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00:00While it's loading, let's just talk about all the things I hate about Kim Kardashian.
00:03Oh, this is only going to take about a minute.
00:05I need about a million minutes.
00:07Hey, what's up, you guys?
00:08Yes, I'm on Omegle, and I'm here with...
00:13And we are about to hopefully find some really disturbing shit.
00:16Are you ready?
00:17Oh, okay.
00:18Oh, I'm nervous.
00:19Okay, so it says keep it clean and friendly.
00:21Obviously, that's not what we're going to do.
00:22Oh, shame.
00:23We're going to keep it gross and angry.
00:25Oh, Lord.
00:25All right, what interest should we start with?
00:27How do you say anything if you know it's going to be gross?
00:31Well, maybe we should just type in MILF again.
00:32That seemed to go out pretty well last time.
00:34No, because I'm not a MILF, and then...
00:35Yes, you are.
00:36No, remember that time you did it, and the guy saw me, and he clicked off.
00:38That was sad.
00:39That just happens with everybody.
00:40There we are.
00:41Oh, sorry.
00:42I should get out of here.
00:43No, no.
00:44He clicked right off.
00:46He clicked off because he was scared.
00:47Sweetheart, I'm not a MILF.
00:48He's scared of love.
00:49No, no, honey.
00:51All right, this person isn't looking...
00:52Put in old lady or something.
00:53Stop being so mean to yourself.
00:55I told you they would click off.
00:56No, the lighting in here is great.
00:58No, honey.
00:58You're MILF-tastic.
01:00No, stay in it with me.
01:01I'm in it.
01:01Okay, I'm going to take my glasses off.
01:06It's dubstep.
01:07It's a dubstep remix.
01:08It's happening.
01:08Oh, my God.
01:09Oh, my God.
01:09It wasn't our fault.
01:10It was his fault.
01:11It was his fault.
01:11He left because he was confused by all the beauty.
01:14Come on.
01:15I look like I'm going to church.
01:16That's what they...
01:17Some of them are into that.
01:18It's like, this is crazy.
01:20Shane, don't go...
01:21Shane, don't go away.
01:22Make a sexy face.
01:24Why is there no one there?
01:25Because they're looking at you to make sure that they want to talk to you.
01:27So make a sexy face.
01:28Shane, stop.
01:29You're never going to meet a man.
01:30Make a sexy face.
01:31I don't want to meet someone like you.
01:33Come on.
01:33Just make like an ooh.
01:35Just like a little ooh.
01:38There's no one there, Shane.
01:38They're coming.
01:39Oh, here we go.
01:40Make an ooh.
01:40Oh, God.
01:44Don't make an ooh.
01:48Okay, it's fine.
01:48It's every once in a while you're kissing princes, you get a frog.
01:51You get a dick.
01:52We're going to move on.
01:53You're going to get a nice Christian man.
01:54I don't think so.
01:57No, you never know.
01:58Why don't you put that in?
01:59Typing Jesus?
02:00What is that?
02:01Oh, I know what that is.
02:03Wait, he's typing.
02:04Wait, is that...
02:06What is that?
02:07I think it's a puppet.
02:08Is that a puppet?
02:08Wait, ask him.
02:09Is that a puppet?
02:10He said, see.
02:12Is that Spanish for yes?
02:13That's a puppet.
02:14Okay, I'm covering up.
02:15That was not a puppet.
02:16So moving on.
02:19I wish you could see her face right now.
02:20We're typing in Jesus.
02:22Thank goodness.
02:23Thank Jesus.
02:26Oh my God.
02:26Is that Shane Dawson?
02:27You like Jesus?
02:28Do you love Jesus?
02:32You're typing Jesus.
02:33Show your penis.
02:34I'm kidding.
02:34Stop it.
02:35Oh God.
02:36Oh God.
02:36There's a glitch.
02:37There's a glitch.
02:42I love this song.
02:43But how come that's coming up with Jesus?
02:45Jesus loves ass and titties.
02:46Well, he made it.
02:48I know you're over 18.
02:50I pray to Jesus to show me some titties.
02:55I said miss.
02:56No, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no.
03:00All right.
03:00See, Jesus is hooking it up.
03:02I'm still like traumatized, honey.
03:04Like, I don't know.
03:05Maybe this will be Jesus.
03:07No, no, no.
03:09Oh, does he like Jesus?
03:12We'll find somebody.
03:13It's okay.
03:14We'll find a friend.
03:14Here, we both like Jesus.
03:16Oh, oh, he's in the dark though.
03:18And there's a knife.
03:19Is that a knife?
03:21I think so.
03:21Why do you have a knife?
03:22He said Shane.
03:23First of all, this is a fan.
03:24This is really scary that one of my fans is an Omegle asking for Jesus with a knife.
03:28Yes, stay here.
03:29That means I'm doing my job.
03:30You know who Shane is?
03:31Wait, let's see.
03:32Let's see.
03:32Why did you have a knife?
03:34Yeah, what's with the knife?
03:35We need to talk.
03:36Why is your shirt up?
03:38Is your shirt off?
03:39Why do you have a knife?
03:40I'm playing pranks.
03:42On what?
03:43What's happening, honey?
03:44You love me?
03:44I think I love you.
03:46If I say I don't love you, are you going to use the knife?
03:48Why did you have a knife, honey?
03:50We need to talk.
03:51Are you going to have an intervention?
03:52Well, I'm kind of worried.
03:53Well, yeah, you should be.
03:55The knife is coming back.
03:56Oh, now he has a phone.
03:57Oh, it's a selfie.
03:59My knife is a joke.
04:00Oh, okay.
04:01Well, good to know.
04:02No more knives.
04:03No more knives.
04:03Use a gun.
04:04Those are more fun.
04:07All right, let's do one more.
04:08Let's look for something else.
04:09What should we look for?
04:11Gosh, what else do I like?
04:14Yeah, it's going to go crazy.
04:15It's literally just going to be Tara Reade.
04:17She's going to be like, hello, hello.
04:20I'll be so excited.
04:20I would love it.
04:21Yeah, I'll be so excited.
04:24Oh, you're a child and you're shirtless.
04:26Okay, did you watch Sharknado?
04:27I nexted, I nexted.
04:29I didn't want to see what was going to happen next.
04:30Oh, honey.
04:31Why are children on here without shirts?
04:33I don't know.
04:34Why are we on here?
04:34Nobody's asking for Sharknados.
04:36Put in Tara Reade.
04:37Just give me a shot.
04:38Okay, Tara Reade.
04:39Tara Reade.
04:40Tara Reade.
04:41Here we go.
04:42Come on, Tara.
04:43Come on, Tara.
04:44Come on, Tara.
04:44Come on.
04:45Come on.
04:45Come on.
04:46Come on, Tara Bear.
04:47Oh, wait.
04:48Tara Reade.
04:49Wait, wait.
04:50Do you like, you like Sharknado?
04:52Are you Tara Reade?
04:56Tara Bear?
04:56No, it's not fake.
04:57Are you fake?
04:58Faking gay.
05:00All right.
05:00Love you.
05:00You're not Tara Reade though.
05:01So next.
05:02All right.
05:02One more, mom.
05:03This is it.
05:03This is it.
05:03This is the finale.
05:05Farrah Abraham.
05:06Let's do it.
05:08Well, you'll definitely see body parts.
05:09Let's do it.
05:10Farrah Abraham.
05:11Here we go.
05:12We both.
05:13All right.
05:13Are we both looking for Farrah?
05:15Farrah, are you there?
05:16Come on, girl.
05:17We love your music.
05:18Oh, there was somebody.
05:20I don't think anybody's looking for Farrah Abraham.
05:22Don't worry.
05:22I think her child is.
05:24I think her child's like, mom?
05:27She went on Omegle to find her.
05:28Something's happening.
05:29It's a rug.
05:29It's Farrah.
05:30It's a rug.
05:30I think it's Farrah.
05:31It's a pink rug.
05:32I think that's her lingerie.
05:34Farrah Abraham.
05:35Who's that?
05:36Farrah, show us the goodies.
05:37It's red.
05:38It's pink.
05:39There's a light now.
05:40Oh, someone's there.
05:43Are you Farrah?
05:44Is that?
05:44Where's your child?
05:45It's eerie, huh?
05:46I think somebody's getting murdered.
05:48All right.
05:49It's like smiley.
05:51Oh my gosh.
05:52Oh, okay.
05:53So we put in Joey Graceffa, like a million little girls will show up.
05:58Is that how that works?
05:59I mean, that's what every child molester is thinking.
06:03Let me just put Joey and then a million little girls will show up.
06:07All right, let's call it a day.
06:08There you guys go.
06:09That was our Omegle challenge.
06:10Leave a comment letting us know what we should search for next on Omegle.
06:13How am I gonna like clean my brain, Chase?
06:15Farrah Abraham.
06:16Oh, I saw things.
06:18All right, you guys.
06:18Hope you have fun hanging with us.
06:19We have fun hanging with you and I'll see you tomorrow.
06:22Make sure to subscribe and give me a thumbs up and touch my mom's Farrah Abraham.
06:27A lot of homeless people and they're dressed better than I am.
06:29I'm pretty sure that this man is wearing a shirt that is cleaner and newer than mine.
06:35He just agreed.