The Ancient Magus' Bride S02E07 - Hindi

  • 2 days ago
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00:08That's it.
00:12Put your left foot there.
00:14Put your right foot there.
00:16Yes, like that.
00:18Now hold this pole.
00:24Then put your left foot there,
00:26look the other way.
00:32I did it.
00:34Very good.
00:36Hey, kids, where are you going?
00:38Get down quickly. What if you get hurt?
00:40We're getting down.
00:42You know, Dilumila, you're a great teacher.
00:44And you know, you get up much faster than me.
00:50That's not true.
00:52You're fast too.
00:58I'm sorry.
01:00I'm sorry.
01:28I'm sorry.
01:30I'm sorry.
01:32I'm sorry.
01:34I'm sorry.
01:36I'm sorry.
01:38I'm sorry.
01:40I'm sorry.
01:42I'm sorry.
01:44I'm sorry.
01:46I'm sorry.
01:48I'm sorry.
01:50I'm sorry.
01:52I'm sorry.
01:54I'm sorry.
01:56I'm sorry.
01:58I'm sorry.
02:00I'm sorry.
02:02I'm sorry.
02:04I'm sorry.
02:06I'm sorry.
02:08I'm sorry.
02:10I'm sorry.
02:12I'm sorry.
02:14I'm sorry.
02:16I'm sorry.
02:18I'm sorry.
02:20I'm sorry.
02:22I'm sorry.
02:24I'm sorry.
02:26I'm sorry.
02:28I'm sorry.
02:30I'm sorry.
02:32I'm sorry.
02:34I'm sorry.
02:36I'm sorry.
02:38I'm sorry.
02:40I'm sorry.
02:42I'm sorry.
02:44I'm sorry.
02:46I'm sorry.
02:48I'm sorry.
02:50I'm sorry.
02:52I'm sorry.
02:54I'm sorry.
02:56I'm sorry.
02:58I'm sorry.
03:00I'm sorry.
03:02I'm sorry.
03:04I'm sorry.
03:06I'm sorry.
03:08I'm sorry.
03:10I'm sorry.
03:12I'm sorry.
03:14I'm sorry.
03:16I'm sorry.
03:18I'm sorry.
03:20I'm sorry.
03:22I'm sorry.
03:24I'm sorry.
03:26I'm sorry.
03:28I'm sorry.
03:30I'm sorry.
03:32I'm sorry.
03:34I'm sorry.
03:36I'm sorry.
03:38I'm sorry.
03:40I'm sorry.
03:42I'm sorry.
03:44I'm sorry.
03:46I'm sorry.
03:49She fell down.
03:53Are you OK, Lucy?
03:55There's no need to be afraid.
03:57I'm not falling from the sky.
03:59I'm sorry.
04:01Why do you act so caring?
04:04I'm absolutely fine.
04:06I wasn't hurt at all.
04:08Now it's your turn to climb the ladder and fall down.
04:13Do you have any advice for me?
04:15Oh, I see you're worried about me.
04:20After the classes are over, all you have to do is look at her.
04:25Have you seen me?
04:27Look, Elias, I don't have any magical powers.
04:30But these hair are not white in the sun.
04:33The kind of expressions she gives here, she doesn't show me.
04:37So you don't like it?
04:39Yeah, maybe I do.
04:43But I can't take my eyes off her.
04:45Maybe I can understand that.
04:50Yeah, yeah, you're right.
04:52Well, I have a lot of bad memories.
04:55But I also have a lot of good memories.
04:58Something like that.
05:00That's why I can only feel them.
05:03It may sound stupid.
05:05But the truth is what it is.
05:09I see you making a lot of faces these days.
05:13What are you thinking about?
05:17Well, as long as I'm alive, there's a lot to think about.
05:22But I often think of my hometown, Dresden.
05:28In Germany?
05:30It's a beautiful city.
05:34Elbe River.
05:37And a beautiful tree by the river.
05:41A bakery in the corner.
05:44The tailor's shop where I bought the coat.
05:47I left my home long before the war started.
05:51And when I came back after the war,
05:53there was nothing there but desolation.
05:56All my memories were buried under the rubble.
05:59When everything is over,
06:02then you realize its importance.
06:08I haven't been able to decide
06:11whether these memories are good or bad.
06:14You just keep remembering them.
06:17And it's not like you can remember everything.
06:21It's very difficult to recognize
06:23which memories are good and which are bad.
06:26Maybe the memory that doesn't make you anxious
06:29is a good memory.
06:31Is it really that easy?
06:33There's not much to it.
06:35You should ask more questions to different people.
06:38You'll get answers to all your questions.
06:40And maybe you'll learn something.
06:43The girl over there is my teacher.
06:46That's why I don't want to learn anything from anyone else.
06:50But I'll remember this.
06:57I don't think her intentions are wrong.
07:00Anyway, whatever.
07:03I was following her around
07:05to give her some documents.
07:08It's not surprising that she still looks the same
07:11as she did the first time we met.
07:13After all, she's a kind of mage.
07:23Maybe you're using too much strength to catch her.
07:27Use as much strength as you need.
07:30So have you become her friend?
07:33I can't say anything right now.
07:36I know you're hesitant to talk to people.
07:39You should take advantage of this opportunity to talk to her.
07:43Is this...
07:45Is this an order?
08:00I'm sorry.
08:15It's good that you care about others.
08:17But go to sleep now.
08:30I'm sorry.
08:32I'm sorry.
08:34I'm sorry.
08:59I'm sorry I couldn't finish my morning routine.
09:02I'm going home now.
09:04I'll be back tomorrow.
09:06She'll be back by tomorrow.
09:09Hello, Miss Veronica.
09:11Good morning, ma'am.
09:13Good morning.
09:15I'll have to get ready tomorrow
09:17so that she feels comfortable.
09:33Welcome home, Miss.
09:35I'm home.
09:40Where's Grandma?
09:42She's in her room, as always.
10:02What's up?
10:12Wow, the ma'am's back.
10:14Who's this ma'am and where's she from?
10:16The same idiot who wasted her time by going to college.
10:21Grandma called me.
10:23I'm sorry.
10:26Grandma, you say?
10:28She's acting like she thinks she's her granddaughter.
10:32She's the daughter of the woman who stole Succession.
10:40Hello, Kiyon.
10:43I'm back.
10:47A girl in college recognized me very easily.
10:52But we can erase all kinds of magic, right?
10:57I can't hide my identity from her.
11:02Is this new girl a sorcerer?
11:08She looks like a mage.
11:10What does a mage do there?
11:12I don't know what she wants to do.
11:14But she has a dog.
11:16Maybe that's when she caught me.
11:20That means she caught you because of your aura.
11:24Or some magic scent that she must have recognized.
11:27So what now?
11:29I've heard that mages and witches who are considered close to the other world
11:33are very sensitive to such scents.
11:38The scent of some emotions.
11:40Their changes, transitions.
11:43Even their presence.
11:45Some say it smells like the soul.
11:51So what should I do?
11:54I'll think of something.
11:56Give me some time.
12:11Come in.
12:16You're late.
12:19I'm sorry, Grandma.
12:23Is Miss Veronica okay now?
12:28We didn't mean to send you to college.
12:32You only have permission because of her charity.
12:35So don't embarrass me.
12:39Are you paying attention to your studies?
12:43You don't have to study.
12:46But since you're getting to study, respect that.
12:50We don't need a follower who only knows how to say yes.
12:55I'm sorry.
12:58You've lost your color.
13:01It seems like you're not taking care of your health.
13:05And today I wanted to give you a gift.
13:13I didn't allow you to lift your head.
13:16How dare you?
13:18Don't make me angry by doing such things.
13:24I'm sorry.
13:26Forget it.
13:28You've always been like this.
13:30You've always been so rude.
13:34Sit there.
13:36I'm sure you know why I called you home today.
13:46I'm sorry.
14:12How are you?
14:14You're working hard.
14:16Do you have any work?
14:17I've never seen you work so hard.
14:21Do you want a medal?
14:23It's nothing like that.
14:24You don't even know how to lie.
14:26At least learn how to lie.
14:29You're spending a lot of time in the training area.
14:32And you're taking all the classes carefully.
14:35You're using your dorm room again when you've left it once.
14:41I'm not scolding you.
14:43Even the college wants the protectors to get trained.
14:47There's nothing wrong in that.
14:49Then what do you want me to understand?
14:52Everything else is fine.
14:54But the one who wins is the one who wants to move forward.
14:59Look at me.
15:00I can't stop myself even if I want to.
15:03No matter what happens, my experiments keep going.
15:07When my skin came out and melted, I was completely conscious.
15:12Imagine how painful it must have been for me.
15:16A changed body.
15:18Deep wounds.
15:19I've learned to live with them.
15:23People used to make fun of me.
15:26I used to feel really bad.
15:28I had to hide from people.
15:32But you're too young to think about all this.
15:36Actually, someone said something that really hurt me.
15:40That's why my target is to work hard and prove myself.
15:47You can increase the quota of your bullets.
15:50But don't worry about the budget.
15:54Thank you so much, sir.
15:58Yes, of course.
15:59The gunpowder and the target cap, right?
16:01No problem.
16:03We'll handle it.
16:05We get a lot of unreasonable requests.
16:10Bye-bye. Take care.
16:19I think something has happened.
16:22You haven't calmed down even after drinking.
16:27I'm in a bad mood today.
16:30Whenever you're here, you make me angry.
16:42You've really matured, Renfred.
16:45You're an old man now.
16:47Even a child is ready to drink after 20 years.
16:51I think I made a big mistake by teaching you how to drink.
16:55Yes, you were the one who brought me a bottle on my graduation.
17:00If I knew you'd become a drunkard, I wouldn't have done that.
17:13I want her to be a child until the right time comes.
17:19She's 18 now.
17:21She's too old to give me orders.
17:24It's her responsibility to decide her future.
17:27But I...
17:30I don't want Alice to go through what my dad or I did.
17:35When I was a kid, I thought growing up was a good thing.
17:38And now that I'm an adult, I wonder why.
17:42But do you really think we've all grown up?
17:46Actually, we haven't grown up.
17:48In fact, we've lost our childhood.
17:50What are you trying to say?
17:52The fact that we've grown up makes me want to be a child again.
17:58The fact that we've grown up makes me want to be a child again.
18:02You should understand how much that girl wants to be of use to you.
18:12That's the problem.
18:14She knows that if she tries to distance herself from you, she'll resist.
18:19Maybe emotions don't know logic.
18:21What, man?
18:22I didn't know my friend, my senior, would be so boring.
18:26You're not a junior anymore. You're in the seniors' category.
18:29No, man. You graduated first.
18:31That's why you'll go first.
18:33And I'm a junior. That's the truth, Devdas.
18:35And I don't want to grow old too soon.
18:38You're talking as if you're 16.
18:42Nothing has ever happened in my life according to my will.
18:46At least let this happen. Don't stop it.
18:55I wish I could drink a little and forget everything and go to sleep.
19:01I feel like I'm taking care of kids these days.
19:08I think I should go back home once.
19:11I use paid leaves.
19:20What did you say? Bushcraft?
19:23What is it?
19:24It's like camping.
19:26You feel like you're close to nature.
19:30You don't know what's going to happen.
19:32That's why you should be prepared.
19:34So that we can survive in any situation.
19:38I'm not going to camp.
19:40I'm not going to camp.
19:42I'm not going to camp.
19:44I'm not going to camp.
19:46I'm not going to camp.
19:49Apart from learning magic, we should also focus on survival.
19:53So that we can survive in any situation when needed.
19:57And cooking is also a part of it.
19:59So you learn to camp without using any magic.
20:04It's fun.
20:05Have you switched tasks?
20:06You have to use the peeler very gently.
20:09So where are we going again this year?
20:12I think we'll go to Scotland.
20:14Man, it's going to be cold there.
20:16You don't like the cold, do you, Martin?
20:20Okay kids, get your feet ready.
20:26I'm missing my elementary and middle school field trips.
20:29No, everything will be fine here.
20:31There's no one like them here.
20:33And now even I've changed a little.
20:38I'll handle this very easily.
20:43I'll be waiting for this.
20:48By the way, I think Elias will also insist on coming along.
21:17Dear kids, this is going to be our campground.
21:21Stand up and start working with your group.
21:25Preparing a safe place to sleep.
21:27Arranging fire.
21:28Bringing water.
21:29We have to do all this.
21:31Okay, sir.
21:36We can cut it and eat it.
21:38But we've brought food.
21:40Look, I've just fasted.
21:42What do you mean, just now?
21:43So can I take it, please?
21:45I won't eat it.
21:46Is this something to eat?
21:54Before coming here, I didn't know that there's such a big jungle here.
21:57I was so wrong, right?
21:59Aren't you tired?
22:01I just got very excited to see the jungle.
22:04I'm not tired at all.
22:06Yes, whatever it is.
22:08Okay, let's go.
22:09We have to set up the tent and bring firewood.
22:15Let's go.
22:45The speed of the clouds is a sign of the night.
22:54I want to hide what is hidden.
23:01A secret thing.
23:07Infinite universe.
23:09I'm just begging you.
23:21You could be my savior.
23:24I want to be with you.
23:29The sound of the night piano will soon be entwined.
23:38I'm lost and I'm trembling.
23:44It's not over yet.
23:55Another hour.
23:59Another night.