Europe and America are gradually losing their positions in the global economy! Putin

  • last month
The West does not want competition because it cannot cope with it!
Russian President Vladimir Putin took part in the plenary session of the International Forum "Russian Energy Week".

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00:00It is obvious. That modern energy is one of the key industries. A real foundation for global development. If it works calmly. According to transparent and understandable rules.
00:14When deposits are developed and resources are processed. And supplies to the market are uninterrupted.
00:22Then all this creates a solid foundation for economic growth. The social sphere. For improving the well-being of citizens. Unfortunately.
00:33This truism is less and less taken into account by those.
00:38Who have adopted the mechanisms of illegal sanctions. Who believe.
00:45That they can use them to their advantage in the energy sector. What am I talking about? Historically, it turned out. That it was in the hands of the West.
00:54That the main elements of the supporting infrastructure of the global energy market were concentrated.
01:00I mean innovative solutions for the extraction of raw materials, logistics. Insurance of resource supplies.
01:09As well as a payment system for these operations. In general. Everything that. Along with technology.
01:16Forms a kind of platform for global energy. Western elites believed.
01:22That they could block access to these services for those countries.
01:26That were politically undesirable to them.
01:29Thus allegedly putting them on the sidelines of progress.
01:33But in fact simply squeezing them out of the market. I think.
01:38That many will agree with me.
01:42That all these tools are used primarily as tools of unfair competition. The motive is obvious.
01:49The West does not want competition.
01:52Because it cannot cope with it.
01:54The West often loses in a fair fight.
01:57They resort to discrimination.
02:01Presenting it under the guise of imaginary Euro-Atlantic solidarity.
02:05The fight for human rights, and so on, well.
02:08There are many pretexts.
02:10But what happens in the end?
02:13By blocking access to its platform.
02:16The West only spurred the development of alternative solutions. Alternative logistics, insurance.
02:23International payment systems and technological innovations, of course.
02:27This is all a difficult process.
02:29It is difficult for those.
02:31Who are involved in this process.
02:33But this process is ongoing.
02:35It is ongoing steadily.
02:36I would like to emphasize.
02:38That today these decisions are already largely independent of outside influence.
02:42And given.
02:44That they are gradually being built on a qualitatively new technological basis.
02:49They are becoming more effective every day.
02:52What is very important.
02:53More widespread.
02:54Primarily in countries.
02:56That are gaining momentum and demonstrating high rates of economic development.
03:02I have already said more than once.
03:03The modern world has entered an era of fundamental and irreversible changes.
03:08A multipolar development model is being formed.
03:11Which is launching a new wave of global growth for the entire 21st century.
03:19And this growth will not be concentrated in Europe or North America.
03:23Of course.
03:25The fundamental foundations of the European and American economies are very serious, powerful.
03:30And, of course.
03:31They are functioning.
03:33And they will function.
03:34This breaking distance will be long.
03:36But, nevertheless.
03:39The main growth will be concentrated not in Europe and North America.
03:44Which are gradually losing their positions in the global economy.
03:48But in the BRICS countries.
03:50And in those states.
03:51That want to join this association.
03:55Which see prospects in equal interaction taking into account national interests.
04:01I have already said this.
04:03But in this audience I will repeat it again.
04:05These are objective data.
04:07These are international data.
04:09In 1992.
04:11The G7 share in global GDP was 45%.
04:15And the BRICS share was only 22%.
04:18By the end of 2023.
04:20The G7 share had dropped to 30%.
04:23And the BRICS share had grown to 36%.
04:26And the pace is increasing.
04:28The gap is widening.
04:29I will note right away.
04:31According to international experts.
04:33In some BRICS countries.
04:35Including the People's Republic of China.
04:38The Russian Federation.
04:39The United Arab Emirates.
04:41And Saudi Arabia.
04:42Economic dynamics will be positive.
04:44But relatively moderate.
04:46I repeat.
04:48This is data from experts.
04:52Including international experts.
04:54But the leaders in growth rates.
04:56I want to emphasize this.
04:58Namely in rates.
05:00Will be the countries of the so-called Global South.
05:03Where the GDP per capita is still low.
05:06The urbanization rate is quite low.
05:08And at the same time the birth rate is high.
05:11First of all.
05:13These are the countries of South and Southeast Asia.
05:15As well as Africa, by the way.
05:17Including Equatorial Guinea.
05:19Whose president.
05:21The esteemed Mr. Teodoro Obiang.
05:23Is participating in our plenary session.
05:26I ask you to welcome him.
05:31I will repeat.
05:33Russia is chairing the BRICS organization this year.
05:36And BRICS sees its task in combining economic potentials.
05:39Creating a space of opportunities for all.
05:42Who are interested in harmonious and mutually beneficial cooperation.
05:45I will emphasize.
05:47We are talking specifically about mutually beneficial cooperation.
05:50That is, in the common interests of our countries and peoples.
05:53For states.
05:55That are already or will become promising growth centers.
05:59We intend to form an effective development platform.
06:02Free from negative external interference.
06:04Including resource.
06:12Trade and investment.
06:14Including the energy sector.
06:16As I have already said.
06:18Which is a decisive influence on the state of the economy and the social sphere.
06:21Despite the fact.
06:23That Russia is not the only country.
06:26That are well known to everyone.
06:28Difficulties actually exist for everyone.
06:30We have our own considerable difficulties.
06:34Russia remains one of the leading participants in the energy market in the world.
06:36Over the past two and a half years.
06:38Domestic companies have been able to redirect supplies of oil.
06:40Oil products.
06:42Coal, for example.
06:44If earlier the share of the Asia-Pacific region in our energy sector.
06:46Was less than one percent.
06:48Now it is more than one percent.
06:50We have a very strong economy.
06:52If earlier the share of the Asia-Pacific region in our energy exports.
06:54Was approximately 39 percent.
06:56Then by the end of last year.
06:58It had grown by one and a half times.
07:00And it has already exceeded 60 percent.
07:02In general.
07:04Friendly countries account for over 90 percent.
07:06Of Russia's energy exports.
07:08At the same time.
07:10It's physical volume.
07:12With the exception of natural gas.
07:14This is also clear to specialists.
07:16Has remained practically the same.
07:18Except for oil.
07:20Has remained practically at the 2021 level.
07:22Russia is expanding the geography.
07:24And scale of energy cooperation.
07:26We are building new routes.
07:28To dynamically growing.
07:30Capacious markets.
07:32Including the countries of the Eurasian Economic Union.
07:34The CIS.
07:36And Southern Eurasia.
07:38Deliveries via the power of Siberia gas pipeline.
07:40Are increasing.
07:42The export of liquefied natural gas.
07:44Continues to grow.
07:46Thus, liquefied natural gas.
07:48Will become one of the anchor.
07:50Main cargos of the Northern Sea Route.
07:52We will definitely continue.
07:54To develop our own services and technologies.
07:56In the field of liquefied gas.
07:58Create centers for transshipment.
08:00Storage and trade of liquefied natural gas.
08:02We will provide projects.
08:04With gas transportation facilities.
08:06And, of course.
08:08Increase the capacity of our Arctic and Eastern Sea ports.
08:12Strengthen communications and infrastructure.
08:14Of the Northern Sea Route.
08:16My Russian colleagues know.
08:18What I am talking about.
08:20They are aware of many problems.
08:22Of course.
08:24This partly hinders the implementation of our plans.
08:26But, of course.
08:28They will be implemented.
08:30In general.
08:32We are expanding international transport corridors.
08:34By 2030.
08:36The volume of transportation along these corridors.
08:38Should increase by at least one and a half times.
08:40Compared to 2021.
08:42In particular.
08:44We are developing.
08:46The Eastern sector of railways.
08:50When the current year's throughput capacity.
08:52Of the Baikal-Amur Mainline.
08:54And the Trans-Siberian Railway.
08:56Was 180 million tons.
08:58In 10 years it will increase.
09:00To 270 million tons.
09:04Which will allow transporting.
09:06Larger volumes of fuel and energy products.
09:08And their processed products.
09:10From our Siberian regions.
09:12To the Global South.
09:14A separate issue concerns.
09:16The financial infrastructure.
09:18Namely payments for Russian exports.
09:20Of course.
09:22There are some difficulties here.
09:24To solve this problem.
09:26We are switching to transactions.
09:28In national currencies.
09:30And our partners are extremely interested in this.
09:32There are also many problems here.
09:34We understand this perfectly well.
09:36But we are gradually overcoming these problems.
09:40The share of the ruble.
09:42In our foreign trade operations.
09:44Is already approaching 40%.
09:46From 2021 to 2023.
09:50The share of the ruble.
09:52In payments for exports.
09:54Increased almost threefold.
09:56To 39%.
09:58And in the first half of this year.
10:00This figure was already 39.4%.
10:02At the same time.
10:04Within the framework of cooperation.
10:06With the BRICS countries.
10:08We are working on creating.
10:10Our own payment transaction circuit.
10:12Which will create conditions.
10:14For efficient and independent servicing.
10:16Of all foreign trade.
10:18I will add.
10:22That energy supplies from Russia.
10:24Allow friendly countries.
10:26To contain the growth of import prices.
10:28Ensure their energy security.
10:30And economic stability.
10:34This allows them to compete more successfully.
10:36In the market.
10:38At the same time.
10:40We aim to go further.
10:42Not to limit cooperation.
10:44Only to the sale of our resources.
10:46Russia is ready to strengthen.
10:48The technological sovereignty.
10:50Of its partners in the energy sector.
10:52Forming full-fledged scientific.
10:54And production chains.
10:56This is.
10:58How cooperation in the field.
11:00Of peaceful atoms develops.
11:02When Rosatom nuclear power plants.
11:04With the training of local personnel.
11:06With the training of engineers.
11:10Managers for new facilities.
11:12In fact.
11:14We are not just building a station.
11:16As Rosatom says.
11:18We are creating an industry for our partners.
11:20A new industry of energy in the economy.
11:22I am confident.
11:24That such a combination.
11:26Of the intellectual and resource potential.
11:28Of different countries.
11:30Reaching new frontiers of international cooperation.
11:32Will open up additional opportunities.
11:34For our research school.
11:36For the development of mechanical engineering.
11:38The service sector.
11:40And, of course, for the entire Russian energy sector.
