Zap It!-Adam vs Haleigh vs Jonathan

  • last month


00:00It's Discovery Kids Zappit, a channel surfing game show where you control the programming.
00:29And now here's the guy who brings the whole world to your TV, Matt Brown.
00:33Hi, everybody, and welcome to Zappit, the only game show that lets you explore your world while you surf over 500 different TV channels of the future.
00:41Let's say hello to today's contestants.
00:43Contestant number one is Adam.
00:44Hi, Adam.
00:44How are you?
00:45I'm just doing fine.
00:46Just doing fine.
00:47Well, you might be doing great in a couple of minutes after we start.
00:50Next to you, we have Haley.
00:51How are you, Haley?
00:53All right.
00:53It's nice to have you here.
00:54And next to you on the end, we have Jonathan.
00:56How are you, Jonathan?
00:57I'm good.
00:58You are good.
00:59Very good.
00:59All right.
00:59Everybody's doing good today and we're all anxious to play, so we will.
01:03Let me just say that the zapper in front of you gives you the chance to zap in one of 500 different TV channels.
01:08Now, the first person to buzz in and answer a question correctly gets 20 points.
01:12However, if you answer a question incorrectly, we're going to split up those 20 points and give 10 to each of your opponents.
01:17Now, we've already started you all off with 20 points on your scores there.
01:21And because I'm the host, I get to zap in the first channel.
01:24All right, let's get to it.
01:25Let's zap it.
01:27Channel number 439, the No Bones About It channel.
01:31These are multiple choice.
01:35Which of these don't have bones?
01:38Is it A, birds, B, insects, or C, fish?
01:44Insects is correct.
01:45Very good.
01:45It gives you 40 points and control of the zapper, so go ahead and zap it.
01:49Zap it.
01:51Channel number 122, the Heads or Tails channel.
01:54It's a multiple choice question.
01:56Use your head.
01:59The only soccer players allowed to touch the ball in balance with their hands are who?
02:03Is it A, goalkeepers, B, forwards, or C, defenders?
02:10A, goalkeepers is correct.
02:11Very good.
02:11It gives you 40 points as well, and you've got control of the zapper, so go ahead.
02:15Zap it.
02:18Channel number 84, the Moon and the Stars channel.
02:21It's a multiple choice question.
02:22The moon doesn't actually give off light.
02:27It reflects it from somewhere else.
02:28Where does moonlight come from?
02:30Is it A, the sun, B, the stars, or C, the earth?
02:34A, the sun.
02:35A, the sun is correct.
02:36And on occasion, the moon doesn't reflect light from the sun because the earth comes
02:40between the moon and the sun.
02:42That is called the lunar eclipse.
02:44Now's my favorite part of the show where we get to know the contestants just a little
02:47bit better by checking out their own personal channels.
02:50Let's take a look at Adam's channel.
02:53Hi, I'm Adam.
02:57And I love to play tennis.
02:59I've been playing for six years now.
03:01I also enjoy computers, rocketry, and traveling.
03:05All right, tennis and traveling.
03:07Where was the last great place you traveled to?
03:09I just traveled to California.
03:11Where abouts in California did you go to?
03:13Just south of San Francisco.
03:14Oh, that's a really nice area there.
03:16Did you have a good time?
03:17Family vacation?
03:19With my mom.
03:20All right.
03:20It's nice to have you with us, Adam.
03:21Next, we're going to check out Haley's personal channel.
03:23Let's take a look.
03:27Hi, I'm Haley.
03:28And when I'm not playing basketball, I'm usually out back playing catch and flag or
03:31climbing trees.
03:33All right.
03:33A basketball player, huh, Haley?
03:35Do you just play in the neighborhood or do you play at school as well?
03:38Um, mostly in the neighborhood, but I'm going to start school this year.
03:41Do you have any favorite players in the WNBA right now?
03:44Um, Lisa Leslie.
03:45Very cool.
03:45One day you might be the next Lisa.
03:49All right.
03:49And next, we're going to check out Jonathan's personal channel.
03:52Let's take a look.
03:55Hi, I'm Jonathan.
03:56I like a lot of things like soccer and acting.
04:02And I really like to be in the swing of things.
04:07All right.
04:07Jonathan really has his hands full on the Jonathan channel over there.
04:10Jonathan, which is your favorite activity?
04:12Um, I like soccer.
04:14You play soccer a lot, even the summer, the spring, the winter, everything?
04:18All of them.
04:19You play indoors during the winter?
04:21That's pretty fun, isn't it?
04:22Yeah, it is.
04:22A little bit different.
04:23All right, guys, you're all off to a very good start, but we're going to get right back into the game.
04:27And Adam, since you answered the last question correctly, you've still got control of the zapper.
04:30So go ahead.
04:31Zap it.
04:34Channel number 110, the big boom channel.
04:44A sonic boom is produced when an airplane flies faster than the speed of what?
04:50Sound is correct.
04:51Very good.
04:51It brings you up to 80 points with control of the zapper.
04:53Go ahead and zap it.
04:54Zap it.
04:56Channel number 266, the dress for the weather channel.
05:03This is a multiple choice question.
05:04If you're flying to Australia for Christmas, should you bring your ski jacket or not?
05:08When it's winter in the United States, what season is it in Australia?
05:11Is it A, fall, B, summer, or C, spring?
05:16Summer is correct.
05:17Very good.
05:17It brings you up to 60 points as well.
05:19And you've got control of the zapper.
05:20Go ahead.
05:21Zap it.
05:23Channel number 50.
05:25That's our physical channel.
05:26That means Jonathan gets to try our physical challenge where he could win 50 points.
05:29But remember guys, if he doesn't complete it successfully, we're going to split up those 50 points and give 25 to each of you.
05:35Are you ready, Jonathan?
05:36I'm ready.
05:36All right, let's go.
05:37Come on.
05:42Okay, Jonathan, you get to try our physical challenge over here.
05:46Why don't you just stand right here?
05:47Let me explain this to you.
05:48Now, we all think of skyscrapers as being pretty modern, right?
05:52Well, did you know that in ancient Rome, they actually built apartment buildings up to 15 stories high?
05:56It's impressive, right?
05:57So that's what you have to do.
05:58You have to build us a 15-story high apartment.
06:00Oh, no, I'm just kidding.
06:01What you've got to do is use these giant blocks over here, and you've got to stack them all the way up in 30 seconds so that they get as high as this eight-foot bar up here.
06:12Now, as soon as you touch a block, though, you've got to use it.
06:15So pick your blocks wisely.
06:17All right?
06:18You've got 30 seconds to do it.
06:19You think you can do it?
06:19You got any questions?
06:21You're ready.
06:21He's ready to go.
06:22We'll see if he can do it.
06:24Ready, set, begin.
06:25All right, start stacking them up over there.
06:27He's got his first piece, and he lays it down.
06:30And he's on to his second piece here.
06:32Very good.
06:33All righty.
06:34Now he's got two in place.
06:35Looks pretty sturdy to me.
06:36We'll see what happens next.
06:37All right, he picked a round one.
06:38Very good.
06:39What's he going to put on top of that round one to stay in place there?
06:43All right, he grabbed another one.
06:45Oh, now it's starting to balancing act.
06:47Very good.
06:48It's staying still.
06:49Way to go.
06:49Here we go.
06:50Grab another one.
06:51Oh, here's the test.
06:52Let's see how this one's going to sit on there.
06:57Oh, and that does it in time.
07:00And let me take a look here, though.
07:03That's now it's not it's not quite up there at the eight feet.
07:06That means you don't get the 50 points.
07:08But I can't believe you get it to stand at all like that.
07:10Way to go.
07:11Let's go back and take a look at the scores.
07:12Come on, Jonathan.
07:13You can let it go.
07:14Come on.
07:18OK, so, Jonathan, you weren't able to successfully complete the physical
07:21challenge, that means it's good news for Adam and Haley, because we're going
07:24to give them each 25 points for that.
07:26And Jonathan, since you were the last person to answer the question
07:29correctly, you still have control of the zapper.
07:31So why don't you go ahead and zap it?
07:32Zap it.
07:34Channel number 141, the old McDonald's channel.
07:37Multiple choice.
07:39I'd like to move to the city.
07:40My neighbors here live like pigs.
07:44What kind of an area would you find a farm on?
07:49A. Rural, B. Urban, C. Suburban.
07:54Rural is correct.
07:55It brings you up to 80 points.
07:56It gives you control of the zapper once again.
07:57Go ahead.
07:58Zap it.
08:00Channel number 396, the really useless information channel.
08:04It's a multiple choice.
08:10What's the most common boy's first name in the world?
08:14Is it A. John, B. Mohamed, or C. Tom?
08:18That's you, Haley.
08:20C. Tom.
08:21C. Tom is incorrect, actually.
08:22It's a surprise.
08:23It's Mohamed.
08:24It's the most popular boy's name in the entire world.
08:27That brings us to the end of round one.
08:29So let's take a look over here at the scores.
08:30Adam, you've got 115 points.
08:32Haley, you've got 45 points.
08:34And Jonathan, you've got 90 points.
08:37Haley, that means with 45 points, you've got the fewest points
08:39unfortunately, but it's not so unfortunate really because you're
08:41going home with this great prize.
08:43The Oral Gene 60 Second Time Machine Power Toothbrush makes brushing fun
08:47with colorful gears and a 60 second flashing timer.
08:50Just bite into the bristles and let the time machine do the rest.
08:53We're going to take a short break here at the end of round one.
08:55But when we come back, Adam and Jonathan are going to battle it out.
08:58And round two, it should prove to be exciting.
09:01Join us, won't you?
09:02Round two of Zap It, and Adam and Jonathan are our players in this second round.
09:05And let's take a look at their scores.
09:07Adam, you've got 115 points and Jonathan, you've got 90 points.
09:11Good going so far, guys.
09:12Now, remember in round two, the rules have changed just a little bit.
09:15Besides using your zapper to zap in on a channel, you can also use it to fast
09:18forward if you don't like the channel that comes up.
09:20You hit fast forward, we go right to the next channel, or you can use it to rewind.
09:24And the way rewind works is if you answer a question incorrectly, you can hit rewind
09:28And the way rewind works is if you answer a question incorrectly, you can hit rewind
09:31and you've got a second chance to answer that question.
09:33Pretty nice, huh, guys?
09:35All right. Now, Jonathan, since you've got fewer points with 90, you've got control
09:38of the zapper, so why don't you go ahead and zap it?
09:40Zap it!
09:42Channel number 80, it's what's up front that counts, channel.
09:47This is a multiple choice question.
09:49The front of a building is the facade.
09:51The front of a train is the locomotive.
09:53What is the front of a boat called?
09:55Is it A, the bow, B, the stern, or C, the starboard?
10:00The bow.
10:00The bow is correct. Very good.
10:01Brings you up to 135, and you've got control of the zapper.
10:04Zap it!
10:07Channel number three, the good to the last drop channel.
10:10This is a multiple choice question.
10:13Everybody and everything needs water.
10:16What part of a plant carries water to the leaves?
10:18Is it A, the bud, B, the petals, or C, the stem?
10:22The stem.
10:23The stem is correct.
10:24Very good.
10:24Gives you another 20 points, and you've got control of the zapper.
10:27Zap it!
10:29Channel number 279, the acronym channel.
10:33Acronyms are letters that stand for words.
10:36For instance, they play basketball in the NBA.
10:38They play football in the NFL.
10:40What do they play in the PGA?
10:42Is it A, soccer, B, golf, or C, tennis?
10:47Golf is correct.
10:48Very good.
10:49Jonathan's a golfer.
10:50We learned that earlier, checking out his channel.
10:52Gives you 110 points, Jonathan, and control of the zapper.
10:54Go ahead.
10:55Zap it!
10:57Channel number 281, the mammal-mia channel.
11:01It's a multiple choice question.
11:08What's the armored mammal you'll find in the Southwest United States called?
11:12Is it A, armadillo, B, prairie dog, or C, chinchilla?
11:17Armadillo is correct.
11:18Brings you up to 130, and you've got control of the zapper.
11:21Zap it!
11:24Channel number 40.
11:25Surf's up, guys.
11:26It's time to surf the world.
11:28This should be a lot of fun.
11:29Today, we're talking weather or climate.
11:31We'll get to see things having to do with either weather or climate revealed on the
11:35video wall, piece by piece, like a puzzle.
11:37I'll be giving you guys some clues to help you out.
11:39When you think you know the answer, buzz in.
11:40Each correct answer gives you 20 points.
11:43Each incorrect one's going to give your opponent 20 points.
11:45Are you guys ready?
11:47Okay, let's begin.
11:48This is a measurement device.
11:50It uses the metal mercury.
11:53Thermometer, correct.
11:55It is a funnel cloud.
11:57It took Dorothy to Oz.
11:59Tornado is correct.
12:00Very good.
12:01They are given human names.
12:03They are the combination.
12:05Hurricane is correct.
12:06This is the most common form of precipitation.
12:09Rain is correct.
12:11It is made up of seven colors.
12:14The rainbow.
12:14Rainbow is correct.
12:15Very good.
12:16Caused by a buildup of electrical changes within.
12:20Lightning is correct.
12:21It is a hazard to drivers.
12:25No, we are looking for fog.
12:28It causes agricultural crops to die.
12:35Drought is what we were looking for.
12:36A nasty drought.
12:38This natural disaster is common where there are rivers or large lakes.
12:42Floods is correct.
12:44This person has a science background.
12:46They are part of a news broadcast.
12:50Meteorologist is correct.
12:51Very good.
12:51And that ends round two of Zap It.
12:53Let's take a quick look at the scores over here.
12:55Adam, you've got 315 points.
12:57And Jonathan, you've got 170 points.
12:59But remember guys, there's always round three where you could really catch up with that score over there.
13:03So when we get back, we're going to play round three and see how Jonathan and Adam do.
13:07See you soon.
13:11Covering kids, Zap It.
13:13Here's Mac.
13:15Hi everybody.
13:15We're back for round three of Zap It with Adam and Jonathan.
13:18Let's take a quick peek at their scores here.
13:20Adam, you've got 315 points.
13:22And Jonathan, you've got 170 points.
13:24You guys are really playing a good game over there.
13:26And since you have fewer points, Jonathan, you've got control of the zapper.
13:30So go ahead and zap it.
13:32Zap it.
13:34Channel number 273.
13:36The You've Got a Real Latitude Channel.
13:38I can't do this.
13:38My feet were killing me.
13:40It's a multiple choice question.
13:42Assuming you're not standing on your head, if north is to the top of a map, where is west?
13:47Is it A, left, B, right, or C, bottom?
13:51Um, right.
13:53No, we're looking for left.
13:54It's left if you're standing that way.
13:56All right.
13:56But you still got control of the zapper since you had it on that last question.
13:59Go ahead and zap it.
14:00Zap it.
14:02Channel number 291.
14:04The You're All Wet Channel.
14:05This is a multiple choice question.
14:10Even when you're dry, you're pretty wet.
14:13What percent of the human body is water?
14:15Is it A, 65%, B, 10%, or C, 25%?
14:22Yes, 65% is correct.
14:23Did you know that water makes up a little over 70% of the Earth's entire composition?
14:28Way to go there, Adam.
14:30You've got control of the zapper.
14:31Go ahead and zap it for us.
14:32Zap it.
14:34Channel number 303.
14:36The Here Dino Channel.
14:40Take a Tyrannosaurus to a restaurant.
14:42They're probably going to order the same thing every time.
14:45What do carnivores mainly eat?
14:50Meat is correct.
14:50Very good.
14:51It gives you 190 points and control of the zapper.
14:53Go ahead and zap it.
14:54Zap it.
14:56Channel number 100.
14:58The Right Stuff Channel.
15:01A system of writing for business is called shorthand.
15:05A system of writing for the blind is called what?
15:09Braille is correct.
15:10Very good.
15:10It gives you 375 points and control of the zapper.
15:13Zap it.
15:15Channel number 25.
15:17That means it's time for our lightning round.
15:20All right, guys.
15:20This is a great chance to really increase your points because each question in this
15:24round is worth 50 points.
15:25Our topic today is gender opposites.
15:28Now there's different words like males describes males and females describes
15:32So if I said females, you would say males.
15:34All you have to do is give me the opposite.
15:35We've got 60 seconds on the clock.
15:37Are you ready?
15:38Let's begin.
15:41is correct.
15:43Wife is correct.
15:46Sister is correct.
15:49Aunt is correct.
15:52Niece is correct.
15:55Queen is correct.
15:58Prince is correct.
16:02Very good.
16:06No, incorrect.
16:07Rooster is what we're looking for.
16:13Mare is what we were looking for.
16:16Waitress is correct.
16:20Duchess is what we're looking for.
16:29Girl is correct.
16:34Masculine is what we're looking for.
16:38Gal is correct.
16:39And that brings us to the end of the lightning round.
16:43Man, that was fast and furious, wasn't it?
16:44Let's take a look at the scores over here.
16:46Jonathan, you've got 640 points.
16:49Pretty good score there.
16:50Nice going in that round.
16:51And Adam, you've got 725 points, which makes you our champion today on Zabit.
16:56That means you're going to the bonus round where you can take home the grand prize.
16:59But Jonathan, for doing such a great job with us, you're not going home empty-handed either.
17:03You're taking home this great prize.
17:05It's a telescope and accessories from the Discovery Channel Store.
17:09Where wonder and mystery await you from fossils to telescopes, to games, puzzles and more at the Discovery Channel Store.
17:16All right.
17:16Adam was our Zabit champion today with 725 points.
17:21That's an impressive score there, Adam.
17:22When we come back, we're going to see if he can be equally impressive in our Zabit bonus round where he might go home with the grand prize.
17:28We'll see when we get back.
17:29Stay tuned.
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17:51Simply place the internal antenna under your battery and presto, it's like adding a four-foot antenna to your phone.
17:57You'll be able to hear in buildings, hallways, even drive in tunnels with better reception and less static.
18:03Watch, we put it to the ultimate test in an elevator.
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18:31It's great.
18:32Before I had the internal antenna, I would constantly get interference and drop calls in this one area when I was driving home from the office.
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18:47Bottom line.
18:48No more frustrating static or drop calls.
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19:10Imagine, you get the internal antenna and the Wave Scrambler, a $50 value, all for only $19.99.
19:17Not available in stores, so don't delay.
19:19Start hearing better and order the internal antenna today.
19:22Zappit is back.
19:24Now, here's Matt.
19:25All right, we're back with Adam, today's Zappit champion, with 725 points.
19:31That's pretty amazing.
19:32And what's even more amazing is we're gonna take those 725 points and turn that into cash for you.
19:36That's pretty nice, huh?
19:37725 bucks.
19:39But, even better than that, I'm sure Adam thinks, is the grand prize today that he might go home with.
19:44Let's take a look and see what it is.
19:46Immerse yourself in the ultimate gaming experience with Nintendo 64.
19:50With the 360-degree gameplay, four-player action, rumble pack, and great games, you're not just playing, you're in it.
19:57The Equalizer, the affordable laptop by VTech with word processing, email capabilities, and more.
20:02Plus, the Canon BJC 255 bubble jet printer.
20:04Equal serious computing and go-anywhere portability.
20:08Wow, all right.
20:09So, it's the computer and it's the Nintendo 64.
20:12Pretty good, huh?
20:13You're very excited about that, aren't you?
20:15Oh, yeah.
20:15I can see you want to dive right into the bonus round, don't you?
20:18All right.
20:18Now, remember, all you've got to do is get six out of nine questions correct in 60 seconds, and you're taking home both of those great things.
20:25And, you can pick the channels in any order you want.
20:27Are you ready?
20:29You've got 60 seconds on the clock.
20:32Number 453.
20:33How many continents are there on Earth?
20:35Seven's correct.
20:36Number 158.
20:38What made Mr. Ed different from other horses?
20:39Seagull top.
20:40That's true.
20:42Number three...
20:45That's a 307.
20:45Oh, yeah, 307.
20:46The Eiffel Tower is in what country?
20:48France is correct.
20:50What scientist is credited with the theory E equals MC squared?
20:53Albert Einstein.
20:54Albert Einstein is correct.
20:56Number 389.
20:56From what animal do we get wool?
20:59Sheep is correct.
21:01Number 69.
21:01What letter is the Roman numeral for five?
21:04V is correct.
21:07The word maize is another name for what vegetable?
21:10Corn is correct.
21:12Who is the Vice President of the United States?
21:14Right now?
21:16Al Gore.
21:16Al Gore is correct.
21:18Number 240.
21:19What does FBI stand for?
21:20Federal Bureau of Investigation.
21:22Federal Bureau of Investigation is correct.
21:24And I think we all know what that means.
21:26He's taking home that grand prize.
21:28You got nine out of nine questions correct.
21:30That means you are going home with a grand prize, Adam.
21:33Way to play today.
21:34Good job.
21:35So you're taking home the Nintendo 64, you're taking home the laptop computer,
21:38and you're taking home 725 bucks in cash.
21:41Pretty nice, huh?
21:42Got any ideas how you're going to spend all that money?
21:44I'll either save it or buy some more games.
21:47Mom's probably going to say save it, and you're probably going to end up with more games anyway, aren't you?
21:51Way to go.
21:52Do you have any brothers and sisters?
21:53Then you won't even have to share the Nintendo with anybody.
21:56Good day for you, Adam.
21:57Well, we had a pleasure having you here, and we had a pleasure having you guys at home here with us, too.
22:01We'll see you next time on Discovery Kids Saturday.
22:03Take care.
22:07Sketchers are fun shoes.
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22:16It's the S.
22:17Laser Challenge V2, the ultimate home laser game system with digital light and sound effects.
22:21Works indoors and outdoors.
22:22Are you ready for the challenge?
22:24From Toymax Incorporated.
22:46Discovery Kids Zappit would love to hear from you.
23:01Send your comments to Discovery Kids Zappit.
23:04Howdy Productions, P.O.
23:06Box 75007, St.
23:09Paul, Minnesota 55175007.
23:16We'll see you next time on Discovery Kids Zappit.