• last year
(Adnkronos) - "Non sappiamo come sarà l'anestesista del futuro, ma noi proviamo a immaginarlo con le nuove tecnologie, dall’Intelligenza artificiale ai dispositivi indossabili, alla telemedicina”. Lo ha detto, Elena Giovanna Bignami, vicepresidente Siaarti, Società italiana di anestesia analgesia rianimazione e terapia intensiva, partecipando alla celebrazione del 90.esimo anniversario di Siaarti, alla Camera dei deputati a Roma.


00:00The 90th SIART is very important for everything that has been done and for what is still to be done.
00:11We don't know how the anesthetist of the future will be, but we are trying.
00:15We try to imagine him with new technologies, artificial intelligence, wearable devices, telemedicine.
00:23In this sector, both SIART and reanimation anesthetists are at the heart of this reasoning,
00:29with the territory, in hospitals, in ambulatories.
00:32We want to try to be protagonists also in this field.
00:36The challenges that await us are many, because anesthesia, reanimation, intensive therapy, pain therapy,
00:42hyperbaric, emergency, hospital, territory, hospital-territory relationship
00:48are at the center of the daily life of every reanimation anesthetist.
00:52So we want to be protagonists and transversals in these new challenges.
