Angry America Violence Prevention

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Angry America - Violence Prevention






~ Imágenes de Jesús - (Spanish) ~ (Paul's Books) (Paul's Lessons)
Zelle Pay - RevivingNations@yahoo, com

#god #jesus #unity #humility #growth #life #love #life #violence #prevention #hope #living #usa #politics #government #pray #peace #happiness #joy #transformation #vision #motivation #empowerment #schools #students #colleges #university #universities #professores #purpose
00:00says the sins of the fathers go down three and four generations upon the
00:05children whereas the blessing of God upon the men of God the patriarchs the
00:11forefathers will be extended to thousands of generations that's clearly
00:15written in the book of Exodus so as we see in the United States we are a very
00:19angry people at the moment sadly whether it's our political ideology and our
00:24differences our sexuality our religious beliefs sometimes it's our financial
00:31situation and struggles inflation whatever it may be but nonetheless I
00:36would hope we could unite upon our common humanity and recognize that we
00:43all bleed red we all need God we all need prayer we all struggle we all need
00:48one another a time or two throughout our journey and it's vitally important
00:54that we get rid of our anger within our hearts and our minds because that's
00:59infecting our kids in the state of Florida right now I was at the gym this
01:03morning I talked to a guy who told me in just the last 40 days since school has
01:08begun in the month of August it's only the end of September so let's say 60
01:13days since school has begun we've had 200 threats school violence threats
01:19whether it's to kill somebody or to injure somebody or to harm somebody it
01:24is coming from children kids in school and it's only the state of Florida not to mention the rest of the nation
01:29so the United States is very angry, very angry people. You can see it in our political discourse and the way we communicate. My mom is a history teacher. She said it didn't used to be this way when people had debates and
01:42politics they didn't always demonize and dehumanize and mistreat one another but
01:47there's a sign of hope when President Trump and Robert Kennedy Jr. can work
01:53together and find common ground to improve the health of our country and even the CDC director applauded that and recognized that RFK is a good choice. I'm not endorsing President Trump at the moment but I am saying that form of
02:08unification, crossing party lines and finding ways to work together to make our country better that's something we should embrace. So kids, parents, get on your knees, pray, purify your heart because guns, that's not the way to solve your problems. All that does is create more problems. If you watch the movie Kingdom at the end you got people from the Middle East and people from the West hating one another. Why? Because they've murdered one another and they've got angst and unforgiveness in their hearts and rightfully so there's some animosity there
02:37but killing is never going to solve that problem, it's just going to create and deepen it and intensify it more. So at some point we're going to have to overcome evil with good. The two wars in Iraq didn't solve any problems, it just intensified our hatred and our dissatisfaction and frustrations with one another. So peace is the way to go. It's a hard road to journey on and to embrace and to endure but Rwanda's done it. They had a genocide in Rwanda and Burundi, the
03:07genocide killed 1.2 million people that had been there to both countries and yet the Hutus and Tutsis lived in the same country and the two tribes, both black but a little different in physical features, started to demonize and dehumanize one another and next thing you know they're taking their farming tools and killing one another with machetes and rakes and hoes and so forth. So there's a better way, my friend, to live, to love, to just walk away if you need to, find people that you can embrace and celebrate and
03:37enjoy life with. It's better to be alone than be surrounded by haters and if you have to just get alone with God and walk alone for a while like Noah did or like Jesus did when he went on the mountaintop and prayed, so be it but don't look to guns or weapons or violence to solve your problems because it's just going to intensify them as this 11 year old boy in Volusia County, Florida who went online and showcased all his arms whether they were his father's or his and tried to look like a tough guy and then
04:07made threats to the school whether it was the school officials or teachers or his own
04:12classmates. It's not the point but thereafter put all that on social media, the kid's arrested,
04:18he's in jail now. So what good is it if you kill somebody but you spend the rest of your
04:23life in jail? What good is it if you make these threats and you go kill somebody like
04:29the Virginia Tech University killer and afterwards he felt so bad about himself and he knew the
04:34repercussions were life in prison. So what does he do? He kills himself. Most of these
04:38mass murderers, they go forth and they thereafter kill themselves because they know they have
04:44no meaningful life thereafter and they can't live with a guilty conscience. They got blood
04:48on their hands, they got a tainted defiled heart and the best way is to just get on your
04:53knees before you pick up the gun or do something you regret. You don't have to go and commit
04:59suicide. You don't have to go and commit murder. Just pray and ask God Almighty to
05:03flood your heart with His Holy Spirit and fill you with His love, His life, His liberty
05:08and show you a better way in Christ. He can guide you, dust off your gifts, talents and
05:13abilities, live with purity and purpose and power and make your life meaningful and do
05:18something memorable with your life that you don't have to focus on the nasty, noisy negatives
05:24but you can do something powerful and pure and like the sun always shines above the clouds,
05:29lift up your eyes and find a heavenly vision for which to live daily and thereby be happy.