• last year
(Adnkronos) - Nella cornice della Camera dei deputati a Roma, si è celebrato il 90.esimo anniversario di Siaarti, Società Italiana di anestesia analgesia rianimazione e terapia intensiva, ripercorrendo una storia illustre che ha visto presidenti e consigli direttivi sviluppare un'attività nel campo della formazione e della ricerca scientifica, che hanno reso la società scientifica un vero e proprio riferimento nel campo dell’anestesiologia, della rianimazione, della terapia intensiva e del dolore.


00:00In the framework of the Chamber of Deputies in Rome, the celebration of the 90th anniversary of SIARTI, the Italian Society of Anesthesia, Analgesia, Reanimation and Intensive Therapy, took place.
00:1790 years of illustrious history, which has seen presidents and board members develop an activity in the field of training and scientific research, which has made SIARTI a real reference in the field of anesthesiology, reanimation, intensive therapy and pain.
00:34A moment of celebration that highlights everything that the Society has done and all the activities it is developing with the institutions, to improve not only the quality of the health offer in the reference sectors, but also to improve the quality of the health offer to the citizens.
00:51Today we wanted to make the celebration of the 90th anniversary coincide with all the activities that SIARTI has already developed, expanding the offer and constituting an international foundation that will be able to expand the offer in the international field, will be able to acquire other and new research funds that will serve to expand the training, to establish a relationship with the citizens, because this is also the task of the foundation,
01:18giving the right message to those who must be the health interventions in a delicate sector such as anesthesiology and intensive therapy.
01:27The new SIARTI Foundation was therefore created with the intention of expanding research and deepening it in the field, giving further possibilities for evolution and work in the third sector.
01:39That is, that of non-profit societies, also to be able to enhance as much as possible a path that we have already undertaken as a society and that of the humanization of cures.
01:50The SIARTI Foundation for the 10,000 members and for our category in general represents an opportunity, an opportunity for collaboration, internationalization and institutional collaboration to expand all the research topics inherent in our specialty.
02:08The Vice President of SIARTI Elena Bignami explains how she will be the anesthetist of the future.
02:13We try to imagine it with new technologies, artificial intelligence, wearable devices, telemedicine and in this sector SIARTI and the anesthetists are at the heart of this reasoning, with the territory, in hospitals, in ambulatories and we want to try to be protagonists also in this field.
