Magical Balls English Fairy Tales Stories

  • 2 weeks ago
Magical Balls English Fairy Tales Stories


00:00Three brothers lived in a village.
00:02Their names were Fred, Simon and Peter.
00:06Those three brothers came far away from home to Egypt as laborers.
00:11All three brothers were perceiving and kind.
00:15One day, the brothers were returning from their work,
00:18tired and as their luck would have it.
00:22As the time went on, it was getting dark.
00:25Cool breeze was blowing.
00:27Soon the forest hummed with the sounds from the fowls and animals.
00:31After walking for some distance, Peter made a tired face and said,
00:36I am really exhausted today.
00:38I really wish I had hid some hidden treasure.
00:41Can you imagine how luxurious life I could lead?
00:45Peter side-eyed at both of his brothers and said,
00:48Oh Lord! I am stuck with these losers for life.
00:52Just then, he notices something shimmering by the roadside.
00:56On seeing that, Peter exclaims,
00:59Oh dear Lord! You are so merciful.
01:02Brothers, look that is the hidden treasure.
01:05Let's go.
01:06Both the brothers run behind Peter.
01:08And when they reach the place,
01:10they see something that blows their mind.
01:13Oh no! False alarm.
01:15But we should not lose our hope.
01:17The Lord will definitely answer our prayers.
01:19This is just a jar filled with fireflies.
01:22Seeing that jar lit with fireflies,
01:24Peter said to his brothers,
01:25Let's go home.
01:26Maybe today is not our lucky day.
01:28But aren't these flies the cutest?
01:30Come on, let's go.
01:32Just as Peter ran away,
01:34two brothers chased him down the hill.
01:38As they reached their home,
01:40they freshened up
01:42and finally sat for their supper.
01:45They realized there wasn't enough food.
01:47Fred being the eldest,
01:49gave the last two bread to each of his brothers.
01:52He went back to his bed,
01:54empty stomach.
01:55But he couldn't sleep at all.
01:57He kept staring outside with his tired eyes
02:00and he thought,
02:01Oh how! I really wish,
02:03we did hit a jackpot like Peter said.
02:06Then we don't have to sleep in our empty stomachs.
02:09He saw something shimmering outside.
02:11It was the jar of fireflies.
02:13He goes outside and opens the cork.
02:16And he thought,
02:18It is such a shame to trap such fireflies in a jar.
02:21They are meant to be free,
02:23not to be brutally caged.
02:25I should get going.
02:26I have a lot of work to do in the morning.
02:30Just as Fred was going back,
02:32a blinding light appeared right behind him.
02:35As he was trying to turn around
02:37and look at its source,
02:39suddenly the blinding light turned into a beautiful fairy.
02:43The fairy bestowed a gift to Fred,
02:45for releasing her from the jar.
02:48Fred, this is a tribute for releasing me from that jar.
02:52I am really thankful to you from the bottom of my heart.
02:55You three brothers are indeed kind,
02:57honest and diligent.
02:59Use my gift judiciously whenever you need it.
03:02And just like that,
03:04the light vanishes in thin air
03:06and something drops to the ground.
03:08It was a wooden ball.
03:11Fred casts a spell just as the fairy directed.
03:15Something magical happens.
03:17The wooden ball turns into a table.
03:19It was loaded with all kind of food
03:21he could have ever imagined.
03:23He was elated.
03:24He finally ate to his fill.
03:26He hid the ball under his pillow
03:28and finally Fred could sleep peacefully.
03:34But oh no!
03:35Two thieves broke into his house.
03:38They stole every hard-earned penny
03:40they could lay their hands on
03:42and ran away.
03:44Next morning,
03:45when soft sunlight brushes against Fred's face,
03:49just then he woke up.
03:51And as he looks around his house,
03:53he finds that their house was plundered clean.
03:56Fred wakes Simon up in a frenzy.
04:00Simon, wake up.
04:01Wake up quickly.
04:03Just look around.
04:04See what has happened.
04:05On one hand,
04:06Fred and Simon were horrified and thought,
04:10what are we going to do now?
04:12On the other hand,
04:13Peter was snoring away in a deep sleep.
04:18Peter, wake up.
04:19We are doomed.
04:20These thieves took away everything.
04:22How can you sleep so peacefully?
04:26Now, the three brothers felt
04:28that they were out of their options.
04:30So they had to return to their village.
04:32They went back to work
04:34and informed their respective masters
04:36about the theft
04:37and bid them goodbye
04:39before leaving for their village.
04:43Simon worked in a mill.
04:46When he said everything to his master,
04:49then his master said to him,
04:52You are dedicated and scrupulous young man.
04:55Just wait for me till I am back.
04:57I want to give you a present.
04:59Just then,
05:00the master comes back with a pouch in his hand.
05:03Before he could say anything,
05:05his master starts to demonstrate something.
05:08He showed him how he murmured a spell
05:11and jiggled the pouch.
05:13And suddenly,
05:14the bag was filled with gold coins.
05:17Simon was stupefied and numb.
05:21His master then handed him over
05:24that magical pouch.
05:26Simon with his trembling hands,
05:28he said,
05:31I can't take this gift.
05:33Master lightly
05:34pats on his shoulder and said,
05:36Dear Simon,
05:37you earned it with your honesty
05:39and diligence.
05:40Use this whenever you need it.
05:42Simon sighed in relief
05:44and he happily set out to go back to his home.
05:47Fred showed Simon his magical wooden ball
05:50and Simon his magical pouch.
05:53Then they finally set out
05:54back to their village.
05:56Through the woods,
05:57they find a nice cozy place
06:00under a huge tree
06:01where Fred turns his magical ball
06:04into a table.
06:06After they ate,
06:07they slept peacefully.
06:10A mugger saw everything
06:11from the branch above them.
06:13As soon as both the brothers
06:15were sound asleep,
06:16the mugger gets down
06:18from the branch
06:19and he steals the magical bag
06:21and the magical ball
06:23and runs away.
06:24Just as the sunlight dimmed,
06:26both the brothers
06:27woke up from their slumber.
06:29Only to find that
06:30even their magical pouch
06:32and ball were stolen.
06:34They started cursing their stars
06:36and left.
06:37On the other hand,
06:38Peter bid his mistress
06:39and his dear animals goodbye
06:41and left for his home.
06:43Peter works in a sanctuary
06:45as a keeper.
06:46Peter was lost in his own world,
06:48humming and enjoying
06:50the cool evening breeze.
06:53Just then,
06:54he felt something near his feet
06:56as if someone was
06:58pulling his breeches.
07:00Peter turned around
07:01to find a little tail wagging.
07:03It was a tiny puppy
07:05that was nibbling at his breeches
07:07and hanging from it.
07:09Peter felt pity
07:10for the small pup
07:13and took out a piece of bread
07:15and offered it to him.
07:17Peter took the dog with him
07:19and decided to name him Pearl.
07:23At a distance,
07:24he finds a man
07:25holding a pouch
07:26as if he was running away
07:28from something.
07:29He was coming towards Peter
07:31and just then
07:32Pearl pounced on him.
07:34In the frenzy,
07:35the man left the pouch
07:36and ran away.
07:37Oh no, Pearl,
07:38that's not right.
07:40What happened to you, huh?
07:42It seems like
07:43you are as naughty as me.
07:45Peter picks up Pearl
07:46in his arms
07:47and he calls the man
07:48from behind.
07:50Hey brother,
07:51I guess you left
07:52behind your things.
07:54But the man was
07:55already far away.
07:57who would not love
07:58things that come free?
08:00In this case,
08:01it was our very dear Peter
08:03who always dreamt
08:04of getting some
08:05hidden treasure.
08:07As expected,
08:08Peter took the bag
08:09and found a ball inside it.
08:14Oh wow, Pearl,
08:16what we found,
08:17a ball.
08:19let's go
08:20and we all will
08:21play with it.
08:22Saying that,
08:23Peter and Pearl
08:24reach home.
08:25Pearl jumps from his arms
08:27and starts running
08:28all around the house.
08:30Peter takes the bag
08:31and gently throws it
08:32towards him.
08:33Then he starts
08:34calling his parents out.
08:38I came back home
08:39and see
08:40who I brought along
08:41with me.
08:42Hearing his voice,
08:43his parents came to him
08:44and on seeing him,
08:45his mother affectionately said,
08:47Oh my darling,
08:48I am so happy
08:49to see you all together
08:50after so long.
08:54how cute Pearl is.
08:56come inside,
08:57let's play.
09:00how cute Pearl is.
09:02come inside,
09:03let's have dinner together.
09:04As everyone sits down
09:05to have their supper,
09:06Pearl throws a wooden ball
09:08and it comes
09:09rolling towards Fred.
09:12As Fred picks up the ball,
09:14he starts wondering
09:15and just then
09:16his father asked him,
09:19Are you thinking
09:20something Fred?
09:21Is there anything
09:22wrong with the ball?
09:25I think
09:26it's the same
09:29Simon recognises
09:30the pouch
09:31lying in front of him
09:32from before.
09:33He is overjoyed
09:34to see that pouch,
09:35so much so
09:36that he hugs
09:37Peter and he said,
09:39Where did you find
09:40this bag?
09:41I am so glad
09:42that for the first time
09:43in your life,
09:44you did an amazing job.
09:45Peter gently
09:46pulls away
09:47from his hug
09:48and he says,
09:51but tell me first,
09:52why are you guys
09:53so elated
09:54to see my things?
09:55After all,
09:56you got these things
09:57from the woods.
09:58It's then
09:59that Fred and Simon
10:00narrated the entire story
10:02to Peter
10:03and their parents
10:04about the magical ball
10:06and the magical pouch.
10:08Hearing the entire story,
10:10Peter and his parents
10:12were astounded.
10:13They all were elated
10:15and prayed to the Lord
10:16for such blessings.
10:19No explanation
10:20is needed
10:21when you have
10:22a magic ball
10:23and a magic pouch
10:24in your life.
10:25Your life
10:26is just like
10:27a bed of roses.
10:29If we continue
10:30to work diligently
10:31in this way,
10:32then no matter
10:33how tough the situation
10:35may arise in our lives,
10:37we can always
10:38overcome it.
10:39You will get your reward
10:41just like these
10:42two brothers
10:43God dares.
