The Fool Of The World And The Flying Ship (1990) HD

  • le mois dernier
00:30Dans le magnifique palais de l'hiver de sa majesté Tsar Nikolai,
00:39Empereur de toutes les Russes,
00:41une grande cérémonie commençait.
00:45Il y avait une cérémonie dans le palais chaque jour de l'année
00:48parce que Tsar Nikolai, le plus puissant des puissants,
00:51le plus peur de tous les peurs,
00:53appréciait les cérémonies.
00:59Il appréciait les robes brillantes et le son des trompettes.
01:02Il adorait voir ses objets s'endormir sur le sol devant lui.
01:07Mais ce qu'il appréciait le plus
01:09c'était d'être donné une présence riche et extravagante.
01:13Et il savait que la présence d'aujourd'hui
01:16serait très extravagante.
01:19Car aujourd'hui, un prince royaume d'un pays loin
01:23allait demander s'il pouvait marier la fille de Tsar,
01:27la princesse Alexeia.
01:32Nous vous présentons la personne de votre Majesté impériale,
01:36le capitaine de la garde royale anatolienne,
01:45le commandant de la maison royale anatolienne.
01:57Le prince royaume de l'Anatolie.
02:04Leader of the Anatolian Royal Circus.
02:08Le prince a un magnifique cadeau pour votre Majesté.
02:14Laissez-le s'approcher du trône.
02:27Commencez la cérémonie.
02:31Oh, le grand Tsar,
02:33royaume de tous les Russes,
02:34dont le domaine...
02:35Oui, très bien.
02:36Passez au sujet d'importance.
02:39Le prince, oui.
02:41Le présent.
02:42Oh, le présent, oui.
02:48Votre Majesté.
02:50Son royaume de l'Anatolie.
02:52Le prince de l'Anatolie.
02:54Le prince de l'Anatolie.
02:56His Royal Highness asks me to say
02:58that if you will give him the hand
03:00of Princess Alexia in marriage,
03:02the renowned craftsman of Anatolia
03:05will build for you the finest,
03:07fastest ship in all the world.
03:11A golden ship.
03:13A ship like this one.
03:17A present worthy of a princess,
03:19Your Majesty.
03:22Alexia, come and see this.
03:26Yes, Father.
03:27Come now.
03:28What do you say?
03:30It's very beautiful.
03:32What can it do?
03:34Why, it will sail swiftly
03:36across our lakes and seas.
03:38Shouldn't the Tsar's ship do something more?
03:45What else can it do?
03:48It can do nothing else, Your Majesty.
03:52Ah, Your Majesty.
03:54Let the Crown Prince know
03:56only what you would have the ship perform
03:58and it shall be done.
04:00Very well.
04:01I shall give the hand
04:03of the Princess Alexia in marriage
04:05only for a ship that will...
04:07that will...
04:09a ship that will...
04:13A ship.
04:18Like a bird.
04:20Yes, that's good.
04:22A ship to fly in like a bird.
04:25Let the command be sent forth.
04:27The Tsar will marry his daughter Alexia
04:29to the man who will bring him a ship
04:31that will fly.
04:33But, Your Majesty.
04:35But, Your Majesty.
04:38The mighty Tsar has spoken.
04:42The mighty Tsar had spoken
04:45and his words went out into corners of his empire
04:48that he had never visited
04:50and into lands so distant
04:52that their very existence was unknown to him.
04:55But all who lived there
04:57knew well enough
04:58that they were the subjects of Tsar Nikolai
05:00and that their duty
05:02was to do his bidding.
05:16Wherever the Tsar's command was heard
05:18there were men and women
05:19who saw their opportunity to serve him.
05:21Although there were others
05:23who saw only the opportunity
05:25for idleness and a life of riches.
05:34Sergei, look here.
05:37It's gold.
05:38Quick, pull them out before somebody comes.
05:45Here, give them to me.
05:48They must be worth 20 roubles.
05:52We'll keep them hidden.
05:53Don't tell anybody, eh?
06:02What is it?
06:06The Tsar demands a flying ship.
06:13This is it, Boris.
06:14This is what we've been waiting for.
06:18But how can we make a ship fly?
06:22We won't make a ship fly.
06:25But we will get our hands on that money at last.
06:30Listen to me.
06:31This is what we're going to do.
06:48Thank you, bird.
06:50It's very kind of you to come and sing to me.
06:52I'm sorry, I've no crumbs for you.
06:54But my brothers have been to the village.
06:56Perhaps they'll bring me a piece of bread for my lunch.
06:58And you can share it with me.
07:02Oh, I'm glad you've come at last.
07:04This old saw is hard work for one person.
07:09Did you hear that?
07:10It's a bird.
07:11It's a bird.
07:12It's a bird.
07:13It's a bird.
07:14It's a bird.
07:16Did you have a nice time in the village?
07:30So you see, dear father and mother,
07:33although it will grieve us to leave you,
07:36this is our great chance.
07:38Our chance to make a fortune.
07:40And bring it back here to you
07:44as soon as we've built the flying ship for Tsar Nikolai.
07:49We just need some money to get started.
07:56And some food and drink for our journey.
08:09To serve the Tsar Nikolai
08:11as I once served in his majesty's army
08:14is a noble and honourable thing.
08:17But will you not take your brother, Peter?
08:21Oh, he's too much of a fool, father.
08:24He would disgrace us.
08:26Just now in the forest,
08:28we saw him in conversation with a bird.
08:31And you'll need him here when we are gone.
08:34Yeah, maybe so.
08:37Well, you have our blessing.
08:42Your brothers are going on a great adventure, Peter.
08:48There is all I have, my sons.
08:51Except for this, your brother's share.
08:55Oh, they can have my share too, father.
09:00Here, you'll need it.
09:02And you'll see,
09:04when we are gone,
09:06you'll be rich.
09:08Here, you'll need it.
09:10And you'll soon be back with more, won't you?
09:12Oh, yes. We'll soon be back with more.
09:21I served the Tsar with this gun.
09:24Take it, my boys,
09:26and let it take care of you.
09:30They say the Tsar's commands are fixed with golden nails, you know.
09:34You should go and look where you found it.
09:36Golden nails indeed.
09:40You're the fool of the world you are.
09:43You see what you've done, Alexeia, by your foolish demand?
09:47Now you will never be married.
09:49All because you wish for this impossible ship as a wedding gift.
09:54Father, I don't want any ship.
09:57I was trying to make it difficult, don't you see?
10:00I don't want to be married to someone just because he brings you the best present.
10:04It is the custom.
10:06But at least let me meet somebody and love him first.
10:12No, Alexeia.
10:14My command has been given.
10:16You may marry only the man who brings me a flying ship.
10:21Even if I can't love him?
10:23Even if he's the...
10:26the Crown Prince of Anatolia?
10:28Even so.
10:30A man with such a gift will be a worthy bridegroom.
10:34But I fear there is no such man in all the Russias.
10:45If only your brothers would come back.
10:48Don't worry, Mother.
10:49I expect they're in the Tsar's palace now in fine clothes with purses of gold to bring back to us.
10:54Do you think so?
10:56Oh, yes.
10:57They'll soon be here.
11:01But Boris and Sergei were not in the Tsar's palace.
11:04They had spent all their money on food and wine and were still only a few miles from home.
11:13If they could see us now, eh, Boris?
11:16Better than black bread and soup, eh?
11:24What do you want, eh?
11:26Get on away!
11:29Masters, I'm hungry.
11:32Can you spare a little for me?
11:35Get your own food!
11:37This is ours!
11:38Go on out!
11:39Go on out!
11:57No soup for me today, thanks, Mother.
12:10Suppose they've been eaten by wolves.
12:13No, Father.
12:14They have your gun with them, remember?
12:16Ah, yes.
12:18My good old gun will look after them.
12:21But Sergei and Boris had not looked after the gun.
12:24It had gone to pay for their gambling.
12:27And the golden nails had gone to buy rich food and fine wine.
12:33Soon, the brothers were left with nothing except their clothes.
12:37And before long, they would have to sell those, too.
12:41Don't worry, I'll find them.
12:43And I'll find us some food, too.
12:45You'll see.
12:48Now you be careful not to lose your way.
12:51Come back to us safely, son.
12:54As soon as you can.
12:56We'll all be waiting for you.
12:59As soon as you can.
13:01We'll all come back together in the flying ship.
13:11The wind blew cold and fiercely as Peter set off on his search.
13:30For two whole days and nights, he walked with little rest
13:35until he came to where the great forest was suddenly calm and strangely quiet.
13:41Although Peter did not know it, this was the way his brothers had passed.
13:47And there, in his path, lay the fallen feathers of the snow.
13:54Hello, bird. How are you today?
13:56Are these your feathers?
14:00I'm sorry, but I don't know how to give them back to you.
14:03I'll leave them here anyway.
14:05I'll keep them in the car.
14:07I'll go.
14:08I'll go.
14:09I'll go.
14:10I'll go.
14:11I'll go.
14:12I'll go.
14:13I'll go.
14:14I'll go.
14:15I'll go.
14:16I'll go.
14:17I'll go.
14:18I'll go.
14:19I'll go.
14:20I'll go.
14:21I'll go.
14:22I'll leave them here anyway.
14:25Good day, master.
14:27Good day, sir. Have you journeyed far?
14:30Very far, master. Very far.
14:33Would you like some food?
14:35It's not much, I'm afraid, but you're welcome to share it.
14:40First, let me guess what's in your bag.
14:45Oh, not much.
14:48I can feel a good fat chicken in here.
14:51And two big round apples.
14:54And a loaf of bread and a flask of beer.
14:58I wish you could, but all I've got is a...
15:16My parents are so good to me.
15:19They must have put them in as a surprise.
15:22But I wonder where they got them from.
15:24Yes, I wonder.
15:30There's something else in your bag.
15:33It's about the flying ship.
15:36My brothers went in search of it and now I'm looking for them.
15:39Oh, they came this way. You may have seen them.
15:41Fine, handsome fellows.
15:43I expect they shared their food with you too.
15:45I've seen no one of that description.
15:52What I'd really like is to find a flying ship myself.
15:56And marry the princess and be rich.
15:59I don't mind about that.
16:01But it would help me look for my brothers.
16:03And then we could all get back home to mother and father.
16:06They've been very worried.
16:08Well, when you find your flying ship,
16:11you know, you must remember one thing always.
16:14No, what's that?
16:16The captain of the flying ship must never,
16:19ever refuse to let someone ride in it if they ask him.
16:25No matter who they may be.
16:27I'll remember that, sir.
16:34Do you think I really might find a flying ship then?
16:38Oh, yes.
16:41Yes, I think you really might.
19:03Oh, you...
19:34You up there, boy!
19:36Run for me!
19:38Never, ever refuse to let someone ride in it,
19:42no matter who they may be.
19:50You could have hit me, you know.
19:52What? Oh, no, shot at the mast, never miss.
19:55Sharpshooter's the name.
19:57Problem is, nothing to shoot around here.
19:59Well, there are wolves and wild bears.
20:01Too easy, need something hard, something you couldn't see.
20:03I'd hit it.
20:04Where are we going? See the Tsar?
20:06I hope so. The ship seems to go by itself.
20:08Thought as much.
20:09Said to myself, flying ship, off to the Tsar, get a ride.
20:12See Tsar Nikolai.
20:13He'll have something to shoot at, I'll be bound.
20:16Off we go then.
20:26But the sharpshooter was not the only person
20:28who wanted to ride on the flying ship.
20:31They had not flown far, when they saw below them
20:34a farmer with a bulging sack of straw,
20:36waving his pitchfork and shouting.
20:44Your straw, it's very cold.
20:47Ah, it is cold, is that straw.
20:50Icy cold, that is.
20:53That straw is the most rarest straw in all the world.
20:58It's what grows up on the glaciers of Siberia, is that straw, see.
21:04He's taken that straw to sell to his majesty, the Tsar Nikolai.
21:10He'll be amazed when he sees that straw.
21:14Let's be off then.
21:17The ship soared into the air once more
21:20and flew on and on over the forests and fields of the vast country.
21:34But soon, there were more travellers to join the party.
21:40Come on board.
21:41Oh, I'll just untie your leg for you.
21:45Oh, you mustn't do that.
21:47It's the only thing that slows me down, you see.
21:53Good afternoon, gentlemen.
21:55Yes, unless I tie my leg, you'll simply never catch me, I'm afraid.
21:59I run so fast, they call me lightning, you know.
22:03Can't stop.
22:06Oh well, the Tsar will have work for my boundless energy, I'm sure.
22:13Let me know when we arrive.
22:21Excuse me.
22:24I heard you talking yesterday about going to the Tsar.
22:28And I wondered whether I might come with you.
22:32You were a hundred miles away yesterday.
22:35Well, I do have quite good ears.
22:39They can hear things other people can't.
22:44Well, have a seat.
22:47You're welcome.
23:17And his wife, with her overloaded basket, climbed on board with all the rest.
23:21And though the forester's wife took up the space of three people,
23:25she was so jolly and so happy to share her basket of cakes and pies with everyone,
23:30except for lightning, who was still fast asleep, that nobody minded.
23:35And soon, they were so cheerful and so sure of themselves
23:40as they sailed along among the clouds and over the treetops,
23:43that they all began to sing.
23:48We're off to see His Majesty the Tsar
23:54We're off to see His Majesty the Tsar
23:59Our delightful little band will be famous in the land
24:04Our friends will be amazed to see how very grand we are
24:09We're off to see His Majesty the Tsar
24:13We're off to see His Majesty the Tsar
24:18We're off to serve His Majesty the Tsar
24:22We're off to serve His Majesty the Tsar
24:27I'll defend him with my bell
24:29And I'll tell him all I know
24:32It's so that we can grow what he desires from lands afar
24:37We're the servants of His Majesty the Tsar
24:42We're off to see His Majesty the Tsar
24:47We're off to see His Majesty the Tsar
24:51He will greet us joyfully
24:54And invite us all to tea
24:56Which we'll drink in diamond goblets
24:59Fired up over the Samoan
25:04We're off to see His Majesty the Tsar
25:08We're off to see
25:13His Majesty the Tsar
25:18His Majesty the Tsar
25:39There! Look! Hurray!
25:43Hurray! Hurray! Hurray!
25:48We're off to see
25:53His Majesty, His Majesty the Tsar
25:58His Majesty, His Majesty the Tsar
26:02His Majesty, His Majesty the Tsar
26:07Hurry up!
26:15Hurry up!
26:33Oh, where are we now?
26:36We're there
26:39And now, I wish we weren't
26:45Father, there's a flying ship, a real one
26:48It's landed in the courtyard
26:50It has been observed, Your Royal Highness
26:53His Majesty has commanded me to welcome our distinguished visitors
26:58I couldn't really see the people in it
27:01You will see them soon enough, my dear Alexia
27:04We shall have a great banquet in their honor
27:10It's the mighty Tsar himself
27:12It's the mighty Tsar himself
27:13Oh, it's Tsar Nikolai
27:18You may rise
27:20Where is your master?
27:22It's Peter what's in charge here, Your Majesty
27:27I have the honor to be the humble chamberlain to His Majesty Tsar Nikolai
27:33He wishes to give audience to your master
27:41You are master here
27:48What are you?
27:49A woodcutter, my lord
27:51And you?
27:52Oh, a poor farmer, my lord
27:54Come to bring me straw to the Tsar
27:57He has no need of straw
28:00Marksman, my lord
28:01Come with my bow, serve the Tsar
28:03He has bowmen enough
28:06I am but a forester, my lord
28:08But I have saplings here that will grow so fast
28:12His Majesty will marvel at it
28:14And my wife...
28:17Where did you steal this ship?
28:19My lord, it's our ship
28:20Or at least...
28:22Well, why have you not brought these royal personages before us?
28:26Your Majesty
28:28I have to inform you with regret
28:31That the ship is full of peasants
28:36With straw and sticks and all manner of ugly things
28:41Oh, bring them in, father, please
28:44They might be princes in disguise
28:48May I speak privately to you, Your Majesty?
28:53As you see, Your Majesty
28:56It is a fine vessel
29:00Give them gold for it and send them on their way
29:03But since they have stolen it
29:07And since they say they have come to serve Your Majesty
29:12You could set them a task
29:14What task?
29:15A task so difficult they could not perform it
29:20Go on
29:21And then, as is the custom, they would be banished or beheaded
29:27And the ship would be forfeit to me
29:30Precisely, Your Majesty
29:32An excellent idea
29:34I shall leave you to think of the task
29:36You will make it very hard
29:42Excessively, Your Majesty
29:45Lord Chamberlain
29:47What were you talking about with my father?
29:49Nothing important, Your Highness
29:52We were simply discussing arrangements for the banquet
30:00What task?
30:01He says that a great banquet is going to be spread out for us here in the courtyard
30:05Good, good
30:06Spend it
30:09What task?
30:11I told you, sir
30:12Good, good
30:13Spend it
30:14Only, if we don't eat up every scrap and leave every plate clean
30:18The task won't be complete and we'll all be banished
30:26I'm not feeling very hungry
30:29I wish I hadn't eaten that cake
30:32I don't think it matters whether we're hungry or not
30:35We'll never finish all that
30:41Oh, good Lord
30:42We thank Thee for what Thou hast spread before us
30:45However little these poor morsels be
30:48Oh, good Lord
30:49We thank Thee for what Thou hast spread before us
30:53However little these poor morsels be
31:03Oh, lovely
31:05How lovely
31:07I have yet to eat such a delicious banquet
31:10I wish I had more
31:12I wish I had more
31:16Oh, good Lord
32:17Ça va pas avoir l'air de ma course.
32:19On va s'arrêter là.
32:21Non, je veux jouer au Fortnite.
32:23Allez !
32:32C'est ça.
32:33J'ai eu l'intention de te faire maîtriser.
32:35Mais je ne veux pas faire cette série de gens.
32:37Ça ne m'interesse pas.
32:38Je veux juste qu'on soit d'accord.
32:40T'es là pour ce jeu ?
32:42Ouais si c'est le cas.
33:08Oh oh
33:14Oh oh
33:16Oh oh
33:18Oh oh
33:34Oh oh
33:36Oh oh
33:38C'était une espèce de truc, votre majesté.
34:01Je vais leur proposer une autre tâche.
34:03Ils disent que ce garçon qui les guide est un fou.
34:08Vous voyez, il n'est pas un fou, votre majesté, Lord Chamberlain.
34:16Honnêtes invités, le mignon Tsar applaudit votre complétion de sa tâche et vous commande à l'audience.
34:24Mais d'abord, vu que vous avez voyagé loin et que vous souhaitez préparer vos personnes pour entrer dans la cour de sa majesté,
34:35je vais mettre à votre disposition la maison de bain impériale.
34:39Vos gardiens vous accompagneront là-bas ce soir.
34:42Eh bien, je dois dire qu'un bain sera le plus bienvenu.
34:46Ah, ça vous rend un peu dégouté, n'est-ce pas, Florian?
34:52Pourquoi devons-nous attendre jusqu'à ce soir?
34:54Ils doivent éteindre les feux d'abord, pour faire chauffer l'eau.
34:58Tellement chaude qu'on ne peut pas le supporter.
35:02Je peux l'entendre, le Chamberlain commande les gardiens à éteindre les feux.
35:10Il dit qu'on sera tous emprisonnés à l'intérieur et à boire à la vie.
35:19Comme des lobsters.
35:25Vous comprenez ce que vous devez faire.
35:28Les gardiens n'étaient pas heureux des ordres que le Chamberlain avait donnés.
35:32Ils savaient que Pierre et ses amis n'avaient rien fait pour mériter de telle cruelité.
35:36Qu'ils étaient trop effrayés à dénoncer.
35:39Et bientôt, les feux s'éteignaient sous le ciel sombre.
35:45Le Chamberlain regardait grimement de son fenêtre.
35:49Maintenant, on verra qui sont les fous.
35:53Mais ni lui, ni les gardiens n'avaient pas remarqué
35:56que dans la fière petite fête sous l'escorte,
35:58il n'y avait que 6 personnes quand il devait y avoir 7.
36:28La fraise froide presque a éteint la fière complètement.
36:40Et le Furnacement devait se débrouiller pour plus de logues.
37:28Au moment où l'ancien fermier avait utilisé son dernier morceau d'or précieux,
37:42les Furnacements étaient trop effrayés pour continuer.
37:46Mais Pierre et ses amis étaient toujours en train de s'amuser à une bière chaude et luxueuse.
37:50Nous sommes en train de voir le magasin de la majesté.
37:58Alors, nous allons tous s'amuser à une bière chaude dans sa boîte privée.
38:03Car le Chamberlain a fait sa claime, nous ne pouvons pas aller plus loin.
38:08A la présence de ce magasin de la majesté.
38:13Je dis, il fait plutôt froid ici.
38:17Pouvez-vous ouvrir les portes, les garçons ?
38:23Vous alliez vendre cette bière à l'ancien fermier, n'étiez-vous pas ?
38:26Je suis désolé.
38:27Oh, beaucoup plus loin d'où ça vient, n'est-ce pas mon ami ?
38:31Ah, j'aimerais qu'ils aient pu voir le visage de ce chamberlain.
38:35Eh bien, les amis, grâce à notre fermier ici, nous nous sommes montrés aussi bons que les hommes de l'ancien fermier.
38:41Oui, plutôt bien.
38:44Et maintenant, s'il est vraiment le Chamberlain de la Majesté, il n'a rien à craindre de nous, et il nous accueillera à son service.
38:51Mais peu importe ce qui se passe, nous resterons fermes ensemble.
38:54Ici, ici.
39:02Oh, bonjour madame.
39:07C'est un beau bateau.
39:10Pouvais-je venir le voir ?
39:12Eh bien, oui.
39:16Pouvez-vous le faire voler ?
39:18J'aimerais pouvoir. Il ne semble que voler quand il veut.
39:21Mais c'est votre bateau.
39:23Eh bien, oui, c'est le cas. Mais...
39:27Regarde, si tu veux t'asseoir, je te dirai ce qui s'est passé.
39:42Le Chamberlain de la Majesté
40:12Le Chamberlain de la Majesté
40:42J'aimerais ne jamais l'avoir entendue.
40:44Quoi ?
40:46Tu ne veux pas la marier ?
40:48Pas vraiment. Je veux juste trouver mes frères et retourner chez ma mère et mon père.
40:53Ils seront tellement désolés.
40:55En tout cas, je suis juste un fou du monde.
40:59Je ne serais pas adapté à la fille de la Majesté Tsar.
41:01Je dois y aller.
41:09Viendras-tu de nouveau ?
41:41Prends l'eau, ramène-la à la palace et mets-la dans les mains du Tsar.
41:46Alors, dit le Lord Chamberlain, il sera capable de marier la princesse.
41:51S'il a failli, le bateau deviendrait de la Majesté Tsar et ils seraient tous condamnés.
41:58Mais il y avait une condition.
42:01L'eau devait être distribuée à la fin de 12h du midi.
42:07Et c'était déjà 5 minutes jusqu'à 12h.
42:11Oh, s'il vous plaît, volez, bateau !
42:13S'il vous plaît !
42:15Allez, allez !
42:17Volez !
42:19Volez !
42:21C'est inutile.
42:23Oh, nous sommes de retour ?
42:25Très bien.
42:27Il devrait être. Le bateau ne part pas.
42:29Nouvelle tâche. Va au lac Volskaya, ramène l'eau.
42:31Ne la ramène pas en 5 minutes.
42:33Oh, d'accord.
42:35Donnez-moi la bouteille. Je t'ai dit que je pouvais gagner.
42:37Mais la lumière !
42:39Allez !
42:41C'est un beau endroit, le lac Volskaya.
42:43Ma famille allait là-bas en été quand j'étais petit.
42:45Je me souviens bien.
43:09Père, j'ai quelque chose à te dire.
43:11J'ai rencontré l'homme que je veux marier.
43:13Quoi ? Comment ?
43:15C'est juste comme tu l'as commandé.
43:17Il t'a apporté un bateau.
43:19Et maintenant, je veux le marier.
43:21Son nom est Peter.
43:23Tu ne peux pas le marier, Alexeïa.
43:25Où est son or ?
43:27Où est son armée ?
43:29Un couteau de bois ?
43:31Ses parents probablement sont venus de la forêt.
43:33Ils sont venus.
43:35Ils sont venus.
43:37Ils sont venus de la forêt.
43:39Ils le sont.
43:41Et je m'en fiche.
43:43Ils sont gentils et bon.
43:45Ils peuvent être gentils et bon,
43:47mais ils sont des peines et tu ne peux pas le marier.
43:49Tu es une princesse.
43:53il a un autre travail.
43:55Oh non.
43:57Quoi ?
43:59Il doit m'amener de l'eau
44:01du lac Volskaya
44:03en 5 minutes.
44:05Il ne va pas faire ça ?
44:07Non, Votre Highness.
44:09Il a l'air de ne pas le faire.
44:15Il doit arriver bientôt.
44:17Il est venu vite. Il devrait arriver maintenant.
44:21Je peux entendre quelque chose.
44:23Est-ce que tu peux l'entendre venir ?
44:27Je peux entendre...
44:29Je peux entendre...
44:31un son.
44:33Je peux entendre...
44:35un son.
44:37Il dort encore.
44:39C'est ce qu'il a fait.
44:41Nous devons l'éveiller.
44:43Charpshooter, si nous pouvons le trouver,
44:45peux-tu tirer une barre pour l'éveiller ?
44:47Tu écoutes.
44:49Je tire.
44:55Ecoute pour lui.
44:57Montre-moi où.
44:59Je peux l'entendre
45:05cette direction.
45:07Et il est...
45:09Il est à côté de la plage.
45:11Je peux entendre l'eau.
45:13Il doit être en dessous d'un arbre
45:15parce que je peux entendre les oiseaux.
45:17Un arbre d'apple.
45:19Parce que je peux entendre
45:21les caterpillars.
45:23Peux-tu le voir ?
45:25Peux-tu le voir ?
45:27Je l'ai eu.
45:29Ne le tire pas.
45:59Un arbre d'apple...
46:09Ne bougez pas !
46:11On y va !
46:13Nous avons accompli tous les tâches que vous nous avez mises en oeuvre, maintenant nous vous demandons de prendre le bateau, mais laissons-nous partir.
46:21Je veux voir mes parents et mes frères, mes amis qui sont venus vous servir, mais qui ont été détruits.
46:27Je veux voir mes parents et mes frères, mes amis qui sont venus vous servir, mais qui ont été détruits.
46:33Je veux voir mes parents et mes frères, mes amis qui sont venus vous servir, mais qui ont été détruits.
46:39Je veux voir mes parents et mes frères, mes amis qui sont venus vous servir, mais qui ont été détruits.
46:43Je veux voir mes parents et mes frères, mes amis qui sont venus vous servir, mais qui ont été détruits.
46:47Je ne pouvais pas marier la fille de mon père si fort et terrible.
46:51Je voudrais plutôt marier quelqu'un de simple et gentil, comme sa servante.
46:58Servante ? Quelle servante ?
47:01Celle-là, nous parlons ensemble.
47:03Une servante, c'est-à-dire ma fille, la princesse Alexia.
47:08Et vous n'allez jamais l'avoir comme votre femme.
47:11Comment pouvez-vous dire ça à le mighty Tsar ?
47:14Laissez-moi avec lui.
47:18Non, non, non, s'il vous plaît.
47:26Qu'est-ce que vous avez fait avec Peter ?
47:28Vous pouvez oublier ça, bâtard.
47:31D'accord, allez-y, je vous laisse.
47:34Et ne revenez pas.
47:37Dites à votre maître, le Tsar de Palaise,
47:40que demain nous venons à la tête d'un armée plus forte que son propre pour sauver notre ami Peter.
47:47Laissez-le regarder ses défenses.
47:52C'était une chose courageuse de dire, Forrester.
47:55Mais comment pouvons-nous créer un armée ?
47:58Amis, je vous ai dit de ce paquet de sapins que j'ai apporté au Tsar.
48:03Il n'en avait pas besoin.
48:05Mais aucun arbre ne croîtra plus vite dans le monde.
48:10Ce soir, nous allons les planter.
48:14Les amis ont fait ce qu'ils ont été demandés,
48:17et ont commencé à planter les sapins, un par un, dans la neige douce.
48:23Même s'ils ne comprenaient pas comment les arbres les aidaient,
48:27quand ils avaient besoin d'armes.
48:34Le temps est venu.
48:37Le temps est venu.
49:07Le temps est venu.
49:37Le temps est venu.
49:43Le temps est venu.
49:49Le temps est venu.
49:57Le temps est venu.
50:00Le temps est venu.
50:07Le temps est venu.
50:15Le temps est venu.
50:22Le temps est venu.
50:25Le temps est venu.
50:55Le temps est venu.
50:58Le temps est venu.
51:01Le temps est venu.
51:04Le temps est venu.
51:07Le temps est venu.
51:10Le temps est venu.
51:13Le temps est venu.
51:16Le temps est venu.
51:19Le temps est venu.
51:23Et ainsi, Pietta et Alexeia se marièrent.
51:27Et Pietta s'est réunie avec ses parents.
51:30Et même Boris et Sergei, qui venaient à la maison et demandèrent pardon,
51:35se sont réunis à la grande balle qui suivait le mariage,
51:38et dansaient avec les plus belles dames de la cour de Tsar Nikolai.
51:43En ce qui concerne le roi Chamberlain,
51:46il devait apprendre que la vie d'un couteau de bois
51:50était difficile.
52:01Prince Pietta.
52:03Qu'est-ce qui va se passer à ton bateau de vol, maintenant ?
52:06Votre Highness.
52:08Oh, le bateau. J'avais oublié.
52:11Eh bien, il appartient au Tsar maintenant.
52:15J'ai mon Alexeia.
52:18Il a son bateau ?
52:20Oui, bien sûr. C'est mon bateau, maintenant.
52:23Je vais y aller immédiatement.
52:28Je pense que tu es trop tard, père.
52:30Trop tard ?
52:33Au revoir, jeune prince. Au revoir.
