The Bayou Tapestry

  • last week
Rebecca Wilfredo and Jeff


00:00You're watching Alabama Public TV, Kazoo's Place.
00:17Today's mission is fueled by the Corporation for Public Broadcasting and viewers like you.
00:30I always feel the need to prove my evil to the world.
00:35So what shall I steal today?
00:39Ah, I have just the thing.
00:43With one theft, history will be changed forever.
00:52Mighty Mediva, report.
01:01A ship can leak, a house is drafty.
01:05I'm mean, I'm sly, I'm feeling crafty.
01:11Listen, I'm sending you through the time port to England around the year 1092.
01:16There's something very special I want you to steal.
01:20Bring it back to me in this loot orb when you have it.
01:23Now, vanish.
01:26Time pilot, Mediva just stole something from the past.
01:30You've got 28 minutes to get it back, or history will change forever.
01:35Boot up the chronograph unit.
01:40Launch the time probes.
01:49Power up the engines.
01:56Now get going.
01:58We're on the case and we're chasing her through history.
02:02Chrono skimmer, engines hot.
02:06Bio villains, an evil plot.
02:09Our brave squadron leader will help us defeat her and bring back the loot to its rightful place in time.
02:16Tell me where in time is Carmen Sandiego.
02:20Stop her crime and solve this mystery.
02:24Tell me where in time is Carmen Sandiego.
02:28We're on the case and we're chasing her through history.
02:32And here's your time pilot squadron leader, Kevin Shinnick.
02:45Hey, welcome aboard, everybody.
02:47I want you to hang on tight because we've got a very big mission but very little time.
02:52Let's begin our journey by meeting our time pilots, starting with Rebecca Sharouf.
02:57Come on, Rebecca, nice to see you.
02:59And Wilfredo Dallas.
03:02Nice going, Wilfredo.
03:04And Jeff Wilhelm.
03:06Good to see you, Jeff.
03:08All right, time pilots, welcome aboard.
03:10Now you've heard the mission from the chief.
03:12We're going to start by equipping each of you with 100 power points.
03:17Now, time pilots, our nanoprobes have revealed the time and place where Carmen has sent Mediva.
03:22So let's get things started.
03:24Bridge to engine crew, let's warp to the time of the crime.
03:37Chief, we've arrived at our time target.
03:39What's our mission profile?
03:41Squadron, you time traveled to around the year 1092.
03:48Back in 1066, France's William, Duke of Normandy, invaded England.
03:54The English had just beaten an invading army from Norway,
03:57but they lost to William, who conquered England and became king.
04:01This closely linked England with Western Europe, forever changing England's culture.
04:06Then, around 1092 A.D., these events were depicted on a 230-foot-long cloth called the Bayou Tapestry.
04:15Thought to be embroidered by women, it became a priceless historical record in the centuries to come.
04:21Or so history told us till now, when Mediva blew back in time and it was bye-bye Bayou Tapestry.
04:29Thanks a lot, chief.
04:31All right, time pilots, for 10 power points, what historical event does the Bayou Tapestry depict?
04:39Is it the Norman Conquest, the First Crusade, or the Battle of Waterloo?
04:46Remembering the clues we just heard.
04:48Invasion launched in 1066, William, Duke of Normandy, conquers England,
04:54and depicted in Bayou Tapestry around the year 1092.
04:59All right, guys, those are the clues.
05:01Lock on to an answer as soon as you have an idea.
05:03Great, what a quick group.
05:04All right, Rebecca, what did you say?
05:06The Norman Conquest.
05:07All right, well, Fredo?
05:08The Norman Conquest.
05:09And Jeff?
05:10The Norman Conquest.
05:11You guys sure about that?
05:12Well, good, because it's the Norman Conquest.
05:1410 points for everybody.
05:16Way to go, guys.
05:17You know, pilots, if one of you can save the history of textiles and capture Carmen,
05:22you'll win a complete multimedia computer system.
05:25But the big question is, where is Mediva taking the tapestry?
05:28Because I know one...
05:29Hey, it's the clue finder.
05:31It's locked on to someone in the future.
05:32Let's bring them on board and see if they can help us.
05:35Shut the door. I'm not ready yet.
05:38Shut the door.
05:43So, did you guys have a nice trip here?
05:46Good, good.
05:48Now I'm ready.
05:50Hey, hey, everybody, it's the clue finder.
05:53It's locked on to someone in the future.
05:55Let's bring them on board and see if they can help us.
05:59It is I, Wynoka Pak, ruler of the Incas.
06:02Well, hi.
06:03I'm Kevin Shinnick, squadron leader of the Time Pilots.
06:06Say, why are you wearing a Time Pilot uniform?
06:09It is my custom.
06:10When I became king, I toured my kingdom.
06:12And before entering each town, I stopped and put on the clothing worn by the locals.
06:17You see, we Incas rule a vast empire made up of many conquered peoples.
06:22Oh, it covers a big part of western South America.
06:25It covers a big part of western South America, right?
06:29What is America?
06:32Never mind.
06:33Anyway, by putting on local clothes, I encourage people to accept me as their ruler.
06:38It helps me fit right in.
06:41I'll take Norman Conquest, Kevin.
06:43Hey, would you cut that out?
06:45So, I guess clothes are a big part of your culture, huh?
06:48Not just clothes, but clothing in general, cloth in general.
06:52In fact, conquered peoples pay tribute to the Inca in cloth.
06:57Kevin, I'll take Aztec culture for 200.
06:59I said knock it off. That's not even our show.
07:02Tell me, what do the Spanish conquistadors think of your custom?
07:05Spanish? Who are the Spanish?
07:08Well, the Spanish, they're...
07:10Skip it.
07:11Anyway, I have now fit in so well here, it's time for you all to accept me as your ruler.
07:16Oh, really?
07:17You, fetch me a sweet potato. I'm hungry.
07:20You two, get working on a giant tribute cloth for me.
07:23And you...
07:25Tell me where the ruler traditionally sits.
07:28Oh, the ruler. Oh, yeah.
07:29Well, the ruler, if he were going to be here, he would sit right here.
07:34Yeah, if he's a really big ruler, he sits right there.
07:38Uh-huh, that's where they sit.
07:41Oh, yes.
07:42Good. See you later.
07:44Okay, guys.
07:46Pilots, you heard the clues from Huayna Capac.
07:49Tell me where in time Mediva is hiding.
07:52Is it 1140s, 1490s, or 1730s?
07:59Remembering the clues we just heard.
08:01Huayna Capac rules vast Inca Empire in South America
08:05before arrival of Spanish conquistadors
08:08and woven fabrics important to Inca culture.
08:12All right, guys, those are the clues.
08:13Lock on to an answer as soon as you know.
08:15All right, Rebecca, what did you say?
08:17The 1490s.
08:18All right, Wilfredo?
08:211140, what did you say?
08:23Okay, and Jeff?
08:24I chose the 1490s.
08:26All right, correct answer is the 1490.
08:28Ten points for Rebecca and Jeff.
08:30Wilfredo, don't worry about it. It's early on in the mission.
08:32You know, pilots, the Inca were conquered by the Spanish in the 1500s,
08:36but native textiles were still produced,
08:38and like the Incas, Spanish rulers accepted it
08:41as a tribute from the conquered peoples.
08:43Right now, let's keep moving.
08:45So, bridge to engine crew, let's warp to the 1490s.
08:55Great, pilots.
08:56We follow Mediva to the 1490s,
08:58but she's about to do some globe hopping in the 1400s,
09:01so it's time for a global pursuit.
09:03Listen closely.
09:04Watch the globe on your screen and buzz in after I finish the question.
09:08If you're right, you're going to get five PowerPoints,
09:10and if you're wrong, you're going to lose five.
09:12All right, remember, we're in the 1400s,
09:14but we're referring to places by their modern-day names.
09:17And here we go.
09:27Going to Rebecca.
09:29Correct. Very nice.
09:31Now she's holing up in the nation where Emperor Yongle
09:34builds a walled palace called the Forbidden City.
09:41China it is.
09:43Mediva deported herself to the nation
09:45where Ferdinand and Isabella are expelling the Jews.
09:49Going again to Wilfredo.
09:51Correct. Spain.
09:53Next, she sprouted up in the country
09:55where the Wars of the Roses are being fought.
09:58Going this time to Rebecca.
10:01Yes. Good call.
10:03Mediva staked out the country where Joan of Arc
10:05defeats English invaders.
10:07Going this time to Jeff.
10:10France it is.
10:11Very nice, guys.
10:12But Mediva's still on the loose with the Bayeux Tapestry.
10:15Question is, where is she?
10:17What's happening?
10:18Guys, all our communications are down.
10:24Still traipsing after the tapestry time, tykes.
10:31Bumblebee, gizzard, and stench of old moss.
10:35Have you heard the legend about Betsy Ross?
10:39Most think she sewed the first stars and stripes flag.
10:42That may be the truth, or it could be a gag.
10:46If you trace back her story to the mouth of the horse,
10:49you'll find Betsy's grandson is history's first source.
10:54He's promoting his granny when Grant is the prez.
10:57That's one reason many will doubt what he says.
11:00How could a true story be so long delayed?
11:0494 years since that first flag was made.
11:08Did Betsy do it?
11:10The debate remains tense.
11:13And this wicked witch won't end your suspense.
11:21Now, which one of you guys invited her?
11:23Rebecca, was it you?
11:24You sure?
11:25Okay, I said no guests.
11:26Remember, no guests.
11:27All right, guys, you heard the clues.
11:28For 10 PowerPoints, tell me the year where Mediva is hiding.
11:32Is it 1820, 1870, or 1900?
11:38Remember the clues we just heard.
11:40Betsy Ross' grandson begins her legend.
11:4394 years after stars and stripes flag is first made.
11:48And Ulysses S. Grant is prez.
11:51All right, guys, again, those are the clues.
11:54Wait a second.
11:55Okay, Wilfredo's saying don't rush me.
11:57I think I know this one.
11:58Rebecca, what did you say?
12:00Okay, Wilfredo?
12:02And Jeff?
12:04You guys are great.
12:05Correct answer is 1870.
12:0710 points for everybody.
12:09You know, pilots, the debate over Betsy Ross continues to this day.
12:12Truth is, we may never know the truth.
12:15But one thing is certain,
12:16we'll know a whole lot less if we fail to save history soon.
12:19So let's keep things moving.
12:20Bridge to engine crew, let's warp to 1870.
12:32Oh, I always like to charge when I travel.
12:37Oh, guys, Mediva's put some sort of spell on the ship.
12:42Engine room, report.
12:45We're stuck in Times Square.
12:47Look out for that bus.
12:49Better do a data boost.
12:54All right, pilots, looks like Mediva's up to her old tricks.
12:57We made it to 1870.
12:59But it's time for a data boost.
13:01So, pilots, I'll give you a name.
13:03Your job, buzz in and tell me if I've named a fabric
13:06or an alien creature from the Star Wars films.
13:10Remember, your choices are fabric or Star Wars creature.
13:13Okay, here we go.
13:17Go into Rebecca.
13:20That's a cotton fabric originally made in China.
13:25Go into Rebecca.
13:26Star Wars creature.
13:28Star Wars creature.
13:30Star Wars creature.
13:31Tauntauns are the kangaroo-like animals
13:33ridden on the planet Hoth in Empire Strikes Back.
13:38Go into Rebecca.
13:39Star Wars creature.
13:41Again, Star Wars creature.
13:42Greedo the bounty hunter is a rodian.
13:46Lindsay Woolsey.
13:47Go again into Rebecca.
13:50A coarse fabric made of wool and linen or cotton.
13:56Going again to Rebecca.
13:58Star Wars creature.
13:59Actually, that is fabric.
14:02It's a man-made fiber produced from the plant substance
14:04of sardinose.
14:05You must have seen that movie a lot of times
14:07and been sewing while you were watching it, I guess.
14:09All right, guys, that was great data boost piles.
14:11And just a reminder that all our data has been verified
14:13by Encyclopedia Britannica.
14:16All right, now, before our next clue, I just gotta,
14:18you know, I'm starving, guys,
14:19and I haven't had a chance to eat my sandwich,
14:21so I'm just gonna take a little bite.
14:23Mmm, that is so good.
14:24I'll tell you what, I'll put it away for later.
14:25It's really rude to eat in front of you.
14:26So, guys...
14:27Wait a second.
14:28Collision alert!
14:29Brace for impact!
14:36Wait a second, guys.
14:37Wait a second.
14:38Wait a second.
14:39That ship looks a lot like ours.
14:41Let's see who's on board, shall we?
14:46Oh, yeah, hi.
14:47Hi, I'm Kevin from three days in your future.
14:50Oh, phew, sorry.
14:52We smacked into you, but something stinks so bad,
14:55we couldn't pay attention to where we were going.
15:00Well, try and take your mind off it.
15:03Gosh, my mind is okay.
15:05It's my nose that has a problem.
15:07Look, why not give us a clue about where to look for Mediva?
15:09We need to get the bio-tapestry back.
15:11Sure, sure, I remember that mission.
15:13Mediva's hiding in 1996,
15:15just before President Clinton's re-election.
15:18The AIDS memorial quilt is on display in Washington, D.C.
15:21It weighs 50 tons and covers 24 football fields.
15:26Wow, that's huge.
15:28Well, the AIDS quilt has nearly 38,000 panels,
15:31and each one represents a person who's died from the disease.
15:34Friends and relatives can get together to make a panel
15:36as a way of remembering a loved one.
15:38Gee, I guess fabric work can still bring people together.
15:41You bet.
15:42But listen, now I've got to figure out what that stink is.
15:44Smells like it's...
15:45Wait a minute.
15:46Smells like it's coming from...
15:48Oh, look at this.
15:50Well, now tell me what knucklehead
15:52would stick a tuna sandwich here?
15:54Uh, uh...
15:56Okay, let's move on, shall we?
15:58Boy, I've got quite a nerve calling me a knucklehead, don't I?
16:01All right, pilots, we now know where in time Mediva is hiding.
16:04Name the two major presidential candidates
16:07who challenged Bill Clinton that year.
16:09Were they...
16:11Al Gore and Jack Kemp?
16:13Bob Dole and Ross Perot?
16:16Or George Bush and Ross Perot?
16:18Remembering the clues we just heard.
16:20The year, 1996,
16:22huge AIDS memorial quilt in Washington, D.C.,
16:26and shortly before Bill Clinton's reelection.
16:29All right, and we're already in.
16:30That's what I like to see.
16:31Rebecca, what did you say?
16:32Bob Dole and Ross Perot.
16:33All right, well, Fredo?
16:34Bob Dole and Ross Perot.
16:35And Jeff?
16:36Bob Dole and Ross Perot.
16:38I can go home early.
16:39The correct answer is Bob Dole and Ross Perot.
16:41Very nice, guys.
16:42Ten points for everybody.
16:43Very nice.
16:44You know, pilots,
16:45as the Bayou Tapestry depicted the Norman Conquest,
16:48so the AIDS quilt, in a way,
16:50depicts another fierce battle,
16:52the one being fought against AIDS.
16:53But there's very little time left
16:55to save the history of textiles.
16:57So let's quickly prepare to make one final leap forward in time,
17:00and that means an ultimate data boost.
17:06Pilots, in an ultimate data boost,
17:07each correct answer is worth ten PowerPoints.
17:09But if you're wrong, you lose ten, all right?
17:12I'll name an item.
17:14Yes, if what I've named is pictured in the Bayou Tapestry,
17:18or no, if it is not.
17:20Okay, the answer's going to be yes or no.
17:23William, Duke of Normandy.
17:26Going to Jeff.
17:29Good answer.
17:30Yes is the answer.
17:31The tapestry tells the story
17:32of William's conquest of England in 1066.
17:36626 human figures.
17:39It's time to Rebecca.
17:41Yes, correct.
17:42The tapestry tells its story comic book style
17:45with the same characters appearing in frame after frame.
17:49Over 200 female characters.
17:52Going to Jeff.
17:55In fact, only four women appear in the entire tapestry.
18:00Halley's Comet.
18:01Going again to Jeff.
18:04No, I'm sorry.
18:05The answer is yes.
18:06Halley's Comet did, in fact, appear in the sky in 1066.
18:10Angela Lansbury.
18:12Going to Rebecca.
18:14No, I don't think so.
18:15Although, some claim that if you squint the right way
18:17at the Bayou Tapestry,
18:18a 3-D image of Ms. Lansbury will appear.
18:21Don't hold me to that, but that's what they tell me.
18:25Going to Wilfredo.
18:27No, I'm sorry.
18:28No is the answer.
18:29Rifles were not yet used when the tapestry was sewn.
18:32And finally, dogs.
18:35Going this time to Rebecca.
18:37Yes, correct.
18:3835 dogs appear in the tapestry.
18:40That was very nice, guys.
18:42Let's see what happened.
18:43Right now, Rebecca has 195 PowerPoints.
18:46Wilfredo has 130, and Jeff has 155,
18:50which means that Rebecca and Jeff
18:52are moving on in the next phase of this mission.
18:54Wilfredo, you did really well, buddy.
18:56Give me five.
18:57All right.
18:58And right now, the Chief is here to express our appreciation.
19:00Eye of Lucy, ear of Ricky.
19:03That Mediva's mighty tricky.
19:05But here's a treat for the fine work you've done.
19:07A Time Net mission pack that's coming your way.
19:10Crammed with great stuff like the We're In Time watch,
19:13Chronoskimmer cap, and Carmen Sandiego's CD-ROMs.
19:17From all of us at Time Net Command, congratulations.
19:21Pilots, let's wave goodbye to Wilfredo
19:23as he heads back to Time Net Command.
19:28You guys ready for your next order from the Chief?
19:31All right, Chief, we're ready.
19:33Time Pilots, the history of textiles is at stake.
19:36Get to Washington, D.C., in 1996,
19:38and sew up that tapestry.
19:40Kevin, you're in command.
19:42Aye-aye, Chief.
19:43Time Pilots, full speed ahead to 1996.
19:51Look, Mediva's got the Bayou tapestry in a cybersphere.
19:54Activate the loot tractor beam.
19:58I've still got a few spells left.
20:02Time Pilots.
20:07Hey, we've gotten back the Bayou tapestry
20:09and have it safely on board.
20:10Way to go, guys.
20:11Plus, you're now one step closer to winning
20:13that great multimedia computer system we talked about.
20:16But before we continue chasing Mediva,
20:18we've got to return the loot to around the year 1092.
20:21So let's check in with the Chief to get our flight plan.
20:25Time Pilots, you must navigate the Chronoskimmer
20:27through eight events from the history of textiles and clothing,
20:30starting at the most recent event
20:31and finishing at the least recent event.
20:33Here are the events on your flight plan.
20:35First nylon stockings sold in the U.S.
20:38Naked man streaks during 46th Academy Awards show.
20:43Buttons and buttonholes come into use in Europe.
20:46Grandson of Betsy Ross begins her legend.
20:49Tiger Woods gets traditional green jacket
20:52as winner of the Masters Golf Tournament.
20:55Bayou tapestry is created.
20:57Pockets and trousers introduced.
21:00Bruce Banner bursts out of clothes
21:02in first Incredible Hulk comic book.
21:05That's your briefing, Time Pilots.
21:07Good luck on your journey.
21:08Thanks, Chief.
21:09All right, Rebecca, you had the higher score.
21:11You have a choice of going first or second.
21:14I'll go second.
21:15All righty, in that case, Jeff,
21:17I want you to navigate this Chronoskimmer back through time
21:19from the most recent event to the least recent event,
21:22starting by picking the most recent event on the board.
21:25You may begin.
21:27Tiger Woods wins the Masters green jacket.
21:29Yes, you've gotten us to 1997.
21:31He was the first man of color ever to win the Masters.
21:36Naked man streaks Oscar Talekest.
21:38Yes, you've gotten us to 1974.
21:40Streaking, or running naked, was a big fad in the 70s,
21:43but kids, don't try this at home.
21:45Banner bursts clothes in first Hulk comic.
21:48Yes, you've plowed a course to 1962.
21:52First non-stocking sold in U.S.
21:54Correct, you've gotten us to 1940.
21:56Synthetics and silk soon became scarce
21:58because they were needed for World War II.
22:00Keep going.
22:01Betsy Ross' grandson begins legend.
22:03Correct, 1870.
22:09Buttons come into use in Europe.
22:11Okay, going to Rebecca.
22:13Tiger Woods wins Masters green jacket.
22:15Yes, 1997.
22:17Naked man streaks Oscar Talekest.
22:19Correct, 1974.
22:21Banner bursts clothes into first Hulk comic.
22:25You've got it, yes, 1962.
22:28First nylon stocking sold in U.S.
22:30Correct, 1940.
22:31Betsy Ross' grandson begins legend.
22:34Correct, 1870.
22:36Trouser pockets introduced.
22:37You've gotten us to the 1580s.
22:39Buttons come into use in Europe.
22:41Correct, 1200s.
22:42Bayou tapestry created.
22:44Bayou tapestry created around 1092.
22:46Rebecca, you've saved history.
22:48Give me five.
22:49Way to go.
22:50Now, I want you to activate the transporter
22:52and restore the loot to its proper place in history.
23:01That was very...
23:02It was tough, guys,
23:03but it was a very nice job on both of you counts.
23:05Right now, you and I are moving on, Rebecca,
23:07but, Jeff, again, we couldn't have gotten this far without you.
23:10You did a very good job,
23:11and we've got another mission for you,
23:12and the chief is here to tell you all about it.
23:14You've been an outstanding time pilot today,
23:17so you get a Time Net mission pack
23:20and this portable CD player.
23:22Now, top flight time pilots can take their rhythms on the road.
23:27Good work, time pilot.
23:29Right now, Jeff is piloting the Chronoskimmer
23:31back to the present,
23:32but, Rebecca, it's time for us to chase Mediva and Carmen
23:35through the trail of time.
23:36You with me?
23:37Let's do it.
23:38You got it. Let's go.
23:42Look out, Carmen. We're on our way.
23:46We're on the case
23:48And we're chasing her through history
23:53Engines hot
23:57Evil plot
23:58Our brave squadron leader
24:00Will help us defeat her
24:02And bring back the loot
24:03To its rightful place in time
24:05Tell me where in time
24:07Is Carmen Sandiego
24:09Stop her crime
24:11And solve this mystery
24:13Tell me where in time
24:15Is Carmen Sandiego
24:17We're on the case
24:19And we're chasing her through history
24:22Hey, Rebecca, we've made it to the trail of time.
24:25You've got to chase Carmen through six time portals
24:27by answering her questions.
24:29You think you're ready?
24:31All right. Ready, set, go, Rebecca, go.
24:34Follow the engine through to the first portal.
24:38It's the 800s A.D.
24:40What technique do the Chinese use to decorate silks?
24:43Stonewash or tie-dye?
24:46All right. Way to go, Rebecca.
24:48Move on to the second time portal.
24:50It's 1066.
24:52Which battle marks the turning point of the Norman conquest?
24:55Trafalgar or Hastings?
24:58Okay. You've got four more to go with 63 seconds left.
25:04It's 1589.
25:06What French king founds a royal carpet and tapestry factory?
25:09Henry IV or Louis XVI?
25:11Henry IV.
25:12Yes. Rebecca, you've captured Mediva.
25:15Keep up the good work.
25:17It's 1830.
25:19Who patents the first practical sewing machine?
25:22Timonier or Singer?
25:26All right.
25:28You've got two more to go with 35 seconds left.
25:31It's 1942.
25:32What is one of the military uses for silk during World War II?
25:36Parachutes or bulletproof vests?
25:38Yes. One more.
25:40It's 1987.
25:42How is the first panel of the AIDS memorial quilt decorated?
25:46Needlepoint or spray paint?
25:49All right. Turn the wheel.
25:51Turn, turn, turn.
25:52Almost there.
25:57Yes. Way to go, Rebecca.
25:59You did it.
26:00Congratulations. You've energized the capture crystal.
26:03Now take it and place it in the Cardinal Lock chamber
26:05to capture Carmen Sandiego.
26:13That was incredible. You feel good?
26:16You sure? We're very proud of you.
26:17You captured Mediva, you captured Carmen,
26:19and right now the Chief is here to show you what you've won.
26:22You've earned an A1 mission rating today,
26:25and with it comes a great multimedia computer system,
26:28plus a year of Botanica Online
26:31and the CD-ROM encyclopedia.
26:34Hey, Time Pilot, I salute you.
26:37That was fantastic, and you won the big computer.
26:39How do you feel?
26:41Good. Good for you.
26:42And right now we have to head back to the present.
26:44And remember, at Acme Time Net, history is our job.
26:47The future is yours.
26:50We're on the case
26:52And we're chasing her through history
26:55Throttle open
26:57Thrusters on
26:59Chrono skimmer
27:01Gets us gone
27:02Pack extra socks
27:03And we'll all beat the clock
27:05From the stone age
27:07To middle age
27:08To space age
27:09And tell me where in time
27:11Is Carmen Sandiego
27:13Stop her crime
27:15And solve this mystery
27:17Tell me where in time
27:19Is Carmen Sandiego
27:21We're on the case
27:23And we're chasing her through history
27:26Nero's fiddle
27:28Lincoln's beard
27:30Mutant's apple
27:33All historical information has been verified by Encyclopedia Britannica.
27:39This program was produced by WGBH Boston and WQED Pittsburgh.
27:48Carmen's journey through time is propelled by the Corporation for Public Broadcasting
27:53and viewers like you.
27:55Over and out, pilot.
27:56This is Lynn Thickpen saying, well done.
28:02To receive a free copy of the 16-page Carmen Sandiego Teacher's Guide with classroom history activities,
28:08write to the address you see on the screen.
28:17This is PBS!