The Ancient Magus' Bride S02E13 - Hindi

  • 2 days ago
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00:17All students are told that many of our students
00:22and their guardians are being attacked regularly,
00:26And with the sudden end of some magic powers,
00:33many students have fallen ill.
00:35We are trying to find out the reasons behind all this.
00:40And to find out what is the connection between all this,
00:44a thorough investigation is underway.
00:48We hope to find out something soon.
00:51One thing is for sure,
00:53the college is in great danger.
00:56And to ensure the safety of the students and staff,
01:01we have decided to close the college
01:05both physically and by magic.
01:22You seem to be enjoying your stay in London, don't you?
01:32What is all this?
01:34Why is there a barrier?
01:51I am the only one who can erase you from my memory.
02:02I was born in a world similar to yours,
02:06and I continue to look at myself in the mirror.
02:10In the scenery of my emotions,
02:14I was silent and melted away.
02:18On the other side of the wavering soup,
02:22a flower blooms.
02:25If I am to be stripped of my connected side,
02:30I will hurt myself.
02:31I am the umbrella that was left at the doorstep.
02:37I was born with wings,
02:42and I continue to smile without using them.
02:46Your back is on my right.
02:51Kiss me tight, kiss me tight.
02:57I want to break free from the chains of this world.
03:00I keep doubting and rejecting.
03:04I am the only one who can erase you from my memory.
03:17Are you really dropping out of school?
03:20If Grandma says so, I have to drop out.
03:23Nothing can be done.
03:26Besides, I never wanted to study in this college.
03:29I just studied.
03:31I'll tell you the whole story.
03:33The Sargent family doesn't like this college and the teachers here at all.
03:37But your grandma just said that Philomela was here because the Rickenbackers wanted her.
03:42Am I right, Philomela?
03:44The Rickenbackers are Veronica's family. Am I right?
03:50Okay, never mind.
03:52If you don't want to tell me, then don't.
03:55Obviously, it's affecting you a lot.
03:58Yes, you're right.
04:00Anyway, who was going to tell me about the drama?
04:03Don't say that, man.
04:05I don't understand why you treat her so badly.
04:08And I don't understand how good you are to her.
04:12I don't think it's necessary for me to tell you.
04:16It doesn't happen all the time.
04:18The Sargent family has served the Rickenbacker family for a long time.
04:24I have served Miss Veronica since we were very young.
04:29And that's why I came to this college with them.
04:32You served them.
04:34According to me, that means they are your teachers.
04:38Then why are you leaving all of a sudden when your teacher has given you permission?
04:44I don't know why they asked me to come with them.
04:49It's just like what grandma says.
04:52I can never do anything right.
04:58Lady Philomela.
05:01I've been looking for you.
05:03Why is L here?
05:05Who is she?
05:06Wait, I'll tell you.
05:07Actually, she's the supervisor here to help me.
05:11I'm the Sargent's artificial fairy.
05:13I was made to serve the Sargent family.
05:17An artificial fairy?
05:19A strange fairy who was made to serve the Sorcerer's family.
05:24Tell me something.
05:25Can fairies be made artificially?
05:28This is probably a very high level magic.
05:31You're absolutely right.
05:33The one who made me had a boon.
05:36And that's why he was able to make me.
05:41This reminds me of Elias.
05:45But the question is, why is she here?
05:48Have you come to take her home by force?
05:52Actually, I'm stuck in here.
05:55Are you stuck?
05:56Yes, you heard right.
05:58The college has been shut down physically and magically.
06:02Because I was given this form to complete some worldly tasks.
06:07That's why I can't go.
06:10You'll have to take care of me for a while.
06:22Good morning.
06:24Good morning, Mr. Aynsworth.
06:27How are you?
06:29I'm better than before, thanks to you.
06:32The college has been shut down.
06:34Shut down?
06:36Did we find out that the attackers came from outside?
06:40I think this is the answer to that question.
06:43Oh, I see.
06:48Because you came all the way here to see me,
06:51I found a good friend in you.
06:57I don't know much about friends,
06:59but if you call a sick person a friend, then you can say that.
07:05Worrying about someone, taking care of them,
07:07thinking about them without any special reason,
07:10these are the things that make a person your good friend.
07:14If you hated me, you'd be happy to see me sad.
07:17Oh, so that's how it is.
07:19Then I've made a lot of friends after meeting you.
07:23Actually, two more.
07:25That's great.
07:26No, three.
07:28Or maybe four.
07:30So that means they weren't just friends.
07:34By the way, I have a new friend. He's very interesting.
07:47Listen, Chisse.
07:48Now we can both leave this room.
07:53That's good.
08:27Good morning.
08:54You know, we all have to wear our tracksuits and get together in the garden.
08:57Yeah, let's hurry up.
08:58The college was closing, right?
09:00What the hell?
09:01Why is this happening so early in the morning?
09:05We had to get together in the training ground, right?
09:10The college has been sealed?
09:12Then when will they let us go out?
09:13Bro, I feel like they won't let us go out until Christmas.
09:17Hey, that's still two months away.
09:19Will we really be safe here?
09:21Who knows what will happen?
09:25I didn't even sleep well last night.
09:27I was thinking so much about what to say.
09:30Are you sleepy?
09:31No, I'm fine.
09:33That's good.
09:36Lucy, how come you look so fresh?
09:39Hi, Lucy. How are you?
09:40I'm glad to see you're okay.
09:43Oh, man.
09:44There's no signal on my phone.
09:46What do I do?
09:47Oh, my login bonus.
09:49The curriculum will be changed because the college is closed?
09:52I don't know what we're doing.
09:54Everyone's talking about closure.
09:57Closure happens all the time.
09:58What's the big deal about it?
10:02There are a lot of enemies of this college.
10:04Because there are a lot of important artifacts and documents here.
10:09Anyone who knows magic can escape.
10:12Why did they steal the magic book?
10:16And what are they going to do with the magic power they stole?
10:21What are they going to do?
10:24I like a closure a lot.
10:27This is a very interesting opportunity.
10:29In my opinion.
10:34What are you doing here?
10:36I'm here to help you guys.
10:41So stop staring at me like that.
10:43I'll catch your eye.
10:49Stop coming and going here and there.
10:52Look, ma'am's here, too.
10:54I'm sorry, but can you tell me what's going to happen in the first class?
10:59The school was closed in a hurry yesterday.
11:02So I'm here to teach you some important lessons.
11:05Important lessons?
11:19What is this?
11:22Make sure you don't go out of this circle.
11:25Yes, I know about it.
11:27My name is Fabio Zakaroni.
11:30I'm a magician.
11:32I'm here to teach you some important lessons.
11:34Make sure you don't go out of this circle.
11:37Yes, I know about it.
11:58Meet my supervisor.
12:01We're here to teach you some important lessons.
12:11First of all, I'm going to give you this.
12:14You don't have to lose it.
12:18This is a protective amulet.
12:21Made of modeling clay and stone.
12:24This amulet will increase your endurance.
12:28You know how to use it, don't you?
12:31Can I put some magic powers in it?
12:38Now that the college has been sealed,
12:40it means that the enemy is outside.
12:44And that's why we've decided to give you these lessons.
12:47Because we think that if you need it,
12:50you can at least protect yourself.
12:53Use this clay to make a model of a weapon
12:55that you think will be useful in battle.
12:58A weapon?
13:08What should I make?
13:10I can't decide on a shape.
13:12Whatever you make, make it clean and accurate.
13:15It can be anything.
13:16A knife, a stick.
13:18But no one will make a gun.
13:20Because there's a trick for that.
13:23Why can't we use magic instead of weapons in battle?
13:27We use magic, don't we?
13:35Do you really think you're ready for it?
13:39It's easy to stab someone with a knife,
13:41or to kill them with a bullet,
13:42or to strangle them to death.
13:44You don't learn that in the comfort zone.
13:57Are you okay?
13:58I think the amulet is working.
14:01Who checks like that?
14:12Now take your positions.
14:15Listen carefully.
14:16If you don't take this seriously,
14:18it's going to hurt a lot.
14:21Come on.
14:29We're trapped inside.
14:31And I've never used a weapon before.
14:45My body...
14:48is moving on its own.
15:03I've never learned to do this before.
15:10How did this happen to me?
15:39It's breaking.
15:42Oh, wow!
15:43You guys are pretty good.
15:45But there's nothing to be surprised about.
15:47You're experienced.
15:49Let's have some fun now.
15:58If I didn't have the amulet,
16:00I would've died.
16:02But it's okay.
16:03It's his turn to die now.
16:05I won't spare anyone who messes with me.
16:19I've realized something today.
16:21I'm not made to fight.
16:53Are you okay?
16:59Yes, yes.
17:00I'm absolutely fine.
17:04No one messed with you, Filomela.
17:08You're amazing, Filomela.
17:16I'll have to keep doing this in the future.
17:19Can I do it?
17:21Did anyone ask you to keep doing this?
17:26I think you have a lot of talent.
17:46Oh, no!
17:48I should've learned how to ride it from my mom.
17:56I'm doing what I should be doing.
18:02It's done.
18:05Your nose is bleeding.
18:07It was very difficult.
18:10I don't know if everyone's done.
18:16What's that noise?
18:24My body is moving,
18:25but I can't do anything but swing this staff.
18:39Swing it with all your strength!
18:58That's enough.
18:59That's enough.
19:02Very good.
19:05Everyone passed.
19:07You shouldn't have stopped me.
19:09You did wrong.
19:10I told you to stay within your limits.
19:13If you're still not satisfied,
19:15I'll give you a chance later.
19:22You did very well for the first time.
19:26Those who were scared, raised their fingers.
19:33And you two, don't lie.
19:36It seems like those who didn't raise their fingers were scared too.
19:40Yes, they just don't want to accept that they were scared.
19:44You must have thought of using magic too.
19:47But are you worthy of it now?
19:51Whether you use magic, fight or run,
19:54it's up to you how you protect yourself.
19:59Think about how to stay alive.
20:02Got it?
20:04Be brave in yourself.
20:07Got it?
20:09My little magician trainee.
20:14Today's lesson is over.
20:16Now let's talk about how to teach you.
20:19It hurts.
20:21By the way, since when did you become so strong?
20:29What happened?
20:31She looks a little sick.
20:33Let's go to the nurse's office.
20:34No, I'm fine.
20:37No, you're not fine at all.
20:47I'm taking her to the nurse's office.
20:50Can you please inform her teacher in her next class?
20:53Yes, of course. Take care of yourself.
20:56I've been noticing for a long time that she's very strong, right?
21:00Yes, she's very strong.
21:02Take good care of her.
21:05Philomela is very sensitive. She's always sick.
21:15Veronica knows about Philomela's family.
21:19And how she's being forced to leave this college.
21:23I don't know what she thinks about it.
21:32Lucy, you?
21:34I'm feeling very weak inside.
21:37So, I'll come with you or I'll fall.
21:41Look at me, nurse.
21:43Don't take me to the office.
21:46Don't talk like a fool.
21:48Look at yourself.
21:50I just want to go to my room.
22:03What does this mean?
22:06What do you mean?
22:10What nonsense is this?
22:12It's a lot of money, isn't it?
22:15We have to find the lost treasure.
22:17Especially that magical book which is being used in a very strange way.
22:33I'm sorry.
22:34I'm sorry.
22:35I'm sorry.
22:36I'm sorry.
22:37I'm sorry.
22:38I'm sorry.
22:39I'm sorry.
22:40I'm sorry.
22:41I'm sorry.
22:42I'm sorry.
22:43I'm sorry.
22:44I'm sorry.
22:45I'm sorry.
22:46I'm sorry.
22:47I'm sorry.
22:48I'm sorry.
22:49I'm sorry.
22:50I'm sorry.
22:51I'm sorry.
22:52I'm sorry.
22:53I'm sorry.
22:54I'm sorry.
22:55I'm sorry.
22:56I'm sorry.
22:57I'm sorry.
22:58I'm sorry.
22:59I'm sorry.
23:00I'm sorry.
23:01I'm sorry.
23:02I'm sorry.
23:03I'm sorry.
23:04I'm sorry.
23:05I'm sorry.
23:06I'm sorry.
23:07I'm sorry.
23:08I'm sorry.
23:09I'm sorry.
23:10I'm sorry.
23:11I'm sorry.
23:12I'm sorry.
23:13I'm sorry.
23:14I'm sorry.
23:15I'm sorry.
23:16I'm sorry.
23:17I'm sorry.
23:18I'm sorry.
23:19I'm sorry.
23:20I'm sorry.
23:21I'm sorry.
23:22I'm sorry.
23:23I'm sorry.
23:24I'm sorry.
23:25I'm sorry.
23:26I'm sorry.
23:27I'm sorry.
23:28I'm sorry.
23:29I'm sorry.
23:30I'm sorry.
23:31I'm sorry.
23:32I'm sorry.
23:33I'm sorry.
23:34I'm sorry.
23:35I'm sorry.
23:36I'm sorry.
23:37I'm sorry.
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23:39I'm sorry.
23:40I'm sorry.
23:41I'm sorry.
23:42I'm sorry.
23:43I'm sorry.
23:44I'm sorry.
23:45I'm sorry.
23:46I'm sorry.
23:47I'm sorry.
23:48I'm sorry.
23:49I'm sorry.
23:50I'm sorry.
23:51I'm sorry.
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23:54I'm sorry.
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24:01I'm sorry.
24:02I'm sorry.
24:03I'm sorry.
24:04I'm sorry.
24:05I'm sorry.
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24:07I'm sorry.
24:08I'm sorry.
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24:15I'm sorry.
24:16I'm sorry.
24:17I'm sorry.
24:18I'm sorry.
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24:20I'm sorry.
24:21I'm sorry.
24:22I'm sorry.
24:23I'm sorry.
24:24I'm sorry.
24:25I'm sorry.
24:26I'm sorry.
24:27I'm sorry.