
  • last week
Ashley Phillip and Julie


00:00Today's mission is fueled by the Corporation for Public Broadcasting, and viewers like
00:50I summon Sir Vyce.
00:58From my boot blades to my helmet spikes, I am at thy disposal, mistress.
01:06As you should be. I'm sending you through the time port to England in the 1100s. There's
01:12something very special I want you to steal. Bring it back to me in this loot orb when you have it.
01:18Now off with you.
01:23Time pilots, Sir Vyle just stole something from the past.
01:27You've got 28 minutes to get it back. Now get going!
01:31We're on the case and we're chasing her through history.
01:36Chrono skin, engines hot, vile villains, evil plot.
01:42Our brave squadron leader will help us defeat her and bring back the loot.
01:48We're on the case and we're chasing her through history.
02:06And here's your time pilot squadron leader, Kevin Shinnick!
02:10Kevin! Kevin! Oh, I'm going, I'm going, I'm going.
02:19Hey, welcome aboard everybody. I want you to hang on tight because we've got a very big mission,
02:24but very little time. So let's begin our journey by meeting our time pilots,
02:28starting with Ashley Laurie. Come on, Ashley. Nice to see you. And Philip Lamb.
02:35Come on, Philip, come on out here, buddy. Way to go.
02:38And Julie Sheets. Julie, nice to see you. All right, way to go.
02:43Welcome aboard time pilots. You heard the mission from the chief.
02:47Let's start by equipping each of you with 100 power points.
02:51Great. Now, I tell you, our nano probes have revealed the time and place where Carmen sent
02:57Sir Vyle. So let's get things moving. Bridge to engine crew. Let's warp to the time of the crime.
03:08Chief, we've arrived upside down.
03:19Safely. What's our mission profile? Squadron, you've time traveled to the 1100s.
03:26Location, England. During the Middle Ages, wars were fought by men called knights. To become one,
03:34it helped to be born into a noble family. Later, you joined a knight's household to learn the
03:39proper conduct of a knight. Then around age 15, you became a sort of apprentice knight,
03:45doing chores, learning to fight, even going with your master into battle. Eventually,
03:50you got promoted and put aside the silver colored spurs of an apprentice for the gold color spurs
03:57worn by a knight. Or so history told us till now, when Sir Vyle vanished back in time and
04:05apprehended the apprentice's spurs. Thanks, chief. All right, time pilots for 10 power points.
04:13What was an apprentice knight called? Was it squire, damsel, or serf? Remembering the clues
04:22we just heard. England in the Middle Ages assisted and learned from a knight and wore
04:29silver spurs until promoted. All right, we're all in. Great. Ashley, why don't you tell me what you
04:34said? I said serf. Okay, and Phillip? I said squire. And Julie? I also said squire. All right,
04:40correct answer is squire. 10 points for Phillip and Julie. But I'll tell you pilots, if one of
04:45you can save the history of Apprenticeship and capture Carmen, you'll win a complete multimedia
04:51computer system. Not bad, right? But the big question is, where in time has Sir Vyle taken
04:56the spurs? Now, I know... Wait a second. Guys, that's not supposed to open like that. That's
05:01dangerous. Someone could fall through here and get lost in time. You know what? I better call
05:05the ship's engineer. Fumbles McWhoops to the bridge. Kevin, I have been working on this day
05:12and night. I can't wait to show it to you. Here. Hi, guys. Can you help me with this? Fumbles,
05:16I need you to fix the door. It's very dangerous like that. Something could happen. Oh, no, no,
05:19never mind about that. Check out my new and brilliant invention. It's a quantum oscillation
05:25interdimensional relay. See, I throw this switch and a little red light goes on. Okay, and what
05:31does the little red light mean? That I've thrown this switch. Yeah, that's very useful. Can I give
05:43it a try? No, are you kidding? What? It takes years to learn how to use a device like this.
05:49You'd have to be an apprentice first, like good old Ben Franklin. Ben Franklin? Oh, yeah. Yeah,
05:55Ben Franklin. Back in the American colonies, apprenticeship was a common way to learn a train.
06:01Now, Franklin was just, what, 12 years old when he began apprenticing with a printer.
06:06And, you know, printing other people's words is what stirred Ben to do some writing of his own.
06:12It's a good thing, too, because Franklin later went on to help write the Declaration of
06:16Independence and the U.S. Constitution. Yeah, that's true. I just had an inspiration. What,
06:22what? I will add another little red light to remind you not to leave the first little red
06:29light on too long. It's just because you don't want to use too many of those little red lights.
06:35No, that's a way too expensive. Oh, all the time you put it in. Oh, I need you to fix the door.
06:41Oh, never mind. I'll fix it myself. I can do this. I think you just need to reach up here
06:45behind this little thing. Oh, where did he go? What should we do? Is he coming back?
06:56Wow. That was, bar none, the strangest three years of my life. In any event,
07:04pilots, tell me the decade where Servile is hiding. Is it 1690s, 1710s, or 1780s? Remembering
07:14the clues we just heard. Ben Franklin is 12, begins apprenticeship with a printer,
07:22and apprenticeship is a common way to learn a trade in American colonies. Those are the clues,
07:27guys. Everybody locked on to an answer. And wonderful. Ashley, tell me what you said.
07:32I said 1780s. Okay, and Phillip? I said 1710s. And Julie? I also said 1710s. All right,
07:38correct answer is 1710s. Ten points for Phillip and Julie. And, you know, you thought Houdini
07:43was quick. Not bad, huh? All right, you know, pilots, Ben Franklin, the printer's apprentice,
07:48went on to help write the documents that are the foundation of our whole government.
07:53But that foundation may start to crack if we fail in our mission today. So let's keep things moving.
07:58Bridge to engine crew, let's warp to the 1710s.
08:13Thy mechanical beast is no match for Servile.
08:21Oh, pilots, we've got big trouble from Servile. Engine room, report.
08:26Elaine is stuck in hyperspin. Better do a data boost.
08:35All right, pilots, let's help him out. We made it to the 1710s, but it's time for a data boost.
08:41Pilots, I'll read a fact. Your job, buzz in and tell me if that fact applies to Benjamin Franklin
08:47or to Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu. If you're right, you get five power points. If
08:53you're wrong, you lose five. Remember, your choices are Franklin or Netanyahu. Okay, here we go.
09:01Moved to America as a young teen. Going to Philip. Netanyahu? Yes, Netanyahu it is. Netanyahu
09:09attended high school in the U.S. You get points just for pronouncing that. Invented the glass
09:14harmonica. Going again to Philip. Franklin? Correct. Played by running your fingers over
09:21rotating wet glass bowls. A little interesting item there. Served five years in elite military
09:28unit. Going to Philip again. Netanyahu? Correct, Netanyahu. As a young man, he considered becoming
09:35a traveling swimming instructor. Going to Philip. Netanyahu? No, I'm sorry, that one was Franklin.
09:42This might have been dangerous for a man who experimented with electricity, though.
09:45Think about it. Son of a candle maker. Going again to Philip. Franklin? Yes, Franklin it is. He was the
09:5410th of 17 children. Wow, that was very nice, guys. A great data boost. And just a reminder
10:00that all our data is verified by Encyclopedia Britannica. The question is, where has Sir Vile
10:06taken the script? Hey, it's a clue finder, guys. It's locked on to someone in the future. Let's bring
10:11him on board, see if he can help us. No, I'm telling you, I saw him. He was just unbelievable.
10:22Oh, now I'm sure I must be dreaming. Well, hi there. Hello. Hey, welcome to the chronoskimmer.
10:28First I see a fire-breathing knight. Oh, this. Yep, I'm dreaming. No, no, you're not dreaming.
10:34You must have seen Sir Vile. Who are you? Samuel's my name. Oh, hi, Samuel. I'm an apprentice.
10:39An apprentice, that's great. That means you're learning a trade, you're growing as a person,
10:44just like Ben Franklin. No, not like Ben Franklin. See, I'm an apprentice living in Mississippi in
10:501866 after the Civil War. So slavery has just ended. Hey, how does it feel to be free?
10:57Don't ask me. Well, sure, slavery has been outlawed, but the old confederate states have
11:04passed black codes. Black codes, what are they? They're laws to limit blacks' rights. They tell
11:11you where we can go, how we can work, and why we young people can even be hired out as apprentices
11:18to white people, even if our parents don't agree. Sometimes we even have to work for our old
11:24slave owners. Wow, sounds like it's not too different from slavery. Exactly. Hey, wait a
11:29minute. I just got something. Since you've seen Sir Vile, maybe you could help us out on our
11:34mission, right, guys? Hey, you could be an apprentice time pilot. A time what? A time pilot.
11:40See, there's a woman named Carmen Sandiego, and she's got a trench coat and a big red fedora,
11:44and she has crooks that go around stealing parts of history, right? Oh, there's a fire-breathing
11:48knight, and there's a witch, and there's a big orange guy who's afraid of bugs, right? But our
11:53job is to catch the crooks and save history, see? See? Oh, I see. What? I see. I definitely must be
12:01dreaming. Oh, come on. Wake up, Samuel. Samuel, wake up. Wake up, Samuel. Oh, it could have helped
12:11if it wasn't a dream. All right, pilots, you heard the clues. Name the U.S. president in the time
12:17where Sir Vile is hiding. Is it John Adams, John Quincy Adams, or Andrew Johnson? Remembering the
12:26clues we just heard. 1866, shortly after U.S. Civil War, and black codes limit the rights of
12:34southern blacks. All right, guys. Ashley, tell me what you said. I said Andrew Johnson. All right,
12:39Philip? I said John Adams. Okay, and Julie? I also said Andrew Johnson. All right, correct answer is
12:44Andrew Johnson. Ten points for Ashley and Julie. You know, squadron, partly in response to the black
12:50codes, the 14th amendment was passed in 1868. It helped protect the rights of African Americans,
12:57but they would face widespread discrimination for decades to come.
13:00Right now, let's resume our mission. So, bridge to engine crew, let's warp to 1866.
13:06All right, pilots, we followed Sir Vile to the year 1866, but he's about to do some globe hopping in the late 1800s,
13:18so it's time for global pursuit. Listen closely, watch the globe on your screen, and buzz in after
13:24I finish the question. If you're right, you're going to get five power points, and if you're
13:28wrong, you're going to lose five. All right, remember, we're in the late 1800s, and here we go.
13:34Sir Vile's elected to go to the home state of Hiram R. Revels, the first African American U.S. senator.
13:42Going to Julie. Mississippi? Yes, it is. Now he's in the city where Frederick Douglass is appointed
13:49marshal by President Rutherford Hayes. Going this time to Philip. Washington D.C.? Correct.
13:55Then Vile checked into the state where Meharry Medical College, the first all-black medical
14:00school, is established. Going again to Philip. Idaho? No, I'm sorry, it's Tennessee. Next, he
14:08horsed around the state where African American jockey Oliver Lewis wins the first Kentucky Derby.
14:14Going to Julie. Kentucky? Yes. Sir Vile cut to the country where C.H.J. Taylor becomes the first black
14:22diplomat to a white republic. Going again to Julie. Bolivia? Yes, Bolivia it is. Very nice, Julie.
14:29That was a great pursuit, squadron. But Sir Vile escaped from Bolivia just as we got there,
14:33so let's check in now with our time. Hey guys, that alert means we're picking up a
14:37transmission from our spy cams at Vile headquarters. I'll put it up on the view screen.
14:48Carmen, I'm in America during the reign of Jimmy Carter and Hark, my queen. The apprentice system
14:55continues at a great New York cathedral called Saint John the Divine. Its construction was begun
15:03in 1892, but work stopped for World War II and is only now being resumed. Limestone blocks must be
15:12cut, shaped, and carved so neighborhood apprentices are hired for this mighty task.
15:19Over a hundred youths will learn stonemasonry skills that have been handed down for centuries,
15:26but I have another ancient craft to teach them. Thievery!
15:37All right. Boy, he really heats the place up when he leaves, doesn't he?
15:40All right, pilots, you heard the clues as we listened in at Vile headquarters.
15:44Tell me the year where Sir Vile has taken the squire's spurs. Is it 1974, 1979, or 1985?
15:57Remembering the clues we just heard. During Jimmy Carter's presidency, work resumes on New York's
16:03cathedral of Saint John the Divine and apprentice stone workers. All right, guys. Ashley, let's start
16:10off. What'd you say? 1979. All right. Philip? 1979. And Julie? 1985. All right. Correct answer is
16:161979. That's 10 points for Ashley and Philip. You know, pilots, we follow the history of
16:22apprenticeships from the medieval times of the squires to a modern age when people are apprenticing
16:27to learn an ancient craft. And now, to save history, we've got to make one final leap forward
16:32in time, and that means an ultimate data boost. Pilots, in an ultimate data boost, each correct
16:41answer gets you 10 power points. But if you're wrong, you're going to lose 10, okay? It's a very
16:45close game so far. I'll name a famous person. Your job, buzz in and answer yes if that person ever
16:51apprenticed in an art, trade, or craft, or no if they did not. All right, the answer should be yes or no.
16:59Here we go. Auto company founder Walter P. Chrysler. Going to Philip. Yes. Yes, he did.
17:07He began as an apprentice in a railroad machine shop. Fashion designer Calvin Klein.
17:14Going to Julie. No. I'm sorry, the answer is yes. In his early 20s, he was an apprentice designer
17:20for a coat and suit manufacturer. First lady Eleanor Roosevelt. Going to Julie.
17:27No. Correct. The answer is no. Renaissance artist Michelangelo. Going to Ashley. Yes. Yes is the
17:35answer. As a boy, he apprenticed in the workshop of master artist Ghirlandaio. Reggae star Bob
17:43Marley. Going to Philip. No. No, I'm sorry, the answer is yes. As a young man in Kingston, Jamaica,
17:49he was a welder's apprentice. Patriot Paul Revere. Going to Julie. Yes. Yes, very good. He apprenticed
17:58to a metal caster. And finally, England's Prince Charles. Going to Ashley. No. Correct. The answer
18:06is no. Very nice round, guys. Let's see what happened, okay? Right now Ashley has 140 power
18:12points, Philip has 145, and Julie has 155, which means that Philip and Julie are moving on in the
18:19next phase of this mission. But Ashley, let me see a smile because you did very well. Give me five.
18:24And the chief is here to express our appreciation. Sometimes no matter how bright you are, you just
18:29can't stop the night. But now you can shed light on any subject with the Time Net mission pack.
18:36Loaded with great stuff like Carmen CD-ROMs, the new vile t-shirt, and Britannica's fascinating
18:41facts. From Acme Time Net Command, we salute you. Pilots, let's wave goodbye to Ashley as she heads
18:48back to Time Net Command. You guys ready for your next order from the chief? Yep. All right, chief,
18:55we're ready. Time pilots, the history of apprenticeship is at stake. Get to New York
19:00City in 1979 and ankle off with those spurs. Kevin, you're in command. Aye, aye, chief.
19:07Time pilots, full speed ahead to 1979.
19:10Look, Sir Vile's got the Squire's spires in a cybersphere. Activate the loop tractor beam.
19:21Now I'm really fired up, time pilots.
19:27All right, guys, we've gotten back the Squire's spurs and have them safely on board. Congratulations.
19:33Plus, you're now one step closer to winning that great multimedia computer system we talked about.
19:38But before we continue chasing Sir Vile, we've got to return the loot to the 1100s. So let's check
19:43in with the chief to get our flight plan. Chief. Time pilots, you must navigate the chronoskimmer
19:48through eight events from the history of labor and apprenticeships, starting at the most recent
19:51event and finishing at the least recent event. Here are the events on your flight plan.
19:56Neighborhood apprentices help resume work on Cathedral of St. John the Divine. Squires wear
20:02silver spurs as apprentice knights. West Point Military Academy established to train soldiers.
20:09Star amateur golfer Tiger Woods turns pro. Baseball farm system established to train players.
20:17Martin Van Buren elected president after four years as vice president.
20:22Disney's Fantasia premieres with Mickey Mouse as the sorcerer's apprentice. Leonardo da Vinci
20:28apprentices as painter and sculptor. That's your briefing time, pilots. Good luck on your journey.
20:34Thanks, chief. All right, Julie, you had the higher score. You have a choice of going first or second.
20:40I'll go second. All righty. Philip, in that case, I want you to navigate this chronoskimmer back
20:45through time from the most recent event to the least recent event, starting by picking the most
20:50recent event on the board. You may begin. Golfer Tiger Woods turns pro. Yes, 1996. Mickey interviews
20:57as sorcerer's apprentice. All right, going to Julie. Apprentices at St. John the Divine.
21:03All right, going back to Philip. Golfer Tiger Woods turns pro. 1996. Apprentices at St. John the Divine.
21:091979. Mickey debuts as sorcerer's apprentice. Yes, 1940. Baseball farm system developed.
21:191919. Van Buren elect president. 1836. Leonardo apprentices as artist. All right, going back to Julie.
21:26Golfer Tiger Woods turns pro. Correct, 1996. Apprentices at St. John the Divine. 1979. Mickey
21:32debuts as sorcerer's apprentice. 1940. Van Buren elected president. All right, guys, back to Philip.
21:40Golfer Tiger Woods turns pro. 1996. Apprentices at St. John the Divine. 1979. Mickey debuts as
21:46sorcerer's apprentice. 1940. Baseball farm system developed. Yes, 1919. Van Buren elected president.
21:521836. West Point established. 1802. Squires wear service furs. All right, go back to Julie. Listen
21:58to each other, guys, okay? Golfer Tiger Woods turns pro. Yes, 1996. Apprentices at St. John the Divine.
22:051979. Baseball farm system established. All right, going back to Philip. Golfer Tiger Woods turns pro.
22:121996. Apprentices at St. John the Divine. 1979. Mickey debuts as sorcerer's apprentice. 1940.
22:18Baseball farm system developed. Established. Yes, 1919. Van Buren elected president. Correct, 1836.
22:23West Point established. Yes, 1802. Leonardo Apprentice as artist. Correct, 1460s. Squires wear service furs.
22:29Yes, 1100. Philip, you've saved history. Congratulations. Very good. Now I want you to
22:35activate the transporter and restore the loot to its proper place in history. Go ahead.
22:40That was very tough, guys. You batted it back and forth like that, but you both did very well. You and I are going to move on in just a moment, but you did so well, we've got another mission for you, and the chief's here to tell you all about it.
22:56You've really helped our mission today, so we're giving you a Time Net mission pack
23:01and this portable CD player, which comes complete with headphones.
23:05I sincerely apologize for that joke. Time pilot, I salute you. Right now, Julie is piloting the Chrono Skimmer back to the present, but Philip, it's time for us to chase Sir Vile and Carmen through the trail of time. Are you with me? Yeah. Let's go.
23:21Look out, Carmen. We're on our way.
23:27We're on the case and we're chasing her through history.
23:31Chrono Skimmer, engines hot.
23:35Vile villains, evil plot, our brave squadron leader will help us defeat her and bring back the loot to its rightful place in time.
23:45Tell me where in time is Carmen Sandiego? Stop her crime and solve this mystery. Tell me where in time is Carmen Sandiego?
23:57We're on the case and we're chasing her through history.
24:02Hey, Philip, we've made it through the trail of time.
24:04You've got to chase Carmen through six time portals moving from the past to the 20th century.
24:08At each portal, Carmen's going to try and stump you with a history question.
24:12If you get it right, the gate will open and you move on to the next portal.
24:14If you get it wrong, then you have to work a device to open the gate.
24:18All right, and along the way, you're going to capture Sir Vile.
24:20Do all that within 90 seconds and you'll capture Carmen Sandiego and win that computer.
24:24You think you're up for it? Yep.
24:26Okay, then. Ready, set, go, Philip, go.
24:30Follow the engine crew to the first portal.
24:34It's the 1100s.
24:36What's a knight in training called before he becomes a squire?
24:40Swain or Page? Page.
24:42All right, Philip.
24:44Follow them to the second time portal.
24:48It's the 1660s.
24:50What instrument is Antonio Stradivari learning to make?
24:54Piano or violin? Piano.
24:56All right, pull the rope, Philip. The other side.
24:59That's it. Pull, pull, pull.
25:01Keep pulling to open that gate.
25:03Almost there. All right.
25:05Hey, you've captured Sir Vile, too.
25:07It's 1815.
25:09What future U.S. president is an indentured apprentice?
25:13Millard Fillmore or Andrew Jackson?
25:15Andrew Jackson.
25:17All right, activate the pump.
25:19That's it. Keep pumping, keep pumping.
25:21Faster and faster.
25:23You're almost there, buddy. Keep pumping.
25:25All right.
25:28Keep going.
25:30It's 1863.
25:32Thomas Edison is an apprentice telegrapher in what industry?
25:34Railroad or newspaper?
25:38All right, pull the rope.
25:40That's it, Philip. Keep pulling the rope to open the gate.
25:42Almost there. All right.
25:44You've got two more to go with 16 seconds left.
25:50It's 1964.
25:52What new U.S. program trains youths in camps and urban centers?
25:54Workfare or Job Corps?
25:56Job Corps.
25:58All right, one more.
26:04Oh, Philip.
26:06Time has run out and Carmen has escaped.
26:08But you did capture Sir Vile.
26:10That was a great job.
26:12And right now the chief is here with a few words for you.
26:14Carmen slipped through our fingers today.
26:16But I'm arming you with a Time Net mission pack.
26:18Plus, I'll cross your palms
26:20with this great CD radio cassette recorder.
26:23Thumbs up, Time Pilot.
26:25Chief out.
26:27Thanks, Chief.
26:29Philip, you had a very tough mission, but you did a great job.
26:31We're proud of you.
26:35Happy to have you here.
26:37But now we've got to head back to the present.
26:39And remember, at Acme Time Net, history is our job.
26:41The future is yours.
26:47We're on the case and we're chasing her through history.
26:49Throttle open.
26:51Thrusters on.
26:53Chrono skimmer.
26:55Gets us gone.
26:57Pack extra socks
26:59and we'll all beat the clock
27:01from the Stone Age to Middle Age
27:03to Space Age and back.
27:05Tell me where in time
27:07is Carmen Sandiego?
27:09Stop her crime
27:11and solve this mystery.
27:13Tell me where in time
27:15is Carmen Sandiego?
27:18We're on the case
27:20and we're chasing her through history.
27:22Nero's fiddle.
27:24Lincoln's beard.
27:26Newton's apple.
27:30All historical information has been verified
27:32by Encyclopedia Britannica.
27:34We've got to get them back.
27:36This program was produced by
27:38WGBH Boston
27:40and WQED Pittsburgh.
27:44Carmen's journey through time
27:46by the Corporation for Public Broadcasting
27:48and viewers like you.
27:52Over and out, pilots.
27:54This is Lynn Thickpen saying well done.
27:58To receive a free copy of the
28:0016-page Carmen Sandiego
28:02Teacher's Guide with classroom history
28:04activities, write to the address you see
28:06on the screen.
28:09This is WGBH.
28:21Where can a gumshoe be a gumshoe?
28:23With Carmen Sandiego software.
28:25Available nationwide.