• l’année dernière
Gogglebox Season24 Episode3


00:00Est-ce que tu peux regarder ma jambe et voir si j'ai un endroit dans ma jambe ?
00:04Pourquoi as-tu juste retiré tes chaussures et tes pantalons ?
00:08J'ai peur !
00:09Combien de fois est-ce que ta jambe est proche de mon visage ?
00:11J'ai peur !
00:12J'ai dû mettre un peu de germe.
00:13Oh mon dieu !
00:18Non !
00:19C'est parti !
00:20Ils l'ont !
00:21Qu'est-ce que tu fais ?
00:22Oh, c'est une nougatine !
00:25N'est-ce pas embarrassant, Merlin ?
00:28Oh, un bisou !
00:29Oh, c'est un peu avancé !
00:30C'est Roi G, n'est-ce pas ?
00:31Apportez-le aux Delfs !
00:33Oui !
00:34C'est pour le doigt cette semaine, n'est-ce pas ?
00:37C'est tellement mauvais, c'est vraiment bon !
00:39C'est vraiment bon !
00:40Qu'est-ce qui s'est passé ?
00:41Siri, appelle Ofcom !
00:44La semaine, un couple de squirrels a causé du chaos sur un train à Gatwick.
00:48Nous avons apprécié de nombreux télés.
00:51Jack Whitehall est allé à l'étranger pour faire un peu d'action sur Netflix.
00:55J'avais trouvé un... et je ne peux pas stresser les commas inversés assez.
00:58Un médecin offrant une expérience non traditionnelle du sweat lodge en Californie.
01:02Je ne comprends pas pourquoi il n'aurait pas pu aller au centre-parcs de Sherwood Forest.
01:06C'est probablement plus proche de sa maison.
01:08C'est probablement moins cher d'aller à Los Angeles.
01:12Des douloureux nous faisaient peur sur le channel Really.
01:16J'ai toujours senti qu'il y avait quelqu'un dans la salle de travail avec moi, même si je savais que j'étais seule.
01:21Tu sais, parfois, je me sens comme si ma mère m'ouvrait quand je dormais.
01:25Pas de blague, je serais juste comme...
01:27Je te jure que je peux ressentir une présence.
01:29Et je ferais ouvrir mes yeux et je serais comme...
01:31Pourquoi tu me regardes ?
01:32Et elle serait comme...
01:33Oh, je pensais que je me réveillais pour aller au travail.
01:36Et je serais comme...
01:37J'ai l'alarme.
01:38J'ai l'alarme.
01:39J'ai l'alarme.
01:40J'ai l'alarme.
01:41J'ai l'alarme.
01:42J'ai l'alarme.
01:43J'ai l'alarme.
01:44Et je serais comme...
01:45J'ai l'alarme pour ça.
01:46Ne sois pas crevée.
01:48Nadia a fait la sortie du réfrigérateur sur BBC2.
01:51Nous dépensons plus de 4 millions de potatoes chaque jour au Royaume-Uni.
01:56Donc, la prochaine recette est délicate pour faire la plupart des finales.
02:00Les potatoes sont si bonnes.
02:02Pensez à les potatoes.
02:04Vous avez une potatoe râpée, un poisson rouge, un chip, des frites si on y va, des potatoes mâchées.
02:12Des potatoes nouvelles.
02:14Des potatoes râpées.
02:15Des potatoes râpées.
02:17Beaucoup de potatoes différentes.
02:19C'est une nourriture multitalentée.
02:22Elles apportent tellement à la table.
02:24Des escalopes.
02:25Des escalopes.
02:26Des escalopes.
02:27Les escalopes sont délicates.
02:28J'adore les escalopes.
02:30En Inde.
02:32J'ai posté sur Bearded Dragon Forum UK une photo de JubJub.
02:36T'as vu ?
02:37Il a dit « J'ai perdu ma rescue, Bearded JubJub, aujourd'hui. Il a dû dormir. »
02:41J'ai posté ici que pour les extérieurs, il n'était qu'un lézard.
02:44Mais je sais que les gens ici le comprennent.
02:46Sisters Ellie et Izzy.
02:48Ça a l'air d'enlever du soutien à la vie.
02:52C'est la première fois que j'en parle.
02:54C'est la première fois que j'en parle.
02:56Ça a l'air d'enlever du soutien à la vie.
02:59D'enlever les lumières vives.
03:01Les lumières vides.
03:03D'enlever les lumières vides.
03:05Ça me fait pleurer en ce moment.
03:08C'est tellement final.
03:11Oui, c'est ça.
03:12C'était JubJub.
03:14J'ai littéralement couru pour lui.
03:17Je ne l'aimais pas.
03:20Le lendemain soir, Nadia est de retour dans la cuisine
03:23sur une crusade coûte-saveur sur BBC2.
03:26Bonjour, mon fils.
03:32Certaines choses qu'elle fait, je pense que ça a l'air vraiment délicieux.
03:35Je ne vais pas la cuisiner moi-même car je ne peux pas être demandée.
03:37Mais la nourriture a l'air bien.
03:39Dans ces moments difficiles, nous cherchons tous des façons
03:41de faire le plus de notre boutique de nourriture par semaine.
03:44Personne ne cuisine dans une cuisine comme celle-ci.
03:47Je vais vous montrer des façons intelligentes
03:49de transformer des déchets de nourriture en délicieux.
03:52Des déchets de nourriture, c'est des déchets de nourriture.
03:54Bob en mange pour nous.
03:55J'aime ça.
03:56Tu aimes ça, oui?
03:58Cuisiner une fois, manger deux fois, c'est ma philosophie de nourriture.
04:02J'ai terminé le plat. C'est ma philosophie actuelle.
04:09Je te le dis, il n'y a pas de déchets de nourriture restants dans ma maison,
04:12surtout avec Colin autour.
04:13Et il ne mange même pas de lattes.
04:15Il n'y a pas grand-chose qu'il ne mange pas,
04:16c'est comme un Wheelie.
04:18Qu'est-ce que c'était que la fille de Hugh
04:21quand elle s'est inscrite dans son lit?
04:23Est-ce qu'elle s'est inscrite dans son lit?
04:25Qu'est-ce qu'elle s'est inscrite dans son lit?
04:27L'escalade où tu as récupéré la nourriture
04:29que les supermarchés ont laissé.
04:31Est-ce que tu as dit que quelqu'un avait eu une mauvaise expérience
04:34avec un Burford Brown?
04:35Nous dépensons plus de 4 millions de potatoes
04:38chaque jour au Royaume-Uni.
04:40Nous ne le faisons pas.
04:41Non, nous ne le faisons pas, non.
04:42Parlez-en pour vous-même.
04:44Non, c'est un crime.
04:45Je n'aurais jamais laissé une potatoe.
04:46Je n'aurais jamais laissé ça.
04:48On a des potatoes mâchées,
04:49et on va les remplir avec des légumes cuits,
04:51du fromage, un peu de piment.
04:53Vous allez adorer.
04:55J'aime déjà.
04:58Un peu de fromage, un peu de piment,
04:59des légumes cuits.
05:01Elle me dit que c'est dégueulasse.
05:03Je ne peux pas partir sans vous.
05:05Mes pâtes à potatoes délicieusement crues,
05:07remplies de fromage cuit.
05:11Oh, personne ne parle.
05:19Des pâtes à potatoes à légumes.
05:21Je suis un grand fan de ça.
05:22Je ferais un travail absolu sur elles.
05:24Elle a détruit tout ça.
05:25Regarde, elle a mis de la salade à côté.
05:28Si ça commence avec des pâtes à potatoes,
05:29tu sais que ça va être bon.
05:32Oui, j'aime les légumes cuits.
05:36J'aime les légumes cuits.
05:37J'aime les légumes cuits aussi, Mary.
05:39J'aimerais que tu aimes les légumes cuits.
05:40Je vais te dire pourquoi je pense que je n'aime pas les légumes cuits.
05:42Parce que quand j'étais grande,
05:44à l'île du Nord,
05:45il y avait souvent de la vomite sur les rues
05:47avec des légumes cuits dedans.
05:49Oh, Mary.
05:50C'est pour ça que je n'aime pas les légumes cuits.
05:51Ça m'a laissé sans légumes cuits.
05:53Mais pour éviter les pâtes à potatoes à légumes.
05:55Est-ce que c'est une soupe?
05:56Elle est en train de sécher les légumes.
05:57Bon sang, Nadia.
05:59Séparer la sauce délicieuse des légumes.
06:01Laissez les légumes dans le jus.
06:02Personne ne veut un légume sec.
06:05La sauce à la tomate, je n'y peux pas.
06:08Qu'est-ce que c'est?
06:10Je n'ai jamais mangé ça.
06:13Et enfin, pour un peu de goût,
06:15un peu de légumes cuits.
06:17Oh, je sais que tu parles.
06:19Reste calme sur les légumes cuits, Nadia.
06:22Ça peut conduire à un ring de poisson.
06:25Ne me parle pas cruellement.
06:26À un ring de poisson.
06:27Ne me parle pas cruellement
06:29ou je vais ringer ta soeur.
06:32Flatten it out.
06:33Take some of that cheesy bean mixture.
06:36Oh, and fold it in.
06:38Just bring it all together.
06:40Seal it.
06:42Look at that.
06:43Gorgeous, gorgeous, gorgeous, Nadia.
06:45That looks delicious already and it's not cooked.
06:47How many of them would you eat though?
06:49What's a portion?
06:50You can pop them in the freezer
06:52and then I don't have to cook twice
06:54because I've already done it.
06:56She ought to calm down a bit.
06:58I think she's a bit overexcited.
07:01Gently fry our fluffy morsels in melted butter.
07:05Melted butter?
07:06Oh, come on, Nadia.
07:08You couldn't do that, she'll...
07:09I don't like butter.
07:10Can't eat butter, can you?
07:11No, I don't like it.
07:12I mean, it's hardly healthy, is it?
07:15It is, it's homemade.
07:17It's homemade, it's healthy.
07:20While they sizzle away,
07:22we can get on with a deliciously versatile dip.
07:25Oh, she's got the catchy-out putters.
07:27Do you know how much I loved it?
07:28I know you like your dip.
07:29I can't eat anything without dip.
07:31I'm not even... I'm like the dip queen.
07:34Simply mix that scrummy bean sauce with ketchup,
07:37punchy chilli sauce and creamy mayonnaise.
07:41Is that the bean juice in there?
07:43Yes, babe.
07:44Oh, I'm glad she's reintroducing the bean juice now.
07:47Once the potato cakes are gorgeously golden and crisp,
07:50they're ready to serve.
07:51You can't say they don't look delicious.
07:53That'd be lovely with a nice fried egg on top of that,
07:57wouldn't it?
07:58Oh, yeah.
08:00Bit of that sauce.
08:06That's really good.
08:11Sex or a cheesy bean potato cake?
08:14A cheesy bean potato cake.
08:20In Leeds...
08:21You know how I love my outfits, love my clothes?
08:24Yeah, it's a big part of your life, part of your personality.
08:27I figured whatever pet I have has to have the same.
08:30Best friends Danielle and Daniela.
08:33Oh, my goodness!
08:36My bedroom, you know!
08:38Oh, my goodness!
08:39My bedroom, that's my doggy, that!
08:41Oh, my goodness!
08:43My dog!
08:45Wow, look at you!
08:47What does it say?
08:49Rest and relaxation?
08:51Rough and ready.
08:52Rough and ready, Rafi.
08:53Rough and ready!
08:56This week, we were gripped by more high heels and high drama
09:00from the property scene of LA on Netflix.
09:03I just love how glamorous Selling Sunset is.
09:06I know.
09:07Like, it makes me want to glow up watching Selling Sunset.
09:10Does it?
09:11I'd love a Selling Sunset glow-up.
09:12I'd love a Selling Sunset glow-up,
09:14but I think there's some actual graft involved in it.
09:17Yeah, there is.
09:18There would be serious graft and surgery for me.
09:20It's too much to maintain, the Selling Sunset glow-up.
09:23This is how the other half lives, you know.
09:30So, this is about a real estate agency
09:32run by two tiny, bald brothers.
09:35Grant and Phil?
09:37The American equivalent to Grant and Phil.
09:39To be fair, you don't see them selling much houses
09:41cos they're always bitching about each other.
09:43Are they?
09:48I don't want to live there, I'm happy in Leeds.
09:50Oh, God, yeah, I couldn't stand it.
09:52It's too hot for me.
09:57Look at them, look at them.
09:59That's how they go to work.
10:01She's wearing a bright green slinky dress,
10:03you can't work like that.
10:07Bald brother number one.
10:08There he is.
10:09Is that Jason?
10:10I can never tell.
10:11How are you?
10:12I like that pop of paint.
10:13Nicole, she's a dick.
10:14I like those glasses, Chelsea.
10:16Thank you, darling.
10:17I think if I had that type of money,
10:18I would probably dress like that.
10:20I would.
10:21If you wouldn't, you'd just buy more cardigans.
10:23I love a cardigan.
10:24Hey, Brett.
10:27Brett's fuming, isn't he?
10:28Yeah, he doesn't look in the mood.
10:29It looks like he's going to cry.
10:30Why do you look so mad?
10:32I'm not.
10:33Oh, he looks stressed, does Brett?
10:35Well, the reason that Jason and Mary aren't here
10:37is because Nico was diagnosed with terminal issues.
10:42Oh, that's the dog that they share together.
10:44Nico, Jason and Mary's dog from when they were together.
10:49And they co-parent the dog.
10:51But he just passed away.
10:53That's not really giving Selling Sunset any usual vibes.
11:02Group hug.
11:03Make him feel better.
11:05It sent shockwaves through the Oppenheimer group.
11:07It really has.
11:13Is he, like, really short
11:14or are all those women really tall?
11:16Oh, look at them all crouching down to give him a hug now.
11:21There, there.
11:24It's not his dog, though, Ellie, it's his brother's dog.
11:26You'd be upset if it were one of my dogs.
11:29Freaking hell, you cried when Jump Jump went.
11:31I didn't even like him.
11:33I know.
11:40L.A. has responded, in turn.
11:42Gee, that's not how you typically see L.A., is it?
11:45That's what Nico's done.
11:47Right, buggy?
11:49They're having a funeral for the dog.
11:51I'm all in for this.
11:56Oh, fuck!
11:59It's very L.A., isn't it, to have a full funeral for a dog.
12:03It looks bougier than my actual funeral will probably be.
12:10Oh, look, it's his mates.
12:12Rub it in, why don't you, Nico, with all your dogs.
12:15Oh, my God, they're all dressed in black Chanel.
12:21Oh, for fuck's sake.
12:23Now she's giving main character.
12:25I love that, love that.
12:27Sit down, guys.
12:29They got, like, a hymn sheet for all the songs for the dog funeral.
12:32Ah, a hound dog.
12:34How much is that doggy in the window?
12:36Who let the dogs out?
12:39Dog days are over.
12:41He definitely had a very loved life.
12:44And knew how to get whatever he wanted from me.
12:47He's got a dry eye.
12:49Do you think people are actually crying
12:50or they're just dabbing their eyes with tissues for effect?
12:52I think people are dabbing their eyes with tissues for effect.
12:54We even gave him McDonald's because he wouldn't eat towards the end.
12:57I mean, I do like to buy my dog six chicken nuggets
12:59when I go to the drive-thru.
13:01That's probably what killed him, that.
13:03We have 30 hamburgers on their way so that we can all share.
13:06That was his last meal, basically.
13:08You're celebrating a hamburger.
13:10I remember looking up at the sky and the sun was on my face
13:13and I felt him everywhere.
13:15Come on, Bryce, wrap it up, man.
13:19And we just want to tell you how much we love you, Bob.
13:22We love you very much.
13:28Oh, is that his ashes?
13:29Oh, God, is he scattering them in the garden?
13:31I love you, Bob.
13:35I've seen it all now. Sorry.
13:37When my mum died and I scattered her ashes,
13:39I brought half of it back on my shoes.
13:42And I've got them in the cupboard.
13:44I haven't cleaned her or anything. I've just left her on my boots.
13:47She's on my boots. Oh, lovely.
13:49I've got her in my cupboard. I can't part with her.
13:59In Hull...
14:00Jenny, I'm not being funny, but when we were stood outside...
14:03I know.
14:04This side of your face is, like, glistening.
14:06I'm going to start calling you Nanny. Nanny goat.
14:08Yeah, I know.
14:09..best friends Jenny and Lee.
14:11You've got two down there. It's like...
14:13Are they curling?
14:15Oh, bloody hell.
14:16I know, exactly.
14:17Oh, look at that, Lee.
14:19Oh, it's really...
14:23Oh, God.
14:24I know, it's massive. Oh, look at it.
14:26Hey, measure it.
14:28Look at that.
14:29Oh, and it's still going.
14:33On Monday night, strangers were getting hitched again on E4.
14:38You could not ask for more
14:40than to sit on a cold night in September at 9pm
14:43and watch two strangers get married.
14:45I couldn't ask for more. Yep.
14:47This is my jam.
14:48You've been waiting for this, innit, Twain?
14:50Listen, this is the only drama that I accept in my life.
14:58What would you do if I went on maths
15:00and you was watching me on it?
15:02That would be hilarious. I could take it seriously.
15:05Why not? Is my love life a joke? Yeah!
15:10My dress sense is outgoing, bright and fun.
15:14Just having a good time in that bedroom
15:16when I'm all as in chief.
15:18Just like me, what you see is what you get.
15:21We've got a live wire on our hands here.
15:24She's bubbly, isn't she? She's full of life.
15:26I am a qualified Level 2 Animal Ranking Practitioner.
15:30How many levels are there to Animal Ranking Practitioning?
15:33What college is that from?
15:34It's tranquil, it's calm, it's peace.
15:37Everything I'm not.
15:42Oh, she seems like really good fun.
15:44Yeah, she seems like a nice girl.
15:46Yeah, I'd like to be her friend.
15:48I like a guy who is adventurous.
15:52Oh, here he is.
15:53So that's a match. Well, he's out in the sticks.
15:56Fun. Everything that I am.
15:59Oh! Loves animals.
16:01OK, this guy might be the perfect match.
16:03What, just because he's striking a chicken? Yeah.
16:08I absolutely love music. I've got a piano.
16:10And he plays the piano. Amazing.
16:12Kieran's got a bit of fizz about him, hasn't he?
16:14Yeah, yeah, yeah. Yeah, I think it's going to be fun.
16:16I hope there's a female version of me out there.
16:19Under 5'6".
16:20Good things come in small packages.
16:26Oh, shit, wedding day. Let's go.
16:29See, even the names go together.
16:31They're Christina and Kieran, don't they? Yeah.
16:34I'm well invested in these two.
16:37So, I just want your advice on something.
16:39Go on.
16:40Because if I do this thing at the wedding,
16:42they say they're going to go really well,
16:44I'm going to be divorced straight away.
16:46Oh, God. Don't do it. Immediately, just don't bother.
16:49If it could go either way, don't do it,
16:51because at the end of the day, you don't know this person.
16:54Yeah, exactly. And it's your wedding. Yeah.
17:02Oh, no!
17:04Oh, no way!
17:07Comedy tea!
17:10Oh, yeah, man.
17:13Wait, actually...
17:15Wait, I... I love them, mate.
17:19Oh, I love them!
17:20No, not at your wedding, mate.
17:22Not at your wedding.
17:24Not at your wedding.
17:26I think it'll be absolutely hilarious.
17:29She's got a good sense of humor.
17:31I hope this blows up in his face!
17:33Oh, I can't wait to see your reaction.
17:35I bet he does it. He's full of it.
17:39Oh, he's just... He's not going for it.
17:41He's just gone for the turkeys.
17:48Yeah! Do it!
17:50Good lad. He's going for it.
17:54Kieran, take him out. Please, take him out.
17:56Leave him in. Leave him in.
18:04Take him out.
18:06Oh, honest to God, take him out.
18:15He sat there like a guinea pig.
18:17He sat there like a guinea pig.
18:19He sat there like a guinea pig.
18:21He sat there like a guinea pig.
18:27Oh, my God!
18:29Oh, my God!
18:34Are you all right?
18:36Are you OK?
18:38Oh, look!
18:40She's like, wow, look at that!
18:44Watching him.
18:46Oh, she can't even speak. She can't even speak!
18:49Look, she doesn't know what to do.
18:51She doesn't know what to do.
18:53Oh, you look petrified.
18:59Do you know, I loved that.
19:01Right, take the second set of jokies out.
19:04Fucking hell, they're worse than the first set.
19:06Put them back in.
19:08You look so...
19:10I'm so sorry.
19:12Look, she liked it. She liked it.
19:14And it's broken the ice.
19:16Oh, it worked. It did work.
19:18That was tough, man. That was risky, that one.
19:20Yeah, that one, yeah.
19:22I'm invested. I'm invested now.
19:24If this goes to shit, I'm going to be fuming.
19:26I know. Karen and Christina, it's got to last.
19:30In Glasgow...
19:32We'd spoken about this before,
19:34but you need to stop shouting when you're playing the Xbox.
19:38Because people are starting to give me weird looks
19:40when I come out the house.
19:42...Rochine and her boyfriend, Joe.
19:44What's that got to do with me?
19:46You were really open in the afternoon.
19:48You were shouting,
19:50take it, take it, take it,
19:52which you followed up with,
19:54the hog is getting obliterated.
19:56The hog was getting obliterated?
19:58Yeah, but people are going to put two and two together
20:00and get five and think, I'm the hog.
20:04On Wednesday night,
20:06a flurry of famous faces were racing
20:08to the finish line on BBC One.
20:10There's been so many ups and downs, Daniela.
20:12Like, you're losing,
20:14and then you're creeping up to the beginning,
20:16you're making up your time, you've got your budget.
20:18And then you kick them right in the kisser.
20:20And this is where we find out who kicks it in the kisser.
20:24I like watching it,
20:26but I don't think I'd like to be on it.
20:28Oh, Christ, no.
20:30Lying in the foothills of the Andes,
20:32the Argentinian town of Tilcara.
20:34Right, this is where we left off.
20:36We're in Tilcara.
20:38There's now just 39 minutes separating all four teams.
20:40Oh, it's neck and neck and neck and neck.
20:42It really is anybody's race.
20:44You know, that's basically a missed bull's, isn't it, really?
20:46Who's going to win?
20:50Oh, they're all pointing to it.
20:52They all want to win, don't they?
20:54Yeah, but I'd be like this. Me!
20:562,750km south from Tilcara,
20:58the finish line.
21:02Right, we're off to Frutella.
21:04Frutella? I love Frutellas.
21:10We were definitely saying it wrong.
21:12Yeah, it's not Frutella.
21:14Bloody hell, that's miles away. It's not even in the same country.
21:16They could cross early and enter Chile
21:18by taking the northern border
21:20through the Atacama Desert.
21:22The desert? Nope.
21:26Or head to the hub city of Mendoza.
21:28I got some choices.
21:30Oh, what would you do?
21:32The city route, I think it'll be safer.
21:34Or you could hire an electric scooter.
21:36So do we just go straight to Chile?
21:38There's no signs at all of how
21:40expensive Chile is.
21:42Ah, they're adding up the finances here.
21:44Because they've got less money.
21:46Right. Heads.
21:48Argentina. Tails. Chile.
21:50They're flipping a coin!
21:52You can't leave this to chance.
21:54We should do that for tea tonight, kebab or Chinese,
21:56let the coin decide.
21:58Heads. Argentina.
22:00Let's go. Good.
22:02Oh, they didn't even doubt it.
22:04Don't cry for me, Argentina.
22:06I'm going to waste my time by saying that.
22:08Is that relevant? Not at all.
22:10After a couple of days on the road,
22:12it was Cola and Mary
22:14and Scott and Sam
22:16who had taken the lead in Frutijar.
22:18Oh, there we go.
22:20Oh, message.
22:22The next move. What's the next move?
22:24By boat or any vehicle,
22:26head approximately 25 miles
22:28to Ensenada.
22:30They've got to get across the lake.
22:32I don't know. They're not making it easy for them, are they?
22:34Bloody hell.
22:36Find the beach at the back
22:38of the Borde Lago restaurant.
22:40That's a lot of instructions.
22:42Yeah, I'd get confused. I'd be like,
22:44let's break it down now.
22:46OK, I see a boat off that pier.
22:48Oh, the catamaran.
22:50Oh, that's handy.
22:52Well, that boat was just in time, wasn't it?
22:56There's a boat there.
22:58I'm going to go next.
23:00Oh, they're getting different boats, Scott and Sam.
23:02It's faster, though, Ron.
23:04Do you stop at Ensenada?
23:08So, you do a tour?
23:10Yeah, wrong boat.
23:12They don't want to tour.
23:14They haven't got time to be toured around Frutilla.
23:16Thank you so much.
23:20Oh, they've landed.
23:22Is this the beach? Is this the restaurant?
23:26In front of you is the majestic Osorno volcano.
23:30Look for a big plated mountain.
23:32By any means, head up to the base station
23:34and await your final instruction.
23:36Oh, my God.
23:38This is never-ending.
23:40Osorno volcano.
23:42I think it's there.
23:46You can't even see the top of it for the clouds.
23:48The finish line at a volcano,
23:50that is an exciting destination.
23:52The Osorno volcano.
23:56How do you get a taxi up a volcano?
23:58I don't understand.
24:00Osorno volcano base station.
24:02Oh, what?
24:04It's tight, Simon, tight.
24:06There's Scott and Sam.
24:10There's a flag.
24:12There's a flag. Come on, who's going to get there?
24:16Who's in front of who?
24:18I don't know.
24:20Scott's here.
24:22They can see the boat. They're there.
24:24Who's the closest? Oh, my God, they're both close.
24:26They've got there.
24:28They're fast.
24:30The other people's names could be on there.
24:36Oh, hang on.
24:38Hang on a minute.
24:40Who is leading here?
24:42Do you want to do it together?
24:44Come on.
24:46Open the port, for fuck's sake.
24:50You have just reached the finish line.
24:54You have just reached the finish line.
24:56Congratulations. Yes, yes, yes. Next page.
24:58Please sign in over leaf
25:00to find out if you have won the race.
25:02It's legit.
25:04Who the hell's won?
25:06Who signed the book?
25:08Three, two, one.
25:10Here we go.
25:14Sam and Scott, yeah?
25:16Oh, they've won!
25:18Get in!
25:20Oh, I'm so pleased for them.
25:24When you open that book
25:26and there's no other names in it,
25:28there's no other feeling like it.
25:30I'd be fuming after
25:32climbing that if I didn't win.
25:34Oh, mate, I'd lose my shit.
25:36I'd have to carry me back down.
25:38No joke, I ain't walking back down
25:40if I lost. I'd be so annoyed.
25:42They've had an absolute touch there,
25:44haven't they, really? Not only have they won,
25:46but they've got 24 quid left over,
25:48which, in duty free, they could probably
25:50get, like, a few pouches of Amberleaf
25:52and a family-sized Toblerone.
25:56You know, for family.
25:58Or a sleeve of 206.
26:00That they could sell on for a profit.
26:02Scott Mills on Facebook.
26:04Just a sleeve of fags.
26:06Sleeve of fags, 75.
26:08Not going to sell them as singles.
26:20I don't like this shirt, Mary.
26:22Well, I've got a confession to make.
26:24Why? There was a flood in the fridge
26:26the other day. Oh, and you used
26:28this? To mop it up. Oh, no wonder.
26:30Giles and his wife,
26:32Mary. Rosie said,
26:34can I have some wine? And I said, no,
26:36I'm not opening a whole bottle for one glass,
26:38but I got a can of wine.
26:40So I gave her a can of wine and she didn't like
26:42it, so I put it in the fridge
26:44and then knocked it over and so it
26:46juiced down all through the shelves.
26:48Onto that recess.
26:50When I opened the fridge and I realised
26:52it was really a health hazard,
26:54I thought, well, there's no cloth
26:56big enough to absorb all of this.
26:58So you used my shirt and now,
27:00not surprisingly, I'm getting bad vibes
27:02off the shirt.
27:04On Saturday night, there were some ghostly
27:06goings-on with a medical twist.
27:08I don't like hospital as it is.
27:10I don't need this haunted.
27:12That's all I need.
27:14When I had Bessie,
27:16when I was in labour and I was doing
27:18laps of the hospital, all the old
27:20parts, it was so
27:26I always wanted to be one of the actors
27:28in these things.
27:30It'd be so dramatic.
27:32I'm coming for you.
27:36My mother knew a nurse
27:38who was my
27:40aunt and she said she was
27:42carrying an amputated
27:44leg along.
27:46I don't know where she was taking it to
27:48in Dublin and the leg kicked her.
27:50That is
27:52an astonishing story.
27:54You must get in touch with the
27:56makers of this programme.
27:58Of all the different types
28:00of hauntings, perhaps none
28:02tug at our emotions or strike
28:04fear into our hearts
28:06as much as a child ghost.
28:08I don't like child ghosts.
28:10It's just the creepiest
28:12of creeps.
28:14I'm going to have to stay at someone's house tonight.
28:16You're not staying here but I'm not staying here either.
28:18The first time I went
28:20to this community, it was my first
28:22assignment ever being a travel nurse.
28:24Travel nurse, whatever that is.
28:26She's a travelling nurse.
28:28My patient had a birthday.
28:30Her family members had brought in
28:32really amazing flower bouquet
28:34and birthday balloons.
28:36That's nice, isn't it?
28:38You can't have flowers in our hospitals.
28:40You're not allowed. You can't have grapes.
28:42You can't have alcohol. All you can have
28:44is a bottle of orange wash.
28:46I had set up my desk outside the room.
28:50the night shift. This is where it all kicks
28:52off, doesn't it, in the night?
28:54Normally after 12.
28:56Oh, look!
28:58Shit. Oh, hello.
29:00What was that? Did you see something run past there?
29:02Oh, what's that in the background?
29:08Oh, now that's fucking odd.
29:10No, don't tell me the balloon just
29:12appears in the hallway.
29:16Is it a haunted balloon?
29:20I put the balloon back in the room.
29:22Brave woman,
29:24because I ain't touching that for shit.
29:26I would not be touching that balloon.
29:28Did you shut the door?
29:30Maybe switch some lights on. That might help.
29:36Oh, it's coming out again.
29:48You stupid sod!
29:50Now by this time,
29:52they'd be gone.
29:54I put it back in the room.
29:56Now she shuts the door.
29:58So you lock the woman in with the haunted balloon in the room,
30:00but as long as you're all right.
30:08The door's opening, Dave.
30:10Always the creaky door as well.
30:12It's never the one that's just been WD'd.
30:14Not the balloon.
30:16Not the balloon.
30:18So the door's opened,
30:20all on its own, and the balloon is walking
30:22towards us.
30:24When balloons attack...
30:26How can it go like that?
30:28Well, obviously, there's got to be an entity
30:30pulling it along there,
30:32which is probably a child that wants to play.
30:34We all gathered near the nurse's station.
30:38you won't believe what I saw last night.
30:40Correct, we don't.
30:42I told the manager about my interaction
30:44with the balloon.
30:46We know what's happened to you.
30:48She's nodded off.
30:50She's nodded off.
30:52She's nodded off.
30:54The lazy cow.
30:56She's had to come up with a big excuse
30:58to get her out of here.
31:00It's coming to the meeting!
31:02It's coming to the meeting!
31:04Gets where draft's coming, that fucker.
31:06I mean, she'd have looked like a right knob
31:08if the balloon didn't turn up, to be fair.
31:10It's actually done her a favour.
31:12I didn't see it after that,
31:14but a new travel nurse came in
31:16and it was reported that she popped it
31:18and put it in the garbage.
31:20Which is what she should have done
31:22the first time it happened.
31:24The balloon's feeling like damn.
31:26Yeah, a bit deflated.
31:30In Solly Hall...
31:32You know when Mum and Dad were here last week
31:34and I did some of their washing.
31:36Theresa and her wife Anita.
31:38Well, I folded it up in my dad's undies
31:40and then I folded what I thought were ours
31:42and then my mum came in
31:44and she goes, those are my pants,
31:46you know, like your blue spotty ones.
31:48I said, I thought they were Theresa's.
31:50She goes, no, they're mine.
31:52So you've got the same knickers as me, Mother.
31:54Your mum's nearly 90
31:56and we're wearing the same style of pants.
32:00Either she is ultra-modern
32:02or I'm very old-fashioned.
32:04Don't answer that.
32:06On Friday,
32:08it was unwanted visitors in Wales
32:10making the news on the BBC.
32:16Raffy, we're going to get some news now.
32:18Now, you may want to put your lunch
32:20just to one side for our next story.
32:22I've just had a biscuit.
32:24Don't tell me I'm going to be bringing it back up.
32:26Not in here, what you can get outside.
32:28Residents of a village in South Wales
32:30say they've been inundated
32:32by a mysterious swarm of flies.
32:36Oh, shit, I'm going to Wales this weekend.
32:38People living in Bettus,
32:40near Bridgend.
32:42That's not far, is it?
32:44They can't open their windows
32:46or leave any food unattended
32:48because of the insects.
32:50My food is never unattended.
32:52It's always attended to.
32:54The common housefly.
32:56Oh, God.
32:58They're in the house?
33:00Oh, the old sticky strips,
33:02you remember them?
33:04All too common, it seems,
33:06in the homes of Bettus, South Wales.
33:08Residents say they've been inundated
33:10by thousands of the insects
33:12in recent weeks.
33:14That's awful.
33:16You've just got a string of death in your living room.
33:18That's biblical. What's going on?
33:20At the local pub,
33:22regulars come armed with swats and sprays.
33:24Evening, the pub.
33:26Oh, God, I wouldn't have a pint there.
33:28You can start swatting from here.
33:30What, are they just handing out swats to customers?
33:32Yeah, yeah.
33:34Cover your beer.
33:36Melnie's had to stop serving meals.
33:38They've had to stop serving meals?
33:40If I see a fly on a piece of food,
33:42that's it, it's done, it's gone.
33:44Well, you've got to say that, cos the food
33:46ain't eating standards.
33:48Oh, yeah, nobody wants a fly in the hot pot.
33:50The door opens here, and one pint'll come in,
33:52the 20 flies will follow.
33:54Hopefully they're buying drinks, love.
33:56One family said
33:58they counted 205 flies
34:00in just 45 minutes.
34:02What? Stop it.
34:04One, two, three...
34:06No, I've seen them before.
34:08Environmental health officers
34:10have been investigating.
34:12So far, they've not determined
34:14the source of the swarm.
34:16So they don't know where it's coming from?
34:20Something ain't right.
34:22Something is not right.
34:24Something big has died somewhere.
34:26But here, they can't wait for their village
34:28to become a no-fly zone.
34:30I hope they don't, like, fly over
34:32the North East.
34:34Where they can fly.
34:36Exactly. So what if we end up with this?
34:48I try and get Mum
34:50some flowers every once in a while.
34:52You do? Yeah.
34:54Brother, I think you're her favourite son, isn't he?
34:56What? What do you mean?
34:58Well, Brother's always bringing flowers
35:00and plants and...
35:02But have you ever heard the expression,
35:04I think he's trying too hard?
35:06The Siddiquis. Mum's mad with me anyway
35:08because I've not brought any Tupperware back as well.
35:10I've got, like, two lots of her Tupperware
35:12and she keeps reminding me and I keep forgetting.
35:14So this is just insult to injury, this is.
35:16Do you know what else I bought her today?
35:18Tupperware? Yeah. No, you haven't!
35:20On Sunday, a brand-new
35:22high-octane thriller
35:24set on a train
35:26departed on BBC One.
35:28It's called Night Sleeper.
35:30I'm frightened already.
35:32I'm going to assume it's something to do with a night sleeper train.
35:34Yes! Come on!
35:36Sleeping on a train? Never done that.
35:38It's on my list.
35:42The biggest drama I have on a train
35:44is, you know that button to lock the toilet?
35:46It looks very similar to the open.
35:48So I get too scared.
35:50I can never get it right.
35:54What was that?
35:56I don't know.
35:58It's just started.
36:02Oh, it's Glasgow.
36:04Oh, we've never been there, have we?
36:08316 minutes, what's that in hours and minutes?
36:10Divide it by 60.
36:12Go on, then.
36:14Five hours and 16 minutes.
36:18Oh! Peaky Blinders, guys!
36:24He looks dodgy.
36:26I don't like this. It's shifty.
36:30Who's he after?
36:32I don't know, Simon.
36:34Oh, God.
36:38Oh, no, you horrible man!
36:42Get the bag! Get the bag!
36:46Good man.
36:48Oh, he's off. Oh, my God.
36:52What the hell is going on?
36:54Do you know what I'd do if I saw that going on?
36:56I'd get on the train
36:58and pretend like I've seen nothing.
37:04He's got him! He's got his leg!
37:08He's hiding now.
37:10He's ducked down.
37:12He's crafty, isn't he?
37:14What are you playing at, pal?
37:16It's all right, sunshine.
37:18Imagine you just get out when Hercules is stood in front of you.
37:22There we go. Now what?
37:24Now we've got him.
37:26Couldn't get any sleep with him,
37:28not running up and down the bloody alleyway.
37:30The train hasn't even set off yet.
37:32I'd be opening my doors to him.
37:34Will you shut up? I'm making a bloody row.
37:36You need to move.
37:38Actually, I need to lie down.
37:40Don't mess with me.
37:42It's my job.
37:44Oh, he's a copper.
37:46No wonder he was so eager to help.
37:48Oh, my God, that all makes sense now.
37:54Oh, no, they were in it together.
37:58He's got the bag! He's got the bag!
38:00What the hell is in this bag?
38:02When they realise all it's got is perfume and Tic Tacs,
38:04they're going to seem really silly.
38:08Oh, he looks snug.
38:12You did look snug then.
38:16Oh, right, here comes...
38:18Here comes the rest of the crew.
38:20Come on.
38:24Oh, they've lost him.
38:26See it, say it, sorted.
38:30Are you travelling with us, madame?
38:34If she's not travelling, why is she on the platform?
38:36I'm going to need to get some details of that, sorry.
38:38Sure, you can do the feed-first stuff.
38:48Oh, his truck's away, we're off.
38:50Oh, that cruffler, no-one's arrested and she's just walked off.
38:52And the train's still setting off.
38:54Well, what have they nicked then?
39:06What's he found?
39:08A hole in the train floor, Simon.
39:12Is that a bomb, what is it?
39:20Oh, he's showing the police officer, no?
39:22That guy's like, this is above my pay grade.
39:28It's not a bomb.
39:32It's some sort of...
39:36Who's he calling?
39:42Oh, that's a bit of a mouthful, Abi.
39:44No, she's one of the top onshores of the security centre.
39:46Oh, well, she'll know about it, won't she?
39:50We've got a runaway train. Yeah.
39:56Oh, dear. That's pretty serious, isn't it?
39:58That is, yeah.
40:00Is there somebody on your train who should not be approached?
40:04Who is it? Him!
40:06Yeah, my colleague's just sending through a description of them now.
40:08This is crazy, we don't know who it is.
40:10Oh, my days, I imagine it's the guy right in front of them.
40:14White male. White male?
40:16Around 35 years of age.
40:18Yes. Facial hair.
40:20Hello. It's like playing guess who.
40:22It's nothing to do with me.
40:26I promise. It's him!
40:30That's a giveaway if you say it's now to do with me.
40:32Wearing a red and black checked jacket.
40:36Oh! Oh! I see him!
40:38Red and black checked jacket?
40:42What are the chances?
40:44Somebody clonking?
40:46It's ridiculous.
40:50No! It is him!
40:52So the international police are after him!
40:54Get back here!
40:56One of the craziest things.
40:58He actually used to be a D.I.
41:00In the map.
41:02Oh, he used to be a D.I.
41:04He's a doubler agent, Pedro.
41:06That is what you call a drama!
41:08Who is controlling the train?
41:10God knows,
41:12but this ain't no good to watch on a Sunday night
41:14at 9 o'clock. I won't sleep a wink tonight,
41:16now I've seen that.
41:18My nerves are shot.
41:20Exactly. That's a catch-up jobby, that.
41:22That's an afternoon. I need a few hours to get over that.
41:24It's much like a chore,
41:26or something like hearted after.
41:30In Blackpool...
41:32Oh, I didn't tell you, did I?
41:34Jimmy brought home six cupcakes from nursery the other day.
41:36Pete and his little sister Sophie.
41:38Well, it was a bit apprehensive.
41:40Cos you know that they all go to the toilet
41:42and don't wash their hands.
41:48they were actually quite nice.
41:50Shit. You're brave.
41:52You literally won't eat from a takeaway
41:54unless it's got five stars,
41:56but you'll eat cupcakes that have been prepared
41:58in a nursery environment.
42:02we've all got to take risks in life.
42:04I mean, your immune system must be...
42:08No, I was off work for three days.
42:10This week, it was all about a posh,
42:12famous, funny fella
42:14getting to grips with parenting on Netflix.
42:16I like him.
42:18I like doing it.
42:20You've done all right fatherhood-wise, haven't you?
42:22Well, I don't know, I can't say that.
42:24You've got to say that.
42:26The sons are the result, aren't they?
42:28Yeah, check it out, look at this.
42:30Could you have done better?
42:32I did try.
42:34The next step on my fatherhood journey
42:36is to find the answer to one of life's biggest questions.
42:38How long can I live for?
42:40Longevity, right?
42:42OK, so he wants to be as fit as possible
42:44to be there for his baby.
42:46Why do they always want to know
42:48what's ahead of them?
42:50You know what I mean?
42:52I know what's ahead of me.
42:54Fitness cemetery.
42:56A Finnish university spent 20 years
42:58tracking over 2,000 sauna users.
43:00Sauna users?
43:02Hey, people rave about the sauna
43:04doing the hot and the cold therapy.
43:06There's a sauna at the gym I go to,
43:08but to be honest, I avoid it,
43:10because last time I went in,
43:12someone was eating a sausage roll in there.
43:17That's good, isn't it?
43:19We'll have to get a sauna, Von.
43:21So I decided to try the mother of all saunas,
43:23a sweat lodge.
43:25A sweat lodge?
43:27I don't even know what a sweat lodge is.
43:29I guess you just go and sweat.
43:31I'd found a, and I cannot stress the inverted commas enough,
43:34doctor offering a non-traditional sweat lodge experience.
43:37A sweat doctor. Right.
43:39I'm taking Hilary along.
43:41Oh, it's his mum.
43:43He calls his mum Hilary, a bit like I call Mum Bin.
43:45Well, you call her Auntie Bin sometimes.
43:47Yeah, that's true.
43:49Hello, Hilary and Jack.
43:51Hi, Dr Patrick. Patrick.
43:53Where's his stethoscope?
43:55He's got beads around his neck.
43:57Of course he has.
43:59I only trust what my GP says if he's got a bamboo necklace on.
44:05What is that? Is it a tin?
44:07Looks like it's made out of old bed sheets.
44:09It's nice, that yurt, isn't it?
44:11Not really.
44:14Four hours!
44:16I'd be barred to death. I would.
44:22Oh, he looks like he's struggling already.
44:2715 minutes in, the heat is at maximum temperature.
44:30Yeah. And he's in that for four hours.
44:32There's something in your life you'd like a deeper clarity about.
44:36It was right for you to speak out that clarity.
44:39Oh, my God, the sweat.
44:41Jack looks as if he's about to pass out.
44:43So does his mother.
44:4540 minutes in, I was literally being cooked alive.
44:4740 minutes is brutal, man.
44:49I feel like this is something that you're supposed to work up to.
44:52I don't think, for your first time, you're raw-dogging it, 40 minutes.
44:55No, you're not, are you?
44:5760 minutes into the four-hour session, I finally realised, fuck it.
45:01He's tapping out, he's tapping out.
45:03For the love of... Let me out of here.
45:05Jack's fighting for his life.
45:07The last 60 minutes of stay-at-home,
45:09the last 60 minutes of stay-at-home, that's good, good.
45:11It really is.
45:13That is honestly one of the most terrific experiences that I've ever had.
45:15Look at the state of that.
45:17It looks knackered.
45:19Honestly, I've never sweated that much in my life.
45:23And you just keep sweating.
45:25When you think that there's nothing else left.
45:27Oh, God, what the hell is that?
45:29Who's coming out there with nothing on?
45:31And then, fucking hell, what?
45:35That's his mum.
45:37His mum just stripped down naked.
45:41Please, can you cover yourself up?
45:43It's all in there.
45:45Get a towel!
45:47Oh, no.
45:49Jack, you can never unsee that now.
45:53I literally, this is not an exaggeration,
45:55but I felt the whole spirit just literally...
45:57Can you please, Hilary?
46:01I just want the reverse of longevity in that situation.
46:03Short-gevity, please.
46:05Me now.
46:07I've seen and all.
46:09I don't remember the last time I was naked with mum.
46:17That sounded really weird, Simon.
46:19I don't remember the last time I was naked
46:21with mum in the same room.
46:23OK, it's not getting any better, is it?
46:29And you can see the episode
46:31of Married at First Sight UK
46:33in the boxes we're watching and the series so far.
46:35Stream it with Channel 4.
46:37The sponge, the texture and the flavour.
46:39Paul wants the bacon, holy trinity.
46:41The great British Bake Off
46:43is back starting on Tuesday at 8.
46:45Up next, new first dates
46:47and one of them is already
46:49in love.