The Ancient Magus' Bride S02E16 - Hindi

  • 2 days ago
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00:00Ladies and gentlemen, welcome to Kimo Dimeshi.
00:15Thank you for coming to Kimo Dimeshi.
00:45Konjou no keshiki ni damatte kushi de togashiteita
00:52Yuragu supu no mukou utagau hanatsui bamutori ga
00:59Tsunagareta yoko ga omoshisareru nara kizutsukete
01:06Doa no soto ni naozari ni kareta kasa yo
01:12Watashi wa kagumare na hane wo motosare
01:17Tsukawasu shinai na hohoai wo kou
01:21Anata no zendou wa watashi no miki ni
01:26Ushita, ushita
01:31Kono yo no negai morogetai to
01:35Utegai to kyousetsu wo kurikaesu
01:39Anata no nokori mo keshiru no ka
01:44Watashi dake
01:50So, the rules are like this.
01:53All of you will tour those seven places on this campus
01:56which are known for scary stories.
01:58Like the old tree of hangings,
02:00garden of the eternally lost,
02:02the window into the netherworld,
02:04the hall of the headseeker,
02:06imposter's mirror,
02:07Where is Riyan?
02:08I don't know.
02:09The room of lingering voices,
02:10Sorry, I'm late.
02:11and the twisted observatory.
02:12I've marked all the other routes on this printout for all of you.
02:16So, don't worry.
02:17And lastly, we'll watch a horror movie in the observatory.
02:20And yes, don't get caught because I haven't told the teachers about this.
02:25Yes, yes, you're right.
02:26If someone finds out, we'll be in trouble.
02:28Nothing will happen.
02:31So, let's make a pair quickly.
02:33All in all, there are people here.
02:38Jasmin, what have you done?
02:41You've planned everything without me.
02:44But Jasmin, you were sleeping.
02:46I was sleeping, but now I'm fine.
02:50Jasmin, don't stress.
02:52Take care.
02:53Yes, I'm taking care.
02:55So, let's start.
03:05One, two, three.
03:08One, two, three.
03:26So, about 32 years ago,
03:30there was a tree here
03:31on which a student committed suicide.
03:34There were scratches on his body.
03:36I don't know if this happened or not.
03:38I think it's a story.
03:40I don't think so.
03:52By the way, tell me something.
03:53You're not one of those people who are interested in such games.
03:57Someone called me.
04:02He asked me and I didn't like to refuse him.
04:05That's why I came here.
04:09So then?
04:10How did you agree to make the first pair?
04:13What would you do if your snake suddenly appeared in front of you?
04:18Apart from that,
04:19I'm not interested in talking to anyone except you.
04:24Oh, I see.
04:25I understand.
04:26I understand.
04:33The hall where a man was last seen
04:35who lost his head in a magical experiment.
04:45I've never felt like this before.
04:48But maybe this could be an opportunity.
04:52Can you press this tram?
05:07I've noticed that you're very quiet.
05:12Do you feel like talking to people?
05:16I don't know how to talk to people.
05:19I don't know how to talk to people.
05:21If you have a little courage, you'll be able to.
05:23You talk to Riyan and everyone else easily, don't you?
05:27By the way, do you know that
05:29Philomela is leaving this school
05:32and that too because of her family?
05:36Oh, so that's what you wanted to ask.
05:38By the way, you really don't know how to talk.
05:43Yes, I know.
05:45But we can't do anything.
05:47I've heard that
05:49the Sargent family
05:51serves the Rickenbacker family.
05:54So you think I should talk to them about this
05:56and give them an order
05:57that they shouldn't do this?
06:01To whom?
06:02My dear Mej.
06:04Have you ever been in some kind of bond?
06:08What kind of bond?
06:10A sorcerer is bound to his clan from birth.
06:13No matter how much the world celebrates freedom,
06:16the sorcerer is bound to his clan from birth.
06:19There's no point in getting involved in all this, Chisse.
06:24You're not going to get anything but pain.
06:27You should move on from all this.
06:34I've given myself a lot of trouble
06:36because of other people's problems.
06:38I can understand this pain very well.
06:42Do you like Philomela, Chisse?
06:49I'm very worried about her.
06:52I see.
06:53Shall we talk on the way?
07:00She's got a friend now.
07:09Miss Veronica!
07:11Poison? Or a curse?
07:13Take her away.
07:14It could be contagious.
07:19Miss Veronica, come with me.
07:28Oh, poor girl.
07:30She messed up her first job.
07:33But someone's going to poison me on my birthday.
07:39It seems like I'm of some importance.
07:45They can do anything.
07:47They're all equal.
07:48And this poison has no effect on them.
07:51They're perfectly capable of living with you.
07:54Dad never asks me anything.
07:56Why did he have to do all this?
07:59Master says that whatever happened,
08:01we have to find someone soon.
08:07She was saved.
08:09She's strong.
08:10No, she's a kid.
08:11It's a very basic poison.
08:13But she...
08:14That's what I want.
08:17A girl should talk to a girl.
08:21Miss Veronica, listen to me.
08:25Sergeant Lisbeth.
08:28I'm not asking you to do this.
08:33As you wish, Miss Veronica.
08:35Miss Veronica.
08:43Miss Veronica.
08:45Did Lisbeth ask you to sit here?
08:49I didn't catch the poison before you ate it,
08:52so please forgive me.
08:54You shouldn't come to me.
08:58Please leave.
09:00You're in jail too, aren't you?
09:04Yes, I'm in jail too.
09:10If you're not getting out of jail,
09:12at least you should be in a better place.
09:16That's why I chose you.
09:19What's your name?
09:24That's my name.
09:25I want you to work for me from now on.
09:30But I don't know anything.
09:34Someone else can help you.
09:38Listen, Philomela.
09:40This isn't a request.
09:42This is my order.
09:47I understand.
09:50That's more like it.
10:00Can I tell you the truth?
10:02Most of the poison doesn't affect me.
10:04I'm learning to tolerate some poison.
10:07I need your help.
10:11There's a family in Reckonbeck,
10:13who are in the medical field.
10:15But we're killing our own family members.
10:18That's not good.
10:19Do you have a brother?
10:22My father's acquaintances.
10:25Where are your parents?
10:28I don't remember.
10:30I heard they did something bad.
10:32That's why they were killed.
10:38There you go.
10:39It's done.
10:50Everything's so bad, isn't it?
10:52Except for one good thing,
10:54everything else is bad.
10:56It's such a painful story.
11:00I don't think she's lying.
11:03What do you mean?
11:04What do you have to say?
11:07Tell me.
11:08I'm Philomela's teacher.
11:10If you were in my place, what would you do?
11:14Is there anything else she wanted?
11:17She doesn't even know what she wants for herself.
11:22I see.
11:24I'll try asking her again.
11:29The world you're talking about
11:31has nothing to do with you.
11:33Then why do you want to get involved in all this?
11:45You're very nice.
11:48By the way, let's hurry up.
11:50Otherwise, everyone will be here.
11:58This is the same magical mirror
12:00that takes your form when you're near it.
12:05You're really boring.
12:07What's wrong?
12:08Are you still upset?
12:10I'm just wondering why you didn't tell me
12:13that you wanted to meet me.
12:15I'm just wondering why you stopped me
12:18from wasting my time.
12:21I stopped you from doing that stupid thing.
12:24It's my favor.
12:25To hell with your favor.
12:27You're still saying the same thing.
12:33I can't believe you're going to be the boss.
12:35I don't like Jasmine working with you.
12:38I told you.
12:39Not me.
12:40I thought you were talking about St. George House.
12:43I don't know.
12:44All the big shots are after me to get her.
12:48And yes, you know I like to live like a girl.
12:53And sometimes you talk like a girl.
12:55Yes, you're absolutely right.
12:57You know how important cross-dressing is
12:59in special sorcery.
13:01It's very clear.
13:03I like to do it and I do it.
13:05No matter what the family says.
13:07But then my family started getting involved
13:10in Jasmine's business.
13:11Because she's right.
13:13She cut her long hair short.
13:16She started behaving like a boy.
13:20She was trying to do the business that I was doing.
13:25Some kids are too honest to get themselves out of trouble.
13:30Has this ever happened to you?
13:33Are you talking about Isaac and Philomela?
13:37Rian, no bird starts flying when it's born.
13:42Those who protect them are the ones who teach them to fly.
13:46But there are some people who are never taught anything.
13:50There are some birds who get a chance to fly
13:53by leaving their nest.
13:55Or they die along with the fall of the nest.
13:58Not everyone has the power to fly by breaking the cage.
14:03Not everyone is like you,
14:05who has been taught everything and got everything.
14:12You're just like me, aren't you?
14:15And yet you're telling me all this.
14:18I've been talking to you for so long.
14:20Isaac should be rewarded for taking such good care of you.
14:24Okay, I said what I had to.
14:27I've collected the stamps too.
14:30Should I think about what's going to happen next?
14:50What was all that?
14:51You ruined the mood.
14:52Oh, it was him.
14:53Kevin and everyone else.
15:00This is the window.
15:04It's believed that people who see it
15:07sometimes see their own final moments.
15:10I don't know if it's true or not.
15:12Did you see anything?
15:14If you had seen it, you would have been scared.
15:18Yes, you're right.
15:21If you're not ready for this,
15:23let me know.
15:24You can back out anytime.
15:26I'll tell them in the end.
15:28Don't worry.
15:31You're doing a lot for a girl like me these days.
15:35Can I know why?
15:37What's the point of this?
15:39I don't know.
15:40I don't know.
15:41I don't know.
15:42I don't know.
15:43I don't know.
15:44I don't know.
15:45I don't know.
15:46I don't know.
15:47I don't know.
15:48I don't know.
15:49I don't know.
15:52I think that Riyaan
15:55and all the other fans are actually trying hard to make you feel small.
15:58I'm someone just like you.
15:59So, I can't just sit and watch all this crap.
16:02But you're Riyaan's friend, aren't you?
16:04And they decide the outcome.
16:07For us the blacksmiths,
16:08it's always you whom the Skrimgear family has trusted
16:10for generations to come.
16:13At least, you're not a shadow for them.
16:19Growing up with boys can be very difficult sometimes.
16:23We start competing with each other.
16:26Even if we don't want to hurt each other,
16:29we still end up hurting each other.
16:31And my habit is that I learn by making mistakes.
16:34I can never compete with Rian.
16:36For example, if I'm sad or distracted,
16:38I can't focus on my family business.
16:43We play with fire.
16:45So, a little carelessness can be dangerous for Janki.
16:49The things you've told me,
16:51I have very little experience with them.
16:56There's one thing in Rian's mind,
16:58that he's not talented.
17:00He thinks he can do everything that others can do.
17:04Maybe he doesn't know
17:06what it's like to be capable
17:08and what it feels like to be stuck.
17:10Don't you feel the same?
17:12I feel the same.
17:15I think you're the only one I can say this to.
17:20But don't ever tell him this.
17:22But how are you still with him
17:25despite everything that's happened?
17:28I'm not his enemy.
17:30So, whatever happens between us,
17:32we both forget it in no time.
17:38He's a good boy.
17:40So, I can never hate him.
17:43Maybe that's why I live with him.
17:48He's very straightforward.
17:50He doesn't care if people like him or not.
17:55That's a good thing.
18:01Anyway, it feels like we're going to the top.
18:05We're stuck together.
18:07We can't even move from the outside world
18:10or from ourselves.
18:13It's suffocating.
18:15And that's why...
18:17Listen, Philomela.
18:20We should talk about our feelings sometimes.
18:23Otherwise, it's suffocating.
18:27We need something else to move forward
18:30that we can move forward with all our might.
18:34This observatory is the last stop.
18:42The stars!
18:43It's like a planetarium.
18:49What movie are we going to watch today?
18:51This year's new and best movie.
18:53The Shark Mountain,
18:54in which Adam and the shark attack each other.
18:56This doesn't look like a horror movie.
18:58And the sharks...
19:00You are freaking out, huh?
19:02No, I just have a bad feeling about this.
19:05Tim is dead.
19:06He got caught in an avalanche.
19:07Stop it!
19:08Anyway, once we find it,
19:09let's get out of here ASAP.
19:11What's that smell?
19:14Something's coming.
19:15What the...
19:17Is that a shark?
19:18This is going to be fun.
19:21We've got to run.
19:25I'm scared.
19:31I think you should talk to Philomela
19:33and apologize to her.
19:35And it's up to her
19:36whether she forgives you or not.
19:38And I...
19:39I'm not going to apologize
19:41for anything I said to you.
19:43I really want you to change your habits.
19:50I'll be careful.
19:53Wallet said the same thing.
19:56Come on, man.
19:59So you think
20:00you don't care about me at all?
20:06Forget it.
20:08You're really weird.
20:10Like a coconut.
20:11Hard on the outside, soft on the inside.
20:15We wasted a lot of time today.
20:18We didn't waste it.
20:19I had a lot of fun.
20:20Whatever it is,
20:21everyone's dead.
20:22It's really late now, isn't it?
20:26I hope you all had fun at the watch party.
20:29Didn't you?
20:30We'll take you devils
20:32to your dorms.
20:34Yes, sir.
20:45What's wrong?
20:46You look sad.
20:47No, it's nothing.
20:59I had a lot of fun tonight.
21:01I had a good time.
21:03It was nice meeting everyone.
21:06How did this happen?
21:07We're friends, not strangers.
21:09There's more to come.
21:11Let's go to bed.
21:12I'm glad you had fun.
21:15Whether you're a stranger or I know you.
21:32Do come back to play with me.
21:40How was it?
21:41It was very successful.
21:45I must say,
21:46this ghost was a good imposter.
21:49If I remember correctly,
21:51he was a student here 30 years ago.
21:57Get down.
21:58You're too heavy.
22:00Hold me tight.
22:02Please don't leave me.
22:04Alexandra wants to see you
22:06in the nurse's room.
22:11As soon as possible.
22:15To be continued...
22:45To be continued...
23:15To be continued...
23:45To be continued...