• last year
(Adnkronos) - “Da questi giorni congressuali ci aspettiamo non solo numeri importanti ma tanta qualità per la nostra professione. Abbiamo 130 sessioni scientifiche e 72 espositori. Un aspetto di grande rilievo sarà la simulazione clinica ad alta fedeltà dedicata alla formazione dei partecipanti per gestire situazioni critiche”.
Cosi Antonino Giarratano presidente SIAARTI all’apertura del 78esimo Congresso nazionale Icare della Società italiana di anestesia, analgesia, rianimazione e terapia intensiva (Siaarti), un evento che rappresenta il più importante appuntamento annuale per gli anestesisti e rianimatori italiani, che fino a sabato 12 ottobre discuteranno delle sfide future della disciplina e delle innovazioni cliniche e scientifiche.


00:00We are opening a congress here in Naples and in fact in this congress we celebrate three
00:10things, three important things for our society, we celebrate the 90th anniversary, the 24th
00:16of September 1934 the society was born in Rome, we celebrate the presence of 3,500 anesthetists
00:27and reanimators with 180 sessions that always give the feeling that Seatti is a living society,
00:35vital and represented by many men, by many women and above all something we are proud of
00:42by many young people and let's say the third thing is the conclusion of the triennium of
00:46my presidency of this board of directors, a triennium that we wanted to summarize in
00:50a almanac that we gave to all the members, an almanac as we called it and we wanted to
00:55call it that because it is a form that we believe is of communication even if unidirectional
00:59however popular which means to the members where their society has reached, what their
01:05society has done, what role also with the relationship with the institutions, let's say
01:10that society has grown a lot in recent years, always with the aim of determining a growth
01:18in what is the training offer, the scientific research activity that are the tasks of the
01:23institution and society but also in the relationship with the institutions, with the ministry,
01:27with the higher health institutions that will be present at the inauguration, I would say,
01:31society also wanted to give a very strong signal of what can be the good clinical practice
01:39aimed at protecting the public health of our citizens. A scientific society that has,
01:46as I said before, in its institutional tasks, let's say, to offer a quality training and
01:52scientific research and then it is essential that it also knows how to fit into what is the
01:57practical application of the research products because it is clear that if the research remains
02:02up to itself and then does not produce the good clinical practices that are in the interest
02:06of public health and citizens, in fact, something would remain, let's say, probably not
02:12suitable to represent a modern society like the current one that we want to live and live.
02:19These days we expect, not so much and not only important numbers, but we expect,
02:24from a qualitative point of view, a lot of quality. We have a simulation center among
02:29the most advanced that exist in Italy and our society now, in its own headquarters,
02:33has one of the largest simulation centers that exist in Italy because training in simulation
02:37has certainly become a qualifying element of every scientific society that wants to train.
02:46We have, as I said, 180 sessions dedicated to the four main souls of our discipline,
02:52our acronym also says so, anesthesia, medicine, pre-operative, intensive therapy,
02:56emergency and pain therapy and, in fact, we also have, as I said, a phase,
03:01in quotation marks, rectal, we too, let's say, we come elected and we are elected
03:05and we are elected with a universal system that few societies have, excuse this act of pride,
03:10in the sense that everyone votes for us, they vote with an electronic system that,
03:15then, in the end, gives the society a structure that is absolutely democratic
03:20and that sees, let's say, also building a path of continuity between what has been done
03:25and what will be done.
03:26The state of health of our category is a state of health that I would define as seven.
03:31Excuse this vote, in short, school style, perhaps it reminds someone of elementary schools,
03:36especially those who are not certain, because then the judgments have changed,
03:39but what do I mean? You have heard, you have read, in short, the numbers that are currently
03:44recorded in the participation, in the registrations at the specialization schools.
03:49You know that some disciplines, such as emergency medicine and first aid,
03:52are practically zeroed out, that is, there are no colleagues who want to deal with
03:57emergency and emergency in a significant way.
03:59In anesthesia and reanimation we have good numbers, they are not yet those that we would expect,
04:05but it is clear that if the health system does not value those professions,
04:10because they are all important, but it does not value those that, under the health profile,
04:14are the most lacking, also because they are the most, excuse the term, usurping,
04:19it is clear that under this profile, in short, we will find ourselves in great difficulty
04:24and, in this sense, the path that Siarti takes also goes, that is, the training is amplified
04:32and the university training, which is central and determining, is amplified
04:35precisely because the scientific society does a training that is distributed in a, let's say,
04:40equal way, excuse this term, in all the Italian regions.
04:43That is, we have, unlike the 20 regional health systems,
04:46with our scientific society we have a national vision.
