• last month
(Adnkronos) - “Le CAR-T sono un processo e la grande scommessa era renderle comprensibili a chiunque”. Lo ha detto Davide Petruzzelli, presidente La Lampada di Aladino Ets, in occasione della presentazione di “Luce tra i frammenti. Il viaggio di Mira, dalla scoperta della malattia alla speranza con CAR-T”. Un cortometraggio 2D animato, prodotto dagli studenti del Triennio in Cinema e Animazione di NABA e promosso da Gilead Sciences con il Patrocinio di AIL- Associazione italiana contro le leucemie-linfomi e mieloma e La Lampada di Aladino ETS.


00:00The message we want to send is hope. Innovation changes the history of diseases in blood tumors.
00:09And today we are finally talking about concrete hopes. Innovation is describing to us how these diseases are changing.
00:15Today we are here to talk about a short film that had the great initial bet to describe in a simple way a very complex thing.
00:24We are not talking about drugs, we are talking about a process. Cards are a process.
00:28And the great bet was to make them understandable to everyone.
00:33The guys at Nava were great, they were able to make a fantastic product and from tomorrow we will obviously distribute it to everyone
00:40because in the end the things that are known are less scary and patients need it.
