Who Wants to Be a Millonaire? (U.S.) November 19, 1999

  • 3 months ago


00:00Last night on Who Wants to be a Millionaire.
00:04You're right, it's you, Jeff.
00:07We're going to go for a half million dollars.
00:10I've got to use a 50-50 now or I don't feel good enough about this.
00:15I'm going to walk away.
00:18Listerine, he says.
00:19Listerine it is.
00:24You're absolutely right for $125,000.
00:29What is the collective name for a group of leopards?
00:33I'm going to stop at the $125,000.
00:35You would have been right.
00:37But as it goes, Al, $125,000 is a good sum of money.
00:42And now, from New York City, night 13 of Who Wants to be a Millionaire.
00:59Thank you very much.
01:02Thank you, everybody.
01:04Welcome from New York City for night 13 of Who Wants to be a Millionaire.
01:08And what a night we had here last night.
01:10Brilliant contestants stopped cold by questions about Pokémon,
01:14Walter Cronkite, and, yes, even a leap of leopards.
01:17Talk about range.
01:18Well, needless to say, no one has reached the million-dollar mark yet.
01:22There always seems to be something that stops them cold.
01:25But now comes an IRS agent, and, you know, nothing stops them.
01:29So welcome, John Carpenter, to the hot seat,
01:31and let's see what you can do about this.
01:34I'll do my best.
01:35Yeah, I'm sure you will, John.
01:36And what kind of a night did you have last night?
01:38A long, sleepless one.
01:41You sound like a guy who was about to be audited.
01:45Make a lot of phone calls, call everybody at home?
01:47I think I gave my $200 back to our good friends at AT&T.
01:50Did you really?
01:52Anyway, it's great to have you here.
01:54And you've won $200, and you're just getting started.
01:5713 questions away from winning $1 million.
02:00Okay, John, you know about the rules, you know about the lifelines,
02:0250-50, phone a friend, ask the audience, it's all there for you.
02:06So, John, if you are ready, then let's go.
02:08Let's play Who Wants to be a Millionaire?
02:11Here we go.
02:17All right, John.
02:18$300, here it is.
02:20Which of these dance names is used to describe a fashionable dot?
02:24Hora, swing, lombada, polka.
02:29Ah, that would be a polka dot.
02:33It's a polka, you're absolutely right.
02:35You won $300.
02:38$500, here it comes.
02:40In what language would you say L-O-A to greet your friends?
02:46Bull Latin?
02:47Dog Latin?
02:49Pig Latin?
02:50Duck Latin?
02:51Pig Latin?
02:53That would be pig-pay-at-an-way.
03:01Nobody likes a smart IRS guy, you know that?
03:04All right, fine.
03:05So the final answer is D, right?
03:07Final answer.
03:08Absolutely right.
03:09Pig Latin is it.
03:13For $1,000,
03:15which part of a chicken is commonly called a drumstick?
03:25I was expecting thigh, but it is leg.
03:29Yes, indeed, it's the leg.
03:30You're absolutely right.
03:31You won $1,000.
03:39John Carpenter off to a flying start here.
03:41Ten questions away from $1 million, going for $2,000, and here it is.
03:45What is the only position on a football team that can be sacked?
03:49Center, wide receiver, tight end, quarterback.
03:55I probably spend a lot more time than I should watching sports on TV,
03:59and so the answer is quarterback, D.
04:03Quarterback can be sacked, D.
04:05Final answer.
04:06The only one who can be sacked is the quarterback, D.
04:09Final answer.
04:10Absolutely right.
04:11You won $2,000.
04:18Okay, John, here it is for $4,000.
04:21What god of love is often depicted as a chubby winged infant with a bow and arrow?
04:34That would be C, Cupid.
04:39Final answer?
04:40Final answer.
04:43Yes, even IRS agents can fall in love with Cupid.
04:46He's right.
04:47All right, you won $4,000.
04:49You're going for $8,000.
04:51All your lifelines intact.
04:52We'll be right back.
04:58John Carpenter from Hamden, Connecticut is in the hot seat right now.
05:02He's won $4,000.
05:03Debbie, his wife, standing by, sitting by, checking it out.
05:07Nice to see you, Deb.
05:08Hi, Regis.
05:09I understand if he wins the big bucks, it means a trip to Paris for you.
05:12Yes, right away.
05:13Something that you've wanted for a long time.
05:15Well, let's hope that happens.
05:17All right, John, so you're going for $8,000.
05:19Eight questions away from a million.
05:20Here it comes.
05:25What Steven Spielberg film climaxes at a place called Devil's Tower?
05:31E.T. the Extra-Terrestrial, Jurassic Park, Raiders of the Lost Ark,
05:37Close Encounters of the Third Kind.
05:42One of my favorite scenes in this movie is when Richard Dreyfuss is making
05:46the model of Devil's Tower with the mashed potatoes at his dinner table,
05:51and therefore the answer is D, Close Encounters of the Third Kind.
05:56Not only do you know, you also gave me the mashed potatoes in there, too.
06:01So you think it's D.
06:03I do.
06:04And that's your final answer?
06:05That is my final answer.
06:07You're right.
06:08Close Encounters of the Third Kind, you've won $8,000.
06:16All right, we go for $16,000, John.
06:19Check it out.
06:20In what U.S. town did the famous 1881 shootout at the O.K. Corral take place?
06:26Laramie, Tombstone, El Paso, Dodge City.
06:32Well, the movie Tombstone is all about the shootout at the O.K. Corral.
06:43And I'm going to go with B, Tombstone.
06:46The movie Tombstone is all about the shootout at the O.K. Corral.
06:56And I'm going to go with B, Tombstone.
07:02Final answer.
07:06You're right.
07:07It's Tombstone.
07:08You won $16,000.
07:10Thank you.
07:16All right, you're in terrific shape here, but if you do miss, you'll be reduced to $1,000.
07:20However, $32,000 coming up next.
07:22And the best part of all is you still have your three lifelines intact.
07:25So here we go for $32,000.
07:28Which of the following months has no U.S. federal holiday?
07:35Of all the guys to get this question.
07:38August, February, September, November.
07:45This must be my night.
07:48Do you want me to read off when the federal holidays are and the other ones?
07:51Just give us the month.
07:54Hold the mashed potatoes.
07:59There's no federal holiday in August.
08:03All right, so A, then, is your...
08:05Final answer.
08:08Of course he's right.
08:09It's August.
08:10Yes, indeed.
08:12He's won $32,000.
08:14He's going to get back.
08:15We're going to go for $64,000, all right?
08:18Got the three lifelines left.
08:20We'll be right back.
08:21Don't go away.
08:23Okay, there it is.
08:24$32,000 to John Carpenter.
08:31All right.
08:33This is what it looks like.
08:34But you know what they say, don't you?
08:36The taxes will kill you.
08:37But anyway, $32,000.
08:39We're going for $64,000.
08:41He's five questions away from the million.
08:43He's got all his lifelines.
08:44He's in beautiful shape.
08:45Here it is for $64,000.
08:46Let's play.
08:52What mythological beast is reborn from its own ashes?
09:06He hesitated there.
09:08Fairly confident?
09:09Yeah, positive.
09:11Final answer.
09:13Final answer is A.
09:15It's the Phoenix.
09:16He's right.
09:17He's won $64,000.
09:25Going for $125,000.
09:28Let's see what it is.
09:29Who developed the first effective vaccine against polio?
09:34Albert Sabin.
09:36Niels Bohr.
09:38Louis Fester.
09:40Jonas Salk.
09:49Of course I'm torn between Sabin and Salk.
09:53I went to Rutgers University, which the Salk Institute is there.
09:58I'm almost positive.
10:00It is D. Jonas Salk.
10:03They say you're almost positive.
10:05I'm positive.
10:07Final answer?
10:08Final answer.
10:09He says Salk.
10:11You're right.
10:12It's Salk.
10:13He's right.
10:14He's won $125,000.
10:16He's won $125,000.
10:18He says Salk.
10:21You're right.
10:22It's Salk.
10:33We're into the serious money right now.
10:35He's won $125,000.
10:36This isn't serious?
10:38I said you're into the serious money right now.
10:40Oh, okay.
10:41I thought you were getting to the serious money.
10:42I apologize.
10:44$125,000 going for $250,000 and has all his lifelines.
10:48Just three questions away.
10:49You can use a lifeline for each question.
10:51But here it comes for a quarter million dollars.
10:54John Carpenter.
10:55Which of the following is not a monotheistic religion?
10:59Islam, Judaism, Hinduism, Christianity.
11:05At Rutgers University, I had a class that we had to read the Bhagavad Gita,
11:14which is about the advent of Hinduism.
11:19And I know Christianity only has one God.
11:24I know that.
11:25So the answer is C, Hinduism.
11:28You know, the same thing happened to me at Notre Dame.
11:32What is your answer?
11:35Final answer.
11:36Final answer.
11:37I think he's getting bored.
11:39But he's right again for $250,000.
11:43All right, there you go.
11:45Still, all of his lifelines are left going for a half million bucks.
11:50We'll be right back to see how he does.
12:02There it is, $250,000.
12:1031-year-old John Carpenter from Connecticut.
12:13You know, I always heard you IRS guys had ice water in your veins, but this is ridiculous.
12:18Now, Debbie, how are you feeling up there?
12:20A little nervous.
12:21Yeah. Sweaty palms?
12:22Sweaty palms.
12:23All right.
12:24Everybody's tense here, John, except you.
12:26You're the only one.
12:27You like to reminisce about your days at Rutgers.
12:30This money is going to change your life.
12:32It'll change my life, sure.
12:34All right, my friend, you've got three lifelines.
12:36You're two questions away from winning $1 million.
12:38We're all excited here.
12:39Are you ready?
12:40I'm ready.
12:41Let's play. Here we go.
12:45Here's your half-million-dollar question.
12:48What architect designed the glass pyramid in the courtyard of the Louvre?
12:52Philip Johnson.
12:54Le Corbusier.
12:56Frank Gehry.
12:58I.M. Pei.
13:01I.M. Pei.
13:04You know, you look at me like...
13:08I feel like I'm under investigation.
13:11All right, I'll put a plug for my wife, too.
13:13She went to Shope in high school, and I.M. Pei also did the Paul Mellon Center for Fine Arts.
13:20So I.M. Pei, D, final answer.
13:23Thank God. I don't even have to say it.
13:27For a half-million dollars, my friend, that's your final answer, and it is...
13:32I.M. Pei!
13:42There you go.
13:44Thank you.
13:55Well, looks like we're going for a million dollars.
14:00I can't believe it.
14:02A million dollars and all your lifelines intact.
14:04You didn't need those stinking lifelines.
14:07Well, let me just bring you up to date here.
14:10If you miss, you'll be reduced by $468,000.
14:13If you miss, you'll go back down to $32,000.
14:16Here it is, a one-million-dollar question.
14:19We rarely see these here.
14:20Only one of the contestants ever won $500,000 on our show.
14:24So if you're ready, let's go for the million.
14:31Which of these U.S. presidents appeared on the television series Laugh-In?
14:36Lyndon Johnson, Richard Nixon, Jimmy Carter, Gerald Ford?
14:44I'd like to call my parents right now.
14:48Use my lifeline, call my parents.
14:49What are their names?
14:51My father. I'll talk to my father.
14:53Does he have a name?
14:54He does have a name. It's Tom.
14:56All right. Our friends at AT&T will get your dad on the line, and we'll see if he can help you.
15:04Hello, Tom?
15:06Hi, Regis Philbin here from Who Wants to Be a Millionaire?
15:09We've got your son John with us right now.
15:12He's doing pretty well.
15:14He's won a half million dollars.
15:16And he's going for a million dollars.
15:19And he needs your help to get there.
15:23He's going to come on the line, read a question, four possible answers.
15:26One of them is the right answer, and the next voice you hear will be John's.
15:30John, you've got 30 seconds. Starts right now.
15:33Hi, Dad.
15:35I don't really need your help.
15:37I just wanted to let you know that I'm going to win the million dollars.
15:43Thank you.
15:55Because the U.S. president appeared on Laugh-In as Richard Nixon, that's my final answer.
16:00Well, my gosh.
16:02What can I say except, Debbie, you're going to Paris, and this is the final answer heard all around the world.
16:07He's won a million dollars.
16:13Debbie, come on back.
16:17There it is, my man.
16:27A million dollars, Debbie.
16:32Oh, my gosh.
16:33John, congratulations.
16:38All right, John.
16:40Thanks very much for going that way, and good luck to you.
16:42Good luck, Debbie.
16:50Well, how do you follow that?
16:52My gosh, what a great moment.
16:54I've got to tell you, I'm almost speechless here.
16:56So, we better meet the ten new contestants who have just witnessed television history.
17:01And they are...
17:02Jeff French,
17:03Yoramith May,
17:05John Fagan,
17:06Kennesaw, Georgia,
17:08Gabriella Vestasil,
17:09Sutherland, California,
17:11Stephen Fox,
17:12Tallahassee, Florida,
17:14John Hyman,
17:15Cleveland, Ohio,
17:17Chrissy Sandquist,
17:18Gaithersburg, Maryland,
17:20Kelly Redkay,
17:21Stanford, Connecticut,
17:23Susan Tampin,
17:24Shelton, Connecticut,
17:26Mike Mestino,
17:27Stanford, California,
17:29Sheila O'Grady,
17:30Chicago, Illinois.
17:32All right, contestants.
17:33Congratulations on getting this far.
17:35And now we're going to find out which one of you will get a chance to play for $1 million.
17:39Here's how we do it.
17:40In a moment, a question and four answers will appear on your screen.
17:43The one who puts those answers in the correct order in the fastest time will be our next player.
17:48Audience, we need your complete silence here.
17:50Thank you very much.
17:51Here's the question.
17:55Put the following Kevin Costner movies in the order they were released.
17:59Starting with the most recent.
18:03Bull Durham,
18:04Dances with Wolves,
18:05Tin Cup,
18:06The Bodyguard.
18:10Okay, everybody, time's up.
18:11Let's see who got the answer in the correct order starting with the most recent.
18:15Well, it was Tin Cup,
18:17The Bodyguard,
18:18Dances with Wolves,
18:20Bull Durham.
18:21That's the order.
18:22Let's see who got it right and in the fastest time.
18:24And the winner is Stephen Fox.
18:27Stephen Fox, there you go.
18:29How are you doing?
18:30Ready to go?
18:31Can we do it again?
18:32Let's go for it.
18:33Come on.
18:46Stephen Fox, Tallahassee, Florida, our next contestant.
18:48That sound means that we are totally out of time for tonight.
18:51Stephen Fox, Tallahassee, Florida, our next contestant.
18:53That sound means that we are totally out of time for tonight.
18:56Well, what a night at first.
18:57We had our first million-dollar winner
18:59and our first contestant with a nose ring.
19:02Anyway, Stephen will be back here tomorrow night
19:05and we're going to get to know him a lot better.
19:07See you tomorrow night, okay, Stephen?
19:08All righty.
19:09And joining him will be ten new contestants and they are
19:11Lars Hodnix,
19:13Bruce Witkin,
19:15Britt Rosner,
19:17Eddie Kaczynski,
19:19John Walkup,
19:20John Nelson,
19:22John Capolongo,
19:24Scott Meisner,
19:25Mary Ann McDonald,
19:27and Matt Marcotte.
19:29From New York, everybody.
19:31Good night.