Sleeping beauty filipino fairy tales stories

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Sleeping beauty filipino fairy tales stories


00:00Sleeping Beauty, read the story along with me and find out what happens.
00:15You'll know when it's time to turn the page when you hear this sound.
00:29Long ago there lived a good king named Stephen.
00:33For many years King Stephen and his queen wished and wished for a child.
00:40At last their wish came true.
00:42The king and queen named their daughter Aurora.
00:48A great feast was planned to celebrate the birth of the new princess.
00:56Only one in the kingdom came to the feast.
01:00King Hubert arrived with his son Prince Philip.
01:04The two kings decided that one day Philip and Aurora would marry.
01:09That way our kingdoms will always be united, King Hubert told his son.
01:16Three good fairies came to the feast.
01:19Each had a special gift for the princess.
01:22Flora waved her wand.
01:25I give you the gift of beauty.
01:31My gift shall be the gift of song, said Fauna.
01:36And my gift, began Meriwether.
01:39Suddenly a blast of wind blew open the castle doors.
01:45A bright flame filled the room.
01:49Then the wicked fairy Maleficent appeared from the flame.
01:54You did not invite me to the feast, King Stephen, but I too have a gift for the princess.
02:03Maleficent pointed at the cradle.
02:06Before the sun sets on her sixteenth birthday, the princess will prick her finger on the
02:13spindle of a spinning wheel and she will die.
02:20Seize that creature, shouted the king.
02:23But Maleficent disappeared in a cloud of smoke.
02:28Luckily Meriwether still had her magical gift to give.
02:33The good fairy could not undo the evil spell, but she could soften it.
02:40Meriwether waved her wand.
02:43Sweet Aurora, she said, not in death, but just in sleep the fateful prophecy you'll keep.
02:52From this slumber you shall wake when true love's kiss the spell shall break.
03:02King Stephen had all the spinning wheels in the kingdom burned.
03:07If there are no spinning wheels, he told the queen, our daughter will be safe from harm.
03:14The three fairies knew Aurora still wasn't safe.
03:18Flora had an idea.
03:20The fairies would secretly raise the princess themselves in a cottage in the woods.
03:26And no magic, Flora told the others.
03:30Then Maleficent will never be able to find us.
03:35The fairies explained their plan to the king and queen.
03:39Reluctantly, the king and queen agreed.
03:42That night, three peasant women left the castle with a small bundle.
03:50The three women arrived at a cottage nestled deep in the forest.
03:55We must never call her Princess Aurora, Flora told the others.
03:59Her new name is Briar Rose.
04:03Sixteen happy years passed.
04:06Briar Rose grew into a lovely young woman.
04:09She did not know she was a princess and she had never heard of the evil fairy.
04:17But Maleficent had not forgotten the princess.
04:22For years, her soldiers had searched the kingdom.
04:25At last, they gave up.
04:28We checked every cradle, they told Maleficent.
04:32Fools, she shouted.
04:35You've been looking for a baby all these years.
04:38Maleficent turned to her pet raven.
04:42You are my last hope.
04:44Search for a maid of sixteen with hair of gold.
04:48Go and do not fail me.
04:51The raven flew off into the night.
04:57The next day was Briar Rose's sixteenth birthday.
05:00The fairies wanted to surprise her with a party, so they sent her out of the cottage.
05:06We need berries, Fauna said.
05:09Lots of berries, added Flora.
05:12Don't hurry back, called Merriweather.
05:16The fairies set to work.
05:18Flora made a dress, Fauna baked a cake.
05:22This dress looks awful, declared Merriweather.
05:26The fairies needed a little magic.
05:30Meanwhile, Briar Rose was singing to the forest animals.
05:34She told them all about a prince she had met in her dreams.
05:39Nearby, Prince Philip was riding his horse.
05:42When he heard Briar Rose singing, the prince couldn't resist joining in.
05:48For a little while, they sang and danced together.
05:52What is your name?
05:53Prince Philip asked.
05:55Why, it's...
05:57Just then, Briar Rose remembered that she was not allowed to talk to strangers.
06:01I have to go, she said quickly.
06:04When will I see you again, asked the prince.
06:07He'd already fallen in love with Briar Rose.
06:11Tonight, I live in the cottage in the glen, she called as she hurried away.
06:18Back at the cottage, Fauna had fetched their magic wands.
06:22She waved her wand.
06:24Now the cake was perfect.
06:27Flora changed the dress she had made into a beautiful pink gown.
06:34It should be blue, said Merriweather.
06:37She made the dress blue.
06:41Pink, shouted Flora.
06:44The fairies kept changing the dress from pink to blue and blue to pink.
06:50Pink and blue magic dust flew everywhere.
06:54Maleficent's raven saw the magic dust flying out of the chimney.
06:59He had found the princess.
07:02Back he went to tell Maleficent.
07:07Just then, Briar Rose returned to the cottage.
07:10Surprise, the fairies shouted.
07:13Oh, this is the happiest day of my life, cried Briar Rose.
07:19I met the most wonderful young man.
07:21He's coming here tonight.
07:24The fairies could see she was in love.
07:27But that's terrible, said Fauna.
07:30Why, asked Briar Rose.
07:33The fairies told Briar Rose that she was really Princess Aurora.
07:38She had to return to the castle that very night and she had to marry a prince.
07:44Aurora was very unhappy.
07:46She would never see the young man she had met in the forest again.
07:50But everyone in the castle was happy.
07:53King Stephan couldn't wait to see his daughter.
07:56And King Hubert couldn't wait for her to marry Prince Philip.
08:01When they arrived at the castle, the fairies left to fetch the king and queen.
08:06No sooner had they gone than a magic ball of light appeared.
08:11Aurora followed it up the stairs to a small room.
08:17Maleficent was waiting for her with a spinning wheel.
08:23Aurora had never seen a spinning wheel before.
08:26She reached for the spindle.
08:27Touch it, Maleficent hissed.
08:32Aurora touched the spindle and fell into a deep sleep.
08:40The three fairies had been searching for Aurora.
08:42They found her lying on the floor, fast asleep.
08:47The fairies placed the princess on a bed.
08:50She will sleep until she is kissed by her true love, sighed Flora.
08:56Perhaps he is the young man she met in the forest.
09:00He was coming to the cottage tonight, remembered Merriweather.
09:04Let's meet him there, said Flora.
09:07But first, let's put everyone in the castle to sleep.
09:11That way no one will know what has happened.
09:15The fairies cast a spell over the entire castle.
09:18Soon, everyone was fast asleep.
09:23Prince Philip had already arrived at the cottage.
09:26He had decided to marry the girl he had met in the forest instead of Princess Aurora.
09:32Maleficent's soldiers were waiting for him.
09:35They tied up the prince and brought him to the Forbidden Mountains.
09:39Maleficent told Prince Philip that the girl in the forest was really Princess Aurora.
09:45She was sure he would never escape to wake his sleeping beauty.
09:51But the three fairies realised what had happened.
09:54They sneaked into the dungeon and freed the prince.
09:58Take this magic sword and shield to protect you, said Merriweather.
10:02The prince set off to rescue the princess.
10:05Maleficent tried to stop him.
10:07She raised an enormous hedge of thorns around King Stephen's castle.
10:11But Prince Philip hacked his way through the thorns.
10:14The evil fairy was furious.
10:17She transformed herself into a fire-breathing dragon and tried to destroy the prince.
10:22Luckily, the magic shield protected him.
10:27Finally, the prince saw his chance.
10:30He threw the sword at the dragon's harlot.
10:33That was the end of the dragon.
10:35And the evil fairy too.
10:41The prince entered the palace yard.
10:45Everyone was sleeping.
10:46He raced up the stairs to the tower.
10:49He found Princess Aurora asleep on the bed.
10:53As soon as he kissed her, Aurora's eyes opened.
10:57The spell had been broken.
11:00Everyone else in the castle woke up too.
11:04The king and queen were very happy to see their daughter.
11:08And King Hubert was very happy to learn that the prince and princess were in love.
11:13The three fairies watched as the young couple danced across the floor.
11:18I just love happy endings, sighed Fauna.
11:22Flora and Merriweather couldn't have agreed more.
