The Embers In The Dark English Fairytale Stories _ Fairytale Compilation Animated Stories

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The Embers In The Dark English Fairytale Stories Fairytale Compilation Animated Stories


00:00Three brothers lived in a village.
00:02Their names were Fred, Simon and Peter.
00:06Those three brothers came far away from home to Egypt as laborers.
00:12All three brothers were perceiving and kind.
00:16One day, the brothers were returning from their work,
00:19tired and as their luck would have it.
00:23As the time went on, it was getting dark.
00:26Cool breeze was blowing.
00:28Soon the forest hummed with the sounds from the fowls and animals.
00:33After walking for some distance, Peter made a tired face and said,
00:38I am really exhausted today.
00:40I really wish I had hid some hidden treasure.
00:43Can you imagine how luxurious life I could lead?
00:47Peter side-eyed at both of his brothers and said,
00:51Oh Lord! I am stuck with these losers.
00:54Oh Lord! I am stuck with these losers for life.
00:57Just then, he notices something shimmering by the roadside.
01:01On seeing that, Peter exclaims,
01:04Oh dear Lord! You are so merciful.
01:07Brothers, look that is the hidden treasure. Let's go.
01:11Both the brothers run behind Peter.
01:13And when they reach the place, they see something that blows their mind.
01:18Oh no! False alarm.
01:20But we should not lose our hope.
01:22Lord will definitely answer our prayers.
01:24This is just a jar filled with fireflies.
01:26Seeing that jar lit with fireflies, Peter said to his brothers,
01:30Let's go home. Maybe today is not our lucky day.
01:33But aren't these flies the cutest?
01:35Come on, let's go.
01:37Just as Peter ran away, two brothers chased him down the hill.
01:43As they reached their home, they freshened up and finally sat for their supper.
01:50When they realized there wasn't enough food,
01:52Fred being the eldest, gave the last two bread to each of his brothers.
01:57He went back to his bed, empty stomach.
02:00But he couldn't sleep at all.
02:02He kept staring outside with his tired eyes and he thought,
02:06Oh how! I really wish we did hit a jackpot like Peter said.
02:10Then we don't have to sleep in our empty stomachs.
02:13He saw something shimmering outside.
02:16It was the jar of fireflies.
02:18He goes outside and opens the cork.
02:21And he thought,
02:23It is such a shame to trap such fireflies in a jar.
02:26They are meant to be free, not to be brutally caged.
02:30I should get going. I have a lot of work to do in the morning.
02:35Just as Fred was going back, a blinding light appeared right behind him.
02:40As he was trying to turn around and look at its source,
02:44suddenly the blinding light turned into a beautiful fairy.
02:48The fairy bestowed a gift to Fred for releasing her from the jar.
02:53Fred, this is a tribute for releasing me from that jar.
02:57I'm really thankful to you from the bottom of my heart.
03:00You three brothers are indeed kind, honest and diligent.
03:04Use my gift judiciously whenever you need it.
03:07And just like that, the light vanishes in thin air
03:11and something drops to the ground.
03:13It was a wooden ball.
03:16Fred casts a spell just as the fairy directed.
03:19Something magical happens.
03:21The wooden ball turns into a table.
03:23It was loaded with all kind of food he could have ever imagined.
03:27He was elated.
03:29He finally ate to his fill.
03:31He hid the ball under his pillow
03:33and finally Fred could sleep peacefully.
03:38But oh no! Two thieves broke into his house.
03:42They stole every hard-earned penny they could lay their hands on
03:46and ran away.
03:50Next morning, when soft sunlight brushes against Fred's face,
03:55just then he woke up.
03:56And as he looks around his house,
03:58he finds that their house was plundered clean.
04:02Fred wakes Simon up in a frenzy.
04:05Simon, wake up.
04:07Wake up quickly.
04:08Just look around.
04:09See what has happened.
04:10On one hand, Fred and Simon were horrified and thought,
04:15what are we going to do now?
04:17On the other hand, Peter was snoring away in a deep sleep.
04:22Peter, wake up.
04:24We are doomed.
04:25These thieves took away everything.
04:27How can you sleep so peacefully?
04:30Now, the three brothers felt that they were out of their options.
04:35So they had to return to their village.
04:37They went back to work and informed their respective masters about the theft
04:42and bid them goodbye before leaving for their village.
04:49Simon worked in a mill.
04:52When he said everything to his master,
04:54then his master said to him,
04:58You are dedicated and scrupulous young man.
05:00Just wait for me till I am back.
05:02I want to give you a present.
05:04Just then, the master comes back with a pouch in his hand.
05:08Before he could say anything,
05:10his master starts to demonstrate something.
05:13He showed him how he murmured a spell and jiggled the pouch.
05:18And suddenly the bag was filled with gold coins.
05:22Simon was stupefied and numb.
05:26His master then handed him over that magical pouch.
05:31Simon with his trembling hands,
05:33he said,
05:35Master, I can't take this gift.
05:38Master lightly pats on his shoulder and said,
05:41Dear Simon, you earned it with your honesty and diligence.
05:45Use this whenever you need it.
05:47Simon sighed in relief and he happily set out to go back to his home.
05:52Fred showed Simon his magical wooden ball and Simon his magical pouch.
05:57Then they finally set out back to their village.
06:00Through the woods, they find a nice cozy place under a huge tree
06:05where Fred turns his magical ball into a table.
06:09After they ate, they slept peacefully.
06:13A mugger saw everything from the branch above them.
06:17As soon as both the brothers were sound asleep,
06:20the mugger gets down from the branch
06:23and he steals the magical bag and the magical ball and runs away.
06:27Just as the sunlight dimmed, both the brothers woke up from their slumber.
06:31Only to find that even their magical pouch and ball were stolen.
06:36They started cursing their stars and left.
06:39On the other hand, Peter bid his mistress and his dear animals goodbye
06:44and left for his home.
06:46Peter works in a sanctuary as a keeper.
06:49Peter was lost in his own world,
06:51humming and enjoying the cool evening breeze.
06:54Just then, he felt something near his feet
06:57as if someone was pulling his breeches.
07:01Peter turned around to find a little tail wagging.
07:04It was a tiny puppy that was nibbling at his breeches
07:08and hanging from it.
07:10Peter felt pity for the small pup
07:14and took out a piece of bread and offered it to him.
07:18Peter took the dog with him and decided to feed the puppy.
07:22Peter took the dog with him and decided to name him Pearl.
07:28At a distance, he finds a man holding a pouch
07:31as if he was running away from something.
07:34He was coming towards Peter and just then,
07:37Pearl pounced on him.
07:39In the frenzy, the man left the pouch and ran away.
07:42Oh no, Pearl, that's not right.
07:45What happened to you, huh?
07:46Hmm, it seems like you are as naughty as me.
07:49Peter picks up Pearl in his arms and he calls the man from behind.
07:54Hey brother, I guess you left behind your things.
07:58But the man was already far away.
08:01Well, who would not love things that come free?
08:04In this case, it was our very dear Peter
08:09who always dreamt of getting some hidden treasure.
08:14As expected, Peter took the bag and found a ball inside it.
08:20Oh wow, Pearl, look what we found, a ball.
08:24Okay, let's go and we all will play with it.
08:28Saying that, Peter and Pearl reach home.
08:31Pearl jumps from his arms and starts running all around the house.
08:36Peter takes out that wooden ball and gently throws it towards him.
08:42Then he starts calling his parents out.
08:45Mommy, Daddy, look I came back home and see who I brought along with me.
08:50Hearing his voice, his parents came to him
08:53and on seeing him his mother affectionately said
08:56Oh my darling, I am so happy to see you all together after so long.
09:02Oh, look how cute Pearl is.
09:04Okay, come inside, let's have dinner together.
09:08As everyone sits down to have their supper,
09:11Pearl throws a wooden ball and it comes rolling towards Fred.
09:17As Fred picks up the ball, he starts wondering
09:20and just then his father asked him
09:24Are you thinking something Fred?
09:26Is there anything wrong with the ball?
09:29Dad, I think it's the same magical ball.
09:32Meanwhile, Simon recognizes the pouch lying in front of him from before.
09:37He is overjoyed to see that pouch.
09:40So much so that he hugs Peter and he said
09:43Where did you find this bag?
09:45I am so glad that for the first time in your life you did an amazing job.
09:50Peter gently pulls away from his hug and he says
09:54Alright, alright, but tell me first
09:56why are you guys so elated to see my things?
09:59After all, I got these things from the woods.
10:02It's then that Fred and Simon narrated the entire story
10:07to Peter and their parents
10:09about the magical ball and the magical pouch.
10:13Hearing the entire story, Peter and his parents were astounded.
10:17They all were elated and prayed to the Lord for such blessings.
10:23No explanation is needed when you have a magic ball
10:27and a magic pouch in your life.
10:30Your life is just like a bed of roses.
10:33If we continue to work diligently in this way
10:37then no matter how tough the situation may arise in our lives
10:41we can always overcome it.
10:44You will get your reward just like these two brothers got theirs.
10:52There lived a woman named Linda in a town called Winslow.
10:56She worked hard and earned her living as a laborer.
10:59Her daughter was Sandra.
11:01Sandra was intelligent but was a little lazy.
11:04But after her father's death,
11:06Linda did not say anything to her and so,
11:09taking advantage of this,
11:11she showed laziness in doing any work.
11:14One day
11:15Hey Sandra, get up fast.
11:17You are getting late for school.
11:19What's this Ma?
11:21You always keep saying something.
11:23Let me sleep for some more time.
11:25If you are late for school, it will not be good for you.
11:28Sandra woke up and after getting ready,
11:30she went to school.
11:32She felt asleep even in school.
11:34She started daydreaming
11:36because of which,
11:37she did not pay attention in school.
11:39One day,
11:40her school teacher calls Linda to school.
11:43Your child does not pay attention to her studies.
11:46You need to take care of that.
11:49I go out for work and so,
11:51she doesn't listen to me.
11:53You will have to help her get rid of laziness.
11:57I will try.
11:58Saying this,
11:59Linda leaves.
12:00She was very worried about Sandra.
12:02She always thought of her
12:04but she couldn't find a way out.
12:06Few days passed
12:07and one day,
12:08while having those thoughts in mind,
12:10Linda goes to a temple and prays to God.
12:13Dear God,
12:14please give wisdom to my daughter
12:16and help her get rid of her laziness.
12:18I won't ask you for more.
12:20Saying this,
12:21Linda leaves the temple
12:22and goes to her workplace.
12:24Saying this,
12:25Linda stitched clothes at a tailor's shop.
12:28When she couldn't finish the work,
12:30she brought it home as well.
12:32Many days passed like this.
12:34One day,
12:35Sandra had a terrible dream.
12:37In her dream,
12:38she goes to a place
12:39where there were flowers of different colors
12:42and there were lots of fruits and cake to eat.
12:45She was happy seeing all this.
12:49this place is so nice.
12:50I will stay here.
12:51I do not have to worry about food
12:53and here no one will come to wake me up as well.
12:56She loved cake
12:57and so she went to eat the cake first.
12:59But as soon as she touched it,
13:01it vanished.
13:02She started walking and saw a hut.
13:05She goes near it.
13:06What's happening with me?
13:08As soon as I touch anything,
13:10it vanishes.
13:11How's this possible?
13:13Saying this,
13:14she went near to that hut
13:16and saw that an old lady was talking to herself.
13:21We never get anything without doing some work.
13:24It is wrong to eat without doing any work.
13:27Sandra heard this
13:29and asked that old lady.
13:32why can't I eat the food over here?
13:34There is a rule here.
13:36No one gets anything without labor.
13:38If you don't want to work,
13:40you can go to another town.
13:42You will get whatever you want to eat there.
13:44If you want to stay here,
13:46you will have to work
13:48and then get food
13:49and you will also have to learn something new.
13:52So, what do you want?
13:54You want to live here or go to another town?
13:57Speak fast.
13:58I don't want to stay here.
14:00I want to go to that town
14:01where I won't have to do any kind of work
14:04and I can eat the whole day.
14:06Saying this,
14:07Sandra leaves that place
14:08and goes to another town.
14:10There also she finds an old lady
14:12whose name was Nancy.
14:14Hey, come dear.
14:15How did you come here?
14:17Please come and sit here
14:19and have some food.
14:21I won't have to work instead of this,
14:23isn't it?
14:25you won't have to do any work.
14:27You can play after having food.
14:31Saying this,
14:32Sandra went to the garden
14:34and plucked many things to eat.
14:36But she was not willing to stop.
14:38She saw there were cakes and pastries there.
14:40She started eating them too.
14:42After eating a lot of food,
14:44she felt sleepy
14:45and then
14:46In our town no one sleeps.
14:49We only eat and have fun.
14:52We don't do any work.
14:54I am very sleepy.
14:56Please let me sleep.
14:58Now you have come here
15:00and so you can stay here and enjoy.
15:02Got it?
15:03I want to go home
15:05to my mother.
15:07Saying this,
15:08she started crying
15:09and in her dream she started running.
15:11While she was running,
15:13she saw a beautiful angel on the way.
15:15Angel told Sandra,
15:17Come Sandra,
15:18how were the two towns?
15:20You must be happy now
15:21that you will not have to work now.
15:24I don't like this life.
15:26I want to live my life fully
15:29and that too with my mother.
15:32then you don't want to live here?
15:34No dear angel,
15:35I don't want to live here.
15:38but you will have to agree on one thing.
15:41What is it?
15:43you will have to wake up on time,
15:45do your work on your own
15:47and pay attention to your studies too.
15:49I agree to all this.
15:51Can I go from here?
15:54now you can go.
15:55You know Sandra,
15:57you are going to take a good lesson
16:00from this world of lessons.
16:03I understood.
16:04Can I go now?
16:06you can go now.
16:07And then Sandra comes out of her dream.
16:10Today onwards,
16:11I will do all my work on my own
16:13and not give trouble to anyone.
16:16her behavior changed.
16:18she did not waste time in doing her work.
16:21She started to live like a good girl.
16:23Her mother was also very happy
16:25seeing this change.
16:27Sandra fetched good marks in school.
16:29And all this happened
16:31because of that world of lessons.
16:33This story teaches us
16:35that we should never be lazy in life.
16:37We should do our work on our own.
16:40In the small village of Bilberry,
16:42there lived two girls,
16:44Daisy and Petra,
16:46who used to be friends
16:48ever since their childhood.
16:50Their family's financial condition was weak.
16:54they used to work hard.
16:56Both of them were brilliant in their studies.
16:59Along with helping their parents
17:01in household chores,
17:03they used to go to college.
17:05One day,
17:06while returning from college,
17:08they started a conversation.
17:11this is the final year of our college.
17:13We will have to work harder
17:15to get a placement in a good company
17:17and a good job.
17:18Yes, Daisy.
17:19We will work hard.
17:21And after getting a good job,
17:22we can easily change the financial situation
17:25of our families.
17:27Let's go.
17:28We are getting late.
17:29Our parents must be waiting for us.
17:32After saying this,
17:33both of them headed towards their home.
17:35Days passed by,
17:36and when their results published,
17:38both of them topped in their final exams.
17:40Their college felicitated them,
17:42and their parents also praised them.
17:45Daisy and Petra
17:46got job in the same company.
17:48Both of them were very happy.
17:50Hey, Petra.
17:51We got the result of our hard work.
17:54Both of us got this great job
17:56and that too in the same company.
17:58And now,
17:59we can support our families.
18:00Yes, of course.
18:01And it will be really fun
18:03to do all these things together.
18:06both of them used to rise early in the morning,
18:08do their household chores,
18:09and then go to office.
18:11They were fulfilling their dreams
18:12with hard work
18:13and enjoying their lives as well.
18:15They were living their lives
18:17on their own condition.
18:19Everything was going well,
18:21when suddenly an epidemic hits the country,
18:24and the government had to close all the offices.
18:27All the companies and everything was closed.
18:30People were asked not to go out of their homes
18:33and to control this epidemic,
18:35the government had ordered to wear masks
18:37and use sanitizer.
18:39Both of them were very tensed
18:41and so they decided to meet each other.
18:43So, Petra goes to Daisy's home.
18:45Come, Petra.
18:48Use this sanitizer first.
18:50We have to be very conscious about this.
18:52We should always use this sanitizer first.
18:57Oh, yes.
18:58These days,
18:59everyone is using sanitizer.
19:01We even sanitize our home once every day.
19:04Now, most of our ration budget
19:06is being spent on sanitizer only.
19:08Yes, you're right.
19:10But if we want to survive in this epidemic,
19:12then we have to use sanitizer.
19:14But Daisy,
19:15I'm really worried.
19:17If this epidemic keeps spreading,
19:19then how long would we be able to support our families?
19:22It will be fine until we have our savings.
19:25But if we sit back at home like this,
19:28then nothing will change.
19:30We have to find some solution on this problem
19:33so that we can earn while staying back at home.
19:37I was also thinking about this.
19:39But what can we do?
19:41At this time,
19:42only some medical shops and restaurants are open.
19:45Otherwise, everything is closed.
19:47Without saying anything,
19:49both of them started thinking,
19:51while suddenly Petra gets an idea.
19:53And she says,
19:56all this while it was in front of our eyes
19:59and we were seeking it elsewhere.
20:01Both of us have degrees in chemical.
20:03But still we are tensed.
20:07A while back,
20:08we were talking about the expenses of sanitizer.
20:11Just like us,
20:13everyone else is spending a lot of money on sanitizers.
20:16We also can make sanitizers.
20:18So, why don't we make sanitizer
20:20and sell them at low price?
20:22In this way,
20:23people will get sanitizer at a low price
20:25and we will get a way of earning.
20:27That's a great idea, Petra.
20:29I have never thought about it like this.
20:31See, how smart I am.
20:33That's why I say,
20:34come and talk to me everyday.
20:36Who knows,
20:37you will also gain some smartness from me.
20:40Smart and all.
20:41Now, Miss Smarty,
20:42tell me how are we going to arrange all this?
20:44This idea is great.
20:46But we have to work on this.
20:48Yes, Daisy.
20:49We need someone
20:50who will supply all the raw materials needed
20:53to prepare a sanitizer.
20:55There is a guy in our neighborhood.
20:57His name is David.
20:58He works for a pharma company.
21:00I think he can help us with this.
21:02We should talk to him.
21:04So, what are we waiting for?
21:06Call him right now.
21:08After this,
21:09Daisy calls David to share her idea.
21:12Listening to this,
21:13David decides to help them.
21:16Both of them give all their savings to David.
21:20But they were unaware of David's greedy nature.
21:23Taking all that money,
21:24David goes back to his company and thinks,
21:28If I don't bring them raw materials,
21:30then they won't be able to make anything.
21:34This is a chance to make money from them.
21:37And they won't be able to say no to me.
21:40Then David calls Daisy.
21:43I'll bring you all the materials.
21:45But I need equal profit from your business.
21:49who will be willing to do so much for nothing?
21:51Let me know if you are ready.
21:53Daisy explains everything to Petra.
21:55They had no other way out.
21:57So, after discussing with each other,
21:59they called David.
22:01Not equal,
22:02but we will give you one-fourth portion of our profit.
22:05Say yes if you agree with us.
22:07Without any hustle or hard work,
22:10I'll getting money.
22:12Not a bad offer at all.
22:14Okay, okay, fine.
22:16I'll do it for you.
22:19But I would not done the same for anyone else.
22:22After that,
22:23David brings all the raw materials.
22:25The next day,
22:26both Daisy and Petra started working
22:28and prepared a good sanitizer solution.
22:30They sent it to the laboratory for testing.
22:32The lab gives them permission to sell the sanitizer.
22:35Both of them start packing the sanitizer into small bottles.
22:38They started their own sanitizer shop on the crossing.
22:41Since their sanitizer was affordable than others,
22:44so they used to sell it faster.
22:46And they earned a lot easily.
22:48After seeing this,
22:49David thinks,
22:51Why don't I take over their business?
22:53The next day,
22:54David along with his friend Alex
22:56goes to Daisy and Petra's shop and says,
22:59Daisy, Petra, meet my friend Alex.
23:02He wants to sell sanitizer in another city.
23:05He'll require huge amount of sanitizer.
23:07Will you be able to provide such huge amount of sanitizer to him?
23:11Why not?
23:13We will prepare as much sanitizer as you want.
23:16Come tomorrow.
23:17After getting this big order,
23:19Daisy and Petra give all their money to David
23:22to bring raw materials for sanitizer.
23:24And they bring all the prepared sanitizer in their shop.
23:27The very night,
23:28David and Alex disappeared with all the money
23:30Daisy and Petra had given to them.
23:32The next morning,
23:33Daisy and Petra go to their shop
23:35only to find out all the raw materials and sanitizers
23:38have been stolen from them.
23:40They tried calling David,
23:41but this time,
23:42his phone was switched off
23:43while both of them started crying.
23:45Suddenly, a genie appears in their shop and says,
23:48What happened, my child?
23:50Why are you crying?
23:51Both of them explained what happened to the genie
23:54and started crying.
23:55Stop crying, my beloved child.
23:57Take this.
23:58This is a magical sanitizer.
24:00This sanitizer bottle will never get empty.
24:03You can make as much sanitizer as you want from this bottle.
24:07Saying this, the genie disappears.
24:09They filled all the sanitizer bottles
24:11from that magical bottle.
24:13And now, they earned even more than before.
24:15After that, Daisy and Petra
24:17filed a police complaint against David and Alex.
24:20Soon, the police found and arrested them
24:22and made them roam the whole village
24:24sitting on a donkey.
24:25They were put into jail.
24:27In this way, Petra and Daisy started earning a lot
24:30with the help of the magical sanitizer.
24:32And they also made sanitizer affordable for the villagers.
24:35After getting money,
24:37they helped people stuck in the epidemic
24:39by giving them all the essential goods.
24:42The government also felicitated them
24:44for their good work during the epidemic.
24:51Once lived a man named Roaster
24:53in the village of Salzburg.
24:55His wife Janet and his two daughters
24:57used to live with him.
24:58One was named Gracie
25:00and the other was called Bobby.
25:02Gracie was the daughter from Roaster's first marriage.
25:05That's why Janet used to misbehave with her.
25:07She did not like Gracie.
25:09One day, Janet tells Gracie,
25:11Oh Gracie, where are you?
25:13There are a lots of chores to be done.
25:16Yes mother, you called me.
25:18What needs to be done?
25:20We have a lot of work to be done
25:22and my Bobby, she is not feeling well.
25:25What happened to Bobby?
25:27I have to go to the market.
25:29So complete all the chores while I am there.
25:31Yes mother, I will do all the chores.
25:33All the work should be completed when I come back.
25:37Yes mother.
25:38After saying this, Janet leaves for the market
25:41and Gracie gets to her chores.
25:43Gracie feels tired because of all the extra work.
25:47She goes to her favorite place to take some rest
25:50which was a very old tree.
25:53Gracie relaxes under the tree and starts thinking.
25:58Things would be so nice
26:00if my mother was still here.
26:02All my needs would have fulfilled.
26:04She would have given me all the love in the world.
26:07After thinking this, Gracie starts crying.
26:10While she was still thinking,
26:12she hears her father's voice.
26:14Oh daughter, what are you doing here, all alone?
26:18What happened?
26:19Nothing father, I was just missing my mother.
26:22That is why I came here.
26:24Okay, let's go home.
26:26It's getting late.
26:28Yes father.
26:30After saying this,
26:31Gracie returns home with her father.
26:33Janet yells at her when she comes back.
26:36Shameless girl,
26:38I said my daughter was not feeling well
26:40and you left her here all alone.
26:42What if something would have happened to her?
26:44Gracie listens to everything without saying a word
26:47because she left Bobby alone in the house.
26:50Oh beloved, stop it now.
26:52Why are you yelling so much on the little girl?
26:54Yes, you will favor her only.
26:57It should not happen again.
26:59Did you understand?
27:00Yes mother, I will keep this in mind.
27:03After saying this,
27:04Gracie leaves to complete her chores.
27:06Bobby tells her mother.
27:08Mother, you don't tell her anything.
27:10But if I do something wrong,
27:12then you yell at me.
27:14This is not the case, sweetheart.
27:16This is all to teach her.
27:18This is why I am taking it slow.
27:20Don't worry about it.
27:22But mother, why are you doing so?
27:25I will tell you when the time is right.
27:27She is so proud of her looks, right?
27:30Now you see how I treat her.
27:32With this thought,
27:34Janet treats Gracie with more strictness.
27:36Now she tells her to do all the chores in the house
27:39and rested the whole day.
27:41Her mistreatment started increasing day by day.
27:44One day, Janet says to Gracie.
27:46You feel that you are prettier than my daughter
27:49and you can do anything.
27:51Just keep in mind,
27:53till the day I am in the house,
27:55you won't be happy.
27:57But mother, what have I done
27:59that you keep yelling at me all the time?
28:02Your beauty is your curse.
28:04That is why your mother died the day you were born.
28:07Now don't waste my time.
28:09There are a lot of chores to be done.
28:11Gracie wipes her tears and continues with her work.
28:14While working, she starts thinking.
28:17Why does mother behave like this?
28:20What have I done to her?
28:22My beauty is a trouble for her.
28:25That is why she misbehaves with me.
28:27She always makes me do all the chores.
28:30My own mother wouldn't do this to me
28:33and I wouldn't have to do all these chores.
28:36Few days passed like this.
28:38But Janet didn't change her behavior.
28:41This is why Gracie was very troubled.
28:44One day, Janet says a lot of things to Gracie.
28:48She was walking by while trying.
28:52Then she finds a spiritual leader on the way.
28:59Greetings Saint.
29:01Tell me daughter, what do you want?
29:04You look so tensed.
29:06Sir, why don't things happen the way we think should happen?
29:10My mother is very jealous of my beauty.
29:13And my sister Bobby, who is not so pretty,
29:16is also jealous of me.
29:18What should I do?
29:20Saying this, she cries again and the priest says to Gracie,
29:24Oh beloved, stop crying.
29:26Take this.
29:27This is some magical water.
29:29Give some of this water to your mother.
29:32This changes your face.
29:34Now the priest gives the pot to her and says,
29:37Daughter, this water is magical water.
29:40It causes the face to change.
29:43That is why whoever uses it will become very beautiful.
29:48But using this twice would make you ugly.
29:51Remember this thing.
29:52Now give this water to your mother.
29:55All of the troubles will go away.
29:58Thank you sir.
30:01After saying this, Gracie goes back and brings the pot with her.
30:05Here Janet was angrily waiting for her.
30:08The moment she saw Gracie, she said,
30:11Gracie, where were you?
30:13Tell me the truth or else I will yell at you.
30:16Mother, I was going out of the village when I met a priest.
30:21He gave me this pot of water.
30:23This is a magical water.
30:25Using this once on someone's face makes their face more beautiful.
30:30What are you saying?
30:32Show me the water.
30:33Yes mother, let us try this on Bobby.
30:37Give me the water and you get lost.
30:41Now Janet looks at the water and gets happy.
30:44She takes the water and brings it to Bobby.
30:47Oh Bobby, wake up.
30:49Look what I have.
30:50What is this mother?
30:52This is some magical water.
30:54Whoever applies it to their face, they become beautiful.
30:57Come on, now try this on your face.
31:00After saying this, Bobby applies that magical water on her face.
31:04She starts looking really beautiful.
31:07Her mother was astonished looking at her.
31:09Janet becomes happy.
31:11Janet becomes happy and Gracie was also happy that her mother was happy.
31:15Now Janet's behavior towards Gracie was changed.
31:19She starts behaving nicely to her.
31:21But Bobby was too proud of her new found beauty and she thought,
31:25Why don't I use the water on my face again?
31:29I would become more prettier.
31:32By thinking so, Bobby uses the water again on her face.
31:36But this time she becomes really ugly using the water.
31:40She gets terrified looking at her face in the mirror.
31:44What happened to my face?
31:46Why am I looking so ugly?
31:48What shall I do?
31:50She starts screaming loudly.
31:52Hearing her screams, Gracie and Janet come to her.
31:55Both of them were shocked looking at her face.
31:58Nobody knew that her pretty face could be so ugly.
32:03Mother, look what happened.
32:06What happened to my face?
32:09How did this happen?
32:11Did you use the water again?
32:13Yes mother.
32:14Oh girl, you have caused harm to yourself only.
32:18Now suffer.
32:19Gracie, where did you bring this water from?
32:22Come on, let's go to the priest now itself.
32:26Yes mother, let's go.
32:28Let me take you there.
32:30Now, Gracie, Bobby and Janet go to the priest together.
32:34Greetings, sir.
32:36We are caught in a lot of trouble.
32:38Show us a way.
32:40Please help us out.
32:42I already told you guys to use it once.
32:46Using it multiple times would make you ugly.
32:50Sir, she made a mistake.
32:52But there must be some way to fix it.
32:55Please tell us that.
32:57Now you won't get the pretty face again.
33:00But you will get your old face back.
33:03Sir, that would work too.
33:05But please fix her.
33:07Priest starts chanting some words with some water in his hands
33:11and throws it on Bobby's face.
33:13Bobby's face turns into its original state.
33:16Thank you, sir.
33:18I got blinded by my own beauty.
33:21I am beautiful the way I am.
33:23Thank you, sir.
33:24How would I repay you?
33:26I cannot understand it.
33:28Now both of my daughters are equal to me.
33:30I will not discriminate them.
33:32My God has given me such beautiful children.
33:35I am not worried anymore.
33:38After hearing those words,
33:40Gracie starts to cry.
33:42Now Janet leaves with both of her daughters from there
33:45and gives them unconditional love to both of them.
33:49Once upon a time,
33:50a boy named Ajay lived with his granny in a village.
33:54He was very lazy and a slacker.
33:56He always used to lie to his grandmother
33:59and take all the money and have fun with his friends.
34:02Grandma was very upset.
34:04Grandma used to make papad all day to run the house.
34:07But due to old age,
34:09she was unable to work as before.
34:11Now the income in the family also started decreasing.
34:14Granny, why is the income decreasing?
34:16I want to know.
34:17Hey son Ajay,
34:18now I can't do so much work like before.
34:21Because of this,
34:22the income is getting less.
34:25Today I feel like eating something different, granny.
34:28You give me money.
34:29I will bring some items from the market.
34:32I have only 100 rupees.
34:34Bring whatever you want.
34:36Only 100 rupees?
34:38in this much money,
34:39nowadays nothing comes.
34:40Give me a little more money.
34:44Give me alms, brother.
34:47Hey sir,
34:48we have nothing to eat here
34:50and from where to give alms to you?
34:52Son, you have grown up so much,
34:54but still you take money from your grandmother
34:56and why don't you do some work yourself?
34:58Sir, I will see mine.
35:00You don't teach me.
35:01And go away from here.
35:03The mom gets angry
35:04and leaves from there.
35:06Grandma goes to the kitchen
35:07to do her work
35:08and calls Ajay
35:09to take out the rolling pin
35:11and board kept on the rack.
35:13Ajay, just come here.
35:15Take out this rolling pin
35:16and board.
35:18What grandmother?
35:19You can't do this work also.
35:21You tell me to do everything.
35:24please help a little.
35:25Can you?
35:26Ajay gives a rolling pin
35:28and board to the granny
35:30and a miracle happens.
35:32what is happening?
35:34What happened Ajay?
35:35This rolling pin is not getting out of my hand.
35:38What to do now?
35:40do one thing.
35:41You sit down.
35:42I will see.
35:43The rolling pin
35:44still doesn't come out.
35:47put a rolling pin on the board.
35:49A miracle happens.
35:50Ajay starts rolling papad.
35:52He starts making papad very fast.
35:54Granny gives him small balls of papad
35:57and goes to sleep.
35:58When she wakes up in the morning,
35:59she finds that Ajay is still rolling papad.
36:02What should I do grandmother?
36:04My hands are just not stopping.
36:06Ajay makes papad so quickly.
36:08This news spreads in the entire village.
36:11All the women of the village
36:13bring their flour to Ajay to make papad.
36:15Till the next day,
36:16Ajay makes everyone's papad.
36:19please make this stop.
36:20I am very tired now.
36:23He gets upset
36:24and tries to hit that rolling pin.
36:26But on the contrary,
36:28the rolling pin itself beats him back.
36:31He apologizes to the monk.
36:33First you promise that
36:34from today
36:35you will not allow your grandmother to work.
36:38I promise that
36:39I will not allow my granny
36:40to do any work from today.
36:42Forgive me monk.
36:44Monk sprinkles some water
36:45on Ajay from his kamandalam
36:47which gets him released from that rolling pin
36:50and since then
36:51Ajay started behaving very well.
36:53Now he did not allow his granny to do any work.
36:56He himself started working hard
36:58and his granny was also happy with him.
37:01this story is definitely fictional.
37:03But we get this lesson from this story
37:05that we should always respect our elders
37:08and work hard to support in their old age.
