Snow white and the seven dwarfs filipino fairy tales

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Snow white and the seven dwarfs filipino fairy tales


00:00This is the story of Snow White. You can read along with me in your book.
00:09You will know it is time to turn the page when you hear the chimes ring like this.
00:16Let's begin now.
00:20Once upon a time, long, long ago, a lovely queen sat by her window sewing.
00:27As she worked, she thought, if only I had a little daughter, how happy I would be.
00:34Dreaming, she pricked her finger with her needle.
00:38Three drops of blood fell on the snow white linen.
00:44How lovely my little girl would be if she had lips as red as blood, skin as white as snow,
00:52and hair as black as ebony, thought the queen.
00:57Some time later, a little daughter was born to the queen,
01:01and she was just as beautiful as the queen had hoped she might be.
01:06The happy mother decided to call her baby Snow White.
01:12But the queen was very ill, and when Snow White was still a little girl, her mother died.
01:19Snow White's father, the king, was brokenhearted. For many years he was sad and lonely.
01:27But at last, the lonely king married again, and there was great rejoicing in the land.
01:34His new queen was very beautiful to look upon, but alas, her heart was cold and cruel.
01:43The queen was vain, too. She would spend hours dressing herself in fine clothes and brushing her black hair.
01:52Then she would stand by the mirror and admire herself.
01:57She was so vain that she wanted to be the most beautiful woman in the kingdom.
02:02Now the queen's most prized possession was a magic mirror.
02:07Every day she asked it,
02:09Mirror, mirror on the wall, who is the fairest of us all?
02:15If the mirror replied that she was the fairest in the land, the queen was happy and all was well.
02:22But sometimes another lady was named.
02:26Then the queen would fly into such a terrible rage that the people around her trembled with fear.
02:34The wicked queen would order the poor lady to be killed.
02:40Meanwhile, Snow White was growing up to be more and more beautiful.
02:45And as well as being pretty, she was so sweet-natured that everyone loved her.
02:51Everyone but the queen.
02:54The queen looked at Snow White jealously.
02:57At last she could stand the sight of the lovely princess no longer.
03:02She took the Spanish Snow White to the servants' quarters.
03:06Snow White's fine clothes were taken away from her,
03:09and she had to dress in rags like the other servants.
03:13And like the other servants, Snow White had to work very hard.
03:18She slaved from early morning until late at night, scrubbing and cleaning the palace floors,
03:24washing the dishes, sewing, and mending the queen's clothes.
03:29As she worked, she would sing so sweetly that the birds would come to listen to her voice.
03:37She will soon lose her beauty, thought the wicked queen.
03:41For who can call her lovely in her old rags and with her hands roughened by work?
03:48Nevertheless, the queen went to her mirror and day after day asked the same question.
03:55Mirror, mirror on the wall, who is the fairest of us all?
04:02The wicked, vain queen was still afraid that one day,
04:05Snow White would grow up to be more beautiful than anyone else in the land.
04:12While she worked, Snow White dreamed beautiful daydreams about a handsome prince.
04:18Someday she knew he would come and carry her off to his castle in the clouds.
04:24It seemed to the jealous queen, as she watched Snow White,
04:28that the princess grew in loveliness as each day passed.
04:34And indeed, though Snow White wore ragged clothes, her beauty was plain to see.
04:41At last came the day the queen had been dreading.
04:44Mirror, mirror on the wall, who is the fairest of us all?
04:50She said, and the mirror replied.
04:53Her lips love red, her hair like night, her skin like snow, her name Snow White.
05:06The angry queen called her huntsman to her.
05:09Take the princess into the forest and bring me back her heart in this jeweled box.
05:14She said.
05:15The huntsman bowed his head in grief.
05:18He had no choice but to obey the queen's command.
05:23Off into the forest went Snow White and the huntsman next day.
05:28The princess, not knowing what was in store for her, skipped along beside the huntsman,
05:33now stopping to pick violets, now singing a happy tune.
05:38At last the huntsman, heartbroken, fell to his knees beside the princess.
05:43I cannot kill you, princess, he said.
05:47Even though it is the queen's command, run into the forest and hide and never return to the castle.
05:56Alone in the forest, Snow White wept with fright.
06:01But she was not really alone, she found.
06:04All the little woodland animals were her friends.
06:07And chirping and chattering happily, they led her to a new home.
06:15It was a sweet little, tiny little house in the woods the animals showed Snow White.
06:20But no one was home.
06:22And when she looked in the window, my, what an untidy sight met her eyes.
06:28The sink was piled with unwashed dishes and everything was thickly blanketed with dust.
06:34Maybe the children who live here need someone to keep house for them, said Snow White.
06:40Let's clean their house.
06:42So in they went.
06:44And with the help of her new forest friends, Snow White soon had that little house spick and span.
06:51Then she went upstairs and fell asleep across the seven little beds.
06:55As she slept, home from work came the seven little men who lived in that house in the woods.
07:01Hi-ho, hi-ho, it's ho from work we go, sang the seven little men, the seven dwarfs.
07:11Then they saw their little house just as Snow White had seen it.
07:15But they knew at once that something was changed.
07:18It was clean.
07:20Up the stairs crept the seven dwarfs.
07:23And there they found Snow White just waking up.
07:26Oh, cried Snow White, I know who you are.
07:30She had read their names on their beds.
07:33You're dopey and sneezy and happy and grumpy and dark and bashful and sleepy.
07:43Snow White told the dwarfs about the wicked queen's plot.
07:47And they insisted that she must stay with them.
07:50Supper is not quite ready yet, said Snow White, who was very pleased to be asked to stay.
07:57You'll just have time to wash.
08:01Cried all the little men.
08:03They had almost forgotten what the word meant.
08:06But they were soon scrubbed clean.
08:08And even grumpy got a soaking.
08:12The seven dwarfs soon grew to love Snow White and her merry ways.
08:19The next morning, instead of going to work in their mine, the seven dwarfs decided to make a beautiful new bed for Snow White.
08:28The seven little men would not have worked so happily if they could have seen beyond the forest.
08:34The wicked queen had learned that Snow White was still alive.
08:38And now, disguised as an old woman, she was making her way to their very own house with a poisoned apple for Snow White.
08:52When the dwarfs had left Snow White that morning, they had warned her to stay in the house.
08:57Be careful of strangers, Grumpy had said as Snow White kissed him goodbye.
09:04And Snow White had promised that she would be careful.
09:08Later that day, the old woman knocked at her door.
09:12Alas, Snow White could not resist the magic apple.
09:17She took one bite and sank lifeless to the floor.
09:22Hurrying away, the wicked queen fell into a deep chasm and was never seen again.
09:29But that did not bring Snow White back to life.
09:33The sorrowing dwarfs laid her on a bed of gold and crystal and kept watch over her night and day.
09:43One day, a handsome prince came to the forest and saw Snow White.
09:49Charmed with her beauty, he kissed her.
09:52At last, Snow White awoke.
09:55The seven dwarfs danced with joy and the prince carried her off to his castle in the clouds.
