoter
02:572ème jour
03:03Candi, candi, candi, candi
03:07Hello Halloween
03:09What a glorious day
03:11And a glorious night to go trick-or-treating
03:14Or candi, candi, candi, candi
03:17Steady yourself Garfy
03:18First you gotta get a costume
03:20Then you gotta get a sack
03:22A sack to hold all that
03:24Candi, candi, candi
03:25Easy boy
03:26First, you got to get up.
03:46That's not funny, Garfield.
03:48And how about this?
03:52Now that's funny.
03:57Why can't I stay angry with you, Garfield?
03:59Because I'm a cat.
04:01What's with the blanket?
04:02You practicing for Halloween?
04:04Practicing? Practicing?
04:07I'll have you know Halloween's my middle name.
04:12Oh well.
04:13You're probably wondering what I'm doing with this pumpkin on my head.
04:19There's a pumpkin on your head.
04:21I hadn't noticed.
04:22I was carving a jack-o'-lantern until you arrived.
04:25What do you think?
04:26It's you.
04:27Well, this one's ruined.
04:30This stuff appears to be of the lasagna persuasion.
04:35Since when did you like pumpkin innards?
04:38Since never.
04:42How about some breakfast?
04:44Oh no, thank you.
04:45I must save room for all that candy.
04:47Candy, candy, candy, candy...
04:51Oh, maybe I'll have a sweet roll to tide me over.
04:59Perhaps some bacon and a croissant.
05:04Oh, what the heck!
05:15I got you, didn't I?
05:17Oh, I knew it was you all the time, Odie.
05:22It's not nice to scare people, you know.
05:28Phew, grim.
05:30Odie's so stupid he'd have to stand on a chair to raise his IQ.
05:35He's ugly too.
05:37It would take two of them to get any uglier.
05:40He's so ugly, he wouldn't have to wear a mask to go trick-or-treating on Halloween.
05:45Hey, wait a minute.
05:47That's it.
05:48If I take Odie trick-or-treating with me tonight,
05:51there'll be two sacks to fill, not one.
05:53I'll get twice the candy.
05:55Candy, candy, candy, candy, candy...
05:57Garfield, you are a genius.
05:59I know that.
06:03Hey, Odie, old boy.
06:05You know what Halloween night is?
06:07Yeah, well, take that stupid pumpkin off your head and I'll tell you.
06:14That's a night when dogs have to help cats go out and get candy.
06:18That's right.
06:19And if a dog does a good job,
06:21he gets a whole piece of candy of his very own.
06:26Well, do you want to go, boy?
06:28Huh? Huh?
06:29Want to go out and get candy?
06:31Huh? Do you?
06:32Do you want to go? Huh? Huh? Huh?
06:35Let's go to the attic and find some costumes for tonight.
06:39You know, just between you and me,
06:41there are times when I love that dog.
06:46There should be some great Halloween costumes up here somewhere, Odie.
06:51John has never thrown anything away.
07:00Here's John's first bow tie. Tacky.
07:03Some sunglasses, cousin Wanda's wig.
07:06And Orpah's false teeth.
07:08Yuck, Roy Ogle's roots.
07:10String, stealing wax and all that funny stuff.
07:12Well, I guess there's nothing here.
07:15Very funny, Odie.
07:16Come on, let's keep looking.
07:23Eureka, the mother lode.
07:25Look at all this great stuff, Odie.
07:28With these costumes, we can be anything we want.
07:32What should I be?
07:34There's so many sides to me
07:38I could be handsome or brave
07:41A king or a slave
07:43It's all up to me
07:46So what should I be?
07:48What could I be?
07:49What should I be?
07:51I could be a scary vampire
07:55And turn myself into a bat
07:58Or I could put on some black pajamas
08:02And go as a big fat Halloween cat
08:05What should I be?
08:07There's so many sides to me
08:11I could be an astronaut, a robot
08:14A hobo, a clown
08:16Or an alien creature going out on a town
08:20What should I be?
08:22It's all up to me
08:24What should I be?
08:26It's all up to me
08:28What should I be?
08:31Let's go.
08:33I think I have just the costumes for us, Odie.
08:44It do be a landlubber who be shoving lasagna in his face.
08:48I declare this booty property of the queen.
08:52Hey, who do you think you are?
08:55I be Orange Beard the Pirate Cap'n
08:57And this be me first mate, Odie the Stupid.
09:01You be having to might too many peg legs there, matey.
09:06You guys look ridiculous.
09:09I've killed men for saying less than that.
09:11But I'll let you live, seeing as how you're the only man
09:14who'll change me kitty litter.
09:16I suppose you boys are dressed up to go out trick or treating, huh?
09:19We don't be the welcome wagon, if that's what you mean.
09:22Well, here's a couple of sacks.
09:24Have a good time.
09:25Lootin' always be a good time.
09:27Come along, matey. We got our village to pillage.
09:32Don't be out too late.
09:48Sixty men all lost at sea
09:50All of them drunk except for me
09:52It was I who had to face the storm
09:54With nothing in sight to keep me warm
09:57Over the raging sea we go
10:01Wherever the four winds blow
10:13Odie, will you stop groaning me?
10:15There's nothing to be frightened of.
10:17These are kids just like us who are out trick or treating for candy.
10:20Just like us.
10:22See? A kid.
10:27I'm no scaredy cat.
10:32I may be lazy
10:34I may be fat
10:36I don't do laps
10:38And I do not chat
10:40I may be selfish
10:42Yeah, and all of that
10:44But the one thing I'm not
10:46Is a scaredy cat
10:50The one thing he's not is a scaredy cat
10:54I may be bossy
10:56I may lack grace
10:58I don't do sit-ups
11:00To trim my waist
11:02I may be thoughtless
11:04Yeah, and all of that
11:06But the one thing I'm not
11:08Is a scaredy cat
11:12The one thing he's not is a scaredy cat
11:17I don't have charm
11:19Or much pizzazz
11:21I don't chase mice
11:23And all that jazz
11:25I may be sassy
11:27Yes, and all of that
11:29But the one thing I'm not
11:31Yeah, the one thing I'm not
11:33I say the one thing I'm not
11:35Is a scaredy
11:40The one thing he's not is a scaredy cat
11:50Observe carefully, Odie
11:52I'll teach you some of the finer points of trick-or-treating
12:00Oh, how cute
12:02Here you go, kids
12:06Methinks your bia might sting you with your candy, miss
12:09If you don't reconsider your contribution
12:12I'll give your living room drapes a taste of me broadsword
12:17Thank you
12:18A thousand blessings upon your home, ma'am
12:37Well, Odie, we've had a pretty successful evening
12:42Hang on, Odie
12:44I just had a brilliant idea
12:46Look at all those houses across the river over there
12:49If we can make it across the river
12:51The candy is all mine, do you hear me?
12:54All mine!
12:56Wait a minute
12:58Am I being too greedy?
13:00Should I share my candy with those less fortunate than me?
13:04Am I missing the spirit of Halloween?
13:11All mine! Mine, I tell you!
13:23Arrgh! What have we here?
13:25Why, it do be a pirate ship for us to get across the river
13:28I commandeer this ship in the name of Orangebeard, the pirate
13:32Free the moorings and shove off, may he
13:49It appears we're caught up in the current, matey
13:52Put out the oars
13:59Oh, I'd make them walk the plank if I had one
14:04We be at the mercy of the sea, matey
14:07Topside, topside, batten the hatches
14:10Trim the mains, slip the sheets
14:13Flipper the jibbits
14:15I want my mommy!
14:26Some pirate captain I am
14:29I can't even get a rowboat across a river
14:32Now I'll probably float out to sea and never be heard from again
14:36If I ever get back to land, I'm going to give up this pirate business
14:40I'm going to stop pretending I'm something I'm not
14:43I'm just going to be me, Garfield the house cat
14:47Gourmet, au vivant
14:50World traveler, jet-setting playboy
14:54Leave me alone, Odie
14:56I'm busy wallowing in self-pity
15:00Arrgh! Shiver me timbers, it be land ho!
15:13Nice touch
15:19Look, Odie, there's a light in the window up there
15:22Someone must actually live in that old house
15:26Hey, Odie, I know
15:29Let's investigate
15:34Okay, Odie, here's the plan
15:37I'll kick the door open, and you jump in and secure the place
15:41Are you ready?
15:43Yeah, let's go
15:45Okay, Odie, here's the plan
15:48I'll kick the door open, and you jump in and secure the place
15:52Okay, tell you what, let's quietly slip in
16:22It looks as though the place is deserted
16:25Let's warm ourselves by the fire
16:29Ah, this is more like it
16:36Watch it!
16:38Shut up, you two!
16:40That's enough to stop an old man's ticker
16:44You've picked a poor night to come visiting, my friends
16:48This could be the worst night of your lives
16:52I knew it. Let's not bother the man any longer, Odie
16:59What I'm about to tell you has never been told to another living soul
17:07Catchy beginning
17:09This island has a secret
17:12A deep, dark secret it has held for a hundred years
17:16Une centaine d'années à l'heure actuelle,
17:19une bande de pirates se trouvait dans cette même maison
17:24Elles avaient emprisonné de nombreux navires, et étaient suivies par des troupes gouvernementales
17:28Elles étaient tellement remplies d'argent,
17:32qu'elles devaient cacher le trésor avant de s'échapper
17:37Cependant, avant de quitter cette islande,
17:42ils ont signé un contrat écrit en sang
17:47Ils ont promis de retourner au trésor
17:50une centaine d'années à l'heure actuelle
17:54à midi, même si cela signifiait la retour du trésor
18:00Vous croyez que...
18:02Croyez-le, mes amis!
18:05Les pirates avaient un garçon de 10 ans
18:09J'étais ce garçon
18:12J'étais là
18:14Je n'ai jamais pris le trésor parce qu'ils m'auraient trouvé
18:18Il n'y a pas d'échec
18:20J'étais là
18:22Je n'ai jamais pris le trésor parce qu'ils m'auraient trouvé
18:26Il n'y a pas d'échec
18:28Ils savent que nous sommes là
18:30Ils savent qui nous sommes
18:33C'est ce qui m'a fait penser
18:35Allons-y, Odie!
18:37Tu veux y aller aussi?
18:42Où est-il allé?
18:44Oh bien, c'est pas grave
18:46Allons au bateau
18:52Les rats!
18:53Voici mon bateau
18:56Les rats!
18:57Voici mon canapé
18:59Mon bateau est parti
19:01Mon canapé est parti
19:02Les pirates sont prêts à tout moment
19:04C'est plus tard
19:06Je veux rentrer chez moi
19:22C'est minuit
19:25Juste comme je le pensais
19:27Cet vieux homme était un type de lunatique
19:57On doit se cacher, Odie
19:58On n'a pas beaucoup de temps
19:59On doit trouver un bon endroit pour se cacher
20:01Ne vous inquiétez pas
20:03Ils savent où nous sommes
20:08Il n'y a pas d'échec
20:24Il n'y a pas d'échec
20:54Peut-être qu'ils nous n'ont pas vus
21:25C'est ça, on va nager
21:28Un, deux, trois
21:32Les rats! J'ai oublié
21:34Je ne peux pas nager
21:55Oh, mon vieux ami
22:00L'ancien homme avait raison, Odie
22:02C'était la pire nuit de ma vie
22:04J'ai eu des rêves qui ressemblaient à des fêtes d'anniversaire
22:07Quand on compare à la terre
22:09Je ne peux plus y aller
22:11Je ne peux plus y aller
22:13Je ne peux plus y aller
22:15Je ne peux plus y aller
22:17Je ne peux plus y aller
22:19Je ne peux plus y aller
22:21Je ne peux plus y aller
22:23Aucun des fêtes ne ressemble à ce qu'on voit
22:31Regardez-moi ça
22:33C'est moi, Candy
22:36Je pense que cette histoire a un bon endroit après tout
22:40Allons nous faire chier
22:44Les fantômes pirates ont le trésor
22:47Et nous avons le candy, candy, candy
22:50Odie, je suis en train de faire quelque chose qui est totalement hors de caractère pour moi,
22:56mais vu comment tu as sauvé ma vie environ 18 millions de fois ce soir,
23:00je veux te donner quelque chose.
23:02Quelque chose d'une grande valeur personnelle.
23:05Quelque chose qui représente un grand sacrifice personnel de ma part.
23:11Voici la moitié de ton candé.
23:15Oui, je t'aime, sors de là.
23:18Quelle nuit.
23:20Mon dieu, suis-je fatigué? Je pense que je vais voir ce qu'il y a sur la télé.
23:24Bonsoir et bienvenue à notre festival de films pirates toute la nuit.
23:30Mon dieu, suis-je fatigué?