Faith Imparts Life

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Faith Imparts Life



Imágenes de Jesús - (Spanish) ~


WEALTHY MIND ~ (Paul's Books) (Paul's Lessons)
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#faith #trust #believe #winning #god #supernatural #power #energy #productivity #getup #health #wellness #move #do #doit #purpose #success #encouragement #guidance #motivation #inspiration #joy #happy #happiness #spirituality #live #life #living #wisdom #leadership
00:00Hallelujah, the righteousness of God is revealed by faith.
00:06Romans chapter 1 verse 17 tells us faith is a force for good in the earth.
00:13It will sustain you.
00:14It will propel you.
00:15It will keep you.
00:16It will uplift you.
00:17Uphold you.
00:18Enable you to live in the life and the love of God and survive the challenges of life
00:27on earth.
00:28I know I've traveled to 90 nations and lived to tell about it.
00:34Lived in Africa, Asia, Latin America, and Europe.
00:39And God's word is true.
00:43Faith births and sustains life.
00:47Faith calms storms within you and around you.
00:51Faith quiets noise around you so your soul is not contaminated, polluted, or burdened
00:58by others and you internally can be whole.
01:02Faith imparts vision, enabling you to see, understand, and progress daily.
01:08Faith empowers you to be, hallelujah, and to become.
01:12Faith establishes your identity and destiny in God.
01:18Faith accesses and awakens supernatural ability in and through you.
01:27Faith empowers you to live above and beyond your abilities as you lean into God with trust
01:34and tranquility and access his supernatural unlimited ability.
01:40So much more to say.
01:41I've written a book titled Faith to Conquer as well as many others.
01:44I'll share the links to those with this video.
01:48May God impart to you, my friend, the spirit of faith.
01:50The Bible talks about the gift of faith, the measure of faith, and the spirit of faith.
01:54The Bible says the Holy Spirit is the spirit of faith.
01:582 Corinthians 4, verse 13, we believe and therefore we speak according to your faith.
02:04Be it unto you, Jesus said in Matthew 9, verse 29, and what comes out of your mouth is a
02:10reflection of what you believe in your heart.
02:12Because Jesus said from the overflow of the heart come the words of the mouth.
02:16So a person's words and speech reveal what they believe or what they do not believe.
02:22And unbelief can open up doors for evil and lack, poverty, struggle, and difficulty in
02:31your life.
02:32So it's vitally important to have faith in God.
02:33He or she who believes in God must believe that God is a rewarder of them who diligently
02:39seek him.
02:40Hebrews 11, verse 6, because without faith it's impossible to please God.
02:45Draw near to God, he'll draw near to you.
02:47God Almighty loves you.
02:48He's for you.
02:50If God is before you, who can stand against you?
02:52But you have to make the effort and push and press through the flesh and the carnality
02:57of your mind and draw near to God to access the blessed Holy Spirit and that which God
03:02has for you daily.
03:03Taste and see, God is good.
03:06Man shall not live by bread alone but by every word that proceeds out of the mouth of God.
03:12Be blessed, my friend, as you meditate upon this word.
03:15Put feet to your faith and live in the light of God's word by faith.
03:22The childlike faith, trust in the living God will sustain you, propel you, keep you, and
03:29enable you to access the blessings of God daily.
03:33It's not that difficult.
03:34It takes a theologian to make it complicated.
03:36Just trust and obey, my friend, and be blessed as you do.