Love Your Enemies

  • 2 days ago
Love Your Enemies ❤️

Your Worst Enemy ~


Imágenes de Jesús - (Spanish) ~

WINGS OF WORSHIP (fully illustrated) ~

SUPERNATURAL FIRE ~ (1st edition) (2nd edition)


FAITH TO CONQUER ~ (Paul's Books) (Paul's Lessons)
Zelle Pay - RevivingNations@yahoo, com

#love #amor #faith #believe #leadership #grace #emotions #feeling #feelings #wisdom #wealth #success #peace #energy #purpose #productivity #talent #mentalhealth #spirituality #people #jesus #church #iglesia #eglise #live #life #hope #living #christian #bible
00:00Powerful scripture and requirement of Jesus Matthew 5 verse 43 to 45 he said
00:08love your enemies wow that in itself is a huge task and undertaking and request
00:17love your enemies bless them who curse you do good to them who hate you pray
00:22for them who despitefully use you and persecute you then you will be the
00:25children of God the Father which is in heaven for he makes the son to rise
00:31upon the good and the evil and he sends rain on the just and the unjust so God
00:35help us to love the unlovely to see humanity through your eyes and to not
00:39despise our fellow man but to love serve respect honor them and see them through
00:46your eyes that you're hoping to reconcile them to God to Christ and be
00:50saved born again and transformed even the Apostle Paul before he became Paul
00:55he was Saul out there killing Christians and causing much havoc and
01:00harm to people yet God supernaturally touched him and Jesus appeared to him
01:05and Saul was blind for three days after which Ananias came and laid hands on him
01:10and he received the Holy Spirit he received his sight and he suddenly
01:14began to preach the gospel to the very people he persecuted and then go back
01:18and speak to the Jews and the Gentiles as well and touch the uttermost parts of
01:22the earth so you never know what God can do he can change and transform and
01:26redeem humanity and and the twinkling of an eye so maintain a pure heart and
01:33remember in the eyes and through the eyes of God all things are possible and
01:38furthermore it's important not to be offended because the bait of Satan is to
01:44cause us to be offended because when we're offended we're distracted from our
01:48ultimate God-given purpose and focus and we're fixated upon another person
01:53and our enemy and how much we hate them and our internal dialogue about them and
01:57that's all wasting our time and our energy and emotional intensity is being
02:02redirected from our true God-given purpose and that is another reason why
02:06it's important to forgive so you don't have to carry that person or the
02:10toxicity of the relationship or what you perceive it to be in your own soul or
02:15heart and mind because that can burden you weigh you down and belittle your
02:19purpose and dwarf your potential so release forgive and believe for people
02:26for the best of them and walk peaceably and humbly with your God and with your
02:30fellow man to the best of your ability and if need be put a little space
02:34between you and the person who antagonizes you or annoys you we all
02:37have them and just pray for them and trust God to reconcile that relationship
02:42by the blood of Jesus and give you the understanding of how to deal with
02:45difficult people and erect boundaries and barriers if need be to guard your
02:50heart your mind your focus from being antagonized and give you intelligence
02:55and wisdom how to navigate the nuances of your life and where you live
02:59geographically and the people who you have to deal with daily whether you
03:02particularly like them or not Jesus tells us to love everybody but it
03:06doesn't say we necessarily have to like everybody even the Bible says that God
03:09loved Jacob but he hated Esau if you read the book of Malachi so God too has
03:16his favorites in the Bible and he likes the children of obedience more than the
03:22children of disobedience nevertheless he loves all humanity and gives everybody
03:26an opportunity to repent and be born again and return to him and surrender
03:31their lives to Jesus Christ so God help us to love our enemies as Jesus said to
03:36do and not be entangled in our soul by reason of hatred or anger or bitterness
03:42towards them because the root of bitterness the Bible says in Hebrews can
03:46defile many so we don't want to be those who are defiled we don't want to be
03:50those who are polluted or contaminated in our soul and we also don't want to
03:54bear false witness against our neighbor which one of the Ten Commandments
03:57says not to do so don't perceive a person to be something or prematurely
04:03size them up based on your own judgments which may not be true if
04:07you've not taken the time to get to know them to converse with them to sit with
04:10them so don't make snap premature judgments don't play God don't be the
04:16judge Jesus will judge the living and the dead we have to release and love and
04:20let people go give them opportunity to grow as we also need the same mercy and
04:25grace Jesus said in Matthew chapter 5 blessed are the merciful they shall
04:29obtain mercy so help us to be merciful God and gracious and kind to our fellow
04:34man because we're too we're gonna need that grace and mercy in our life at
04:39various times as well so help us to afford the same to others in Jesus name