Brave - Filipino -Fairy Tales Bedtime Stories

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Brave - Filipino -Fairy Tales Bedtime Stories


00:00Long ago, there was a kingdom called Dunbroch.
00:19It was a fierce, proud land.
00:21The kingdom was ruled by King Fergus, who was strong and brave, and Queen Eleanor, who
00:27was wise and fair.
00:52King Fergus had lost his leg in a fight with a demon bear named Mordu.
00:58The king swore that one day he would defeat the bear once and for all.
01:14The king and queen had triplet sons and a daughter named Merida.
01:19Merida would eventually be queen, and her mother wanted to make sure that the princess
01:24was prepared.
01:38A princess must be knowledgeable about her kingdom.
01:41Above all, a princess strives for perfection.
02:11Merida did not like her mother's rules.
02:24What she did like was riding full speed through the countryside on her horse, Angus, shooting
02:29arrows with her bow.
02:53One evening, the queen received exciting news from the clans of Mackintosh, MacGuffin and
03:00She told Merida that the firstborn from each clan would compete in the palace games.
03:06The princess would marry the winner.
03:09Merida was horrified.
03:12She stormed out of the room.
03:29Queen Eleanor followed Merida.
03:33She told the princess a story about an ancient kingdom whose king divided the land among
03:37his four sons.
03:39But one prince wanted to rule the kingdom by himself.
03:43He followed his own path, and the kingdom fell apart.
03:48These are lessons they bring with truth.
04:06Despite Merida's protests, the clans arrived.
04:10Merida was allowed to decide what their challenge would be.
04:14Suddenly, she had an idea.
04:16I choose archery.
04:39After young Mackintosh, young MacGuffin and wee Dingwall had taken their turns with their
04:43bows, a hooded figure appeared.
05:13Merida shot one bullseye after another.
05:37Queen Eleanor was furious.
05:39She took Merida into the castle.
05:43Merida glared at her mother.
05:52She turned to the family tapestry hanging on the wall and slashed it with her sword.
06:08Then she ran out of the castle and jumped onto her horse.
06:13Merida and Angus galloped through the forest, but suddenly the horse stopped short.
06:19They were in the middle of a circle of stones.
06:24A strange glowing blue light appeared.
06:43Merida followed it to a cottage.
06:45She opened the door and saw an old woman.
06:48When Merida realized that the woman was a witch, she begged for a spell.
07:08The witch told Merida that long ago she had met a prince.
07:12He demanded a spell that would give him the strength of ten men.
07:17That was all Merida needed to hear.
07:37The witch began throwing things into a cauldron.
07:39It bubbled and exploded.
07:42The witch pulled out a dainty cake.
07:55Merida went home and gave the cake to her mother.
07:57It's a peace offering.
08:00The queen smiled, glad her daughter had returned.
08:04She tried the cake, but nothing happened.
08:20Then as the two walked down the hallway, Queen Eleanor stumbled.
08:25Oh, suddenly I'm not so well.
08:34Merida put her mother to bed and sat by her side.
08:47After a few moments, the queen stood up.
08:50As the sheet fell away from her, there in front of Merida stood a bear.
08:57Merida couldn't believe her eyes.
09:02Her mother was a bear!
09:20Merida knew she had to get her mother out of the castle.
09:23If the king saw a bear, he would surely kill it.
09:27Meanwhile, the triplets had found the spell cake.
09:31They gobbled it up, and suddenly they, too, started to feel a bit strange.
09:52Merida and Queen Eleanor raced to the woods.
09:55They needed to reverse the spell, but night had fallen, so they took shelter.
10:02The next morning, Merida showed her mother how to catch fish in a stream.
10:07For the first time in a while, they had fun together.
10:21Finally, the pair found the witch's cottage, but no one was there.
10:25Merida jumped.
10:26A voice was coming from the witch's cauldron.
10:30It told her,
10:31Fate be changed, look inside, mend the bond torn by pride.
10:39Then the same blue light appeared.
10:41It led them deeper into the woods to a crumbling ruin.
10:54Merida looked around in confusion.
10:57Suddenly the ground gave way underneath her.
11:06The princess landed in an ancient throne room.
11:16There she saw a stone tablet with four princes.
11:20One of them had been broken off.
11:22Merida gasped.
11:24The prince in her mother's story and the one in the witch's story were the same.
11:37Merida looked around.
11:38There were bones on the floor and claw marks on the walls.
11:42The princess gulped.
11:44Oh no, the prince became Mordu.
11:53She turned and saw the evil bear behind her.
12:00Merida barely escaped Mordu.
12:07Merida knew that if they didn't reverse the spell soon, the queen could remain a bear
12:13forever, like the prince.
12:16She remembered the witch's words.
12:18Mend the bond torn by pride, mend the bond torn by pride, mend the bond torn by pride.
12:25It's the tapestry.
12:27In the castle, they found the clans in the middle of a huge battle.
12:41King Vargas was furious.
12:42None of your sons are fit to marry my daughter.
12:43Lord Dingwall did not like that.
12:44Then our alliance is over.
12:45This means war.
12:46Merida realized that she needed to stop the fighting.
13:05She faced the crowd.
13:17And I know now that I need to amend my mistake and mend our bond.
13:23Merida looked toward her mother, who was hidden.
13:36The queen was gesturing to say that Merida didn't have to choose.
13:40Merida understood at once.
13:43I've decided to do what's right.
14:13As the crowd cheered, Merida rushed the queen to the tapestry room.
14:34Suddenly, King Vargas threw open the door.
14:37Merida knew her mother was in danger.
14:40Mom, run!
14:42King Vargas rushed after the bear.
14:51Merida grabbed a needle, some thread, and the tapestry.
14:54She was sure she could break the spell.
14:57She found her brothers, who had turned into little bear cubs.
15:01And they sped toward the woods on Angus.
15:03Merida frantically sewed the torn tapestry.
15:13King Vargas and the hunting party had caught Queen Eleanor.
15:18The queen roared in terror as the king raised his sword.
15:22But Merida suddenly burst out of the woods with her own sword.
15:27I'll not let you kill my mother.
15:37Just then, a huge beast stepped into the ring of stones.
15:42Merida gasped.
15:47The demon bear swatted the hunters away like flies.
15:51He tossed King Vargas into the stones.
15:54Then he turned to Merida.
16:02Queen Eleanor roared.
16:05She attacked Mordu.
16:08The bears slashed at each other.
16:10But the queen fooled Mordu into charging a broken stone.
16:14The stone toppled over, crushing the demon bear.
16:37This is all my fault.
16:39I want you back, mom.
16:42As they embraced, morning light began to fill the ring of stones.
16:52Suddenly, Merida felt a human hand stroke her hair.
16:56Mom! You're fine!
17:01The queen smiled at her daughter.
17:03The triplets came running over.
17:05They were boys again.
17:07All was right in the kingdom of Dunbroch as the royal family hugged and laughed.
